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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Dr. Robert Price and Acharya S on Infidel Guy

The radio event of the decade!

The stage:

The players: Acharya S, Dr. Robert Price and Reg Finley

The event: Dr. Robert Price and I appeared together on Reg Finley's "Infidel Guy" radio program on Friday, September 1, 2006 from 8:00 to 9:00 PM EST/5-6PM PST.

The background: Dr. Robert Price is the author of several books on Christian history and mythology, including Deconstructing Jesus. Some years ago, he wrote an unfavorable review of my book The Christ Conspiracy and revealed in it my real name, published in "Free Inquiry" magazine. Needless to say, this occurrence brought me quite a bit of grief.

In any event, cut to the current scene, Dr. Price has read Suns of God and written a favorable review and sent it for publication in his Journal for Higher Criticism. We have exchanged cordial emails over the months, and have mended the fences to my satisfaction. So, while this
event was NOT the contentious free-for-all that some may be hoping for, it WAS a rare opportunity to hear two of the better known figures in the world of Christian origins and mythology come together for a (hopefully) civil discussion of what I consider some of the most important and interesting issues human beings can think about.

This may be the most important show I have ever done!

Mark your calendars and tell all your friends! Post this message in forums and groups, and start a buzz!

TruthBeKnown Radio

Thanks for tuning in!

Acharya S

P.S. Be sure to check out my books if you want to know more about what we will be discussing, or check out these Christ Conspiracy articles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be there!