On Saturday, April 4, 2009, Geert Wilders will be speaking at Chapman University in Orange County, CA. Once again, Islamofascists have threatened protests against this brave man, merely because he dares to speak the truth. I hope that many people who believe in free speech--especially when it's the truth!--will come out and show their support for Wilders, who stands against a huge wave of suppression and censorship.
In case you need a nudge to see how important this issue is, do take a look at this article on Women's Rights in Islam. You will quickly understand why I, as a FREE WOMAN, must take this hardline stance against Islamofascism and must stand up for great heroes like Geert Wilders.
As many of you may be aware, Dutch MP Geert Wilders, hero of the free world, will be visiting Orange County, CA this Saturday [April 4, 2009] at Chapman University thanks to the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
We have just got word that a collection of Islamist organizations are organizing a protest. Please urge everyone you know in the surrounding area to show up in force to give these jihadis a nice counter-protest welcome.
Let's get the media to pay attention to the anti-free-speech jihadists right here in our own back yard.
Counter-protesters will assemble starting at 1:00 PM in front of Memorial Hall which faces Glassell Ave at E. Palm several blocks north of the turning circle at the intersection of Glassell and Chapman in Orange, CA.
For driving directions, campus map, and parking lots.
see http://www.chapman.edu/map/map.pdf
Bring cameras, flags, signs.
For those of you unfamiliar with Mr. Wilder's work, please see the following interview:

P.S. A commenter has stated that Wilders has "prophet's hair," like Charleton Heston in "The 10 Commandments." A funny observation, indeed.
Yeah, I was about to bring up Pat Condell myself. He has several great videos about Geert Wilders and many videos pertaining to Islam.
I'm also an atheist - which in & of itself doesn't give any credibility whatsoever. I know of many atheists or "skeptics" who have their heads up their arse.
Geert Wilders in a hero standing up to Islam while those around him don't have the integrity or guts (or balls). He's constantly under threat from Muslims 24/7 yet he is treated like the criminal here.
Free speech is sacred
More of Pats videos
Islamofascism? Jesus Fucking Christ. If you'd dig into the so-called islamofascism movement, what movement it is, you'd find Western intelligence organisations. You're so clueless on these issues that it'd take a full scale essay just to indicate to you what you're clueless on. Stick with what you've researched! You're in kindergarten on this one.
But for you it's a belief system, no different than those who can't see past their noses on the Christ myth. You're steeped in public committment on this issue, and even if you did the research required, it would take too much humiliation to admit that you were so far off base.
Fortunately, for those who have been following the issue, it's obvious that I have been researching this subject for many years. Your remarks reflect that you have not.
Newsflash: Islamofascists existed long before the creation of the United States, so "Western intelligence" has nothing to do with it.
Perhaps it's time for a real history lesson, instead of listening to leftist radio stations?
Again, please do study these sites so you can learn the true history of Islam.
The Religion of
Faith Freedom
Islam Watch
Jihad Watch
Prophet of Doom
People just have no clue about Islam and how inhumane it can be to others.
Yes, people are extremely ignorant about Islam, so they feel the need to insult those of us who aren't.
I'm listening to Robert Spencer talk to the KFSO hosts whom CAIR called to be "reprimanded" for their truthful comments about Islam.
Sussman & Spencer
Spencer's about halfway in. He'll straighten out these dhimmis about Islam.
Hi there, I'm from Holland and am ofcourse very familiar with Wilders. I would like to inform you that things are looking good at the moment (although a lot of leftish brainwashed people might determine otherwise) and if there were elections now, he would be voted as president. Unfortunately the next elections will be held in 2011.
I am asking you to PLEASE support Wilders because there are still a lot of brainwashed people in Holland and Europe, believing the multicultural lie that has been spread by our governments. The world needs to know about the islamisation of Europe and support Wilders, so that they cannot make him shut up like they did with Pim Fortuyn. (If you dont know about this man look it up, he was the first in Holland to stand up against islam and telling the truth. SO many people recognised his words and if he would not have been killed months prior the elections, he would have become president.) They are demonizing Wilders like they did with Fortuyn, and all they were and are doing is telling the truth.
To know more about the islamization of Europe Pat COndell is a good start yes, but look further on youtube.
Examples: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocU5x_03MDM
Also read mr Wilders speeches:
America last man standing
Geert Wilders' speech in the House of Lords -- if he had not been barred from entering the UK
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Finally, someone who knows firsthand what is going on in Europe - and that Wilders is right.
You are a breath of fresh air. I can only hope that you are right that things are changing for the better.
Many people believe the propaganda that Pim Fortyn was murdered by an angry "animal rights activist." His death was undoubtedly related to his stance against unrestrained immigration - especially that from Muslim countries.
The Dutch government should be ashamed of itself for its duplicity and for allowing Wilders to be indicted for "inciting race hatred." If I were him, I'd stay in the U.S. or Israel, where he would be protected, rather than returning home to face such atrocious charges. I suspect that his love for his country will cause him to keep fighting on the home front.
If the Dutch government actually tries and convicts him, I sincerely hope that the Dutch people rise up and throw the traitors out.
I wanted to hotlink to the videos and article you provided:
Radical Islam Taking Over Europe & West
This video is from around 2006. The mobs here are horrible looking - they have very dark souls. This is what we are up against.
"invade their country and take their wives as war booty" - that's essentially the history of Islamic conquest.
A Desperate Message from Holland to the World
Learn about how a near-perfect society that had achieved an extraordinary level of civilization is now being destroyed by Muslim fanatics.
I'd like to add that Holland was fine multiculturally, with Americans going there, Brits going there, French, Germans, Australians and Greeks going there and so on. It was only when large numbers of immigrants from Muslim countries started going there that multiculturalism became a destructive force. It is Islam that is the real problem, not necessarily multiculturalism.
Over 500 mosques in Holland in the last 20 years! That's simply appalling.
The Dutch politicians themselves have become Islamofascists - the same ilk who cooperated with Hitler?
Find out how the European government sold their souls for oil. They could have planted HEMP all over the continent and NEVER used Middle East oil. Oil has released physical and spiritual pollution from which the human race may never recover.
We are watching the Dutch culture die before our eyes, and much of Europe will follow shortly. Canada, America and Australia will be next. China? They may be the last man standing, but they will be surrounded by Muslim nations.
Geert Wilders: "America, Last Man Standing"
Wilders's banned speech for the House of Lords
i am from hungary, and we felt the muslim love for a 150 years. let me tell you it's no picnic. the thing that wilders gets wrong is when he says islam can't be compared to christianity, because it's totalitarian. christianity is almost, if not just as dangerous and damaging and intolerant as islam. if the religous right had it's way in the US, free speech and women's equality would go out the window.
thanks acharya for bringing attention to this issue, i will try to make it to chapman tomorrow.
I agree that we should not fear Muslims, as long as they stay in their own backyard. Though there are some terrible aspects of their fanatic culture, there's not a thing we can do about it. Also, if they want to move to the West, to get away from that fanatisism and live in peace and respect our culture, that's fine too.
It's true that 9-11 was a staged event, and that the fear of Islam has been used as a propaganda tool by the powers that be in the US.
But there are areas where they blast their morning prayers at 5am every morning, and the local government makes them immune to noise ordinances because of "religious freedom". And there are many radical mosques that preach hate to western civilization which they happen to LIVE IN.
In some European countries, you can be imprisoned for religious hate speech, so why isn't the government shutting down these mosques and arresting their leaders?
Aaron said...
I agree that we should not fear Muslims, as long as they stay in their own backyard. Though there are some terrible aspects of their fanatic culture, there's not a thing we can do about it. Also, if they want to move to the West, to get away from that fanatisism and live in peace and respect our culture, that's fine too.
It's true that 9-11 was a staged event, and that the fear of Islam has been used as a propaganda tool by the powers that be in the US.
But there are areas where they blast their morning prayers at 5am every morning, and the local government makes them immune to noise ordinances because of "religious freedom". And there are many radical mosques that preach hate to western civilization which they happen to LIVE IN.
In some European countries, you can be imprisoned for religious hate speech, so why isn't the government shutting down these mosques and arresting their leaders?
I concur with most of what you say here. I think it is despicable that this sick cult is forcing non-Muslims to become sleep deprived by hearing their obnoxious squalling five times a day. I would go to war over that aspect alone. Then there's the bagging of women, the mutilating of their genitals, the dishonor murdering, the floggings, the beheadings, the hangings, the stonings, the riots in the streets, the spewing of "hate speech" against infidels, and so on. It is just a very violent and ugly culture that will either be contained and stamped out or will destroy the whole planet. All the freedoms and qualities of true humanity that we have fought so hard for - millions dying in wars - are being lost.
I don't concur that 9/11 was an "inside job," but, rather, that it was orchestrated by a multinational cabal which included Muslims.
I'll write this as a friend.
Looks like we have Acharya S, schoolar, researcher, book writer on religion, history, and then, we have other person - Murdock, who is clueless in wide picture of politics, secret organization but yet fells need to write about Islam.
I would prefer Acharya S to keep writing about what she knows the best, and for Murdock to stop her clueless writing on the topics of politics, religion and secret organizations.
About HEMP - it was criminal jewish organizations in the U.S.A. that outlawed the hemp production, but not the muslim criminals.
About Holland being fine but now not - again, it is racial issue, created by the same jewish bankir criminals in order to bring Europe to its knees.
Ms. Murdock, why don't you write about jewish criminals, namely about their ideological engine - sect Chabad-Lubavitch?!
They threat women even lower then do muslims, muslims at least keep their women out of sight of other man with head cover, simply because they want their beauty only for themselfs, and it helps women to keep whiter, softer skin.
At the same time, sect Chabad-Lubavitch man so much hate women that they force them to cut their hair completly, and to wear wigs:
By Ben Harris · January 27, 2009
NEW YORK (JTA) -- Actress Susie Essman has upset the Chabad-Lubavitch community with comments she made on "The View."
In an appearance on the television talk show last week to promote her TV movie “Loving Leah,” in which she plays a Lubavitch woman, Essman commented on the appearance of female members of the Chasidic group.
“I learned that they're not very good dressers,” Essman said, describing what she discovered in making the film. “The wigs, you know they wear the wig because God forbid a man should see your hair and be driven wild with desire.”
Sara Esther Crispe, the editor of the Chabad Web site TheJewishWoman.org, said her community was buzzing about the segment and that she was hoping to go on "The View" to rebut Essman's comments, which she said were not only “obviously incorrect” but degrading and insulting to all women.
“To reduce any woman to her mere physicality is insulting, it's degrading, and it completely denies the overall power that a woman has and her unique abilities,” Crispe told JTA. “And I thought it was very sad that nobody stood up for that.”
Actually, what we have here in Vencislav is another person who is clueless about my work but who dishonestly pretends to know it so he can insult me into taking his own pro-Islam, anti-Jewish stance.
First of all, the ranting against Jews is a straw man irrelevant to this subject of Islamic domination - unless you are claiming that big bad Jews are behind the Muslim Brotherhood. Please do tell them that, that Islam is a Jewish creation - I'm sure that will help them drop this sick cult. I'm also sure that you will have the courage to take on the Muslim Brotherhood!
That you could actually point away from Islam in your distraction fallacy shows again that YOU are clueless as to what a sick and destructive cult it is. Posting something about orthodox Jewish women's wigs is not only petty but irrelevant.
Nevertheless, if you were not clueless about my work, you would know that not only have I written extensively about orthodox Judaism but I also had a dear friend who was born and raised an ultraorthodox Jew and am aware of the women's status is in that cult as well.
For example, I wrote this piece many years ago, but in your expertise as to my work, you didn't know that fact:
Anatomy of a One World Religion
I also have had this article on my website since the late 90s.
Quotes from Judaism
As one can see, you are quite ignorant and clueless about my work.
Even so, orthodox Judaism is a minuscule cult that is not out to destroy Western civilization - or even if it is, it does not have the numbers.
Your anti-Jewish fanaticism has made you sociopathic and paranoid. You used to be a nice person, instead of a mealy-mouthed armchair critic who has nothing better to do than go around insulting your "friends."
And what does hemp have to do with anything? Again, an irrelevant red herring thrown in so you can be insulting.
Your mentality is no improvement over what we already have.
And I have no need or obligation to post such disrespectful and ignorant tripe. Please find your own forum in order to express your views instead of lazily complaining about others not representing you enough.
I suppose it depends on what we mean by "inside", but Cheaney ordered Norad to stand down, the US Air force was out of the way running drills, the only fighters that were scrammbled went in the wrong direction, there were put options placed on the airlines right before the event, explosions went off in the buildings before the planes even hit, and many fire-fighters that were at ground zero that day say they heard bombs going off in the buildings and feel it was an inside job. And of course, we now have the official documents, in addition to many whistle-blowers from within the FBI that Bush ordered them OFF Bin Laden's tail in the months leading up to 9-11.
Really, whey you see building 7, which was not hit by a plane, fall straight down into it's own footprint at free fall speed, does that not lead you to the conclusion that it was deliberately demolished? I think that is blatantly obvious.
I guess you could say it wasn't an 'inside job' because the people who planned it were never working for us, or apart of us.
Anyway, I'm sure you've heard all of these arguments before. Our freedoms are under attack, and I think the "cabal" of which you speak is trying to make it so, and that cabal includes western governments.
You should watch the documentry "terrorstorm" by Alex Jones on google video. I know this guy goes over the top on many issues, but I think it was a brilliant documentry. He's spot on on this topic, and brings the cold hard facts.
Yes, I have heard most of the data on the 9/11 theories. I was aware of the conspiracy theories as they started to be formed from the beginning, and I've seen "ZEITGEIST," of course, as well as many others on the subject.
My point is, as you clarify, that it wasn't "us," the American people or even "our" government, which is in reality us. It's the same group of people that Jordan Maxwell, David Icke and others speak of who transcend nationality. Cheney would be one of them, but he's probably a lower-ranking figure since he's too public.
If we don't factor in complicity by people involved in the U.S. government - not "the" government, which is us - then we would have to admit that our intelligence and defense agencies are pretty incompetent to allow 9/11 to happen. And that suggestion may be worse than saying 9/11 was an orchestrated event by a multinational cabal!
Dear Acharya,
Do you think that wilders is worth your support?
As you know i am an atheist from a Muslim family but Wilders is not against Islam he is preaching a racist propaganda against all Muslims and most of what he says about Islam is very shallow and not more than a reptilian of very old and ancient critique of Islam .he is using the same method and propaganda which was used in the near past by someone called Hitler.
If he a really against the negative effect of religion in any society he should begin by the Netherlands and by the christen party which are putting a very considerable pressure on the law makers to stop the stem cell research and they succeed in stopping state funding of that research .I never heard him ever criticizing the SGP which represents the Reformed Dutch church when everybody knows that this party do not allow women to join the party because as the bible says that the women must respect and obey their men as they obey god .
so please if you happen to meet him do ask him why ?
If your house is made of glass don't throw stones on others.
And don’t forget that your president is half Muslim.
And not all Muslims are terrorists.
keep the good work.
Thank you. Yes, I do support Wilders in his stance against the Islamization of Europe and the rest of the world. In consideration of how many people have been murdered by Muslim fanatics for speaking out against violent, brutal and savage Islamic practices, it is clear that Wilders is a very courageous person. He lives under constant death threats and in jails and bunkers, for criminy's sake. The man deserves respect for his bravery and for virtually tossing his life away in order to stop the destruction of Western civilization.
And if you don't believe that's happening, you're not paying attention to Eur-Abia. Just ask the Dutch person who posted here. The Dutch are losing their culture, their tolerant values, the whole nine yards that millions of people fought and died for. And it's mainly because of ISLAM. Ask Ayaan Hirsi Ali - she knows what's up.
Islam is not a race. So, claiming that Wilders has some "racist propaganda against all Muslims" is incorrect and inaccurate. To my knowledge, he has never said anything remotely resembling this nonsense. Again, read the remarks from the Dutch person - this type of calumny represents false vilification.
As concerns his other policies, if they are offensive to me, I surely will not support them.
"My" president is "half-Muslim?" Well, I didn't vote for him. I like what he says when he's speaking publicly about domestic policy, but that doesn't mean I trust him behind the scenes. Nor was I any type of supporter of his before he was elected - for the very reason that he's is a "half-Muslim." I was viciously attacked for taking that stance.
Those of us who have studied the subject of Islamic fanaticism know where it leads, based on its "holy text" - the very ideology of Islam is supremacist. So, we're not likely to be fooled or badgered into submission by falsehoods or insults.
I highly suggest everyone watch Wilders's Fitna.
To argue that "not all Muslims are terrorists" represents a straw man and a dead horse that has been beaten enough. No one is saying that.
However, Islamic teachings lead to Islamic terrorism. As taught in the Quran/Koran:
(Translation by N.J. Dawood: The Koran: With a Parallel Arabic Text, Penguin Classics, 1991)
This Book is not to be doubted.... As for the unbelievers, it is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith. God has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and grievous punishment awaits them. --Q 2:1-2:6-2:10; "The Cow," Dawood, pp. 1-2.
The only true faith in God's sight is Islam. --Q 3:19; "The Imrans," Dawood, p. 51.
He that chooses a religion over Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the world to come he will be one of the lost. --Q 3:85, "The Imrans," Dawood, p. 60.
God's curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God's own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God's most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers. --Q 2:89-2:90, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 13.
Fight for the sake of God those that fight against you, but do not attack them first. God does not love the aggressors.
Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage.... --Q 2:190-2:191, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 28.
[Note that within Islam, many things can and are interpreted to be "aggression," such that the death penalty is freely handed out.]
When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.... --Q 9:5; "Repentance," Dawood, p. 186.
Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate. --Q 9:73, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 198.
Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme. --Q 4:34, "Women," Dawood, p. 83.
With the history of its followers murdering some 270 million people and enslaving entire nations under its dominion, those of us who do not wish to be murdered or enslaved by Islam would do well to support courageous leaders like Geert Wilders as well.
There is a difference between not falling in the trap of one lie or lack of information, but falling in the next trap.
You did not listen very well to the tape, when Wilders speaks about christianity and judaism. Neither they still learned their lesson, but they simply have become outnumbered by those following the mammon or prgamatisms.
What you hold against christianity and judaism, Wilders would not let you say. It would cost him all his many Israeli, jewish and conservatist backers.
Wilders is fine on one dimension, but on the other you would find him as your opponent. Do not touch jewish zionist ideology, if you do not want Wilders to feel insulted.
He only speaks about islamisation, not that judaism and christianity - when given the chance, are no better in denying those who speak sense, to tell what they want to say.
Wake up.
And for that particular reason, as the christian politicians are against Wilders, because they know, their own books are containing similar things that can be exposed when taken litterally.
The person of the blog, is poorly educated, probably someone with a desire to gain a seat within that party.
We have thousands of them in The Netherlands.
Do you know how many times Wilders has been in Israel: that he got his first jobs there and he liked the country more than Holland.
Every month he has meetings at the Embassy in The Hague, learning of the latest developments according to Mossad intelligence. He is the perfect mole for them, saying in Parliament that what is in their interests. The same Mossad whose technicians developed ECHALON, to listen in on every telephone conversation they like to follow.
He knows what Mossad intelligence knows about the Dutch secret intelligence and government, and uses that to gain credibility over the government.
He is a puppet without knowing he is one. Because he too is blinded or one-sided / biassed in his perception.
And nobody has so far really exposed him of that, as that takes in depth knowledge of the proper sociological social action analysis methods, using field approach, also used by Krijbolder to explain all texts in the gospels as logical in a group formation process as ethnomethodologically straight forward language game, but closed like an oyster when not done in that way. Half truths are worse than full lies.
They are menat for ears that can hear. Not the ears they were against, that is the common ear, that is deaf for allegory. You walk the Bultmann route, but there is a scientific more refined way, borrowing from Bletchley Park wisdoms for ethnomethodology, working like a surgeon instead of a butcher. The outcome is the same: Jesus never lived as a person. But what did exist only becomes clear with the scalpel of the surgeon, while the butcher only sees rubbish on the walls, that still do not provide detailed answers, that give sense to every single word as a logical consistent and hermetical language game among highly educated people.
I am objective. There is a difference between being right on one particular point, without understanding and applying the correct method and therefore being mistaken on other points that are also to be addressed. The proper ways are far more subtle. The go back to DeSaussure and what symbolical imitation processes mean for how real science has to go about, not what is mistakenly held for science these days, by all atheists. Atheism are no different in their belief: like Einstein that all is logical expression of laws of physics, of which we know less than we do know. And in the end of the day, there can be no difference between Nature as God or God; they all come down to a brain having no free will, than all is nature and thus by laws. If not, such nature is chaotic to the extend that it becomes clearer there is no such thing as free will. Berkeley has never been proven incorrect in that without spiritual dimension nothing can exist or become awareness as thought. In animals there is no need for that at all to let them behave as they do.
I can assure you I am quite wide awake and that I know well that Wilders tows the biblical party line when speaking about Judaism and Christianity.
"Wilders is fine on one dimension, but on the other you would find him as your opponent." Probably. But on this issue, I support him, and I will continue to do so. I'm not worried about the Christianization of Europe - it is already largely Christian, but it has become secularized and is extremely livable there. With Islamization, it becomes unlivable, and that is the difference. All the sophistry in the world will not change that fact.
Yes, I'm aware for his love for Israel and that he has friends in the Mossad. At this point in history, the threat of Islam is far greater even to ME sitting on the other side of the world. Europe is being destroyed. There is no time to dilly-dally. Anyone who has the cajones to stand up against Islam has my respect in that regard.
And if the Christian politicians are against Wilders, why should I find him a threat for his position on Christianity? From what he has said, I don't think he will suddenly turn into a tyrant who will ban free speech any more than it already is in Europe. In fact, he seems highly reasonable compared to the dhimmi politicians who dominate there.
Oh yes. I wasn't trying to be mean to you, i do love your work, got a couple books of yours and others Manly P. Hall (but i need a magnifying glass to read :) for one.
I'd rather try to like my fellow people and let them be free like i want to be free. And try to stop and go against the bad, evil that happens while I'm here.
"Freedom: The ability to allow your neighbor to be free.", My unselfish definition of the word.
I'm going to make this short as possible. I support Wilder's right to Free Speech. I also support his opposition's right to Free Speech. I do not necessarily support either Wilder or his opposition in their beliefs and motivations. I resent anyone dictating whom I shall give ear to or not. I would stand more on the side of those who would be for banning opposer's of Free Speech and Free Thought.
That being said, I don't have very much respect for Wilders (his anti-Islamic stance notwithstanding). If he equally poised his Truth-Sword at the Jewish Supremacists contaminating the affairs of European Nations, I would have more respect. That's not likely to happen, as some of us well know he is an asset for them.
Contrary to what this blog owner says about Jews being too miniscule in numbers to present a dominant danger to the well-being of a Free peoples, it is shown time and again (even here) that a fanatical few drive the many to accomplish their agenda. One step in the agenda has been the open-door immigration and supplication to foreign cultures and ideologies than can never assimilate. In almost every instance, it has been Jewish Supremacists who have used the power over the control of 'our' purses, the highly developed
organisation and other facets to bring about these affairs now afflicting the world. They were and are still the leading elements in the prohibition of Freedom of Expression and other 'Fascist', or rather totalitarian measures implemented in Nazi-like fashion. The history of Eastern Europe under Communism, the rise of Nazism, the expansion of International Socialism is a result of Jewish Supremacists...that very miniscule group of people.
Considering the origins of Hebraic Judaism being consonant with Islam in it's own makeup, it would be fitting the Islamic fanatics would fit in the mold. The latter also in their upper echelons colluded with the Nazis, but what you aren't told about is the 'Jewish' collusion in the very success of National Socialism and it's close kinship to Zionism and Communism.
I would rather not ignore either Islam, Judaism or it's other sibling among the triplets...Christianity. All are borne from the same source. So I stand as one who condemns all the Triumvirate without exception.
Let Geert Wilder's speak, come out and hold his feet to the fire on his one-side issue and please do NOT underestimate the Islamic fanatics or the moderates who have nothing to go on but what the Koran and it's apostles demand, in as much as the Bible and Gospels do for those professing to be moderate Christians or Jews.
With respect:
Rene/aka skullnboner
Acharya S said...
Actually, what we have here in Vencislav is another person who is clueless about my work but who dishonestly pretends to know it so he can insult me into taking his own pro-Islam, anti-Jewish stance.
Ms. Murdock,
I'm neither pro-Islam, nor anti-Jewish.
Acharya S said...
Please do tell them that, that Islam is a Jewish creation - I'm sure that will help them drop this sick cult.
Actually I did tell to some of them, last time I was seating with Chechen islamic fighter, he is forbiden from going back to Chechenia (Russia) because he took part in war there few years ago, since then he moved to Dubai. I was amazed to find out that muslims are ready to talk on any topic, in honest and free discusion, without insulting other party, unlike many christians or atheists. He simply explained to me his point of view on religion, and about the Islam, while we smoked shisha through pipe in one of the Istanbul's cafe in the center.
I found out in many other examples that muslims are really most open to honest discusion about their religion, on any question about it.
Acharya S said...
I'm also sure that you will have the courage to take on the Muslim Brotherhood!
If by courage you mean "courage" that Wilders is displaying, then no, it is not a courage, but rather seems like puppet working for Israel.
Acharya S said...
Even so, orthodox Judaism is a minuscule cult that is not out to destroy Western civilization - or even if it is, it does not have the numbers.
Ms. Murdock, now you really prove you have no clue, or maybe you deliberately diminish the role of orthodox Judaism!
Jewish Criminal Network, which includes just some 5% of total number of jews worldwide. They include, from the finance side are Baruch, Loeb, Kuhn, Schiff, and on ideology/mistical side is Chabad-Lubavitcher sect with their Kabalah agenda.
What is Chabad?
Please read the following web pages, to understand that we have mammoth(orthodox Judaism+jew bankers) in the room, as comparing to small wild cat (Islam), and crazy wild chimp (Christianity), at the same time that mammoth is hidden so even smart people like, Ms. Murdock, can see only its trunk, and tell us that trunk is "minuscule thing":
Only Chabad gets regular apointements with almost any president on the Earth:
“You can’t have an Israeli policy other than what AIPAC gives you around here”
America’s Irrational Defense of Israel
A brilliant essay from James Petras reviewing the current state of Zionist power in America.
Israel’s War with Iran and the Zionist Power Configuration in America:
Segregation endorsed by Jewish law in the state of Israel
Top Yesha rabbi says Jewish law forbids renting houses to Arabs
Powerful Jewish supremacist organization promotes Third World Immigration, “Hate” Laws and is working to take away your 2nd Amendment Rights!
The B’nai Brith’s ADL: The Drive to Outlaw Guns, Free Speech and Thought
“Gentiles Should Be Forced To Comply”
Coming Jewish ‘Utopia’ Ruled By Noahide Laws
You want an issue to wake people up to Jewish extremism and the extent of its dangerous power? This is it!
Christian Crosses are forbidden!
Jewish Menorahs allowed!
A Jewish supremacist organization that spews vicious hatred toward all Gentiles:
Chabad Lubavitch,
is hosted at the White House, the Kremlin, Brandenburg Gate, Trafalgar Square!
What gives?
One of the leading rabbis of Chabad Lubavitch is rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh. (left) he said in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in America, “If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.” In spite of Chabad’s vile hatred toward Christians and all gentiles, it is honored and hosted by the White House, the Kremlin, and most European leaders! How is this possible? Jewish extremist power in government and media is so great that no Jews or Gentiles in mainstream media dare to expose it.
Successor to Putin Condemns Russian Nationalism and at the same moment Supports Jewish Nationalism
Posted under: General — @ 9:00 am
Putin with Jewish supremacist Berel Lazar, Jewish leader of Russia (right) A huge Menorah, a symbol of Jewish racism, recently erected at the Kremlin
Putin’s successor says:
Russian Nationalism: BAD!- Jewish Nationalism: GOOD!
Jewish Religious Groups in Israel Advocate Genocide
Jewish Religious Organizations in Israel Issue call for Genocide
Sandra Bernhard Reveals Jewish Supremacism!
Posted under: General — @ 10:30 am
Sandra Bernhard Reveals Anti-Gentilism!
The exceedingly and stereotypically Jewish comedienne, Sandra Bernhard recently performed at the leading Jewish theater in Washington, D.C. There she viciously attacked Sarah Palin as a “Goy whore,” and threatened the mother of five with gang rape by Black males.
Acharya S said...
Your anti-Jewish fanaticism has made you sociopathic and paranoid. You used to be a nice person, instead of a mealy-mouthed armchair critic who has nothing better to do than go around insulting your "friends."
I used to be "nice person" as long as I don't express in public what do I think about your anti-Islamic rantings, right?
Acharya S said...
And what does hemp have to do with anything? Again, an irrelevant red herring thrown in so you can be insulting.
Ms. Murdock, YOU was the first to mention hemp. I just mentioned that "minuscule sect" outlawed hemp production in the U.S. and then in the rest of the world.
But MOST IMPORTANT reason why did I write my reply is to check your reaction.
Although your agenda - anti-Christian and anti-Islamic fits perfectly with agenda of Jewish Criminal Network, and even if you are willing puppet of Jewish Criminal Network, who will do everything to stop Christianity and Islam, well, still it is not the real reason why would I post here. There are thousands like you, either willing or unwilling puppets...
The real reason, what bothers me the most, is
you are the puppet of Jewish Criminal Network,
is your other work also somehow, willingly or unwillingly, directed by that Network?
In other words, is what Acharya S is writing about Astrotheology also part of Jewish Criminal Network activity?
If that is the case, then, maybe Jesus in fact did exist in some form, and walked on the Earth, since those criminals seem to hate him so much, that one must wonder if he really existed some 2000 years ago.
Ms. Murdock, you seems to discredit work of Acharya S. Please stop it, let her do her work, work for which I respect her and gladly read her books and texts.
I repeat that your anger and hostility towards all things Jewish has made you sociopathic. Instead of coming to my blog and simply highlighting facts as you know them, you immediately began to insult me, and you continue to do so irrationally. This is the exact same antisocial behavior that I rail against in my criticisms of religious fanaticism. Once again, ideology has caused someone to become hateful and vicious to another he previously considered a friend. And once more, your mentality is not an improvement over that which you assail.
To repeat, you are misrepresenting me and my work in order to insult and defame me. That's sociopathic.
As you should well know from the period when you supposedly liked my work, I have heavily criticized Judaism - I even provided you links, which you evidently did not bother to read. And there is much more to my analysis of Judaism - in fact, I've already flogged that dead horse to bits. But because this particular blog is not a rant against Jews, you fly into a rage that provokes you to insult me personally.
My work concerns ideologies that are destroying the planet, wherever they may be found. At the moment, Islam and environmental degradation are the most pressing issues, so I will continue to address them - and they go hand in hand, with the oil bu$ine$$.
Therefore, you need to get over it. And do take your personal insults elsewhere, as I will not post them again.
Vencislav, why is it I get the feeling you aren't saying "Ms. Murdock" in a respectful manner, just mocking respect. I read it in your post and it bugs the hell out of me, because as I said, it appears to be mocking any assemblance (sp?) of respect for Acharya even as a person. I'm not asking you to call her Acharya, but it would be nice if there were some respect and acknowledgment that she is a human being on the other side of your comp and the end of a long web of whatever the net who deserves a little more social civility than what it appears you are giving her, even if you don't agree.
Just because you call a person Ms, Mrs., Mr. doesn't necessarily mean you really are showing any human dignity to the person. It can still be fringed.
Aha! You see, the flogging of the 17-year-old girl in Pakistan was a Jewish plot!
The Jews/Zionists are SO all powerful that they control all the people who have posted to this blog too!
In fact, the Jews are omnipotent, which makes them GOD. So, I guess their Bible is correct in calling them the "chosen people." We should all be following them, then.
Sure, you are a woman and you are free. Zionist hirelings like Wilders love to see you free and for free. They love to see you naked on some beach for free, picked up from a bar, for free, taken home for a one night stand, for free, bearing a child out of wedlock, for free, no strings attached, only weekend bed partner, for free.
They want to keep you nourishing their flourished industry of prostitution and human trafficking for sex, the most lucrative activities according to the WTO. Using women for prostitution has an unknown financial cycle because of its titanic size. Worth mentioning that this "trade" is run by Zionist Jews.
If women follow Islam and guard their decency and chastity, who would do those porn movies? another multi-Billion dollar "industry" also run by Zionist Jews, wherever you go on Earth.
Zionist media hirelings fiercely send both clear and subliminal messages through movies, reality shows, etc... to maintain the constant degradation and enslavement of women. You should eavesdrop on any two non-Muslim men chit chatting about the free females they get laid with...You would hear wonders.
They will finance and promote media aspersions against any one who exposes their agenda. No other faith calls for chastity and protection of women but Islam, and hence, it's their sole enemy.
How do I address such a slew of absurdities, non sequiturs and red herrings.
I've spent much time with "non-Muslim" men - we just call them MEN here, since until recently with the in-your-face intrusion of Islam and Muslims we didn't need to differentiate. I - and anyone who has watched a frathouse movie - am well aware of what speech males use in regard to females. This type of maleness transcends all cultures, races and religions.
To assume that there is no prostitution in Islamic cultures - "even" the most Islamic societies, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran - is to be extraordinarily naive and ignorant. To assert that "Zionist Jews" are behind it all, when sexually repressed Muslim men are some of the "best customers" of porn, is nonsensical.
And to declare that Islam protects women is obscene, disgusting and insulting to the intelligence. Islam has one of the worst records of woman abuse in history.
Regardless of who is keeping Wilders alive in the face of death threats by rabid Muslim maniacs, he is correct in his presentation of Islam and its threat to Western civilization. He is incorrect, of course, in his clinging to Judeo-Christianity, but the alternative of Islam is not acceptable to those of us who value our freedoms and liberty.
Women's Rights in Islam
Prostitution in Iran
Prostitution in Saudi Arabia
Here are some more jewels about the lovely kingdom of Saudi Arabia, great exemplar of Islam:
Human Trafficking in Saudi Arabia
Arab Press Investigates Human Smuggling for Saudi Sex Trade
Saudi's sleazy underworld
'Nuff said?
There's more on Iran, another great example of an Islamic culture:
She Found Prostitution Among Iran's Holy Men
Drugs and prostitution 'soar' in Iran
Iran Legalizes Prostitution with Islamic "Temporary Marriages" of One Hour
Rise in Iranian Prostitution Blamed on Strict Sex Rules, Economy
Yeah, Islam is really great for women.
No other faith calls for chastity and protection of women but Islam, and hence, it's their sole enemy.
Islam is not chastity that is barbaric! It is not protecting women. It is abusing, raping, and killing women.
Am I wrong, are is this what is called a dhimwit, Acharya?
Mriana said...
Am I wrong, are is this what is called a dhimwit, Acharya?
Some may call him worse than that! If he's not a Muslim apologist, he's definitely a dhimwit.
Well, I think dhimwit is quite fitting. I don't think I need to call anyone worse than that.
I was very impressed with the Gert Wilders video. He is a courageous man, defending the rights of the West against a religion that does not respect personal rights.
Folks, Islam is much more intrusive to the lives of the irreligous than Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism combined and squared. We are comparing apples to coconuts to contend otherwise.
Funny note: Gert Wilder's has "prophets hair" like Charlton Heston did in the old movie "The Ten Commandments", and an intelligent face. He is loquacious in a language not his own. A very impressive man. Bless him folks.....he is on the right side of history
Folks, Islam is much more intrusive to the lives of the irreligous than Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism combined and squared. We are comparing apples to coconuts to contend otherwise.I realize this and I also realize that if it ever becomes predominant in my lifetime, I will not live for very long if and when that happens. I just hope it never does happen.
This man is a vicious, hate-spitting, egotistic hypocrite with an annoying lack of intelligence I have seen no evidence of this calumny and libel.
It seems to me that it is YOU who are reacting emotionally without a logical leg to stand on.
You live in Holland, you are oblivious to the destruction of Dutch culture?
Silly, silly you.
Go study read the very wise Bruce Bawer - it will give you perspective in your thinking.
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