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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Too Sexy for My Burkha": Muslim Oppression of Women

Be prepared to be saddened, sickened and infuriated.

To all you women, are you prepared for a world in which roving gangs of thugs are waiting to rape you because you aren't dressed like this?

Men, is this the world you would like to live in, where you will never see another woman's hair, legs or even arms, except your own wife's?

Child rape in Sweden has increased significantly with Muslim immigration - do you wish to see this happen the world over?



Anonymous said...

YES, the moral standard should not be covering women to protect them, it's to uncover! Hustler, Penthouse and all those porno-rape flicks are the epitome of western civilization, never have women been so honored and upheld in society. Sexual harassment in the workplace, date rape drugs, gang bangs, prostitution, mistresses, wife swapping are the greatest things since swiss cheese. Dang those burqas man!

Anonymous said...

We're all free to choose what we believe in but strange beliefs cause strange behaviour. A few years ago some people in the states drank poison so they could meet after death in a UFO. Many people blindly follow their idea of a 'perfect man' who consummated his marriage to a 9 year old gitrl when he was 52 - and flew 1,000kms on a flying horse in one night. Just how 'free' such people are in choosing their beliefs is another matter. In 99.9% of the cases is was not arrived at thropugh logical thought and an earnest desire for truth. It was handed down to them from their parents - who blindly accepted it because it was what everyone else believed. I mean, coyuld any rational person come up with such garbled fantasies and get other saner individuals to believe it nowadays? (without threatening them with death if they did not believe it?)

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

YES, the moral standard should not be covering women to protect them, it's to uncover! Hustler, Penthouse and all those porno-rape flicks are the epitome of western civilization, never have women been so honored and upheld in society. Sexual harassment in the workplace, date rape drugs, gang bangs, prostitution, mistresses, wife swapping are the greatest things since swiss cheese. Dang those burqas man!

And you believe the alternative to abusing women sexually is to bag them up, abusing them further?

How about men learning how to control themselves? How about human beings finally becoming enlightened about sexuality?

Sexually repressed people are aggressive and sexually violent. Sexually satisfied people are healthy and happy.

Islam does not create sexually satisfied people in any way, shape or form. It is not an alternative to hedonistic abuses.

Do Muslim apologists engage in anything other than the logical fallacy of tu quoque or "you too" finger-pointing?

Once again, there's NO concern for women being compelled to dress like this because men can't control their animalistic urges. Instead, we are going to throw out all sorts of angry and vicious accusations and distractions elsewhere.

Here's the bottom line:



Grow up, become awakened, develop your humanity and stop pointing fingers everywhere else.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad women can't go topless in our society. I mean shame on us for denying women freedom of expression. If people want to walk around nude, then it is their business - we shouldn't mandate morality on other people.
And if men get too horny from that, then that is their fault.

Anonymous said...

You need to learn the difference between culture and religion and race. Not all places that practice islam are as strict as you make them out to be in these videos. Not all cultures and governemnts practice the Koran as literally as you make it seem like they do.
If you demonize a religion based soley on its writings, then you have to be fair and demonize the talmud and the bible as well.

Anonymous said...

how about children going naked? is that okay with you? 13 year olds?

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

You need to learn the difference between culture and religion and race. Not all places that practice islam are as strict as you make them out to be in these videos. Not all cultures and governemnts practice the Koran as literally as you make it seem like they do.
If you demonize a religion based soley on its writings, then you have to be fair and demonize the talmud and the bible as well.

No, I'm sorry, I really do not "need" to differentiate between culture and religion. I am quite aware of the difference. The Koran says that a woman should cover up everything but her face, hands and feet - that's religion. And those practicing it do not consider themselves "extreme" at all. I am also quite aware of the differences between Muslim countries, although all of them are harsher than I would prefer life to be.

If you are going to lecture someone, you should try to check out his or her track record. I have "demonized" - or, more correctly, critiqued Judaism and Christianity quite soundly online for over a dozen years, including having three books published that do just that.

The Christ Conspiracy
Suns of God
Who Was Jesus?

Anonymous said...

Why do you think that children going naked is perverted? Is it because you've been told to by our society?
Or maybe that it could cause male lust and possible rape?
Why do we where clothes anyway when we don't have to for our physical protection from the environment?
Perhaps is there some social reason?
Shouldn't children be allowed to go nude if they want to? Why do we as a society enforce our moral beleifs on them. After all, if males lust after them, it is their fault.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why my post was censored...
If burkas are bad for women, then why should wearing any clothes, even by children, be an issue that is imposed upon by society?
After all, if children want to go naked, shouldn't it be their choice? Why should we accept a society or religion that oppresses children?
After all, if men or women can't control themselves over the nudity, then that is their fault, not the children's.

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Why do you think that children going naked is perverted? Is it because you've been told to by our society?
Or maybe that it could cause male lust and possible rape?
Why do we where clothes anyway when we don't have to for our physical protection from the environment?
Perhaps is there some social reason?
Shouldn't children be allowed to go nude if they want to? Why do we as a society enforce our moral beleifs on them. After all, if males lust after them, it is their fault.

Nice try. I'm sure they'd be just fine running around Polynesian beaches - before their ancestors' heads were screwed with by missionaries.

Let's not be ridiculous here - let's confine our discussion to consenting adults. Your stab at relativism is trivial and distracting - if not perverted - which is apparently your motive. Leave the innocent children out of it, please.

Here are the facts: Women are being raped and beaten for showing their legs, arms and hair.

Javad said...

your only looking to the issue from one perspective. I'm a Muslim, I've lived in Europe for many years and there's no doubt they are more free compared to the Iran but why do you blame it all on Islam? why don't you look at the policy which US has towards Iran? maybe you don't know but I know it sucks and its very brutal.

There's no place for porn industry in Muslim countries because they are fully banned from operating in those countries.

I'm a Muslim, I'm nice to my friends, and I'm happy :) and you've probably only countered the Persians in US. There are tons of Iranian scientists which practice Islam and are also very good people inside Iran but unfortunately as I said your one sided and have never had the chance to communicate with Iranians inside the country.

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Not sure why my post was censored...
If burkas are bad for women, then why should wearing any clothes, even by children, be an issue that is imposed upon by society?
After all, if children want to go naked, shouldn't it be their choice? Why should we accept a society or religion that oppresses children?
After all, if men or women can't control themselves over the nudity, then that is their fault, not the children's.

Nobody's post was censored. But yours will be, if you keep going down the naked children road.

In fact, healthwise all human beings would do well to run around naked in the sunlight.

That being said, we do live in a culture with other people, and we do have some social norms. Again, we are talking about consenting adults - are you saying that women aren't consenting adults who should determine whether or not they wish to be bagged up? The vast majority, I would wager, do not wish to be bagged up, if given the choice.

And there's a huge difference between wearing a bag and being naked - somewhere in between would seem to be acceptable.

Again, leave the kiddies out of it, or your posts will be censored.

caldude said...

Hello Acharya....I'm the guy who makes the MP3 and WMA files for the Jeff Rense Show subscribers. I know you were on recently and though I prepared that show I've been too busy to listen to it (I teach English at a college in Korea. I have seen some of your Youtube Videos and comments. I happen to be a Christian Palestinian; my mother was a refugee from Haifa in 1948 when the zionists came and stole Palestine from their rightful owners. Due to my heritage, I've been exposed to a lot of Moslems. I want you to know that your attacks on all these religions are a bit obsessive and self righteous. The fundamentalist Moslems are not real Moslems, they were created and funded by western influences as have irrational Christian fundamentalists. Your characterization of Islam is incredibly narrow and incomplete.

Hany Hanna

Anonymous said...

morality is relative and practical to the society it was designed for. In Africa, there are plenty of cases where people go around practically naked.
Perhaps in arabian society, the covering of up was due mainly to rapes, kidnappings, adultry and other social problems caused by such.
Perhaps Islam tried to solve these issues by covering the women up. I'm not saying that this theory is correct, or if it was, then it was the right thing to do. But it may have been done for practical reasons and reasons that made sense for that society (at that time at least). Yes, it was unfair to the women of that time. But the alternatives might have been worse if viewed from a certain societal level (at least at that time).
It's the same reason why many religions like Islam (and even the bible), say not to eat pork. It's because pork contains many parasites which happen to also readily infect humans. Many of these things in religions are born out because of problems within the society. The religion is a response to those problems as it tries to prevent them - even if it does create other problems.
And yes, I don't like the fact that women have to wear burkas in many societies. But I'm not going to single out the whole entire religion for it. Religion is what you make of it (or rather what a society makes of it). Not every society takes religion as seriously as some others do. There are many muslims who live in societies that do not have to wear burkas. It's only in certain countries, certain areas that have to.

Javad said...

hi caldude how are you?? I agree with you 100 percent and yeah Israel sucks. Please tell Rense to stop posting those ant-Islam articles. It's not about criticizing Islam, criticism and talk between religions is very helpful, but you know all the anti-islam articles which he refers to are all bias and the people who write these articles are bloggers who dont have enough knowledge to talk about these issues, in fact scholars are the people who we should listen to. Please tell him this.

Acharya S said...

caldude said...

I have seen some of your Youtube Videos and comments. I happen to be a Christian Palestinian; my mother was a refugee from Haifa in 1948 when the zionists came and stole Palestine from their rightful owners. Due to my heritage, I've been exposed to a lot of Moslems. I want you to know that your attacks on all these religions are a bit obsessive and self righteous. The fundamentalist Moslems are not real Moslems, they were created and funded by western influences as have irrational Christian fundamentalists. Your characterization of Islam is incredibly narrow and incomplete.

Thanks. Are you familiar with the work of Brigitte Gabriel? She has a somewhat different take on the Muslim population of Palestine. In light of that fact, perhaps you are the one with "an incredibly narrow and incomplete characterization of Islam"?

You really don't want to go there with the Palestinians, do you? The Palestinians are being raised as the most fanatical of all Muslims, and they frequently engage in dishonor killings, child abuse/brainwashing with hatred, etc. At this point in history, the Palestinians are some of the worst examples of Muslims you could possibly raise up.

My "attacks" on Islam are more than "self-righteous and obsessive," they are absolutely necessary, because so few are willing or courageous enough to address a serious problem that is leading squarely to the destruction of human civilization.

Let me spell it out:

I do not want to live under Islamic domination. I do not want to see the United States Constitution fall to sharia law. I do not want to be a Muslim. I do not want my descendants to be Muslims.

The way we are going at this point, whatever remnant is left of the human race in the next few decades, Islam stands poised to enslave the entire world - and you too will not escape the Wahhabism/Salafism that is encroaching everywhere, regardless of how broad you may feel your vision of Islam to be. It is Wahhabism/Salafism that is on the rise and that has the BILLION$ in petrodollar$.

Will such enslavement eventually end? Yes, of course, because the human race will eventually end. But I for one am not going to go down without a fight to NOT be enslaved under whatever form of Islam comes my way.

My "incredibly narrow and incomplete" view of Islam is based on the Koran, the Hadiths and the "five pillars of Islam," for the most part. What you believe is Islam is irrelevant, as the most fervently religious Muslims will tell you.

I only agree with one of the five pillars - charity/zakat. The rest constitute Arab cultic nonsense. And even charity would not be necessary AT ALL if there were truly a good and merciful god in charge of everything. In fact, the very idea of charity pretty much disproves the existence of such a god.

Such is my objection to ALL organized religion in the first place, including and especially Islam.

Javad said...

Acharya S your funny. at first I was pissed off but now you make me laugh!!! I'm Shia and am aainst wahabism but come on, billions of dollars from oil and dominance?? say that to David Rockefeller and he's gonna laugh at you, you know why? coz he has 300 trillion dollars and hasn't managed to achieve the new world order which he wishes for. I know where all this attacking of Islam comes from, it comes from the Illuminati and when the world economy collapses they are going to start creating a one world government and I have no doubt the first people who are going to oppose the new world order are going to be Muslims, and thats why they are trying hard to destroy Islam, they will do this not to save humanity from "Islam" but they do it for money, power and full dominance of earth and I mean everything on earth.
Anyways jut stop being a pain in the ass and try to save your own country coz its fallen in that hands of bad people.

Mriana said...

so you think Islam is a new religion? the roots of this religion go back to 1400 years ago

Which does make it the newest cultic to break off the Abrahamic religion.

they vilification of islam is not new,it always has been and the koran warned the muslims that the worst in violence against them will be those who call themselves jews, little is it they believe in gods word!!

Oh yes and if Muslims concur a group of people who are not Muslim, they are to kill them or enslave them and only if they convert can they be freed. Women are forced to be concubines. Nice. NOT! It's all in the Koran though.

What you hear about women in the U.S. is an extremely small minority.

And if men get too horny from that, then that is their fault.

Yes it is. They need to stop having cavemen mentally and put their brains back into their skull where they belong, instead of using their penises for brains.

Why aren't you attacking black people if you are so concerned about rape. Look at the statistics of black male on white female rape then look at the reverse. Or better yet, look at south africa.
After all, women's rights should be upheld regardless of religion, culture, or race. Shame on those black people for not being able to control themselves.

That's BS. I'm a White woman and I have not been raped by a Black man. Black people are a lot better than you seem to think. Maybe you should get to know a few.

If burkas are bad for women, then why should wearing any clothes, even by children, be an issue that is imposed upon by society?

Like so many religions that attempt to control the masses with the use of shame, guilt, and imposition of low self-esteem, those sacks do the same thing to women. They are not good enough to show their hair and/or faces in case a cavemen comes by and rapes them. *rolling eyes*

Not every society takes religion as seriously as some others do. There are many muslims who live in societies that do not have to wear burkas. It's only in certain countries, certain areas that have to.

Where are these Islamics where women don't have to cover their heads in shame, but rather allow it to hang freely and show their faces without fear? Where are these Muslim women that we can actually have a converstation with and be able to look at their faces without the distraction of a burkha or hijab? I haven't seen them. I won't talk to anyone who looks like they could be hiding a machette and/or I can't see their face.

Mriana said...

I don't want want my decendents to be Muslim either. I don't want dogs killed to near extermination either, just because of some superstition nor do I want many animals slaughtered for some superstitious animal sacrifice.

No, don't mention pork thing again either. I'm a vegetarian who believes animals should have rights too.

Mriana said...

they will do this not to save humanity from "Islam" but they do it for money, power and full dominance of earth and I mean everything on earth.

One deity at a time. Rockerfeller is less of a threat even if his god is money.

Anonymous said...

Women and children can be protected without the burka. First, educate men and then place upon them the cyltural as well as legal exepctation that they will behave in a civilized respectful lawful way no matter how women are dressed. Then actievly prosecute each and every one who commits a violent crime against a woman or a child,or issues such threats. Taking responsibility for your own actions is part of our legal and social system and it needs to be a universal value. MY country Canada does NOT NEED those who use pathetic excuses for men who rape and kill. Such attitudes whould be a bar to citizenship. Be civilized in the way it is meant in this country or leave.

Acharya S said...

Javad said...

Acharya S your funny. at first I was pissed off but now you make me laugh!!! I'm Shia and am aainst wahabism but come on, billions of dollars from oil and dominance?? say that to David Rockefeller and he's gonna laugh at you, you know why? coz he has 300 trillion dollars and hasn't managed to achieve the new world order which he wishes for. I know where all this attacking of Islam comes from, it comes from the Illuminati and when the world economy collapses they are going to start creating a one world government and I have no doubt the first people who are going to oppose the new world order are going to be Muslims, and thats why they are trying hard to destroy Islam, they will do this not to save humanity from "Islam" but they do it for money, power and full dominance of earth and I mean everything on earth.
Anyways jut stop being a pain in the ass and try to save your own country coz its fallen in that hands of bad people.

Yes, I'm quite sure that David Rockefeller wasn't behind the Arab expansion that enslaved your country under a cult of death some 1,300 years ago. But, you have no concern about that fact. Instead you are mindlessly cackling and attempting to get Rense to stop exposing the abuses of Islam that are threatening to enslave the whole of humankind.

I am trying to save my own country, obviously, since I do not want the U.S. Constitution to be usurped by sharia law. Nor, again, do I wish to become a Muslim or to have my descendants be enslaved by Islam.

In your blindness to the cult that has enslaved you, you are completely oblivious to the abuses that are already occurring in Europe and the U.S. You are so obsessively concerned with what I'm doing; yet, in the meantime in the U.S. right now there are little girls having their genitals mutilated - often in the name of Islam.

You are obviously young and inexperienced in the real world. Please stop being an enabler to the enslavement under a false ideology.

caldude said...

Ok, now I know you have a psychological quirk. What do you mean I don't want to go there with Palestinians? I am Palestinian. The destruction of Palestine and the Palestinian people IS my family history of which you are completely ignorant. No one can take you seriously if you're worried about Moslem domination....Moslem countries are being destroyed and irradiated. If you're worried about domination you'd be attacking zionism. Are you sure you're not a disinfo agent?

Anonymous said...

I agree, taking responsibility for your own actions is something that society should be. As a pragmatist of course, I know that it is irresponsible to tempt people unnecessarily. This is all too easy to see with today's politicians who are abusing their power because they can.
The burka rule was made during the medieval times - a times when your ancestors were probably barbarians too. Why certain parts of islamic culture have not evolved to the modern era, I don't know. But realize that it wasn't a long time ago that women could not vote. Even today children cannot vote and we still have unofficial gender/age/race discrimination today. We just have to accept the fact that people are not perfect and that we ourselves have faults that we must better as well.
And although there are some things I do not like in some cultures - I realize that poeple will be people. And even if we somehow "correct" the cultures of today, there is no guarantee that the cultures of tommorow will be any better. Therefore, I do not think that confrontation is necessarily the best answer to address these issues. We must think of a way to eliminate the potential of such things happening (assuming they even can be eliminated, which I suspect they cannot without eliminating free will), and not short term methods which might make things better or might make things worse (I suspect that in this case it is a little of both).
And how knows, maybe there is a karmic purpose to all this burka madness. Suffering is one of the methods by which humans can advance spiritually. It is not one of the best methods - but sometimes for some individuals it might be the only method. I'm not saying that we should address the issue - but maybe also possibly be aware that perhaps that if we correct one type of problem, another type of problem may pop up because there is something underlying that is needs to be addressed first.

Javad said...

my final comment. acharya your just a blogger not a scholar so what your saying is not important.

What Role Does Islam Play in World War Three?
WW2 Propaganda Repeated in WW3

Javad said...

caldude, dude stop wasting your time she's a just a blogger in a "free" country.

Anonymous said...

Acharya S is the only person that can do this.
Apologies to the offense people might take. But the fact of the matter.
Religion are cults based on mythical ideologies. They are designed as a "phantom rule" or a secondary rule. Oppression is one thing, but self oppression is your own choosing.
Islam is the only rising religion that is a system of "Primary Rule". I myself have spend nearly 20 years criticizing Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism.
Acharya is right on the money here!

Its time for Islam to come under the scientific scrutiny it deserves.

Whether you are moderate or not. Too bad.
Of any religion its constituents are usually stronger and more fanatical in their faith than their ordain leaders.

They are better controlled and self regulated.

caldude, You cannot be serious! Have you not paid attention to anything on Rense? What is it about the myth of "Christianity" that has you so incapable of freeing yourself from? Is it the community? the Friends? Don't tell me its Jesus Christ!

And to the argument of "scientists" in Iran. Good grief, born into a system of FEAR forces people to follow any fake idol you throw at them for fear of their own life.

Humanity needs to grow up.


Anonymous said...

The UK, as far as I know, is not being systematically irradiated, on the surface we are still free to express an opinion. Unless of course that opinion involves Islam.

Thankfully the Archbishop of Canterbury was shot down in flames for suggesting that Britain accept aspects of Shariah Law, but the old comments about Islamaphobia were duly trotted out, and now all news comment has ceased. He has not retracted or been required to retract his views, even defending them in the media.

We are awaiting the next salvo from some misguided liberal.

Meanwhile I see women in my neighbourhood wearing the burqa to deliver their children to a Church of England School. The little girls wearing a headscarf with their school uniform, and brainwashed teenagers wanting to wear another variation of the dress to school, and being championed to do so, by Cherie Blair in the court of Human Rights in Brussels.

History is littered with the corpses of women who fought repression, but this time we have education enough to see what is being planned for our future.

I will happily boycott Nike, who of course, use women as poorly paid labour in their factories. Most of the women I know though would accuse me of hating Islam if I broached the subject with them, they simply aren't interested.

I am thankful for your bravery in standing up to the violent abuse that you truth has brought about. There doesn't have to be an argument about the real meaning of Islam, these abusers and name callers say it all.

Mriana said...

Thankfully the Archbishop of Canterbury was shot down in flames for suggesting that Britain accept aspects of Shariah Law, but the old comments about Islamaphobia were duly trotted out, and now all news comment has ceased. He has not retracted or been required to retract his views, even defending them in the media.

I'm glad he was too. I ranted for days over his remarks. Acharya can vouch for that. There's a whole thread about him on her board. If he is not careful, he will have to preach Mary was the sister of Aaron and not Miriam. He'll be saying Mary shook the tree to get fruit while complaining about the pain of childbirth. *rolling eyes* He won't have to worry about telling people around Christmas time "the virgin birth is a legend" because that will not be allowed to be preach to begin with because it's not in the Koran.

Anonymous said...

Exactly Carol Webb,
Islam needs to be objectively criticized for what it is, just another CULT.
The problem, is we all grew up understanding Christianity. We know what its about, some of us even choose to fall into it more deeply, or in my case, never fall for it at all.

But at least we have experience with it.

On the contrary we know very little about Islam.

Social sensitivities, conditioning and importantly fear itself is restricting our ability confront it. Its important to be to be objectively critical, mature, and importantly to stay focused on the real issue.

To people like Javad, caldude. Remember, this is;
Not about Zionism
Not about Israel
Not about Palestine or any other nation.
Not about Christianity or any other religion.
Not about personalities and individuals (you or me)

Its about Islam.

So what in hell are you afraid of? (pun intended). Lets get started then.


Mriana said...

Anonymous said...
Dont listen to this pot smoking feminist retard. Typical man hater, bitches because women are expoloted in Western culture then pisses and wines when they want put a scarf on their head. She must have a lot of emotional problems - probably because nobody asked this homely bitch out at her high school prom.

This says a lot about your dislike of intelligent women who will not submit to your will. This is complete and total caveman mentality.

Anonymous said...

Yawn! It is known fact that women are oppressed and paid less than men in USA and Europe. Islam never degrades women. As matter of fact veiling also mentioned in the bible. For christian women, they not allowed to preach without covering their head, read this not only that, women are mentioned many times in the bible or OT to be inferior than men here few verses
"....and the birth of ANY daughter is a loss. (From the New Jerusalem Bible, Ecclesiasticus 22:3)"
Deuteronomy 22:28-30 "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives."

Exodus 21:7-8 "And in case a man should sell his daughter as a slave girl, she will not go out in the way that the slave men go out. If she is displeasing in the eyes of her master so that he doesn't designate her as a concubine but causes her to be redeemed, he will not be entitled to sell her to a foreign people in his treacherously dealing with her."
Deuteronomy 25:11-12 "And in case men struggle together (in a fight) with one another, and the wife of the one has come near to deliver her husband out of the striking one (to save her husband), and she has thrust out her hand and grabbed hold of his private (the other man's groin), she must then get both her hands cut off, and the eyes of the men must feel no sorrow."
Many more!
You shouldn't focusing on those Afghans, they wear burqa even before islam reached that area it is more to culture! Why people so concern about muslims women being oppressed with veils, you guys not feeling bad how women are exploited in this world, how people like Britney spears, paris hilton etc had to show their bits to be fame? You should be so concern about how bombs killing women in Iraq or how US troops gang raped a 14 years old girl or you lost your interest because she wore veil? Islam is not a new religion but continuation of religion of God on earth. Anyway, I think you need to know islam first so, you could talk from a non-bias opinion, understand your opponent even if you don't like them.
Go here
I give you new job, read this
Please talk about it than worrying about burqa.

Anonymous said...

Acharya S, Please moderate.
Responding to such posts wastes time and drains your resources.
Too exhausting to deal with.
You don't need the approval of these people, nor do you need to enter into a discussion/debate with them. You are way more intelligent for these "blogger" rage posts. They are incapable of debating you, since they are afflicted with illogical and irrational minds to begin with.

But, you are going to get ALOT more.

Good luck.


Anonymous said...

Sunru said...
Exactly Carol Webb,
Islam needs to be objectively criticized for what it is, just another CULT.
The problem, is we all grew up understanding Christianity. We know what its about, some of us even choose to fall into it more deeply, or in my case, never fall for it at all.

But at least we have experience with it.

On the contrary we know very little about Islam.

Social sensitivities, conditioning and importantly fear itself is restricting our ability confront it. Its important to be to be objectively critical, mature, and importantly to stay focused on the real issue.

To people like Javad, caldude. Remember, this is;
Not about Zionism
Not about Israel
Not about Palestine or any other nation.
Not about Christianity or any other religion.
Not about personalities and individuals (you or me)

Its about Islam.

So what in hell are you afraid of? (pun intended). Lets get started then.


Exactly Sunru! Yes...people stay on subject and refrain from peronal attacks, name-calling. This is about Islam, it's fascist woman hating doctrine and practise.

Mriana said...

Anon., we know what the Bible says and few Christians follow it today. Why? Because it is oppressive and it was for another time for a different culture than today. Also, god is a human concept and from what I can tell, Islam does not have the same deity as Christians and Jews. It's a totally different one. That and Christians are learning that what is in the Bible are just stories and not meant to be taken literally, unless they are Evangelicals who do take the Bible literally.

They are incapable of debating you, since they are afflicted with illogical and irrational minds to begin with.

That they are, Sunru. They have no where near the education of Acharya and are totally brainwashed.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

...probably because nobody asked this homely bitch out at her high school prom.

I take it you've never seen the photo of Acharya published along with her book, The Christ Conspiracy. Had I gone to high school with her, I would have asked her to the prom in a New York minute! Beauty and brains, too. So much for you to hate. The green monster rears its ugly head again.

Anonymous said...

The problem is gay men did not design the Burka, therefore it is oppressive...

Now we all know if a bunch of homosexuals designed the headscarves it would be considered sexy...

And of course this never happened:

A woman who reported a vicious attack by an ad-hoc "modesty patrol" on a Jerusalem bus last month is now lining up support for her case and may be included in a petition to the High Court of Justice over the legality of sex-segregated buses.

Miriam Shear says she was traveling to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City early on November 24 when a group of ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) men attacked her for refusing to move to the back of the Egged No. 2 bus.

There are no segregated buses in Israel. So obviously this woman is a liar, similiar to Clarence Thomas not sexually harassing a woman...

The FBI is crazy...

The FBI estimates that 72 of every 100,000 females in the United States were raped last year. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Statistics, 1996.)

That just is a complete and total lie. It never happened...

All of this is also a fabrication:

Risk factors for perpetrating sexual violence include: early sexual experience (both forced and voluntary),6 adherence by men to sex role stereotyping,7,8 negative attitudes of men towards women,6,9,,10,11,12, alcohol consumption,8,13 acceptance of rape myths by men.8,9,12,14,15

What is important though is that gay men be given the right to design clothing for women in Islamic ME countries. This is very important, the future of all humanity depends on homosexual men making women look attractive to straight males. Without that, sanctions, bombings, illegal invasions, the usual romance of war, will be carried out against Muslim women and children, in order to liberate them...

Do not mention the Amish, I repeat the Amish have total right to force their women to cover their hair and not be authorized to drive a car...

Welcome to Zionist logic...

Anonymous said...

Acharya S - your fear mongering sounds closely aligned to the neocon agenda. "Fear Muslims, invade for women's rights" You have to know who you serve. Your comments only spread fear and hate.

Muslim "extremism, islamism, jihadiasm, wahabism, salafism, TERRORISM!" (call it what you want) is a response to Western colonialism and occupation. Don't invade and occupy Muslim countries and you will witness these sentiments dissipate. History has proven that any oppressed people who's land, property, blood or honour is put in jeopardy will resist by any means necessary.

You talk of enslavement of people to Islam when it appears as though most if not all in the West are willing slaves Hedonism. "Sexually satisfied people are healthy and happy." Promote promescuity, masterbation, adultery as a utopia and watch society crumble apart. I think women who believe that sexual liberation and immodest dress is freedom are closer to slavery psycologically than any covered women. Perhaps when you have children (if you haven't already) you will begin to realize the need for some social limitations out of compassion.

Acharya, as a women activist who is concerned about the future I think it would be more suitable to criticize and focus on a solution to the brainwashed slave minded Briteny Spears generation that is arising in the West rather than blogging neocon thoughts by hate mongering other nations. Let Muslims deal with their issues and Westerners deal with Western issues. It's too easy to spend a lifetime critisizing something that one has little influence over.

Anonymous said...

Now all of a sudden we should be boycotting Nike for making swimsuits for Muslims??

How about boycotting them for using sweat shop/child labor to make their products??

This is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Islam is an evil cancer on this world. a religion that covers it's women in bags and in rags should become extinct. I'm sorry that so much of this world is covered with this darkness.

Mriana said...

My wife wears the hijaab on her own accord, I have asked her to remove it or leave and she would consider it an abuse or opression if I forced her not to wear the hijaab. So if you want to force women who wnat to don the hijaab, then does that not equate you with those abusers and opressors who force women to wear the hijaab?

I would have to ask her what she is afraid of she doesn't wear the hijaab? It would seem to me a self-conscious act, one that stems from low self-esteem. Then again, there maybe a different psychology behind it, but whatever the case, it would be interesting to know why she desires to hide herself.

Acharya S said...

"Anon said...

"My wife wears the hijaab on her own accord, I have asked her to remove it or leave and she would consider it an abuse or opression if I forced her not to wear the hijaab. So if you want to force women who wnat to don the hijaab, then does that not equate you with those abusers and opressors who force women to wear the hijaab?"

Mriana said...

I would have to ask her what she is afraid of she doesn't wear the hijaab? It would seem to me a self-conscious act, one that stems from low self-esteem. Then again, there maybe a different psychology behind it, but whatever the case, it would be interesting to know why she desires to hide herself.

No one is suggesting forcing someone to remove anything on their head, although I would certainly ban the burkha, which is a full-length head-to-toe covering that also obscures the face. The hijab is a head covering that does not obscure the face. It is little different from a nun's habit, and no one is trying to take away those. If a woman is wearing a hijab out of choice made as a consenting adult, that's one thing. But if she's been forced to wear it because of beatings - as in Iran and other Muslim countries - then that's evil. Many girls are coerced into "choosing" to wear the hijab through psychological damage, as Mriana states. Indeed, many women who become nuns have been abused or suffer other reason for low self-esteem.

If women are dressing like this because they believe - based on what they've been taught - that "God" desires it, that is also wrong, since "God" by definition could not care less whether or not the beautiful hair of "his" own creation is covered up. In fact, it could be argued that any such "god" as creator of the cosmos should be insulted by the very notion that women should cover up "his" beautiful handiwork.

In the end, a woman who has been "damaged into" covering up her hair or the rest of her body through force or fear of "God" represents the epitome of irreligiousness and ungodliness.

If a girl is not raised to believe that her hair is a sexual object and an offense to "God," she will likely have absolutely NO interest in covering her hair, unless for purposes of comfort, i.e., warmth.

Let's try to get back to a healthy state - this sort of thing done because of fear or religion is simply neurotic. And most definitely a sign of oppression.

Anonymous said...

Acharya S,

You certainly have found a way to enliven your forums. Bush has increased Muslim immigration against the wishes of the electorate. When are we going to allow the American public to decide who and how many get to move to this nation I wonder?

Anonymous said...

During the Middle Ages, Christian women wore the conservative garb and the Muslim world was free-thinking. Christians were burnt as witches, freely raped by nobles as a right of title, and a jihad to eliminate Jews and Muslims in "the holy land" (the Crusades) was roused every few decades or so. In the 1200's when the biggest library in Christendom was a monastery/university containing 12,000-14,000 books, the Muslim library in Cordoba (Spain) contained 350,000 books (I visited the city, where the history is well known. Books about science and al-gebra, the classics were smuggled from the "free" Muslim world, which patronized the arts, to the oppressed, very backward Christian areas. That's what began "the Renaissance," believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

Right on, NotaSlave.

The problem is I don't think Muslims in general have realised how hard it will be to sell to Westerners that believing in the mishmashed religious distortions promulgated by a 7th century murdering , polygamous, arab paedophile is a very good idea.

Especially seeing the results of these teachings. I'd ask the readers to cast their minds back to any of the myriad of recent seriously criminal and inhuman incidents - beheadings of men and woman, 9/11 in New York, Beslan in Russia, slicing off the limgs of living human beings for relatively petty offences, 'honour' killings etc etc. After all these events - where is the vociferous outcry by Muslims denouncing of these deeds and capturing and punishing the criminals who perpetrate them? Instead their silence suggests tacit approval. Why is it up to westerners to point out the criminality of these events?

The biggest insult to God (whatever you define that to be) is to hear 'Allahu Akbar' as they pull the trigger, slash with the sword, strike with the knife etc etc .

It IS an evil death cult and has no respect for or understanding of the rights of the individual to think and act to the dicates of their own cosnscience. All the great spiritual masters taught that the highest consciousness was innate in every human being and therefore that ALL human beings are to be respected for their potential.

Sufism is closest to the truth in Islam yet Sufis are seen as heretics by the masses. At least they realise that 'God' is an internal experience - not a political philosophy. Yet Sufis are seen as heretics by many Muslims.

The real 'Infidels' are those who insist on an external god, never open their eyes to the truth of self-realisation and follow the teachings of a person who most definitely was NOT a spiritual master.

Anonymous said...

Yes the Sufi's!
"Sufi's are closer to God than any Christian". very interesting.

Religions like Islam, christianity etc. Spread through its "Moderation" this moderation is seen to be tolerated by the extremists (That is why you can see debate between them), Why is that? Its watered down state is appealing to the conscious of concerning and moral "beings".
So it spreads under false pretenses, while the true oppressive doctrine (in this case Islam), lies dormant and in stealth. Ready to be awoken at anytime, by person(s) in power for whatever agenda and convenience. Usually resulting in much spilling of blood.
Christianity is no exception. Its the same pattern. Spread via the Good and moral (moderate), but almost always inevitably leading to only empowering the fanatics and extremists. E.g. The Western war mongering Christian evangelists.

Acharya already has works covering such.

Its time for an unemotional, specific and scientific, focus on Islam.


P.S. Please stay on topic! There are many, many critiques of Zionism, Western foreign policy etc etc. Much of it holds merit, and is worth considering.

Like plugging holes on a leaking ship. Different people are better suited to different areas. Now, this ship has many holes - and its about to sink people! We need to stay focused, and let those with the skill and expertise focus on the areas best suited to them.

I see it all.

Todd the Toad said...

First, Acharya is not homely. That's ridiculous.

Second, maybe we should step back and look at this biologically. Islam is simply a highly evolved social control mechanism. It's simple goal is to perpetuate. As with all religions, rationalism will quickly take the steam from this ruthless movement.

If all religions were put under the same scrutiny that global warming has gone through, all the games and make believe would be gone. The show would be over. Then, maybe all of us could get back to the business of leaving peacefully with one another. Maybe then we could start addressing real issues -- like why are we trashing the planet? Why are we so obsessed with breeding -- to the point where people are going to start falling into the ocean? Why do we trash our forests? Why do we drive other species to extinction?

Really, please, let's throw all religion out the window and start moving forward as a common people. The gig is up. We need to let go of the ancient fairy tales, even if they do make us feel good and make us think that someone's watching over us, and that we'll get 99 virgins or get to play the harp, or whatever.

Anonymous said...


the trouble with your premise though is that you already dismiss everyone else's beliefs/realisations without offering a reakl alternative. Which fairy tales do we dismiss - christianity, islam, judaism, bahai, buddhism, communism, capitalism, darwinism, materialism, atheism ? Are you an enlightened adherent of the newer and trendier religion - 'environmentalism'?

What are you trying to save, for whom and why, to what end? It's all veery well being dismissive of other people's ideas and values but what common beliefs are you suggesting that we all believe as 'we move forward as a common people'?

Anonymous said...

Acharya S = Mossad Agent
Dont buy her crap. She's fear mongering about Sharia law taking hold in Amercia. Meanwhile habeus corpus has been abolished, Posse Comitatus is no longer and the Military Commisions Act has been passed. What are they going to do ride over here on their mopeds in their pajamas and take over. She is a Zionist stooge that dosnt know shit from apple sauce.

Anonymous said...

Women in the West are subjected to the most horrifying psychological slavery. This is achieved under the guise of sexual liberation, feminism, and "freedom." The epitome of female in the West is to glamorize the "sexy," "hot" woman as accomplished across countless magazines and media images. This is in fact mental willful slavery and appeasement to men’s desires even if it occurs by choice.

Most Western men who bought into the concept of sexual liberation view women as sexual objects. This is why most Western men refer to females in male circles as “bitches.” Her purpose, to him, is to fulfill him sexually.

True fighters of women’s rights can easily see the Hijab as liberation from this disease rather than oppression. When covered and celibate until marriage, women are not demeaning themselves by submitting to men's desires. (Men would probably be more productive and focused too!) This is closer to the equality that the West preaches. She is not serving him willfully or unconsciously by exposing herself to his sexual whims. I think a good dose of the Hijab can teach women in the West a great deal about true confidence.

Javad said...

read a reliable source such as washingtonpost

Todd the Toad said...

Are you an enlightened adherent of the newer and trendier religion - 'environmentalism'? What are you trying to save, for whom and why, to what end? It's all veery well being dismissive of other people's ideas and values but what common beliefs are you suggesting that we all believe as 'we move forward as a common people'?

I said "rationalism." But you make a good point -- what is the purpose of world peace and harmony? It could very well be that our destiny is not self-preservation, but rather mutually assured destruction. We are doing a good job of that in this discussion.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with her attacking islam. I also have no problem with her attacking the issue of abuse of females (or of children of that matter). I do have a problem, however, with her making statements that don't make any logical sense. Like associated all that is bad in the arab world to Islam.
If Islam wasn't there, then some similar religion probably would be there, because Islam was created to address the social issues of that area as well as a way to unite the warring pagan tribes of the area.
Then what, would we be attacking that other made up religion?
We must address the root cause of the problem - that is the social ills of the society and not the symptoms of such (religion) before the injustices can go away.
Some of these social ills can be solved by improving the economy, by improving education, and increasing the spiritial awareness of consciousness of poeple in general.
As the universal law goes - "solve the problems of other people, and your own problems will tend to go away".

Mriana said...

Islam was created to address the social issues of that area as well as a way to unite the warring pagan tribes of the area.

Um... No, it was created because someone supposedly named Muhammad had a dream he attributed to God. He then wrote down everything he dreamed about and pushed it onto other people. It eventually became a means to control the masses (much like any other religion). However, it was not created to address any social issues originally.

Eventually, people started fighting over whose god was better, besides a means of control. Conquered people had to convert to that religion or die (at worst) or become slaves (at best). Hindus of lower caste were attracted to Islam because it did not have a caste system. Others were attracted for other reasons, but it was not to address social issues.

Acharya S said...

Javad said...

read a reliable source such as washingtonpost

Yes, I've read about this before. Of course, they have to use the Koran because the people they are battling are totally brainwashed by it.

A logical move - and why is there any need for "Afghan feminists," unless there is a HORRIBLE PROBLEM for women in Afghanistan? And please do not even insult me or these poor women for one second by claiming otherwise.

And why is this article or series called "Islam's Advance, if "[a]nybody who thinks Moslems are taking over the world needs to have their head examined?"

I guess that "reliable source" needs to have its head examined.

And all those who are citing scientific studies of the demographics in Europe and elsewhere, where "Islam is the fastest growing religion" and Muslims are unquestionably the fastest growing segment of society, and then there are all the Muslims themselves who are saying "Islam will dominate the world" - they're all NUTS! Better have their heads examined.

Yes, that's precisely my point - anyone who thinks Muslims are taking over the world needs to have their head examined, as those who are sane certainly do not want to see that happen, and all attempts at global domination need to be halted.

Acharya S said...

You talk of enslavement of people to Islam when it appears as though most if not all in the West are willing slaves Hedonism. "Sexually satisfied people are healthy and happy." Promote promescuity, masterbation, adultery as a utopia and watch society crumble apart.

This is not a HEALTHY attitude towards sex, so your argument constitutes a straw man. It is also another logical fallacy of tu quoque or "you too" finger pointing. Just because one culture has a less-than-desirable attitude towards sex does not mean that another, even more sexually repressed and sick culture is better.

Acharya S said...

Regarding Islam, it came to the arabs and it brought about womens' rights to them when they, the arabs used to bury their daughters alive.

Not much has changed. And we're supposed to happily allow Arab cultural domination to increase around the world?

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Now all of a sudden we should be boycotting Nike for making swimsuits for Muslims??

How about boycotting them for using sweat shop/child labor to make their products??

This is ridiculous.

Boycott Nike for that as well - is it always one or the other with Muslim apologists?

Yes, it's very ridiculous to oppose the enslavement of women.

Anonymous said...

well, we'll have to agree to disagree then. Islam did address the social need of that particular society when it was initially created for a stable society.
This is not to say it was a healthy society. But religion really was used as an excuse to conquer. In other words people conquer and rape for economic, polical, and land reasons. Religion is just used an excuse for such.
Religion is not the problem, it is just a symptom or an excuse for the problem.
And you simply just keep on ignoring facts which get in the way of islam bashing - which makes me think that you are either paid to bash Islam, have an agenda, or cannot or do not want to comprehend it for some other reason.
You obviously are not stupid - so I'm guessing you have an agenda which you are not telling us (other than the illogical one of women are being opprossed soley by Islam). People are not stupid - stop making dumb arguments in which poeple can give examples that refute your logic. If you are going to attack Islam then make smart ones. I could do a better job than what you are doing.

Acharya S said...

You obviously are not stupid - so I'm guessing you have an agenda which you are not telling us (other than the illogical one of women are being opprossed soley by Islam). People are not stupid - stop making dumb arguments in which poeple can give examples that refute your logic. If you are going to attack Islam then make smart ones. I could do a better job than what you are doing.

Sorry, but insulting me will not make Islam any better - nor will it make me like Islam any better. Please do provide us and enlighten us with the "smart attacks" on Islam, since you apparently claim to be so much more knowledgeable on the subject.

Moreover, you raise a straw man - and not a "smart one" at that - in order to insult me: To wit, I have NEVER said that "women are being opprossed soley by Islam." Women are, however, largely oppressed within Islam. There's a difference, but in your superior intellect and haste to bash my intelligence and integrity you have failed to notice it.

Here's my "agenda," which I've already spelled out - in my highly intelligent refutations of this enslavement of humanity:

I do not want to live under Islamic domination. I do not want to see the United States Constitution fall to sharia law. I do not want to be a Muslim. I do not want my descendants to be Muslims.

Does it take a genius to understand that motivation?

Anonymous said...

Hey you followers of the desert God God would be that stupid to create such a primitive system in the midst of such ignorant people....1400 lunar years has passed and u are still in the utmost of darkness; the world is passing u by and thus ur destiny is clear. Return from ways of these moronic religions and join us in the systematic improvement of all our lives; we are all waiting for u to revive ur religions by purging yourselves of such filth... No God would create such non-sense...arabs are the fools of the civilizations much more stupid than most bedouins...u are a nothing to civilization and ur contributions are nil and nulified by this nonsense relgion of urs....

Long live Persia and long live the West the real powers of this world...

Anonymous said...

I do apologize. I did not purposely insult you.
I was just saying that if you wanted to attack Islam, then don't make speculative arguments. If you have no proof that abuse of women would be stopped by getting rid of Islam then don't make them.
Attack Islam based on non speculative facts only. Not "what if's". Correlation is not the same this as causation. And neither is association the same thing as causation.

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

I do apologize. I did not purposely insult you.
I was just saying that if you wanted to attack Islam, then don't make speculative arguments. If you have no proof that abuse of women would be stopped by getting rid of Islam then don't make them.
Attack Islam based on non speculative facts only. Not "what if's". Correlation is not the same this as causation. And neither is association the same thing as causation.

No one is making "speculative arguments," so once again you are raising a straw man to knock down. What "what ifs?" What if the women were bagged for the past several centuries? They already are! Do you think I just made up in Hollywood the video attached to this blog?

If you are the one who does not have the facts, please go study the situation and don't blame me for your own lack of knowledge of the subject. The facts are there for the world to see, including in the original post that started this debate.

How about the beatings, stonings, hangings, genital mutilation, enslavement, etc. There are plenty of sources, including Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who lived through it.

Do you wish to have more about the Violent Oppression of Women in Islam?

Or how about this video about the Violent Oppression of Women in Islam?

I know, another logical fallacy will follow in attacking the source, but the facts will remain that Islam is highly oppressive towards women. Why do I single it out? It's quite simple: First of all, I've spent the past decades criticizing all religious ideology that oppresses anyone, not just women. I've got three published books that examine Christianity, for example, as well as Judaism. Most of my main website,, is about Christianity. So far, the results have been encouraging, and Christianity has been firmly placed under a microscope by many more people than when I first started.

Now, what is the nail that is sticking up the highest and that needs to be hit the hardest? Islam. Islam is spreading all over the world, mostly through immigration and reproduction. I find its doctrines not only to be incredibly oppressive to human beings in general and women in particular, but an egregious offense to MY "religion" (life) and MY "goddess" (humanity), if one wishes to think in those terms, because it appears that we must fight fire with fire.

Like I say, if you're short on facts, please go study the subject yourself. I can't do it for you.

Here are a couple of good places to go:

The Religion of Peace
The Truth About Islam

Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

read this great translation of koran where it instructs the man to beat his wife on the 3rd day. tell me my good muslims brothers; how can u invite people to ur relgion when this is the world of ur god would say such a thing; he would say love ur wife; talk to ur wife; disucss it with ur wife; go complain to ur in laws; he would not never ever say beat ur wife and give the license to kill to these men; tell me my good muslim friends how can u defend this..this by itself is the beginning and the end of this u think u can invited women of the west to join this religion of urs when u say koran is a book of god written by god; who would wanno join this religion....not too many people

Anonymous said...

Acharya S = Cia Propagandist

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Acharya S = Cia Propagandist

Such absolutely idiotic assertions will certainly not help your cause - which is what, exactly? To assist in the abuse of women worldwide?

Anonymous said...

advice from an Islamic expert on how to manage women:

Anonymous said...

how much are they paying you?

Anonymous said...

You dont need to look at the middle east to find violence against women. Not too long ago some frat boys gang raped a girl and dumped her in a trash bin. So much for your theories.

Anonymous said...

pS I only beat my wife once a day. Twice if she deserves it.

Anonymous said...

To all the ignorant, sexist critics of Acharya's post:

What is Acharya doing that's so bad? She opposes the mistreatment of women? I suspect your dislike of her post is mostly because you see it as a threat to your religion and ideology.

Maybe you should ask yourselves, "why does opposition to the sexist mistreatment of women threaten my religion?" If your religion is loving and good, why should an activist's attempt to stop the mistreatment of women threaten your religion?

The only reason such an attempt threatens Islam is that ISLAM AS A RELIGION ADVOCATES THE MISTREATMENT OF WOMEN.

Of course, so does Judaism - the Torah clearly states that women are inferior to men, slaves even.

And so does orthodox Christianity, since it has the Old Testament, including the Torah, at it's roots.

And, naturally, since ISLAM has the Bible at it's roots, it will be sexist as well.

The reason all three of the religions have sexism at their roots is simple:

ALL THREE are based on the same TRADITIONS, founded over one thousand years ago, at a time when humanity was largely sexist - to such an extent that there was no ideology that existed at that time that even countered such ideas. Persons were not labeled as "sexist" or "feminist," back then, because people in those cultures were all sexist, without even realizing it.

If we want to get beyond sexism, we must move beyond traditions founded on ideologies that developed prior to feminism, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. As long as these outdated ideas continue to exist in the minds of the majority, sexism will continue to flourish.

~Rio Veradonir

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"You dont need to look at the middle east to find violence against women."

right, but the thing is that such violence is not recommeded by religious or any other 'authorities' in the West - in fact it is a criminal offence.

Anonymous said...

You dont need to look at the middle east to find violence against women. Not too long ago some frat boys gang raped a girl and dumped her in a trash bin. So much for your theories.

Is your brain really that small? We are talking here of SYSTEMIC oppression and violience against women and all you can do is bring up isolated cases of criminal spontaneous occurences. Are you saying that Western societies treatment of women is systemically ingrained in our society?! Fool!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
pS I only beat my wife once a day. Twice if she deserves it.

We understand who your wife is. You know the saying: If your wife can't be at your right hand, let your right hand be your wife. Careful with the's also said your wife (palm) will grow hair from too much beating.

Good luck in your relationship with your hand. It may divorce you soon, because there is there an empty gap where a brain should be. No wife is gonna tolerate a mindless wife-beater.

Anonymous said...

skullnbonerhimself said
Are you saying that Western societies treatment of women is systemically ingrained in our society?

No we dont need religion we use the media is much more effective.

Anonymous said...

skullnboner said:
Are you saying that Western societies treatment of women is systemically ingrained in our society?

Anonymous said...
No we dont need religion we use the media is much more effective.

Only to weak, and demented minds softened by religous

Javad said...

Acharya S said...

With all the sheeple idiotically following the wretched BORGanized religions, including and especially Islam and Christianity, so willing to spew hatred and kill each other over these utterly bogus belief systems, I have no doubt that the secret societies who created them in the first place specifically in order to exploit the mindless masses are winning the battle.

Javad said...

in this video JFK predicts 911 as a plan of the secret society and he doesn't say a word about Islamic terrorism, and if you pay attention all these attacks on Islam started after the 911 attacks. The consequences of 911 are very dramatic . It not only it has had great impact on Muslims but more is yet to come for the American people, as JFK says 911 and war on Islamic terrorism and also on Islam as a whole is for the people to give up their liberties and the constitution and accept the New world order. What I'm saying here is the threat to humanity is NOT Islam, it's the secret governments and the secret societies who are a danger for us, Islam is a danger for them so they've created all the lies about Islam, you mentioned Muslims want to dominate the entire world, we all know thats not possible because you know Arab kings are corrupt so they don't have the power, Iran is also in a bad state with the economy therefore domination of the world by Muslims is just a fantasy.
Please don't misunderstand me, I totally agree with you, there are things in my religion with I also don't like such as the oppression of women in some countries, those should change by talking with other religions, what I don't really like is attacking the religion of Islam.

Anonymous said...

Acharya S said...
With all the sheeple idiotically following the wretched BORGanized religions, including and especially Islam and Christianity, so willing to spew hatred and kill each other over these utterly bogus belief systems, I have no doubt that the secret societies who created them in the first place specifically in order to exploit the mindless masses are winning the battle.

It seams your the one who is promoting an invasion of Iran becuse a " couple of people you had talk to felt it was needed". Talk about hypocrisy. Oh I heard there were a couple of people in Russia who thought the US should be invaded and overthrown. This is how absurd you sound. Hey maybe you could work for the Fox network as regular with all the other arrogant fools.

Anonymous said...

the secret societies did not create Islam or christianity. Christanity was created by Constantine to unite the warring religious factions within the Roman Empire. They basically picked a lot of pieces from a lot of other people's religions and put them all into one unified religion.
Of course you know how Islam was created. That was a bit more straightforward.
The secret societies, if anything, wants to destroy Islam and christanity. They want to destroy christianity because of the warning of chipping in the book of revelation. Chipping the populations is one of their top goals. They want to destroy Islam because they can't easily exploit people using usury.
What better way to do it then to set out at each other's throats and get people to go against them by looking at the worst aspects and incarnations of the religion?

Acharya S said...

the secret societies did not create Islam or christianity. Christanity was created by Constantine to unite the warring religious factions within the Roman Empire. They basically picked a lot of pieces from a lot of other people's religions and put them all into one unified religion.
Of course you know how Islam was created. That was a bit more straightforward.
The secret societies, if anything, wants to destroy Islam and christanity. They want to destroy christianity because of the warning of chipping in the book of revelation. Chipping the populations is one of their top goals. They want to destroy Islam because they can't easily exploit people using usury.
What better way to do it then to set out at each other's throats and get people to go against them by looking at the worst aspects and incarnations of the religion?

Few people know better than I that Christianity is a CONSPIRACY created by the ruling authorities who were MEMBERS OF SECRET SOCIETIES in order to unite the Roman Empire. Shoot, other than denying the secret society aspect of it, which is simply naive, you are just repeating the back cover text from my book The Christ Conspiracy:

"Acharya S marshals an enormous amount of startling evidence to demonstrate that Christianity and the story of Jesus Christ were created by members of various secret societies, mystery schools and religions in order to unify the Roman Empire under one state religion."

There is much evidence that Islam was created by the same processes for the same purposes.

These "religions" are not "instituted by God" but are manmade ideologies designed to control the sheeple - and they work, as instead of looking where I'm pointing, people are constantly biting my finger.

The people in power could easily destroy these mind-control devices if they wished. They do not want to. On the contrary, they will continue to use them to set people against each other - and it is up to us, i.e., you and me, to resist this programming by dropping out of these "religions," which are in reality cults of death.

Anonymous said...

whats wrong with death?
Its part of life.

Anonymous said...

Assuming your premise is true, then apparently the secret societies of today are aiming to destroy those major religions. Different set of poeple and probably not the same set of co-conspirators - even if they are derived from societies back then. Or maybe they are trying to promote each religion by pretending to be against them.. who knows. Unless you know what's in their mind, it sort of useless to speculate.
I read about the start of christianity from sources other than your books, so I'm not unfamiliar with alternative views of how the bible, jesus, and christianity were started. There are numerous theories of each.
Apollonius of Tyana, Pisos, and also the theory about astrology, and also the theory of how 2 became one, as well as some excerpts from the dead sea scrolls.

Javad said...

acharya the iranians who are living in usa and europe haven't done anything for their country, they just call themselves persians coz it sounds better. those who saved iran from a brutal dictator called saddam are the heros of iran. at that time saddam had full support from usa and ussr and the brits but iranians never gave up and won the war, they would have never achieved sucess if it wasn't for the lessons islam taught us, one of those is fightinng for your country and religion.

Anonymous said...

There is so much subterfuge in the world I dont think anyone can really say for certain what is the whole truth. Iraian leader Mosadek was overthrown by the CIA, So Dam Insane was on the CIA payroll, Osama been Forgotten was at the very least workking with the CIA,Al Kida? Wahabism was can be traced back to the Nazis and so on.
Until people understand that war is just a convient way to launder money and transer wealth then this cycle will continue.

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

There is so much subterfuge in the world I dont think anyone can really say for certain what is the whole truth. Iraian leader Mosadek was overthrown by the CIA, So Dam Insane was on the CIA payroll, Osama been Forgotten was at the very least workking with the CIA,Al Kida? Wahabism was can be traced back to the Nazis and so on.
Until people understand that war is just a convient way to launder money and transer wealth then this cycle will continue.

Hear, hear! And slavishly following these ungodly religions without even questioning why is falling right into the hands of the overlords.

Dump them! Again and again, the BORGanized religions do NOT represent "the truth." No god is interested in this enslaving rubbish. Throw off the shackles of the religious enslavers. Don't give them your time, money or energy.

Without the foot soldiers fighting their battles, these slobs will have no power. Just say no to abusing and slaughtering your fellow man in the name of religion!

Your religion sucks, your "holy books" are not holy, and the "god" in them is not THE god of the cosmos. Jesus is not the "only begotten son of God," and Mohammed is not "the prophet of God." Nor is Moses, Abraham or any of the other fictional biblical entities.

Hercules rules! (Just to show you how all this religious competition is simply a cultural artifact.)

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Acharya S said...

I have never said anything about invading Iran, so, as is so typical of those who themselves are arrogant fools, you raise a straw man in order to attack me with ad homs.

Those people you are deriding are Persians who are sick to death of watching their culture demeaned, degraded and enslaved under the mullahs. You would deny them the right to feel that way and wish that they would just go along with the brutality displayed by the Iranian regime under Arab cultural domination for the past 1,300 years?

If so, please do not pretend for one moment to hold the moral upper hand.

Oh Ya

Heres the post at

Jesus Christ, Slave Of Allah?
By Acharya S

From a caption on LiveVideo:

I have been in communication recently with a couple of Persians who are completely sick of this Arab cult of death that has enslaved their land for the past 1300 years. The Iranian leaders should be tried for crimes against humanity and for treason against their own people in imposing this alien cult and enslavement upon them.

Boy that sure sounds like a Neocon endorsement if I every heard one.

Maybe you should be more concerned with your own government detaining people without due process, engaging torture and rape, bombing for profit etc etc.

Get off your high horse.

I still have never said anything about invading Iran, now have I? Yet you continue, therefore, to raise up a straw man in order to attack me personally.

If opposing the mullahs and imams who have been brutalizing millions of people against their will for centuries is a "Neocon agenda," then I'll have to applaud the Neocons. I highly doubt that the people suffering under these enslavers have anything to do with Neocons, however, so I won't be giving the Neocons much credit for their liberation. The people themselves, nevertheless, do need to become empowered through some means to overthrow these bastards - or are you in favor of these followers of an alien cult continuing their enslavement of the Persian people?

I have spent a very long time objecting to the evil policies of "my" government, including helping get the Green Party on ballot in California many years ago - possibly long before you graduated from high school. There are people in other countries who need our voices, because we possess far more power than they do - I suppose we should just ignore them and "mind our own business?" Is this the sort of harsh and uncaring world you live in? THAT sounds like a "Neocon agenda" to me!

Instead of pulling me down off the high horse, why don't you help everyone else in the world come up here with me? After years of struggle, I rather like the view from here, actually, and I'd love to share it. It's a much more pleasant way to live.

A Celebration of Life


Anonymous said...

Acharya said

The Iranian leaders should be tried for crimes against humanity

Does this sound like your talking about what happened a thousand years ago. Nice try to back peddle.You openly advocate the overthrow and trial of the current regime.

Acharya S = Neocon Whore

Anonymous said...

Acharya S said

I suppose we should just ignore them and "mind our own business?"

You mean like inAfganistan and Iraq?
God help them.

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Acharya said

The Iranian leaders should be tried for crimes against humanity

Does this sound like your talking about what happened a thousand years ago. Nice try to back peddle.You openly advocate the overthrow and trial of the current regime.

Acharya S = Neocon Whore

I stand by my statement. These leaders are appalling, horrible people - and you are apparently defending them, yet you have the audacity to call me a vulgar name. A name, by the way, which could be construed as constituting MISOGYNY.

I never said anything about "1,000 years ago," and I have no idea what you are talking about. Once again, you have irrationally raised a straw man in order to attack me personally.

Please stop with the personal attacks, or your irrational and hateful messages will not be posted.

Thank you.

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Acharya S said

I suppose we should just ignore them and "mind our own business?"

You mean like inAfganistan and Iraq?
God help them.

Another straw man. I have never advocated what is being done in Iraq or Afghanistan in anyone's name.

And speaking of "God helping them," if they are such devout followers of the one true god, why are their lives so miserable? It would be great if there WAS a good god out there in control of reality so these poor people didn't have to live this way. Are you aware that some 5 BILLION people live in poverty on this planet? Is that all to blame on George Bush & Co.? If so, they must be more powerful than God!

Calm down and stop treating me as an enemy. I am not - unless, of course, you are attempting to enslave me and others spiritually, at which point I will resist you.

The only "enemies" on this planet are the people who are attempting to enslave others through organized religion and other ideologies that destroy spiritual freedom. And Islam is one of the worst of these enslavements ever devised. I will oppose such an enslavement regardless of any ad hom personal attacks you may throw my way. I will not "submit" to this or any other cult of death.

Liberty Alvar said...

Hi Acharya S,

I always get really depressed when I read your blog - (because of the commenters who post here)...

I am working on a PhD in Sexology. My views are feminist, yes. Unapologetically so.

The rights of women to exist unmolested, and unexploited are not realized anywhere on the planet. Only those who are delusional believe that freedom of women must equal sexual exploitation. It surely exists, but most men I know (who have removed the shackles of religion) realize that the psychological barbarism of patriarchal religions has made them ill and dysfunctional in their relationships with the world- and are becoming well. As for the women who still believe that their self-worth can be measured by male sexual appreciation, well, it's at least shifting. We've had this condition of oppression for some 4-5000 years - as long as we've had religious patriarchy. (Read the Garden of Eden myth with new eyes. Snakes symbolically represent sexual wisdom...) We are co-creating new paradigms of existence, based on freedom, and healthy egalitarian joyful, respectful views of human sexuality.

It is my hope someday that patriarchal religions will be abandoned - seen for what they are (a means of enslavement of free women and men) and more respectful ways of living will be taught.

Why should naked children ever be a turn on to anyone? Why would naked children playing in the sunshine ever mean anything except innocent joy - to anyone? The commenter who even hinted at the sexualization of children should seek psychological help.

Whatever we label as forbidden - becomes a fetish. We give that hidden, forbidden thing so much power, we must obscure it all the more - it becomes the devil -, and we lock ourselves into battle with it - we must destroy it, mutilate it control it. Eventually, If we can't control it overtly, we must commercialize it. It's just another version of enslavement and control.

I truly hope your readers who rail at your criticisms of Muslim oppression of women - learn to think for themselves, look around at the suffering religion has created for everyone - and at least concede there has to be a more sane way of being in the world than to worship a barbaric projection of an unhealthy ego...

Love, Helsa
aka Liberty

Acharya S said...

Liberty Alvar said...

Hi Acharya S,

I always get really depressed when I read your blog - (because of the commenters who post here)...

I am working on a PhD in Sexology. My views are feminist, yes. Unapologetically so....

Criminy - a rare voice of reason! It gets lonely out here.

I have been out of the grips of religious pathology for so long that I forget how far gone most people are in it. Virtually my entire modus vivendi stems from my observation at any early age that people become vicious and hateful towards each other over RELIGION. To spew venom or actually kill someone over religion is simply evil, period. All those who have spewed all over me for criticizing a clearly enslaving and pathological ideology should truly be ashamed of themselves.

Confessions of an Empath - read it to find out why I do what I do. And quit your hateful commentaries on my persona. They are simply sickening.

Anonymous said...


Do you really think the US is over there to spread democracy. Then I got a bridge I would like to sell you.

Javad said...

there is god but there is also a satan. you say millions have been abused by islam, i refer to those millions as afghans who were attacked by russians but after leaving taliban came to power and fucked the country and the religion so talk burkha talk afghans. alqaeda and osama are part of cia and have direct links to the bush family and both talibans and alqaeda are not MUSLIMS we nearly went to war with taliban before the US invasion, at the time which US was attacking iran gave full support to US forces and what US is doing? its fuckin accusin iran of helpin taliban, wtf??! its not the mullahs who are beating the drums its your government whos wasted 4000 soldiers and millions of lives and still says military option against iran is still on the table. we dont want war but if u do then it will be the end of the western civilization, dont say islam did it, its your government who is responsible for 911 iraq afghanistan and the suffering of people in palestine.

Mriana said...

You mean like inAfganistan and Iraq?
God help them.

Not sure how it can, esp when it is only a human concept. No, only humans can save themselves.

And yes, Iranian leaders do need to be tried for crimes against humanity. Then again, so does the Shrub, who needs to be impeached more than Clinton ever did.

It is my hope someday that patriarchal religions will be abandoned - seen for what they are (a means of enslavement of free women and men) and more respectful ways of living will be taught.

I hope so too, Liberty, but I don't know if it will be in our lifetimes.

The current regime is trying everything they can to start another war in Iran. I dont think your comments or blogs help. They only further thier agenda. As far as being hateful you sure dont demonstrate any shortage of that.

Anon, she's not advocating war, but what she does have to say needs to be brought out in the open or it will continue. Just like child sexual abuse, IF someone doesn't speak up, it will only continue and the victims will suffer in silence. That is wrong too. The only way to stop religious bullcrap is to speak up about it.

Your childish remarks like if their God is great why is their countries such a shit hole is just plain stupid. Its becuse of Imperialism, the CIA, the IMF, the Worlds Bank etc over a period of time.

That answer to what Acharya asked, has nothing to do with a deity. It speaks of the actions of the humans. So obviously the human concept of gods is for not when all the tragedies of the world rest solely on us humans and therefore we are the only ones who can stop it.

Again, this means speaking up about the cruelities of religion because that is what is at the heart of this current Crusade/Jihad. Not keeping silent.

Liberty Alvar said...

re: the last comment by Javad -
Okay, I'm certainly no fan of my government, and I agree with what you say - it's true. It's a lot of rottenness, and I'm ashamed of it all.

Once more, a 'holy book' is exploited to rile the people to war... it's nothing new.

Man's inhumanity to man (and woman) is old old old. Exploitation by religion (and via religion) by warmongers and profiteers is going to happen, as long as there is religion. As long as some holy writ says it's godly to murder people (rewards in heaven and such) slaughter will continue. Humans have created a fecund soil for which the seeds of hate can take root. If there were no background, no environment for these seeds, they would not flourish.
The point is that the environment of hate is structured upon the patriarchal traditions (abrahamic and others). I think you would need to freshen your perspective in order to 'get it'. It's not about who's throwing stones, it's about the reasons stones are even thrown. The elites of the world are playing the devout against each other, and making off with the loot. Patriarchy entails the philospohy of conquest and control. No one can ever live peacefully with religions like that. Especially if you're a woman.

Javad said...

its ok to criticise a religion coz religions have been exploited and changed throughout history, shias like me beleive their 12th imam or leader will rise with the ressurection of jesus and will establish peace in the world, and they say when he comes even muslims will think he's brought a new religion so religions do change in a bad way. but that doesnt mean those that have found the way should deny it and interpret it as a means of misdirection because religion has shown the right way of living to millions of people. the positives of religion is alot more than the negatives thats a fact

Liberty Alvar said...

... what are those 'right ways of living' that religions show us, which, when left to our own devices we do not ordinarily adopt? remember that we are naturally a cooperative species, (to a degree way beyond our earlier hominid ancestors, ala civilisation, which of course began in your neck of the woods, archaeologically speaking) that cooperation and goodwill enhance our chances for survival. and it will now more than ever.

i think sufism, tantra and taoism are the only human-designed religious philosophies/sciences to reach near perfection, and the message of each is moderation, joy, acceptance, cooperation, balance, peace... through freedom.

...peace by its very nature cannot be established by force. i don't know if that is what is implied by your post (i know many see it that way) but inevitably, peace can only happen through FREEDOM.

if any human is not free, there can be no peace. peace is an inner spiritual and psychological condition that must be nurtured by an individual of freewill in a culture that nourishes it.
peace is not something that is established, therefore - it is something that is chosen by free individuals.

if you have never read, or listened to it, you should check out Frederic Bastiat's 'The Law'... google it - i think there are several audiofiles on the net. Its about a 70 page book. Pretty inspiring - written in the 1850's... He explains the virtues of freedom better than I ever could...

Anonymous said...

Some reminders about a particular 'religion', no, CULT, we should NOT be supporting:

Anonymous said...

Here in Canada the cult of 911 is in full swing too. Unfortunately the war on scarorism isnt going so well for CSIS as it is for the CIA.
Lets see if this really is a truth be known blog.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:10,

If arms, legs and hair offend you so much then, why did your "God" create them? Why don't you cut them off and shave the heads of your women? It sounds to me like you'd prefer a SNAKE - they're armless, legless and hairless - problem solved! Go find yourself a snake and make yourself happy. I feel sorry for the snake though.

Also, If you had a legitimate argument, name-calling Acharya a "whore" would not be necessary. It demonstrates the hate - the foundation with which you base your lives. Thanks for exposing that once again for us here.

Prepare to be assimilated!

IMO, it comes down to a free speech issue. And being tolerant of an intolerant religion/ideology that could turn out to get us all killed or at least enslaved. Their goal, as has made clear many, many times publically now is for Islam to dominate the earth. They don't need to convert everyone (or anyone) to Islam - all they need is to enslave people under sharia (Islamic) law. And with the help from Dhimwits they seem to be achieving this. The longer everyone lets this go on the more we risk the enslavement of our grandchildren, children and possibly ourselves to Islamic enslavement.

"Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice"
~ Hirsi Ali

"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil"
~ Thomas Mann

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:10,

If arms, legs and hair offend you so much then, why did your "God" create them? Why don't you cut them off and shave the heads of your women? It sounds to me like you'd prefer a SNAKE - they're armless, legless and hairless - problem solved! Go find yourself a snake and make yourself happy. I feel sorry for the snake though.

Also, If you had a legitimate argument, name-calling Acharya a "whore" would not be necessary. It demonstrates the hate - the foundation with which you base your lives. Thanks for exposing that once again for us here.

Prepare to be assimilated!

The depth of the sickness never ceases to amaze.

Snakes - yes, such hateful, vicious characters seem to be Icke's reptilians!

Proving once more that Islam is a human-hating, anti-woman ideology designed to destroy civilization and enslave people.

I guess "real men" - as in cave men - are defined by how much they can beat up and enslave women. Those men with a soul are apparently "weak, effeminate and sissified." So, does Islam remove men's souls? And do "real men" need young, beautiful boys with pearl earrings in their "heaven?"

...They shall recline on couches ranged in rows. To dark-eyed houris [virgin girls] We shall wed them.... Fruit We shall give them, and such meats as they desire. They will pass from hand to hand a cup inspiring no idle talk, no sinful urge; and there shall wait on them young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls. --Koran, surah 52:13-24

... They shall be served with silver dishes, and beakers as large as goblets; silver goblets which they themselves shall measure: and cups brim-full with ginger-flavoured water from a fount called Salsabil. They shall be attended by boys graced with eternal youth, who to the beholders eyes will seem like sprinkled pearls. When you gave upon that scene, you will behold a kingdom blissful and glorious. --Koran, surah 76:9-20

Are you aware that boy rape is an epidemic in fundamentalist Muslim countries? Is that what makes men less "weak, effeminate and sissified?"

Homosex in Kandahar

15-Year-Old Boy Raped in Dubai

Ahmadinejad Kiss

The Gay Taliban

"The Taliban aren't gay in the true sense of the word however, as adult males do not have sex with each other, but as the video points out, pedophilic relationships are historically common in that area." In other words, boy rape.

I guess that's what real men are up to!

Acharya S said...

Javad -

So once again you have to slip into hatred of me, the individual? I still do not understand why you lump yourself into the BORG mindset and cannot deal with the individual, except that that is precisely what Islam does to people. It makes you a BORG.

I needn't have to point out that I had nothing to do with any of the atrocities you are naming - unless you think I'm omnipotent, which would make me God.

The problems that I am addressing do not emanate from anything but the Muslim world - I have said nothing about 9/11, Iraq or any of the others you name for which I am somehow responsible. Do you see how irrational is your clinging to this Arab cult that invaded and enslaved your Persian people?

I am AGAINST aggression and violence in ANY country, which is why I am objecting to the typical Muslim way of life in Muslim countries - so much brutality and cruelty. You yourself have admitted it, so why do you attack me?

What I am addressing here is the Islamization of Europe, the creeping sharia law, the threats by Muslims themselves to "dominate the world," when the rest of the world does NOT want to be dominated - enslaved - by Islam. The only responsibility I or any of the "little people" have for that pending nightmare is that we have been addicted to oil and have provided billions of petrodollars to the Saudis and others so that they could set up mosques and madrassas worldwide that teach infidel-hatred, female-oppression and how to conquer the world.

Why do you attack me with so much hatred, venom and vile language, when you say nothing about THAT going on? Do you really want to see the world enslaved under Wahhabism? Is that YOUR dream? If so, you yourself have just condemned most of the world's population to death and/or enslavement.

Acharya S said...

Here's what I'm talking about, Javad. And you can see that the same thing happened to your beautiful Persia and its people as well. Honestly, you need to stop defending this cult that has enslaved your culture - you are simply a mouthpiece for these violent and brutal overlords who want to enslave and exploit the rest of humanity.

Indeed, India's history records this fact in the most lurid colours. The mass slaughter of Hindu men and enslavement of Hindu women and children, the destruction of Hindu antiquities and temples (of which the best examples are Somnath, Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura), the brutal efforts to efface Hindu tradition and the rapacious means adopted to expand the frontiers of Islamic rule - Jadunath Sarkar and RC Majumdar have chronicled how Muslim invaders, and later those who sat on the masnad of Delhi, were relentlessly engaged in waging jihad against Hindus - are too well-known to require elaboration.

These atrocities occurred long before the U.S. government existed. I am aware that the U.S. itself was "colonized" in much the same way. I am sorry for that. I cannot, however, commit suicide to atone for the acts of the colonizers centuries ago. Nor do I expect you do to likewise because Muslim enslavers invaded India and slaughtered some 80 million people.

But here's the point: The same thing continues to happen today, with the same overlords, except they've got their sights on the entire globe, and they have the numbers to do some real damage. Why count yourself among those numbers? What does it benefit you? What you've expressed as your Shiite beliefs are BORROWED from someone else, someone who programmed your ancestors with these beliefs. They are not yours - you do not have to carry them. Your Arab-induced desire to see an Arab Mahdi descend upon mankind is in reality a declaration of war against the rest of humanity, because it means that we will all be compelled by violence and force to become Muslims, when WE DO NOT WANT TO.

Here's is the article I quoted above - it is written by an Indian man who has the same concerns I and many millions of others have regarding the Islamization of the globe. Yet this critic has nothing to do with the U.S. or its policies.

Let's worry about Islamofascism

Javad said...

I told you I'm Shia not wahhabi, you know what wahabism says?? kill a shia and you'll be rewarded with heaven, alqaeda is wahhabi.

Arabs are not spending their dollars on Madrasa and Jihadism they buy cars and weapon from your country becaus they dont care they only want to have the weapons to stop the shia and iran influence.
muslim population in Europe is growing coz they have lots of babies.
you refer to news in Afghanistan to prove oppression and terrorism. how many cases of oppression and extremism have we encountered in the western societies?? go find a Muslim neighbor and you'll see all this anti-islam is pure propaganda.

the domination and the new world order which ahmadinejad talks about is something not based on money and power and dominance over human mind but exactly the opposite, a fight and order against the new world order which is evil and based on money and power, something satanic which islam is fully against.

I told you before muslims dont have the POWER to conquer the world.

Anonymous said...

This blog is just part of a larger distraction - like G dubaya saying they hate our freedoms and so on. 911 was run by the CIA no question. CNN poll 85% of Canadians believe the US Gov was involved. You lemmings have no idea what your talking about. There is no such thing as Islamofacism to sart with. You people just parrot whatever youre spoon fed by Fox.

Anonymous said...

mriana said

You've killed thousands of Muslims by establishing and supporting the apartheid state of Israel. You made saddam attack Iran in which a million Muslims died. You've invaded Iraq which resulted in the death of thousands of civilian Muslim Iraqis. You accuse of some Saudis to hijack 4 planes and cause 911 which is the biggest lie of the century, why didn't your superior F35 and F22 shoot down the planes?? why do Nuclear bombs fly over US??

What did Acharya have to do with any of that? Absolutely nothing.

If You an Amercian like her then you have everything to do with it. Without US tax dollars the state of Israel would not exist. Your tax dollars and blind support for a rouge nation like Israel is shameful. The Canadian govt recently put the US and Israel on a torture watch list. Your congress is under the control of fanatical AIPAC lobby. No one gets into congress or the white house unless they prostrate themselves before the alter of AIPAC. This blog is just another part of the propaganda machine.
See link

Anonymous said...

Some good examples of how stupid people in the West are. Why I am not suprised to hear so much ignorant rhetoric from such a dumbed down nation of imbred cretans. Po married his sister be she done fect me none.

Very entertaining just like this blog!

Anonymous said...

Hey Acharya maybe next time you could fill in for the guy behind the counter.

Anonymous said...

My god, Acharya! It looks like you've got every psycho and idiot on the planet posting to your blog!

Where do these idiots come from, with their stupid and ignorant spew?

Their comments are SOOOO stupid, I don't even know where to start.

Hey, I got news for you idiots - Islam's been terrorizing people around the world for centuries longer than the U.S. government even existed, just like Acharya's already said.

No one needs to watch FAUX news to know that, but the idiots would think that, because I guess that's where THEY get THEIR news from.

Freaking idiots - they don't even know how the United States is run, but they pretend to know all about it. Hey, idiots - Acharya's not in charge of the U.S. We're not even sure our votes count here. A lot people work all the time to change the U.S. government. And these American people come from EVERY race, EVERY religion and just about every country, IDIOTS!

And here's the difference - people in the U.S. can actually disagree with their government! Shocking! They can criticize it all the time! They can write against it - all this without being hung or stoned or beaten. They can be a member of any religion they want - shocking! They can NOT be a member of any religion, and they don't have to worry about being killed if they leave. Oh, EXCEPT IN ISLAM - even in the U.S. not everybody can get away from the IDIOTS who kill you for leaving Islam.

So, wake up, you idiots. Acharya's not the problem. The U.S. is not the problem. The problem is ISLAM, the biggest enslavement on the planet.

Anonymous said...

What happens when the whole world becomes Muslim. There wont be anyone left to enslave. I guess you will have to find a new hobby.

Anonymous said...

Just more of insanity we here everyday. Israel to have drills for a nuclear attack when they are the only one that have them?????

Of course this is par for the course when we hear from US politicians that they should use nukes to prevent Iran from getting nukes. USE NUKES TO PREVENT THEM FROM GETTING NUKES. These people are certifiably insane. But hey its all part of the madness called spreading democracy.

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Hey Acharya maybe next time you could fill in for the guy behind the counter.

I'm sorry, but insulting me will not cause me to like Islam or to submit to Allah. On the contrary, it will cause me to continue NOT to like Islam. So far, Muslim apologists have been rude and insulting, with all manner of hateful and derogatory speech - just as we might expect.

As concerns the foolish epithet of "Islamophobia," there's a new term that is more intelligent: "Islamomisia." "Phobia" means "fear." If we were "afraid," we wouldn't be out here risking our necks from Islamofascists and their dhimmi pets who constantly insult and attempt to intimidate.

As concerns "Islamophobia," a smart Indian critic of Islam, Kanchan Gupta, recently wrote the following. Note that he is an INDIAN man who is concerned for his own country and is not an AMERICAN, so all of the frantic fingerpointing and insulting to distract us to the U.S. government, etc., ad nauseam, will not apply to him.

Let's worry about Islamofascism

Yes, there will be strident criticism and staunch opposition to any attempt to expose Islamofascism for what it is. And the most strident criticism and the staunchest opposition will not come from the OIC and the mullahs of Darul Uloom, Deoband, but from those who wilfully ignore facts to foist fiction which encourages bigoted hate mongers to typecast those who are appalled by Islamofascism as Islamophobes. The protest will primarily come from two quarters:

# The Lib-Left intelligentsia, which continues to labour under the self-perpetuating myth that all of Islam is a religion of peace and only an insignificant, fringe minority is to be blamed for distorting the great faith that was born in the sterile sands of Arabia; and,

# The so-called moderate Muslims who till now have skilfully used doublespeak to position themselves as representatives of the ummah, more so in liberal democracies. Their status is now seriously threatened by those who have no hesitation in acknowledging the true nature of Islam both as a faith and a weapon of subjugation.

Those who believe in liberty and freedom of thought need not fear either. Being charged with Islamophobia is a small price to pay for securing our future.

Hear, hear!

Mriana said...

And here's the difference - people in the U.S. can actually disagree with their government! Shocking! They can criticize it all the time! They can write against it - all this without being hung or stoned or beaten. They can be a member of any religion they want - shocking!

Damn straight! Therefore, I can call our current president "the Shrub" and his VP "Dick" and I don't actually mean his nickname. I can even call the Shrub an idiot and a religious extremist, which he is. His little war isn't just about oil, but rather his and his cronies (some of them Rapturists) Crusade to bring about this myth of Ima-geddon out of here. They are all superstitious idiots almost as bad as Islamic extremists. The man is crazy and I didn't vote for him, but at least he doesn't attempt to insist I have to wear a gunny sack or threaten to stone me or anyone else at noon because of what I, or even Barbra Streisand- a very outspoken woman, say(s) about him.

Thank the forefathers of this nation for the 1st Amendment, which includes freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Nope, there was no god that had anything to do with it. It is a purely godless constitution that has survived over 200 years. Our forefathers be praised. :D They were thinking intelligent men. We don't need no stinkin' religion with a mythical deity to run our government. Creators of the Constitution be praised. :D Humans can do so many things and can become heros in their own right. BTW, most of them were Deists, but they excluded any gods from our government because they are not needed and should be kept out of government.

Mriana said...

So far, Muslim apologists have been rude and insulting, with all manner of hateful and derogatory speech - just as we might expect.

Well, short of stooping to what my younger son said, I think it is fair game to say their god is a human concept, a fictional character just as Jesus and YWHW are, and nothing more. They need to know the truth about it being a moon deity or whatever.

their dhimmi pets

I wouldn't call them pets. It's too much of a compliment. My cats are more educated than that and dogs are much more intelligent. Such a shame that Bast doesn't exist, because I think he would be one very ticked off deity. Sirus, Anansi, that Hindu monkey deity, and all the other fun fictious animal deities would help him too, I'm sure. It would be just like that Hindu story called Devi-Mahatmya. :D

Yes, yes, I know. I have a vivid imagination, but ain't it great?

Anonymous said...

mriana siad

Nope, there was no god that had anything to do with it. It is a purely godless constitution that has survived over 200 years.


The founding fathers were in many ways quite religious; they only wanted it to be separate from the state. Jefferson for instance re-wrote his own version of the bible and purchased the first Koran that was printed in English, which is now in the Library of congress. Your knowledge of your own history is about as accurate as it is of Islamic world. And I’m Canadian.Do your self a favour and stop listening to ranting and ravings of A.S and think for yourself.

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

More of the benevolent American government that you and Achayra seem to exalt. Iran isn’t the only dictatorial regime. But they make women wear scarves! oh no.,0,1085417.story

Do Muslim apologists ever do anything besides insult and raise straw men and logical fallacies to distract us from the real issues at hand?

No one here has been supportive of the current U.S. government. I've repeatedly disassociated myself with Bush & Co., but in your haste to demonize ME and to exalt a heinous ideology that has led to the deaths and suffering of millions worldwide, you continually raise this straw man to attack.

Unlike me, since I criticize EVERY fascist ideology on the planet that causes suffering, you evade the issue, do not admit anything and generally act like uncivilized boors. How about for once just copping to the CRAP that is being pointed out here? Javad started to behave civilly, then he began to rant again with all sorts of swearing and hateful remarks. Other than his brief moment of clarity, the apologists here have behaved badly indeed - again, precisely as we expected.

Besides that, while I do not condone the actions of Bush & Co. vis-a-vis Iran - READ THAT CAREFULLY AND DO NOT RAISE ANOTHER STRAW MAN - do you know anything at all about Iran? You think they're just "making women wear scarves?" Iran treats its citizens - and its women - FAR WORSE than that. They are beaten, stoned, hung, gang raped, etc., ad nauseam. Teenagers hung for being gay? Women stoned on charges of adultery? These are acts of BARBARIANS. The people in Iran live in constant fear of their government. The people are depressed and oppressed.

Now, I know, you will next engage in tu quoque fingerpointing elsewhere, since that is the modus operandi of the Muslim apologist - never cop to anything bad, just point your finger elsewhere.

I know, I know - Just shriek, "It's the Jews, you Zionist Pig!!!!!"

All these Muslims who are behaving badly and giving Islam a bad name are Jews and Zionists pigs, apparently! And how clever they are to have behaved badly for centuries before there was any real movement called "Zionism." They must have anticipated the Zionists so they could act like them and give Muslims a bad name. The mullahs of Iran, the Taliban, the Wahhabis, etc. - all ZIONISTS!

Islam is a Zionist Plot!

I grow weary.

Here are the facts: The Muslim world is a mess. The people are terrorized into being Muslims. The women are oppressed. The children are oppressed. And by extension the men are oppressed. The Jews are not responsible for the past 1,400 years of Islamic oppression. The Americans are not responsible for the past 1,400 years of Islamic oppression. The Arabs are responsible for creating and compelling Islam through force upon a large segment of the population.

Mriana said...

More of the benevolent American government that you and Achayra seem to exalt.

Now you are putting words in our mouths for sure. I never once said the Shrub was benevolent. I didn't say our forefather's were benevolent either. I said they were intelligent thinking men. In fact, Ben Franklin was quite the ladies man. FDR killed the buffalo in order to starve out the Native Americans. Thomas Jefferson, who had slaves, said he wanted to free the slaves, but supposedly didn't know how.

The list goes on and on concerning mistakes they made. None were perfect, but what they did do right, they did it in a way that lasted over 200 years and that was our Constitution. Unfortunately, the Shrub has been known to use it as toilet paper and I just hope, whoever our next pres is, they and those who work with him/her can undo the damage.

In fact, I think the Shrub is the worst president we've ever had and not once have a complimented him in this blog. Benevolent? HA! Only those who created our Constitution did something good for this country that has last over 2 centuries and that document was it. It's not the people, but the document that I truly appreciate. However, I am grateful to our founding fathers who had the sense and intelligence as a group to construct it. Individually, they might have erred, but as a group, they were supurb.

Burn our flag if you want, but don't even touch our Constitution and the rights therein.

Mriana said...

mriana siad

Nope, there was no god that had anything to do with it. It is a purely godless constitution that has survived over 200 years.


The founding fathers were in many ways quite religious; they only wanted it to be separate from the state. Jefferson for instance re-wrote his own version of the bible and purchased the first Koran that was printed in English, which is now in the Library of congress. Your knowledge of your own history is about as accurate as it is of Islamic world. And I’m Canadian.Do your self a favour and stop listening to ranting and ravings of A.S and think for yourself.

No, I am right. The Constititution IS a godless document. Jefferson was a deist as were most of the others. I never once said they weren't religious. However, since the Constitution IS and always has been a godless document, there was no deity that had anything to do with it. Again, I did not make mention of their individual beliefs except to say most were deists, just the Constitution. I'm afraid you misunderstood and probably anxious to find fault.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

mriana siad

Nope, there was no god that had anything to do with it. It is a purely godless constitution that has survived over 200 years.


The founding fathers were in many ways quite religious; they only wanted it to be separate from the state. Jefferson for instance re-wrote his own version of the bible and purchased the first Koran that was printed in English, which is now in the Library of congress. Your knowledge of your own history is about as accurate as it is of Islamic world. And I’m Canadian.Do your self a favour and stop listening to ranting and ravings of A.S and think for yourself."

What a freaking buffoon! Mriana's right, and you're wrong. The U.S. Constitution has nothing to do with God, Kanuck bonehead. But you don't even know what's in it, do you?

Jefferson HATED Islam, fool. You don't even know about the Barbary Pirates, but you're pretending to be smarter than Miriana?

And the American Founding Fathers were barely religious at all - that's all Christian propaganda you're buying into.

And please show us where A.S. is "raving?" It's the Muslim apologists who are RAVING, while she's perfectly cool. Are you BLIND? Don't answer that, I already know the answer.

Oh, and it's quite clear that Mriana's one of the only people around who CAN think for herself.

I say again, Acharya - argggghh! How can you stand these IDIOTS?

Mriana said...

Oh, and it's quite clear that Mriana's one of the only people around who CAN think for herself.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

mriana siad

Nope, there was no god that had anything to do with it. It is a purely godless constitution that has survived over 200 years.


The founding fathers were in many ways quite religious; they only wanted it to be separate from the state. Jefferson for instance re-wrote his own version of the bible and purchased the first Koran that was printed in English, which is now in the Library of congress. Your knowledge of your own history is about as accurate as it is of Islamic world. And I’m Canadian.Do your self a favour and stop listening to ranting and ravings of A.S and think for yourself."

What a freaking buffoon! Mriana's right, and you're wrong. The U.S. Constitution has nothing to do with God, Kanuck bonehead. But you don't even know what's in it, do you?

Jefferson HATED Islam, fool. You don't even know about the Barbary Pirates, but you're pretending to be smarter than Miriana?

And the American Founding Fathers were barely religious at all - that's all Christian propaganda you're buying into.

And please show us where A.S. is "raving?" It's the Muslim apologists who are RAVING, while she's perfectly cool. Are you BLIND? Don't answer that, I already know the answer.

Oh, and it's quite clear that Mriana's one of the only people around who CAN think for herself.

I say again, Acharya - argggghh! How can you stand these IDIOTS?


The record is quite clear about the founding fathers religious convictions. To them the constitution was the embodiment of religious ideals put into action.
They likened themselves to the ancient Israelites crossing the Jordan and so forth.

Stop sleeping with your sisters down there its affecting your judgement.

Mriana said...

The record is quite clear about the founding fathers religious convictions. To them the constitution was the embodiment of religious ideals put into action.
They likened themselves to the ancient Israelites crossing the Jordan and so forth.

Again, the Constitution is a godless document. God has nothing to do with it and God never did have a thing to do with it. You seem to read too much into that statement.

As for the founding fathers, many were indeed deists, but they did not view the document they created as a deity or a religion.

Please do educate yourself on one of our presidents: Clay Jenkins has a vast amount of knowledge and research one early American History as well as Jefferson. It wouldn't hurt you to get an American History book either, esp on the founding fathers, because obviously you don't know much about them. Also, get your head out of your priest's or Iman's robe and educate yourself for real.

Mriana said...

Whoops! I think I just addressed the wrong person on the last comment. Sorry. All these anonymous people in my inbox, it starts to get confusing after a while. :(

Anonymous said...

Acharya said

Most of my arguments are NOT about Iran. Most of them are about Saudi Arabia exporting Wahhabism into Europe, as well as the enslavement of women in Afghanistan, along with the female genital mutilation done in the name of Islam in Somalia, etc., ad nauseam.

There are plenty of other non Muslim countries with horrendous human rights violations. But of course that doesn’t fit into the Zionist agenda. But Oh no they make them wear scarves. Were all doomed.

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

ALL of my arguments are about Iran? No, that's completely false, so THAT's a straw man. Geesh, do you even know what a straw man is?

Thats funny you seem to talk about Iran all the time. How about Turkey.
Should they be nuked too.

Again, that's FALSE. Instead of falsely presenting yourself as an expert on my work and then attacking me, perhaps you should actually read my work. I have written more about the other parts of the world than I have about Iran. And I have spent decades critiquing Christianity, as well as Judaism, as fascistic ideologies that have wreaked havoc upon the planet as well.

And, again, as I've stated here repeatedly - but detractors rarely bother to check their facts before they sling around vitriol - no one here is advocating nuking anyone.

Turkey? The secular movement in Turkey is not dead - and there are scholars there trying to reform Islam. They should be lauded, not nuked. Are YOU advocating nuking Turkey? Why, because unlike you, apparently, they honestly know that Islam must be reformed?

As I say, I grow weary. I will not be passing through any more straw man arguments raised purely to mock and attack me. You don't know me or my work, and you are defending the indefensible.

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

What happens when the whole world becomes Muslim. There wont be anyone left to enslave. I guess you will have to find a new hobby.

Thank you for precisely proving my point in a multitude of ways.

I rest my case about Islam dominating the world - and it being ENSLAVEMENT.

My "hobby" is to help the billions of people around the globe who do not want to be forced to become Muslims or dhimmis. Why is that so hard to understand? Those of you who are rabidly defending Islam and its right to dominate the world are committing PSYCHOLOGICAL TERRORISM against the rest of us. Get it?

Or are you gleeful at the thought of enslaving other human beings against their will? If so, again, I rest my case about that Islam is an anti-human, woman-hating fascistic ideology. Rubbing my face in it is not going to make me change my mind - or discontinue my "hobby."

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Acharya said

Most of my arguments are NOT about Iran. Most of them are about Saudi Arabia exporting Wahhabism into Europe, as well as the enslavement of women in Afghanistan, along with the female genital mutilation done in the name of Islam in Somalia, etc., ad nauseam.

There are plenty of other non Muslim countries with horrendous human rights violations. But of course that doesn’t fit into the Zionist agenda. But Oh no they make them wear scarves. Were all doomed.

More tu quoque and straw man arguments. The hideous things I discuss are NOT about "wearing head scarves." That's a straw man. (BTW, the subject of this original post was BURKHAS, which ARE a serious offense, not hijabs, which are not as offensive. I didn't create the video; otherwise, I would not have written "hijab" at the very end.)

And we're not talking about other subjects - that's a tu quoque, finger-pointing-elsewhere argument.

We are well aware of all the human rights abuse everywhere they are publicized - and I am personally sickened by ALL of them. That doesn't let the Muslim world and Islam off the hook, but Muslim apologists constantly think that it does. They come off as ROBOTS, frankly, who can't think for themselves.

What you have done, however, is to admit that we are talking about human rights abuses. At last, some honest acknowledgement! So it isn't about "head scarves," is it?

Javad said...

so your not against the head scarves, but against the burkha? I'm aslo against it and Quran doesn't say you should protect your face. I also accept in some Islamic cultures but not all of them women are suppressed but your relating this issue to the RELIGION of islam and u conclude Islam is a threat and we should wage a war against it which of course your government has already started. read your comments, your not only attacking oppression of women your attacking ISLAM as a whole.

Acharya S said...

Javad said...

so your not against the head scarves, but against the burkha? I'm aslo against it and Quran doesn't say you should protect your face. I also accept in some Islamic cultures but not all of them women are suppressed but your relating this issue to the RELIGION of islam and u conclude Islam is a threat and we should wage a war against it which of course your government has already started. read your comments, your not only attacking oppression of women your attacking ISLAM as a whole.

I didn't say I wasn't against the hijab. I said it's not as offensive. I'm also not crazy about the nun's habit - I wouldn't wear one, but it too is not as offensive as the burkha. No piece of clothing is as offensive as the burkha.

If a woman wants to wear a scarf of her own free will, that's fine - I would wear a hat in the winter time. If I were bald or uncomfortable with my hair, I would possibly wear a scarf. My mother had chemo and lost all her hair before she died. She wore a scarf. That was her choice.

But to be told that your hair is too sexy for God and that he wants you to cover it - because some crazy child-rapist in the desert during the seventh century said so - well, that's just a plain lie, and I find that extremely offensive.

And, yes, there is no doubt that I am against Islam as a whole, because it is not only false, it is insidious. You are brainwashed by a cult out of the desert created by a madman who murdered and raped many people - why do you follow such an abysmal character? My soul would never allow me to believe that such a horrible person had anything to do with "God."

I do not believe for one moment that the Koran is "God's Word." On the contrary, it's a wretched book written by MEN for their nefarious purposes. They took some ranting from the Old Testament, and some concepts from the New Testament as well as some apocryphal Christian texts, and combined these with with Pagan Arab writings and - voila! - there's the Koran.

Nor do I believe that any god needs people to pray five times a day - an absurd idea. If God is all-knowing, "he" (a sexist notion) already knows what you need. "He" doesn't need you to pray at all. So, that's false, and I am not interested in being compelled like a robot against my will to pray five times a day, to cover my hair or to do any of the other cockamamie rituals associated with Islam. OR ANY OTHER RELIGION FOR THAT MATTER, AS I'VE MADE VERY CLEAR OVER THE PAST DECADE+ I'VE BEEN ONLINE.

You can free yourself from this cult that has been imposed upon you against your will.

Indeed, I find your Shiite beliefs to be dangerous, because you are insisting that some Arab guy - the 12th imam - is going to "return" to earth and enslave all of mankind under Islam. I AM NOT INTERESTED IN BEING ENSLAVED BY ISLAM. Not by a supernatural imam or by anyone else. Along with the Christian belief of Jesus's "return," this very dangerous belief of yours - which is a declaration of war against those of us who do not want to be Muslim - is setting up WWIII more than anything the dhimmi U.S. government could possibly do. Who do you think will be fighting Armageddon, which IS being created by the RELIGIOUS FANATICS of the planet? The Christian soldiers will be fighting the Muslim soldiers. Some may say that this End Times scenario is being played out right now, on a smaller scale, but will escalate into all-out warfare. In fact, it is likely inevitable. Why? BECAUSE PEOPLE WILL NOT STOP BELIEVING IN THESE FALSE RELIGIONS AND WILL CONTINUE TO KILL EACH OTHER IN THEIR NAMES. You will fall right in line with what your "leaders" (enslavers) are dictating you do, in the name of Allah. And the Christians will do likewise in the name of Jesus. IT'S GOT TO STOP. Since these religions are FALSE, it can stop right now by people dropping these FALSE RELIGIONS. Do NOT fight your fellow human being in the name of Allah, Jesus, Yahweh, God, G-d or any other bogeyman in the sky. JUST DON'T DO IT. No good god wants you to spill the blood of another human being in his name.

By the way, "my" government it ain't, and those people are not really against Islam at all. Do you have any inkling about the shenanigans Muslims fanatics have been pulling INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE? Do you have any clue that we have a Muslim-born candidate for president who was apparently VERY active within Islam for several years?

Islamic Celebration in the White House
Bush with CAIR
Bush with Saudi Buddies
Bush Consorts with Hamas/Hizbollah Terrorists
Obama's a Muslim?

But, heck, we already know that Islam is a Zionist plot and that Obama's candidacy is another Zionist plot to destroy and enslave the world under the most heinous form of fascism known to mankind - the very enslavement of the soul.

Javad said...

a madman who murdered and raped many people---> I'd be happy to see some kind of proof or even a story which says Mohammed is was a rapist and a murderer. Ok your saying I'm brainwashed and my eyes aren't open to the truth, please tell me the TRUTH based on FACTS.

Look, Quran has more than 6000 verses and you pick 16 verses which you don't like and dont agree with. Each and every of these verses have verses before or after them so before concluding you have to read the whole thing not only the handpicked ones.

god doesn't need our prayers. the universal laws to success are to ask for the thing you want, have gratitude for the things you have and believe in it and work hard to get it and the universe will give it to you. In our prayer or as we call it Namaz we ask god, we thank god and get strength from god. god has no need for our prayers its us who needs the prayer.

Mriana said...

I can do you one better, Javad. I don't like The Woman because the whole chapter is degrading to women. The Cow is full of violence, prejudice, and hatred. The Cattle is full of the same crap. The Table Spread is just plain wrong, self-depreciating, and hateful, not to mention, Allah was NEVER the son of Mary. Mary was NEVER the sister of Aaron nor was she ever barren since she was suppose to be a young woman. Not to mention it screws up and older text BIG time, because it was Jesus who cursed the fig tree and Maria (which is a riot to read due to it's inaneness) did NOT complain about labour PAINS to a palm tree. So the chapter on Mary is just plain screwed up and even sillier than that chapter then the much older text called the New Testament. Not only that, but towards the end of Mary, it once again becomes hateful and arrogant. Spoils of War is superstitious mumbo jumbo that perpetuates violence.

There are 114 chapters. Do you get the idea of what I think of the insane book? Or do you need more? Or do you need me to nail down every single thing about the chapters I mentioned that I don't like even further?

Whatever the case, it turns every other past myth on it's ear and throws in all sorts of violence and hatred. Your god is NOT the Abrahamic deity, but rather some other menecing deity, probably Shiva or similar deity. Whatever the case, the man (AKA Mahammad) who made this deity up was deranged, probably why he has 'mad' at the end of his name. His concept of yet another ficticious deity was warped, sick, dispictable, and disgusting. I'm so glad I don't know that deity and from what he made up and wrote about, I don't want to know it. Too demeaning and cruel for me. No, I'll take a love god and compassion god any day. I'm just sorry so many people think the god in the Quran is so great, when it is actually horrible and something horror movies are made of, not only that, it is far far worse then the one in the Bible.

Acharya S said...

Javad said...

a madman who murdered and raped many people---> I'd be happy to see some kind of proof or even a story which says Mohammed is was a rapist and a murderer. Ok your saying I'm brainwashed and my eyes aren't open to the truth, please tell me the TRUTH based on FACTS.

Look, Quran has more than 6000 verses and you pick 16 verses which you don't like and dont agree with. Each and every of these verses have verses before or after them so before concluding you have to read the whole thing not only the handpicked ones.

god doesn't need our prayers. the universal laws to success are to ask for the thing you want, have gratitude for the things you have and believe in it and work hard to get it and the universe will give it to you. In our prayer or as we call it Namaz we ask god, we thank god and get strength from god. god has no need for our prayers its us who needs the prayer.

Javad, I appreciate the opportunity to air these issues with you.

I don't need to pray. No one should be compelled to pray. No god asked Muhammad to tell us that we needed to pray five times a day. In fact, no god asked Muhammad anything. I could just as easily say that God is speaking to me and saying that Muhammad was completely wrong and that Islam is false. It is absolutely arbitrary. And first you need to prove that such a talking god exists at all.

What is God?

I absolutely reject that the character called "Allah" in the Koran - and I've read all of the Koran several times - is the God of the cosmos. That claim is false, period. No god can be described or contained in any book. (BTW, my essay above is not and cannot ever be the "absolute truth" - it is merely poetry and a reflection of my own experience. No one should be compelled to either read or believe it.) If they are curious, every person on Earth should be given an opportunity to explore with their own minds whether or not a god exists and what is the nature of that existence. The character in the Jewish and Christian scriptures is likewise not the God of the cosmos. All of these "gods" are mere reflections of the psyches that perceived them and wrote them down. "Allah" is a tribal moon god derived through the mind of a violent madman.

You surely know the stories about Muhammad wantonly murdering anyone who got in his way? Don't they teach you about those parts of his life, since he's supposedly "the prophet of God" whom Muslims must consider "the perfect man" and must slavishly follow? I absolutely reject that Muhammad is "the prophet of God." On the contrary, from the stories of his alleged life, he is a vile criminal who murdered and raped many people.

Muhammad: A Rapist
Muhammad: Child Rapist
More Muhammad, the "Pedophile"

I'm thinking that, perhaps like Christians, the rank-and-file Muslim is being kept in the dark about the true history of Islam.

Here's a London imam justifying his intent to rape a non-Muslim woman:

N.W.: "But did prophet approve of killing them and raping their wives?"

Imam: "Yes he did. He not only approved of such acts, he and his sahabas practiced it regularly under Allah's orders. He was helpless in it... If you don't believe me, you have to believe sahih hadiths. I will quote you two hadiths about his typical day after a raid. These hadiths are about the raid on jewish village Khaibar whose chief was Kinana who had gorgeous 17 year old wife Safia. Prophet tortured and beheaded Kinana in front of Safia and raped her all night afterwards.

* Sahih Bukhari, volume 5, Book 59, Number 512: Narrated Anas: Then the inhabitants of Khaibar came out running on the roads. The Prophet had their men killed, their offspring and woman taken as captives. Safiya was amongst the captives, She first came in the share of Dahya Alkali but later on she belonged to the Prophet (prophet took her away from him after giving Dahya two women and five men in exchange for Safia, Ref. Sahih Muslim 8:3328).

* Sirat e Rasulullah, Ibn Hisham, page 766 "Safiyah was captured in the Khaibar raid and was claimed by the apostle as his share of booty. She was then seventeen. She was groomed and made-up for the Prophet by Umm Sulaim, the mother of Anas ibn Malik. They spent the night there. In the early dawn, the Prophet suspected some movement near the tent). He went out to enquire and saw Abu Ayyub. He asked him what he was doing near his tent. He replied: "I was afraid for you with this young lady. You had killed her father, her husband and many of her relatives, and till recently she was an unbeliever. I was really afraid for you on her account and was guarding you." The Prophet prayed for Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (Ibn Hisham, p. 766)

London Imam Committed for Rape

You'll notice Muhammad is depicted as gleefully murdering and/or ordering the murders of other human beings.

There is much more:

The Truth About Muhammad

This work by Islam scholar Robert Spencer relies on the original texts themselves in describing Muhammad.

Mriana said...

What is God?

In reference to your article, Acharya, I sort of like the Gnostic one, except I wouldn't even call IT "Mother" since IT has no gender. However, I think I have described it before as having no form or sex, it just is. It is something even a child can feel if they are receptive to it. I did as a child, at least, and it is in all of us, everything, even in the universe- but I would not call it Bramha either. MAYBE Ground of All Being, but that is taking it a bit too far.

My mother for years tried to convince that was the Holy Spirit I was "feeling", but somehow I never did buy that. The thing is, one doesn't need any religious text for such a "deity". Not to sound like Don Cupitt, but all one needs is love and compassion.

Anonymous said...

Acharya, you go, girl!

Keep your courage, you're ABSOLUTELY right. Thanks for speaking up.

Keep a sense of humor too - like that other sites.

The islamics are up in arms, and esp., about the Wilders film, because the islamics can't operate any longer UNDER the radar - they're being exposed, and they're hot as chili peppers.

The way to fight back to to mock them - they can't take that!

Allat- Heretic, Pagan/Polytheist Wild, Amazon

Anonymous said...

mriana saiad

Now here's what I see as a problem- Muslims have taken over the U.N.

Are you for real. Everyone knows the UN is just a puppet show for Anglo/American interests. How do they control the council when the elite member states have a monoply to veto as they please.

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Acharya said

Most of my arguments are NOT about Iran. Most of them are about Saudi Arabia exporting Wahhabism into Europe, as well as the enslavement of women in Afghanistan, along with the female genital mutilation done in the name of Islam in Somalia, etc., ad nauseam.

Sure is quite a coincidence that you’re focus on human rights abuses is mostly about Iran when the US is pushing for another bogus invasion. Of course it will sold by saying that were saving them from themselves and spreading rose petals and democracy. Ya sure.

Actually, that's false, but I have no interest in explaining myself to you. The only "coincidence" is that when I blogged about Islam a couple of weeks ago, a Persian friend whom I've known for many years responded with remarks about his homeland of Iran. He is very disgusted and distressed about what is happening there, with his friends and relatives being imprisoned and enslaved by this cult. I subsequently brought the subject up, because that's what I do - much to my own risk from rabid fanatics who do not care about anything but their human-hating fanaticism.

Your suspicious mind is not only unbecoming, but it reflects part of the problem. You are not concerned with any of the abuses that are going on in the Muslim world - only about me discussing them.

I have no interest in continuing this discussion, if all you can offer is a suspicious mind with insidious conclusions as to my intentions and motives. I will not be putting through any more such suspicious-minded and derogatory messages.

Mriana said...

mriana saiad

Now here's what I see as a problem- Muslims have taken over the U.N.

Are you for real. Everyone knows the UN is just a puppet show for Anglo/American interests. How do they control the council when the elite member states have a monoply to veto as they please.

Yes I'm serious. See: This is the video where the U.N. was "ambushed" by Islam: And it is now take over with the Cairo Declaration: In essense Islam does have intentions of taking over the world, not just the Islamization of Europe.

Anonymous said...

Heres an idea why dont you just shut your blog down. No one is intrested in listening to your CIA inspired agenda. Attack the polilcies of the government not personal beliefs of billions of people. Your government openly tortures people, at least the Iranians are ashamed enough to try and hide it. By the way you dont speak for the many muslim women who freely choose to practice their faith as they see fit. Be my guest to preach to these idiots that read your blog but dont bother to pontificate to the rest of the world how they should seek the divine. Keep your new age crack pot tree worshipping nonsense to yourself.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymasshole said...

Heres an idea why dont you just shut your blog down. No one is intrested in listening to your CIA inspired agenda. Attack the polilcies of the government not personal beliefs of billions of people. Your government openly tortures people, at least the Iranians are ashamed enough to try and hide it. By the way you dont speak for the many muslim women who freely choose to practice their faith as they see fit. Be my guest to preach to these idiots that read your blog but dont bother to pontificate to the rest of the world how they should seek the divine. Keep your new age crack pot tree worshipping nonsense to yourself."

And why don't YOU just shut the fuck up? Its assholes like you who are destroying the world. Its the STUPID beliefs of billions of ASSHOLES like you that need to be destroyed, because it's those beliefs that are causing all the trouble all over the planet, you fucking idiot.

Yeah right - the muslim SLAVE women are free to practice their religion. How fucking stupid. Most people can't leave I-slime at all without being threatened with death.

Why don't you keep YOUR nasty woman-hating shithole beliefs to YOURSELF?

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your courage. Be strong. It's hair-raising, shocking and tragic, but you're NOT alone.

You're among Heroines,

and the Hero:

Pat Condell

You're among a long list of islam resisters and the list is growing.

There is a long list of links of resisters of islam, also.

The Savage, Brutal Horde is furious and desperate because they're losing.

Lady, this is the time to circle the wagons. Keep your cool and your sense of humor.

And you must know that it's people like you, spreading the TRUTH, that gives the rest of us hope.

Keep strong!

Allat - Pagan Heretic Blasphemer - Against islam- Wild Amazon

Acharya S said...

Thank you.

I have absolutely no doubt in mind that a large number of Muslims believe that they will be conquering the globe, with a significant percentage of the rank-and-file Muslims averring that Islam will "dominate the world."

One of the best and most concise articles on this mindset appears below:

Jihad Means Offensive War to Spread Islam

Whether or not we believe Osama bin Laden to be a fictionalized character utilized as a tool by the multinationalists, the unfortunate fact will remain that his words are used to rally a vast army of soldiers bred for one purpose: To conquer the world in the name of Islam. That is the stated goal of Islam, found in the Koran and repeated endlessly in mosques and madrasses worldwide. It is irrational and illogical to suppose that such a mantra repeated over and over again has no effect on the psyches of the millions who are being brainwashed with it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymouse said: If You an Amercian like her then you have everything to do with it. Without US tax dollars the state of Israel would not exist. Your tax dollars and blind support for a rouge nation like Israel is shameful. The Canadian govt recently put the US and Israel on a torture watch list. Your congress is under the control of fanatical AIPAC lobby. No one gets into congress or the white house unless they prostrate themselves before the alter of AIPAC. This blog is just another part of the propaganda machine.
See link

I don't know where you get the idea that Canada is not a contributor to the Zionist 'state' of Israel. You make it sound like Canada and Canadians are on some kind of high moral ground here compared with the U.S. and it's taxpaying citizens. You don't seem to know a whole lot of Canadian history and politics. If you are Canadian, you are just as responsible. You are peicemeal picking parts of the big picture to satiate your big ego. (I am Canadian by birth, but I am not owned by some notion of Canadianism).

So flush your attitude down the toilet and try to learn something just about plain right, wrong, genuine humanitarianism and political history from a global perspective. All countries and their peoples are tools under the spell of BORG Central doing it's dirty deeds. Just be sure you aren't one of them in aiding/abetting their introduction of Islam in any form and any other BORG belief system.

Just remember, you become a propogandist yourself, when you present an ounce of truth in gallons of hogwash, as if it were an arguement for Islam vs. Zion when they are tentacles of the same BORG apparatus, wether from the religious or political aspect and most certainly both (at least on the surface).

Yours truly;

Acharya S said...

skullnboner said...


Of course, I know that you know that 90% of Jews are not Semites and that 90% of Semites are Arabs - so what exactly are you saying here?


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This blog is just part of a larger distraction - like G dubaya saying they hate our freedoms and so on. 911 was run by the CIA no question. CNN poll 85% of Canadians believe the US Gov was involved. You lemmings have no idea what your talking about. There is no such thing as Islamofacism to sart with. You people just parrot whatever youre spoon fed by Fox.

Another cocky attitude! I know very well who Eric Margolis is and I have great respect for his vast knowledge and integrity in most matters. He and I woud differ greatly concerning the 'Hollowcaust' about which he still adheres to, though he is quite honest about other matters concerning Jewish history. However, he is indulging in semantics concerning the definition of Fascism. All you really need to know is that it is a philosophical system that demands the submergence of the individual to the State or any other institution such as a religious theocracy. In that sense, Islam is a fascist system.

He is quite right though, about the abuse of the term by 'Neo-cons' (Let's not pretend we don't know what that means) by repetitive usage in their political agenda. Anyone who has a sense of Acharya's viewpoint knows full well that when she uses this term, she is not allying herself with 'Neo-con' fascists. A fascist is totalitarian, irregardless of the appearance of the garments...Corporate, Statist, Ethno-Racist, Cultural or Religious etc. Islam falls into the religious category and it's undercurrent is as ethno-racistic, Supremacist and anti-human as the Talmudic-Zionist doctrine of the Judaists.

So please resist being a lemming yourself by opting to boastful slurs and indulging in worthless diversions of semantics.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Anonymous said...

mriana siad

Nope, there was no god that had anything to do with it. It is a purely godless constitution that has survived over 200 years.


The founding fathers were in many ways quite religious; they only wanted it to be separate from the state. Jefferson for instance re-wrote his own version of the bible and purchased the first Koran that was printed in English, which is now in the Library of congress. Your knowledge of your own history is about as accurate as it is of Islamic world. And I’m Canadian.Do your self a favour and stop listening to ranting and ravings of A.S and think for yourself."

Oh my! Another cocky-brained idiot--a 'Canadian'! What? You think Canadians are intelligently superior?! You're an example of just ONE which disproves that. I was born/live in Canada, but I don't consider myself a Canadian--only flee-brains give their minds over to the collective BORG by whatever name.

What a freaking buffoon! Mriana's right, and you're wrong. The U.S. Constitution has nothing to do with God, Kanuck bonehead. But you don't even know what's in it, do you?

Jefferson HATED Islam, fool. You don't even know about the Barbary Pirates, but you're pretending to be smarter than Miriana?

And the American Founding Fathers were barely religious at all - that's all Christian propaganda you're buying into.

And please show us where A.S. is "raving?" It's the Muslim apologists who are RAVING, while she's perfectly cool. Are you BLIND? Don't answer that, I already know the answer.

Oh, and it's quite clear that Mriana's one of the only people around who CAN think for herself.

I say again, Acharya - argggghh! How can you stand these IDIOTS?

Uhm....please do not refer to aforesaid as bonehead....thats! Call him Canuck or Canadian or any other! Just kidding!

I agree with your sentiments overall about the numbers of idiots that respond here. One hopes they would learn something, but their SKULLS may be too thick..ha ha ha! Too many of them don't even know their own history, even that currently unfolding before their very eyes!

Muaah to Acharya and Mriana from a cool dog in Canada...ruff ruff! hee hee!

Anonymous said...

Acharya S said...
skullnboner said...


Of course, I know that you know that 90% of Jews are not Semites and that 90% of Semites are Arabs - so what exactly are you saying here?


Lol! If Jews call me an anti-semite for criticising or questioning their beliefs, claims and actions, then I suppose they want everyone to believe they are 'semites'. If they want to be semites, so be it! It's just a silly and totally misleading name. I know you know this, but maybe your audience doesn't.

Sem or Shem is a fictional character in a fictionally contrived 'BOOK'. If anything, the term was a TITLE very long pre-existing any alleged tribal confederation called Israel and validly not even of linguistic origin with the language and people to whom that term is given. Correctly speaking, the term Semitic is an arbitrarily picked word out of the 'Babble' to describe a language stream common to only one group of people existing in Canaan and regions as native inhabitants. Hebrews and any tribal faction of them including those who are today called 'Jews' are defined linguistically as 'Semitic', tho that in no way means ALL 'semitic-speaking' people were of the same homogenous stream genetically, culturally or otherwise. Yet, it is clear that most of them were.

However, to the best of my knowledge, from 1200 BCE onwards the nativist 'Semites' began their rise as a dominant culture in the region (through infiltration, wars and revolutions, with the help of the 'dhimmis' of those days) that lasted for at least 600 yrs. until the Persians gained the upper hand. The conflicts which arose then are not dissimilar to the conditions of today, involving religious and cultural differences poles apart.

The Aryan Persians were quite generous in allowing them much autonomy over their own affairs. In this period and probably even before when Babylon was sublimated as a wholly 'semitic' center of the nativists, the contrived histories and religious formula were created by the leading educated elements of the population that came to be called Judah or Judeans. The latter were indeed of the same stream as the rest of the 'semitic-speaking' population, but with the intent to compose themselves as a people apart not only from their cousins but from all peoples around them. Otherwise, racially and culturally the 'Jews" and the 'Arabs' shared the same origins. To wit--they were what we call today 'Semites' in name.

Bizarrely, over a thousand yrs. later, a completely foreign people adopted a religon that was racio-religous (an Nation of Priests selected by their 'god'), which should have disqualified them from being members of the 'Special People' and to which proselytising was otherwise prohibited. When the rest of Judaics were about to disappear into the rest of mankind and the 'inner-sect' appeared to be loosing it's SHEEP, the opportunity arose to create a new nation of SHEEP with the persuasion of the Khazar Kagan to convert to Judaism, rather than submit to either the Christian or Muslim (there were both among the Khazars, tho the majority were crude barbarian 'pagans'). Well you know the story...synagogues were built, Rabbis imported, Hebrew writing obtained in the upper classes, intermarriages with 'semitic' Jews in the uppercrust and so on, tho most of the people spoke a hybrid language called Yiddish and were mostly of Turko-Mongol origin.

The religious culture was of 'semitic' origin however in spite of the non-semitic origin of the people who adopted the Judaic-Talmudic world view, particularly in the ruling class. When in the 19th century, a movement began to re-establish this racio-religious Nation of Priests called Israel, a good many of the foreigners with no historical or racial connection to Palestine took it upon themselves to learn as quickly as possible the 'semitic' language of Hebrew, whilst already having been 'semitised' in religon and culture for some time. They indeed wanted to appear to be 'Semites' in the worlds eyes!

Now I didn't invent this idea of 'Semitism', nor am I responsible for them having been culturally and religiously
'semitised'! In my view, there is little difference between cultural 'semites or religious 'semites'. The agendas and tactics of both (esp. in the ruling classes..where the inner-sects rule) are very much the same and the root is identical when the facade of the inner-sect of 'Judaism' is removed.

So which ever religious or cultural group I Judaism and Islam, I am thence opposed to 'Semites' in general--am I not? They end up being the same thing in spite of apparent differences between one or the other. The one most definitely will quickly identify me as an 'anti-semite' (Horrors!). So I am mischievously joking about a label that will be applied to me anyway, and contrasting it with what either of these 'semite' groups ARE NOT--HUMAN. Both are Anti-Human. In my jargon..Human is a sentient person of flesh and blood, without SPECIAL labels indicating exclusivity.

I may be a Dog, a mere beast, but I am a Human's best friend..(egads, I am out of favor with the Islamites too! lol!).

Mriana said...

I may be a Dog, a mere beast, but I am a Human's best friend..(egads, I am out of favor with the Islamites too! lol!).

Oh poor baby! *Mriana pets his head* If you can get around the Bastian members of my family then you can join my family. :) Just don't hurt the Bast worshippers or Bast will get you- according to them at least. lol Once you get past them there is a human boy who wants a dog very badly. :)

Javad said...

Happy new Recession LOL... you better worry about the American empire falling. I told you after the crush of America a new world order will take shape, and you are going to wish instead of fucking with Islam you would have stopped your empire from falling. Thank god Iranian economy is sanctioned so it wouldn't have mcuh impact on our already lame economy.
BTW I'm not only saying US is going down others are also saying it too

Javad said...

don't get me wrong, I wish all the best for the American people and everyone else. I am saying the American population has been misled, it's very dangerous for the world to have a super power which believes anything the government tells them.

Acharya S said...

Javad said...

don't get me wrong, I wish all the best for the American people and everyone else. I am saying the American population has been misled, it's very dangerous for the world to have a super power which believes anything the government tells them.

Thank you. I appreciate that. I have never supported the knuckleheads in the U.S. government. I've been wishing for decades they'd gotten us off the oil standard in the 1970s, when OPEC put us all over a barrel, so to speak. It was then that we should have increased all alternative energies methods. (I also put much effort into the environmental movement.)

I squarely blame William Randolph Hearst for much of this prpoblem because of him destroying hemp production - one of the most major crimes ever to befall humanity. We would not be in this position if it were not for Hearst's anti-hemp measures, which in large part led to the oil addiction that in turn is leading to the end of human civilization.

Two things came of this oil addiction: Wanton physical pollution, and the spread of Wahhabism - both highly destructive forces for which ALL of humanity will be suffering mightily in the decades to come.

Despite all sorts of calumny tossed my way, my efforts are largely designed to mitigate both of these destructive forces, as well as their source, i.e., oil addiction.

Anonymous said...

Considering this an issue of religion there are seemingly little ideas of religion and opinions based majorly on culture..
I am Catholic and therefore not biased towards Muslims, however i have several close friends who are Muslim and wear the Hijab not because they feel the need to, or because it is forced upon them by their 'religion or parents' but because it is a symbol 'for the individual' Of their own modesty and a desire to save a part of themselves, which just so happens to be physical.
I choose not to openly discuss matters of politics with people. Does this mean i have been conditioned this way or merely that i choose not to enter into discussion about my personal feelings...
Much is the same in regards to people of the Islamic community, what they keep to themselves is of no business for anyone else.
The Koran (most sacred book belonging to muslims) Says nothing (this I've discovered after years of research)about killing women or what behaviour deserves to be paid back with death. This is merely an act of cruelty that is done by an individual with a blurred idea of what Islam stands for.
I encourage further research and a more solid understanding Of Islam, before making such video's that can create enormous amounts of offence based a very narrow minded opinion.

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Considering this an issue of religion there are seemingly little ideas of religion and opinions based majorly on culture..
I am Catholic and therefore not biased towards Muslims, however i have several close friends who are Muslim and wear the Hijab not because they feel the need to, or because it is forced upon them by their 'religion or parents' but because it is a symbol 'for the individual' Of their own modesty and a desire to save a part of themselves, which just so happens to be physical.
I choose not to openly discuss matters of politics with people. Does this mean i have been conditioned this way or merely that i choose not to enter into discussion about my personal feelings...
Much is the same in regards to people of the Islamic community, what they keep to themselves is of no business for anyone else.
The Koran (most sacred book belonging to muslims) Says nothing (this I've discovered after years of research)about killing women or what behaviour deserves to be paid back with death. This is merely an act of cruelty that is done by an individual with a blurred idea of what Islam stands for.
I encourage further research and a more solid understanding Of Islam, before making such video's that can create enormous amounts of offence based a very narrow minded opinion.

Yes, indeed, further research is absolutely necessary, and what I see is a Polyanna attitude that is not in line with reality. Here are the facts - this is from the Koran:

Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme. --Q 4:34, "Women," Dawood, p. 83.

Islam represents enslavement of women, period, and abusing ME over this fact will not make me like Islam at all.

I do not hold the Koran or the Bible in any way, shape or form as be "holy texts." They represent mind-control codes written by MEN in order to enslave others under their cult. Catholicism is likewise. The sooner we all figure out that these MANMADE cults are the bottom of most of our troubles on planet earth, the better off we will be. I am not at all impressed by individuals who at this juncture in history are completely blinded to the folly and deleterious nature of religious fanaticism. In fact, I consider them to be deluded and sick - and in their sheepleness directly responsible for the pending destruction of human civilization and enslavement of mankind. Religion apologists are a dime a dozen and do not reflect profound thought, frankly. Indeed, they are often NASTY and VICIOUS towards other human beings, based on their divisive delusions. Instead of respecting the individual human being, they spew vitriol and hatred in order to protect their depraved ideologies.

Instead of appreciating those who have the COURAGE to stand up to mind-control and enslaving ideologies that HAVE MURDERED MILLIONS and that threaten the very freedom of our souls, the sick religious fanatic or mindless apologist attacks them. What else is new.

Anonymous said...

Skullandboner siad

Just be sure you aren't one of them in aiding/abetting their introduction of Islam in any form and any other BORG belief system.

If you knew even the slightest about history you would understand
that everything from guitars to our numeric system comes from the Islamic world.

Instead all you can do is parrot ACayaray S's little borg this and borg that bullshit. No subsatnce at all.

As far being Canadian it dosnt mean shit to me. Canada is just as pro-zionist as the US. The US is the power house behind it. When the Lebanese war started the congress members lined up outside capitol hill with a big banner kissing Israel's ass like a good slave. The trailer trash read blogs like this swallow the bullshit hook line and sinker. Perfect slaves to send to take the bullet in the forehaed for Israel.

skullnboner said...

Anonymous said...
Skullandboner siad

Just be sure you aren't one of them in aiding/abetting their introduction of Islam in any form and any other BORG belief system.

If you knew even the slightest about history you would understand
that everything from guitars to our numeric system comes from the Islamic world.

Again you are absolutely wronng...from guitars to alpha-numeric systems, which exceedingly predated 'Islam'. Before Islam, Arabs and other so-called 'semites' had inherited the learning and cultural aspects of civilisations long preceding them, after sucessfully disposessing and plundering the knowledge, script and more of long established cultures in the region, who were perforce caused to flee en-masse under the cruel barbaric uprisings and wars against them--such as whom were their superiors in all ways. The Semitic natives took upon themselves the accomplishments of vastly superior civilisations and creating revisionist history from their POV. The Victor always writes the history--but history and truth have a way of surviving.

What ever Islam much later incorporated into it's theological and cultural society, was never nothing more than improvisations ad borrowings from cultures even nearer to the period of Islam itself--that would be Classical Greece among other non-semitic, non-Arab and non-Islamic cultures. However, to be fair, Arabs and or Islamics did take the knowledge they received, modified and even expanded upon--only in the learned class (most of the populace were ignorant illiterate sheep for the educated elite, inculcated with all sorts of notions to fill their pride and satisfy their egos as a group who accomplished very little on their own).

Instead all you can do is parrot ACayaray S's little borg this and borg that bullshit. No subsatnce at all.

I am the one who who intitiated the BORG analogy in another forum long ago (and it fits) and I continue to use it. What do you know about substance when you claim to know about history--psuedo-history. I also initiated the term of Baal-shit and YOU are full of it in your cockiness to save face for Islam, Arabs and 'semitic-speaking' people. As a people, I don't seek to demean them as members of the human-race. Stripped of the mountains of hogwash they have been indoctrinated to believe for countless generations, they are just as fine a people as anyone else. When they are just people, one of us, members of the human race...they are my people, just as with others who strip themselves of their own particular crap.

As far being Canadian it dosnt mean shit to me. Canada is just as pro-zionist as the US. The US is the power house behind it. When the Lebanese war started the congress members lined up outside capitol hill with a big banner kissing Israel's ass like a good slave. The trailer trash read blogs like this swallow the bullshit hook line and sinker. Perfect slaves to send to take the bullet in the forehaed for Israel.

The U.S. is not the powerhouse behind it. The U.S. merely because of it's size and strength is presently the most powerful tool serving the interests of the real powerhouses behind it who are global in nature. If I might agree with you on one thing, it will be that 'Israel', which I emphasize is not just that tiny little peice of Real Estate in Palestine, but is the whole of the Jewish people who have taken a name upon themselves that does no even belong to them. It is they who are the Global power operating out of every advanced and lessor advanced countries in the world (in which Canada plays NO SMALL PART). To be even more precise, the Power Houses are the financial Global Elite, with it's core with in the inner sanctum of Talmudic-Judaism (Jewish Supremacy), which are the elite Super-rich bankers and the Rabbinised Sanhedrin. Believe me, it's not quite so simple a story, but just a general outline.

Excusing the Muslim, the Christian, and all the National subjected tools of the Elite of Elites does NOT in anyway excuse Islam, Canada, Christianity or any other ism through which these elites operated to manipulate, divide and subjugate people by brainwashing and mobilisation toward things they would never do otherwise in their right minds as genuine human beings.

I suggest kindly, that you carry forth deeper into your research about much yet not known, but enough to smash wanton deceivers and their superficial apologies when confronted with challenges to their credibilities. Don't allow them to do you thinking and investigation for you by adopting a position of defense for against anyone group. QUESTION EVERYTHING, MAINSTREAM, THE POPULAR 'CLIMATE OF OPINION' ENTRUST YOU TO ACCEPT AT FACE VALUE. Truth above ALL

Anonymous said...

The sooner we all figure out that these MANMADE cults are the bottom of most of our troubles on planet earth, the better off we will be. I am not at all impressed by individuals who at this juncture in history are completely blinded to the folly and deleterious nature of religious fanaticism. In fact, I consider them to be deluded and sick - and in their sheepleness directly responsible for the pending destruction of human civilization and enslavement of mankind. Religion apologists are a dime a dozen and do not reflect profound thought, frankly. Indeed, they are often NASTY and VICIOUS towards other human beings, based on their divisive delusions. Instead of respecting the individual human being, they spew vitriol and hatred in order to protect their depraved ideologies.

"Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you MALE OR FEMALE, YOU ARE EQUAL TO ONE ANOTHER........."Quran 3:195

Me being Catholic:
"In fact, I consider them to be deluded and sick"
You have attacked me, my beliefs and the way i choose to live my life in such an aggressive manner, whilst accusing ME of being "NASTY and VICIOUS"
I respected that you have an opinion, one to which you voice very obviously, i didn't abuse you, feel free to share the same curtesy.
You clearly do not appreciate or truly understand religion and believe it to be "MANMADE cults"
This doesn't give you the right to narrow mindedly suggest that i am deluded in any way for suggesting that the morals taught by catholocism are not bad or destructive.
Do not expect people to listen to, or further still appreciate your way of thinking if you are going to critisise any opinion that does not reflect yours.
Please show a bit more respect and if at all possible perhaps work on allowing yourself to hear what others have to say and consider that it is not always negative.

Acharya S said...

Sorry, actually I wasn't talking to you specifically, and I apologize for using your message to make a point to someone else who was just being the typical nasty defender of faith.

But, no, I have in no way attacked YOU personally by exposing the falsehoods of organized religion or Catholicism in specific. You are NOT Catholicism. You are NOT your beliefs.

And that is one of the major points of my work. Someone has programmed you with Catholicism, probably since you were a small child. You likely had no choice. I consider you a victim, if anything, of a cult that compelled you into it through the typical priestly means of coercion: Fear of hell and desire for heaven.

Everyone on the planet needs to stop defending their beliefs, especially if they are unfounded and are hurtful to others, i.e., to the point of murder. (And Catholicism has one long gory history, such that I would be thoroughly embarrassed to be associated with it at all, frankly.)

In any event, good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

skullnboner siad

I don't know where you get the idea that Canada is not a contributor to the Zionist 'state' of Israel. You make it sound like Canada and Canadians are on some kind of high moral ground here compared with the U.S. and it's taxpaying citizens. You don't seem to know a whole lot of Canadian history and politics. If you are Canadian, you are just as responsible. You are peicemeal picking parts of the big picture to satiate your big ego. (I am Canadian by birth, but I am not owned by some notion of Canadianism).

Oh ya I forgot stuff likes this really makes its pretty plain who the slave to Israel is.

Anonymous said...

rpsugar said

I am the one who who intitiated the BORG analogy in another forum long ago (and it fits) and I continue to use it

Hey good for you. Im really impressed. You sound very clever.

rpsugar said

What ever Islam much later incorporated into it's theological and cultural society, was never nothing more than improvisations ad borrowings from cultures even nearer to the period of Islam itself--that would be Classical Greece among other non-semitic, non-Arab and non-Islamic cultures. However, to be fair, Arabs and or Islamics did take the knowledge they received, modified and even expanded upon--only in the learned class (most of the populace were ignorant illiterate sheep for the educated elite, inculcated with all sorts of notions to fill their pride and satisfy their egos as a group who accomplished very little on their own).

So your trying to say we dont use Arabic numerals. Thats a pretty lame argument just because they were clever enough to incoporate knowledge from other cultures and perfect it. Like the concept of the zero from the Indians.

I suggest you stick to stupid little catch all phrases.

Anonymous said...

Acharya said

But, no, I have in no way attacked YOU personally by exposing the falsehoods of organized religion or Catholicism in specific.

You call your fear mongering and virulent hatred of other peoples beliefs an acceptable way of exposing falsehoods. Cheerleading and misleading these wanabe historians and theologians into your belief system of non belief is what scholars do?

Acharya S said...

Anonymous said...

Acharya said

But, no, I have in no way attacked YOU personally by exposing the falsehoods of organized religion or Catholicism in specific.

You call your fear mongering and virulent hatred of other peoples beliefs an acceptable way of exposing falsehoods. Cheerleading and misleading these wanabe historians and theologians into your belief system of non belief is what scholars do?

Actually, no, I do none of those things. Those are your projections on what I am doing.

Neither Islam nor Christianity need me to make them look bad - they have done that all on their own by the wanton slaughter, torture and enslavement of hundreds of millions of people worldwide over a period of centuries.

It is simply time for the religious delusion on this planet to end.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

If you knew even the slightest about history you would understand
that everything from guitars to our numeric system comes from the Islamic world.

So your trying to say we dont use Arabic numerals. Thats a pretty lame argument just because they were clever enough to incoporate knowledge from other cultures and perfect it. Like the concept of the zero from the Indians.

I suggest you stick to stupid little catch all phrases.

The numeral system is Indian. The Alphabetic system is Phoenician. There was no Islam, when either of these were created/adapted by the Greeks, Etruscans etc. The Phoenicians were not Arabs. The Phoenicians were not of 'semitic' origin, they and their ancestors were NOT native to 'semitic' speaking lands, but were part of a foreign dominant culture in those lands, whence many of them adopted the 'semitic' lingo.

Phoenicians did not practise circumsion, wore the Royal Purple and were racially distinct from the overwhelming population in the region where semitic-speaking natives were dominant in numbers. The Phoenicians were a Merchant Marine people descended originally from non-'semitic' speaking peoples of Aryan origin that had dominated the region and an unbroken Imperial rule for 2200 yrs. aprox.

No 'Semitic' culture rose to dominance until 1200 BCE. aprox. In this period up to 600 BCE, the long ruling culture was gradually forced to flee to other parts of the empire including parts of Europe, Persia, India etc. What the natives of of the Middle East inherited was that which they had obtained from these people and further aquired by conquest.

Pray tell me, what is the history of Arab Seafaring before Islam? Don't get me into this kind of debate cause you will loose and it is off subject: &

Aaron said...

I really appreciate what you're doing Acharya and I have always read your blogs and admired your work. I am also an independent researcher - not in anything in particular, just when I have time outside of University studies and working - I am a human and animal rights activist, I protest against capitalism and the monetary system, and I consider myself overall to be a spiritual, philosophical kind of person - an eclectic skeptic. In this issue I am torn. On the one hand, I personally feel that it is oppressing for women to wear the hejab, and I also understand that Islam is heavily patriarchal (like most world religions), committing many abuses to women. However, on the other hand, I have a number of Moslem friends who have shared with me their opinion and it is mixed. For many Moslem females it is empowering to resist the sexual hegemony of the West through their wearing of the veil and they also believe it is a sign of their love of God. Others see it as a pointless tradition. Strangely enough, many Moslem males in the UK where I live have exclaimed that they find the veil offensive because it makes them feel uncomfortable in a female's presence, as if she has to be veiled or else they will 'perv' on her and they find that that sort of extreme feminism stereotypes males. One of my male Moslem friends has told me he cannot find any demand for the veil in the Qu'ran and that he does not see a reason for it. But there are still many females who have the freedom in this country not to veil themselves, as some female Moslem friends choose not to, yet they too say at times they have chosen to veil themselves for spiritual strength, and sometimes simply as a tradition to mark themselves as belonging to Islam and not being 'sucked into' (as one friend explained it) the sexual and individualistic culture of the West. On the other hand, I also know of females who are forced by their parents to wear the veil and it does make them feel repressed and 'claustrophobic'. This has lead me to think that banning the veil outright is discriminating to a culture/religion, but I also wish that the veil was a choice for all female Moslems, and since it is not then I realise it oppresses more than it frees. It is a shame that there has to be such extremism of any ideology, cultural/religious tradition, etc. We should be able to value love, compassion and freedom of expression over ideas of right and wrong. So long as people work to help each other to be happy, rather than to force conditioning customs, ideas, policies, etc. and people understand that there can be no excuse for harming a person in any way, then who are we to say what another should or shouldn't do with their lives?

Anonymous said...

By the way, I also agree that wearing the veil does not completely obscure the sexual or romantic or simple aesthetic appreciation of a woman. Sometimes women deliberately use the veil to increase the sexual prowess in the shape of their face against the cloth and in the gaze from beneath, all of which can be particularly stimulating for those with a fetish for such coverings. I am not saying this to stereotype males nor to come across as being perverted, but to be honest, I can still see women as pretty even when covering their face.