For those who haven't heard, "FITNA" is a movie by Dutch politician Geert Wilders exposing the connection between the Islamic holy text the Koran/Quran and the violence found abundantly in the Muslim world for the past 1,400 years or so.
This movie - which, we are constantly reminded, no one has ever seen - is so powerful, apparently, that the entire Muslim religion will be destroyed by it in a heartbeat. At least, that's the impression given by the incredible frantic knee-jerk reaction that had the unprecedented affect of shutting down the film's website before anything of substance was even posted there!
Because of "complaints," the registrar of Wilders's domain, Network Solutions, has "temporarily suspended" the account, which means the film cannot be posted there. This censorship situation occurred precisely at the point when Wilders claimed he would release the film. Here is a screenshot of the site with the notice from Network Solutions:

"...material that is obscene, defamatory, libelous, unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, constitutes an illegal threat, violates export control laws, hate propaganda, fraudulent material or fraudulent activity, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature."
We would wager that Network Solutions is investigating "FITNA" under "hate propaganda," an ironic situation in consideration of the fact that this movie is allegedly basically just a recitation of the KORAN - indeed, that it is apparently making the case that the KORAN itself constitutes "hate propaganda." How else are we to interpret a text - the KORAN - that repeatedly calls for the deaths and/or punishment of non-believers and that has been followed to such ends as to lead to the deaths and/or punishment of hundreds of millions of people?
Here are just a few of the attacks on "infidels" in the Koran - "scriptures" that have unquestionably been used over the centuries to slaughter unbelievers of all manner - and that is precisely what "FITNA" was supposedly designed to demonstrate to the world.
(Translation by N.J. Dawood: The Koran: With a Parallel Arabic Text, Penguin Classics, 1991)If these quotes from the Koran do not constitute HATE PROPAGANDA, then what does? According to Network Solutions, a 10 or 15-minute film that exposes such attacks on infidels (and women) does represent "hate propaganda!" In other words, with their disgraceful behavior, Network Solutions is preventing millions of people from their "God-given" right to know what is in the Koran and how it has been used to conquer and "slay idolaters" around the world.
This Book is not to be doubted.... As for the unbelievers, it is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith. God has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and grievous punishment awaits them. --Q 2:1-2:6-2:10; "The Cow," Dawood, pp. 1-2.
The only true faith in God's sight is Islam. --Q 3:19; "The Imrans," Dawood, p. 51.
He that chooses a religion over Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the world to come he will be one of the lost. --Q 3:85, "The Imrans," Dawood, p. 60.
God's curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God's own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God's most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers. --Q 2:89-2:90, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 13.
Fight for the sake of God those that fight against you, but do not attack them first. God does not love the aggressors.
Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage.... --Q 2:190-2:191, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 28.
[Note that within Islam, many things can and are interpreted to be "aggression," such that the death penalty is freely handed out.]
When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.... --Q 9:5; "Repentance," Dawood, p. 186.
Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate. --Q 9:73, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 198.
Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme. --Q 4:34, "Women," Dawood, p. 83.
And in the meantime, Network Solutions has no problem, apparently, serving as the registrar of the violent terrorist organization Hizbollah, the "Army of God!" So much for the "ethics" of Network Solutions. Note that the "WHOIS" information for has now been CENSORED to omit the fact that it is Network Solutions who is the registrar! The "WHOIS" information specifically naming Network Solutions as the registrar for has now been replaced with:
Registrant Street2: care of Network Solutions
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City: Herndon
Registrant State/Province: VA
Registrant Postal Code: 20172
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.570708878
Needless to say, the behavior of Network Solutions is cowardly and unethical - but it has brought so much more attention to Wilders's film that, should he ever release it, millions more now know about it and will likely clamor to see this "forbidden fruit." And let us hope for the sake of freedom of speech, democracy and, indeed, freedom in general, that Wilders does manage to release his film. We know that there are millions of people anxiously standing by waiting to see it, undoubtedly many of the Muslims themselves who would like to know what could be so bad in their Koran that a film about it needs to be censored - and its filmmaker needs to be under constant guard because of all the death threats he has received, falling right in line with what he is exposing in this film.
In reality, Geert Wilders has already proved his point, as he cannot even walk outside freely simply because he dared criticize a book that, as demonstrated above, clearly has as one of its agendas global hegemony and the slaughter of nonbelievers.
If the film really exists - and Wilders insists that it does - Wilders has a number of options here, including, as he has suggested, "passing out DVDs on the Dam," but also bit torrents, as well as simply providing his film to the many other websites and outlets that have expressed their willingness to host it. We can only hope that this film will be widely distributed, as it is obviously vitally important for the freedom of the entire world. We could even imagine the Vatican hosting it on its website - who will stop the Vatican?
Here's the trailer for FITNA - watch it fast while it's still on YouTube! (It's short but a bit gruesome.)
Of course you can find similar quotes in the Bible or the Jewish holy books. It is a fundamental problem of religion any religion.
Well stated...It's about time the Western world woke up to the fact that the muslims are at war with us. They like to whine about the injustices that we do to them, but whatever they do is all well and good with them.
Your interpretation of the Quranic message is completely unfounded. Firstly, the quotes you've selected are cherry picked to reinforce your own bias against Islam. Any self respecting Muslim understands that to misconstrue the Quran's message to be violent and wage wars of aggression is Anti Islamic. Could we say that the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the Crusades of antiquity are positive interpretations of biblical teachings? Can the bible be construed as 'Hate Propaganda'? Why do you condemn the religion for the acts of misguided individuals? Read the Quran and you will realize the message is complimentary to the overarching message of the Gospel and the Old Testament. They are three branches of the same great religion. Please add this to your list of quotes:
Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, teh converts; anyone who believes in God, and believes in the Hereafter, and leads a righteous live, will receive their recompense from their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor whill they grieve.
[ 2:62, 5:69 ]
Please publish my comment, because to not do so would only indicate you have an agenda to tarnish the perception of the Quran. By not publishing my comment, you affirm the fact you are biased and are working from an agenda and NOT interested in debate and the seeking of the truth.
Tameem Vancouver
What a bunch of scatter,
two things,
1, remember what Christianity was doing 1400 years after its founding.
2, lets talk censorship after somebody makes a film about the anomalies of Judaism
A good source of hate literature.
the quran aayahs mentioned should be understood in historical context
and remember when they were sent down and for which situation
Someone should buy a new dictionary to make translations of this book, if no one can read the quran in its original language and every anglophone person reads such badly translated texts, no wonder people think islam is evil!!!
For example:
The only true faith in God's sight is Islam. --Q 3:19, Islam means : surrendering to god..., hence the right translation:
Doesn't that make more sense LOL.
Whoever did these translations must have received a special dictionary for the translations.... But sorry to say these are misinterpreted translations...
By the way I'm french and i believe in god and follow no religion, because I Islam, that meaning I surrender to god... So when one understands the true meaning of this book, one understands a religion is not needed to believe in god...
Considering how the islamic children of God have their women enslaved, obedient and under wraps its no surprise that the men do not want it taken away from them. They are afraid their sandwiches might grow stale, western eyes will see and take their women and their newly neutered selves will be no more threatening than the average New York cab driver during rush hour. They will have to work hard for a change too as no sane woman with freedom of choice would choose that life with them stinky ole fools.
I guess he is not the 'right' kind of person to be exposing Islamic hatred? If a fella like him can arouse such attention in his country or on the net, whose to say whose books he'll next expose for their hatred and desires for domination...wink!
Anonymous said...
Of course you can find similar quotes in the Bible or the Jewish holy books. It is a fundamental problem of religion any religion.
Yes, that's correct, and here are many of those quotes:
Quotes on Christianity
Quotes on Judaism
I've been online since 1995 tackling the Judeo-Christian issues - they have become much tamer even than when I started. When I first started posting this material, I had Christian fanatics spewing at me in much the same way as the Muslims do today. The Christians are far less hostile nowadays.
Which means that, now, the nail that is sticking up the highest and that needs to be hit the hardest is Islam.
Anonymous said...
Your interpretation of the Quranic message is completely unfounded. Firstly, the quotes you've selected are cherry picked to reinforce your own bias against Islam. Any self respecting Muslim understands that to misconstrue the Quran's message to be violent and wage wars of aggression is Anti Islamic. Could we say that the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the Crusades of antiquity are positive interpretations of biblical teachings? Can the bible be construed as 'Hate Propaganda'? Why do you condemn the religion for the acts of misguided individuals? Read the Quran and you will realize the message is complimentary to the overarching message of the Gospel and the Old Testament. They are three branches of the same great religion. Please add this to your list of quotes:
Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, teh converts; anyone who believes in God, and believes in the Hereafter, and leads a righteous live, will receive their recompense from their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor whill they grieve.
[ 2:62, 5:69 ]
"Completely unfounded?" With such a fallacious and dishonest assessment, it is difficult to read the rest of what you have written. You are obviously in denial. "My" interpretation has nothing to do with the past 1,400 years of atrocity and terrorism wrought in the name of Islam. Instead of picking on me, why don't you clean up your own backyard as concerns the horrible reputation of Islam for creating insane nutjobs who do all THESE THINGS to other human beings:
Stonings, hangings, beating, beheadings, bombings, gang rapes, genital mutilations, destruction of other people's religious artifacts, violent conversions, oppression of women, etc., ad nauseam.
See it all in living gore here:
The Religion of Pieces
Beautiful Islam
"Completely unfounded," my arse.
So who is "cherry picking," when it is YOU who have plucked out some feel-goodies in order to assure the rest of us that the above-mentioned horrors - and the constant DEATH THREATS against people who expose them - are not real?
I neither support the campaigns by Bush & Co., nor am I at all unaware of the atrocities of the Bible, as I have been writing about them for many years. However, your argument constitutes the typical tu quoque logical fallacy of pointing fingers elsewhere. The fact that there have been atrocities in other cultures induced by their "holy texts" does not exculpate Islam and the Koran from the endless atrocities in their name and specifically induced by them.
Instead of battling with me, perhaps you would do better to ask yourself why are you a Muslim? Is it because you chose Islam as a consenting and well-informed adult, or were you born into it and essentially forced to be a follower? Is this belief system natural to your own culture, or was it compelled upon your people hundreds of years ago through violence and reproduction?
No BORGanized religion constitutes "the truth," which means that each is false and unnecessary to the human race. In order for us to live on this planet in the coming decades we will ALL need to drop out of these divisive and false belief systems and just be REAL PEOPLE.
You don't need Islam - and Islam isn't "your" faith. Someone else imposed it upon you. It is simply a manmade system of control.
Toss it off. Be free.
Anonymous said...
Please publish my comment, because to not do so would only indicate you have an agenda to tarnish the perception of the Quran. By not publishing my comment, you affirm the fact you are biased and are working from an agenda and NOT interested in debate and the seeking of the truth.
Tameem Vancouver
Believe it or not, I'm not sitting around waiting for comments from you!
But, thank you for providing yet another example of a Muslim throwing a FITNA to get his way.
Anonymous said...
Someone should buy a new dictionary to make translations of this book, if no one can read the quran in its original language and every anglophone person reads such badly translated texts, no wonder people think islam is evil!!!
For example:
The only true faith in God's sight is Islam. --Q 3:19, Islam means : surrendering to god..., hence the right translation:
Doesn't that make more sense LOL.
Whoever did these translations must have received a special dictionary for the translations.... But sorry to say these are misinterpreted translations...
By the way I'm french and i believe in god and follow no religion, because I Islam, that meaning I surrender to god... So when one understands the true meaning of this book, one understands a religion is not needed to believe in god...
So, you've read the Koran in 7th century Arabic?
You might want to tell all the Muslims committing atrocities in the name of Islam, using the very scriptures highlighted here, that they've got it all wrong. That might be helpful to the rest of the world. And be sure to teach them in 7th century Arabic, or they'll continue to get it all wrong.
On saturday 22nd of March a demonstration against racism took place on Damsquare in Amsterdam. The demonstration was very much a sign to Geert Wilders and the world that the hatemongering of Wilders is affecting the tradition of tolerance the Dutch nation had for many centuries.
It is not onliy this movie that is triggering a lot of Ducth people, but more the constant bashing of muslims that hurts the hearts of many Dutch citizens. During the demonstration one of the protesters was arrested by the police. Quess why? He had collected some of Wilders' phrases and replaced the words mulsim and islam by Jews and Judaism. He was held by the police and offended for antisemitism. Yeah that is our freedom of speech in the Netherlands.
For awhile as of late The Muslims have Praised their "Suicide Bombers" How about we have one of our own?....someone strapped to our largest Hydrogyn Bomb then dropped on Mecca? What is that Black and Gold Cube hiding? The Kaba Stone ! Which is? a meteorite that fell to Earth centuries ago and considered a Gift from GOD {Or Allah} so what do we have here A Space Rock in the Middle East that Whorshippers Bow down to 5 times a day 7 days a week ?.....This is Intelligent Design????? *Have a Nice "No Afterlife"
Jewish Talmud is so full of this and much worse! Consider that won't you?
I do not know the Koran, or if you are using a valid translation. I really don't care. Muslims and Christians (well, real ones anyhow) are NOT of any concern to the general public. Satanic Judaism however, that is enough to make one shiver all over. It is clear that you have a bias against Islam and Christianity.
Anyone can obtain the entire Bible, Koran at the local library. It is there open before all...its that pesky Talmud that is kept hidden and not available for all to probe. Wonder why?
Bush must love you man. I am sure he has kept a devil aside for ya.
Xander said...
On saturday 22nd of March a demonstration against racism took place on Damsquare in Amsterdam. The demonstration was very much a sign to Geert Wilders and the world that the hatemongering of Wilders is affecting the tradition of tolerance the Dutch nation had for many centuries.
It is not onliy this movie that is triggering a lot of Ducth people, but more the constant bashing of muslims that hurts the hearts of many Dutch citizens. During the demonstration one of the protesters was arrested by the police. Quess why? He had collected some of Wilders' phrases and replaced the words mulsim and islam by Jews and Judaism. He was held by the police and offended for antisemitism. Yeah that is our freedom of speech in the Netherlands.
Islam's not a race, so criticizing it is not racism. Standing up against bullies who are using and abusing you based on "holy scriptures" is not "hatemongering" or "bashing."
I agree that the criticism of Judaism and questioning of the details of World War II should be allowed.
Wilders's film and defense of his own culture against otherwise certain extinction are important and necessary.
As concerns "tolerance," as another great Dutch politician has said, "Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice." -- Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Hi Folks,
I like to take the moniker Watcher.
Idealism, if it remains a personal goal and aspiration, is a beautiful tool for any group of men and women gathered in society.
All religions that choose to attack men and women who select a different personal path are operating on fear. The fear of losing followers, fear of being diminished in a community, fear that the proponents, usually priests and imams and rabbis and gurus will lose their eminence, all these fears have nothing to do with the divine in man.
I discovered this as a Catholic convert and monk. The Catholic Church is a perfect teacher of hypocrisy when an olive branch is extended to other teachings while their underlying philosophy of exclusiveness never deviates and is not refuted.
Obviously different sects and groups of Muslims that believe power is a mechanism of the divine are just as deluded as all the religions on the planet.
Do what you want to do to yourself, not to your neighbors, not even to your loved ones. The presence of spirit is dishonored by force or coercion of any kind.
If you don't have a Quran, please use this one that has three translations for a person to examine, to help them understand what it's saying.
There are no advocations to violence in the New Testament, but the Old Testament certainly does. So does the Talmud and Zohar.
For instance, here's what the Jewish text claims is heading for the Arabs:
It's even worse for the 70 Idolatrous Nations. That means those nations that don't bow to Judaic rule.
May God help us all.
Anonymous said...
Jewish Talmud is so full of this and much worse! Consider that won't you?
I do not know the Koran, or if you are using a valid translation. I really don't care. Muslims and Christians (well, real ones anyhow) are NOT of any concern to the general public. Satanic Judaism however, that is enough to make one shiver all over. It is clear that you have a bias against Islam and Christianity.
Anyone can obtain the entire Bible, Koran at the local library. It is there open before all...its that pesky Talmud that is kept hidden and not available for all to probe. Wonder why?
Bush must love you man. I am sure he has kept a devil aside for ya.
More tu quoque "you too" fingerpointing elsewhere.
As defenders of the Koran like to howl, have you actually read the Talmud? I've read quite a bit of it. In fact, I've got a copy of the Soncino Talmud on CD - I guess it's not that hard to find. Few Jews either read or follow the Talmud. It is not considered a "holy text" by most of them. Almost none of them would riot, maim and murder in its name.
Ditto with the Bible - the Bible is criticized CONSTANTLY. No one is shutting down websites critical of the Bible - and there are THOUSANDS of them. No Christians are rioting and murdering in the streets because of criticism of the Bible.
So what does all this say about the Koran and Muslims?
Obviously, the criticisms are warranted.
My only "bias" is against psychotic ideologies that call themselves "religion" and cause people to act like demented idiots.
Religion is Mental Illness
Wilders is in the Dutch Parliament behaving like a spoiled child, always choosing the role of victimizing himself. He is running away for every invitation for a reasonable debate. The man is emotionally handicapped and living on tranquilizers. He is just a pawn in the Bilderberg powergame.
The whole Fitnahype was started of by leaking confidential information, given by Wilders to Dutch anti-terrorism boss Joustra, from sources within the Dutch government. This whole hype is part of the Dutch governmental Bilderbergplan to destabilize the country.
By the way, Mr. Wilders has strong ties with Israël, wich have been coming in the open lately.
Anyone who can read history can easily find that Christians have caused more deaths than Muslims. I find it very sad that this subject is not treated with the balance it deserves at a time like this.
Also, they hate use because we've been killing their leaders, arming their enemies, sewing discord among them, raining DU on them, vilifying their religion, occupying their countries, and telling them they can't have nuclear power plants, as their energy needs related to population projections clearly show they need to be working on.
Please try to read both sides of any issue and really educate yourself before letting yourself become angry, and manipulated.
IMHO, people need to see this movie. I want to see this movie. I've read the Quran, I know what is in it and it nothing but violence, hatred, bigotry, discrimination... Personally, hiding this from the people is a form of control much like that of the Dark Age of Europe.
Few Muslims seem to realize what the Quran actually says because they have their Iman tell them, instead of reading it for themselves AND thinking for themselves.
Hiding what is said in it is only another form of mind control.
Your interpretation of the Quranic message is completely unfounded. Firstly, the quotes you've selected are cherry picked to reinforce your own bias against Islam. Any self respecting Muslim understands that to misconstrue the Quran's message to be violent and wage wars of aggression is Anti Islamic.
Seems to me you are denying the truth of what it says. It is not cherry picking if a whole chapter (The Women) is devoted to suppressing and oppressing them. No, I can read and I do understand what it says, so don't try that one either.
To me it is a denial to say these accusation about that book are unfounded, because it is not unfounded. In fact, the Quran has more violence and like than the Bible. It's shorter, but has more violence.
Any thinking person, who thinks for themselves will know you are denying the truth about the Quran- probably more to yourself than anyone else.
Check Sikh history for the atrocities commited by muslims. Sikhs fought tooth and nail against islamic aggression and survuved and defeated these fanatics. Sikh history is littered with evidence of islamic terror. Don't buy into the fallacy muslims stating that it is a peaceful religion. Beneath that exterior they consider all non believers as kaffirs. Also I applaud the muslim who converted to Christianity over the Easter weekend.
So true. It is not a religion of peace, but one of violence and oppression. I guess if one has to have a religion, Christianity is less violent, but not any less of delusion.
The only true faith in God's sight is Islam. --Q 3:19, Islam means : surrendering to god..., hence the right translation:
Only according to humans. There is no god, esp one that wants us to surrender, submit and become slaves- to other humans. Islam is just another human creation with yet another human created deity.
Doesn't that make more sense LOL.
Whoever did these translations must have received a special dictionary for the translations.... But sorry to say these are misinterpreted translations...
My guess is that this is yet another denial to convince the gullible to convert and once they do, you continue to tell them they can't read and tell them what you want them to believe and when you got them... It's all a brainwash and denial of the truth.
Again, it is all a human creation and god is a human concept.
It is not onliy this movie that is triggering a lot of Ducth people, but more the constant bashing of muslims that hurts the hearts of many Dutch citizens.
It's not bashing when it is the truth, but to not allow this movie is to appease and deny.
Anyone who can read history can easily find that Christians have caused more deaths than Muslims. I find it very sad that this subject is not treated with the balance it deserves at a time like this.
This is not true. It is about equal.
Please try to read both sides of any issue and really educate yourself before letting yourself become angry, and manipulated.
If they are smart, they will see the truth that Islam is more violent and more mentally sick.
Many of the quotes you used in your diatribe are either taken out of context, misquoted, or you have given the wrong numbers for the verses. Please check your sources.
I am not a Muslim, nor a Christian but have read the Quran and the Bible. There are quotes such as the ones you used in the Bible as well. In fact, Paul, the great Christian, used similar rhetoric.
I do admit that there are several Muslim sects (such as the Wahabi sect...which includes most of Al Quaeda and the Saudi royal family) which are radical, destructive and have their own rather oblique way of understanding the Quran.
However, the Wahabis and other fundamentalist sects represent a tiny portion of Muslims, and are not reflective of the faith in any way. Additionally, the Wahabi's are not much different from the wild-eyed fundamentalist Christians,or any other group that expouses divisiveness.
If we are indeed enlightened, then it is our responsibility to encourage and foster inclusivity, not exclusivity.
There are many paths to God (Goddess, Divine Path, Oneness)and humility (which is a deep tenet in Islam, Christianity and many other religions) is one of them.
Perhaps if we looked at what is good and beneficial in all the world's religions, we might have a better world. Divisiveness begets divisiveness.
Let it be very clear that this hype has got nothing to do with religion whatsoever. It is all about antagonizing people, polarizing people, dividing people and ruling people. It is all about creating chaos and disorder to distract peoples mind from far more important hasppenings on a spiritual level.
Keep the minds of people focussed on chaotic events in the outer world and they will forget who they really are, they will loose the contact with their innermost Self, they will lose contact with their own highly creative power.
We are living in an illusion of a masterplanned deceptive outer world. Nothing is what it seems, and nothing seems what it is. Just remeber your Self and you will find the truth within your Self.
when zionism owns christianity.....
Sami Al-Arian is a political prisoner in Police State America. This article reviews his case briefly and updates it to the present.
Because of his faith, ethnicity and political activism, the Bush administration targeted Al-Arian for supporting "terrorism." In fact, he's a Palestinian refugee, distinguished professor and scholar, community leader and civil activist.
Nonetheless, the FBI harassed him for 11 years, arrested him on February 20, 2003, and falsely accused him of backing organizations fronting for Palestinian Islamic Jihad - a 1997 State Department-designated "Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO)."
A week later, in spite of his many awards, impeccable credentials and tenured status, University of South Florida president Judy Genshaft fired him under right wing pressure.
Since February 20, 2003, Al-Arian has been imprisoned - first at Tampa, Florida's Orient Road jail, then on to more than a dozen different maximum and other federal prison facilities. He's currently on hunger strike at Warsaw, Virginia's Northern Neck Regional jail after being transferred back March 18 from Butner, North Carolina's medical prison.
Al-Arian's trial began in June 2005 and was a travesty. It lasted six months, cost an estimated $50 million, and the prosecution called 80 witnesses, including Israeli intelligence agents and victims of suicide bombings to prejudice the jury. It introduced portions of hundreds of wiretapped phone calls from over a half million recorded; "evidence" from faxes, emails and what was seized from his home; quotes from his speeches and lectures; conferences, events and rallies he attended; articles he wrote; books he owned; magazines he edited; and various publications he read - all legal and in no way incriminating unless falsely twisted to appear that way.
After years of effort and millions spent, Al-Arian was exonerated. On December 6, 2005 after 13 days of deliberation, the jury acquitted him of all (eight) "terrorism" charges. They were deadlocked 10 - 2 for acquittal on nine others. All of them were false and unjust.
Nonetheless, within days, the Justice Department said it would re-try him on the lesser charges. His lawyers called it legal but a highly unusual move. At the same time and in secret, a plea bargain deal was struck. It stipulated:
-- Al-Arian neither engaged in or had any knowledge of violent acts;
-- that he would not be required to cooperate further with prosecutors; and
-- that he would be released on time served and deported voluntarily to his country of choice.
In the meantime, Al-Arian remained in custody pending sentencing and deportation on May 1, 2006. He expected to be free and his ordeal ended. Instead, the presiding judge changed the deal. He sentenced Al-Arian to the maximum 57 months, gave him credit for time served, and ordered him held for the remaining 11 months, after which an April 2007 deportation would follow. Now it's extended as explained below.
In October 2006, assistant prosecutor Gordon Kromberg violated plea bargain terms by subpoenaing Al-Arian before a grand jury. His defense attorneys tried to block it by citing his "no-grand jury cooperation" provision to prevent DOJ from springing a perjury-obstruction trap. Defense's motion was denied, and on November 16 Al-Arian refused to testify and was held in contempt.
A month later, the grand jury expired, a new one was convened, and Al-Arian was again subpoenaed to testify. He continued to refuse, was held in contempt, and had his sentence increased without mitigation to April 7, 2008.
On March 3, 2008 Kromberg ordered Al-Arian before still another March 19 grand jury, three weeks before his scheduled release and deportation. On the same day, Al-Arian began a hunger strike against the government's continued harassment. It's his third one but is life-threatening for a man in his condition. He's diabetic and needs regular sustenance to avoid serious health problems. His January through March, 2007 strike depleted one-fourth of his body weight, gravely harmed him, and ended only at the urging of his family.
He's now 20 days into his latest fast, lost 30 pounds, is weakening, and his life is endangered. On March 12, Al-Arian was transferred to the Butner, North Carolina medical facility where treatment is poor, the staff indifferent, and in Al-Arian's case hostile to a designated enemy of the state. On March 18, he was returned to Warsaw, Virginia's Northern Neck Regional jail ahead of his third grand jury appearance. Again, he refused to testify, so he'll likely face new contempt charges and continued confinement.
George Washington University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley heads up Al-Arian's legal team. On March 3, he released the following statement:
"On behalf of Mr. Olson and Mr. Meitl and the entire legal team, (we are greatly disappointed by) the Justice Department('s) continu(ing)....effort to mete out punishment that it could not secure from a jury. Having lost (its) case (it's) openly sought to extend (Al-Arian's) confinement by daisy-chaining grand juries. As in other cases, the government has given Dr. Al-Arian the choice of an obvious perjury trap or a contempt sanction. (Either way assures his imprisonment. This) obnoxious to our legal system and contrary to any standard of decency. The mistreatment of Dr. Al-Arian remains an international symbol of how the Bush Administration has discarded fundamental principles of fairness in a blind pursuit of retribution against this political activist. We stand committed to fighting this great injustice and hopefully reuniting Dr. Al-Arian with his family and friends."
In the meantime, his long ordeal continues at a time lawlessness prevails over justice, and we're all Sami-Al-Arians in America's "war on terrorism."
Slaves to zionism and too stupid to realize it.
Here's my third attempt to publish this.
First, your Quranic quotes are certainly taken out of context. Certain of the verses are numbered wrong as well (according to my Quran). You do need to check your sources.
I am not a Muslim, Christian or Jew, but I have read all of their holy texts, as well as the holy texts and traditions of many relist say gions. I must agree with many that all of them have an astonishingly large number of references to violence and destruction. Even Paul, the great Christian, exhibited extraordinary intolerance on more than one occasion.
Yes, it is true that there are some very destructive and rabid sects in Islam. The Wahabi sect (to which most Al Quaeda members belong, as does the Saudi royal family) is foremost among these.
But this is a tiny element within Islam, and does not reflect the Muslim community as a whole. I see sects like the Wahabis no different from wild-eyed Christian and Jewish fundamentalists and all the other carriers of the disease of divisiveness.
I believe that there are many paths to God (Goddess, Oneness, Divine Way). Isn't it our responsibility as enlightened persons, to choose what is good and hopeful from all these paths? Is this done through divisiveness, and exclusivity, or through thoughtfulness, inclusivity and, through our wisdom, discovering a common holy language?
Omniam said...
Here's my third attempt to publish this.
First, your Quranic quotes are certainly taken out of context. Certain of the verses are numbered wrong as well (according to my Quran). You do need to check your sources.
I am not a Muslim, Christian or Jew, but I have read all of their holy texts, as well as the holy texts and traditions of many relist say gions. I must agree with many that all of them have an astonishingly large number of references to violence and destruction. Even Paul, the great Christian, exhibited extraordinary intolerance on more than one occasion.
Yes, it is true that there are some very destructive and rabid sects in Islam. The Wahabi sect (to which most Al Quaeda members belong, as does the Saudi royal family) is foremost among these.
But this is a tiny element within Islam, and does not reflect the Muslim community as a whole. I see sects like the Wahabis no different from wild-eyed Christian and Jewish fundamentalists and all the other carriers of the disease of divisiveness.
I believe that there are many paths to God (Goddess, Oneness, Divine Way). Isn't it our responsibility as enlightened persons, to choose what is good and hopeful from all these paths? Is this done through divisiveness, and exclusivity, or through thoughtfulness, inclusivity and, through our wisdom, discovering a common holy language?
Third attempt to post - a little pushy, aren't we?
So you can't find the quotations, which I cited quite correctly, as anyone who has studied the subject will know, yet I'm the one who needs to check my sources?
Naturally, we've all heard the "out of context" comment when justifying this atrocious language. Here are the in context facts: These "scriptures" and others have been used by Muslim fanatics to slaughter and pillage their way around many countries.
We have also heard all the "tiny minority" business - the reality is that a majority of Muslims in certain polls have said they would favor sharia law being imposed on the non-Muslim nations they live in, such as Great Britain.
If you are aware that there are atrocities in every major religion, why stump for them? Help get rid of these DIVISIVE MURDEROUS IDEOLOGIES instead of apologizing for them.
Experiencing the "Oneness" reveals that these religions are false, so why not just toss them away now, before they cause ARMAGEDDON?
What this comes down to is a FREE SPEECH issue. Islam / Muslims hate free speech. Before this conspiracy working to ban the 10-15 minutes movie, I didn't give it all that much thought. Now, I will go to great lengths to view it since it's been banned. So thanks for all of that! Geert Wilders has a right and a responsibility to share his views on this barbaric religion.
mscir "Anyone who can read history can easily find that Christians have caused more deaths than Muslims."
False - Christianity is around 250 million murders since its inception and Islam is at around 270 murders. Look it up Sherlock.
"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth."
-- Omar M. Ahmad, founder of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Dhimwit: "A non-Muslim member of a free society that abets the stated cause of Islamic domination with remarkable gullibility. A dhimwit is always quick to extend sympathy to the very enemy that would take away his or her own freedom (or life) if given the opportunity."
If Muslims think they're going to come to America and take it over, they best pack their lunch it's not going to be easy. Americans have had enough of this stupid shit of giving Muslims special treatment and privileges.
xander "Let it be very clear that this hype has got nothing to do with religion whatsoever."
- It has everything to do with ideology/religion. They use their holy text/God as a front to hide behind so that they may perform heinous crimes against humanity and get away with. Expect to be called-out on this relentlessly. No more letting Muslims get away with murder. Prepare to be assimilated.
"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil"
~ Thomas Mann
Omniam said...
I believe that there are many paths to God
LOL! How many times have I heard that?! Yeah..the oneness has billions of paths...or just one. How many heads do you have?!
Anonymous said...
For awhile as of late The Muslims have Praised their "Suicide Bombers" How about we have one of our own?....someone strapped to our largest Hydrogyn Bomb then dropped on Mecca? What is that Black and Gold Cube hiding? The Kaba Stone ! Which is? a meteorite that fell to Earth centuries ago and considered a Gift from GOD {Or Allah} so what do we have here A Space Rock in the Middle East that Whorshippers Bow down to 5 times a day 7 days a week ?.....This is Intelligent Design????? *Have a Nice "No Afterlife"
That was one of "God's" family jewels don't ya know?! It could be the magically engraved 'staff' of Allah from which the primitve tribes spurted from...LOL!
Anonymous said...
when zionism owns christianity.....Slaves to zionism and too stupid to realize it.
Thought for owns Islam too. In fact, what 'Zionist's' plan is soooo similar to Islam it is scareeee! See Chabad Lubavitch. Down with religon! Down with Tribalism!
Xander said...demonstration against RACISM was very much a sign to Geert Wilders and the world that the HATEMONGERING of Wilders is affecting the tradition of TOLERANCE the Dutch nation had for many centuries. One of the protesters was arrested by the police. was held by the police and offended for ANTISEMITISM. Yeah that is our freedom of speech in the Netherlands.
Key words capitalised. I don't know how it is in your country, but in mine (to anyone who pays attention) the Tolerance crowd is led by the same people as the Intolerance crowd. Notice how you are an 'antisemite' if you oppose them...a racist and hatemonger!
I guess we are squeezed if you are not a 'semite' or a 'semite' god-worshipper. Catch my drift? It's not race, but tribal-preistcrafts putting you in the pincer. You don't have to tolerate any religon or culture that makes DEMANDS on you.
acharya s said:
I've been online since 1995 tackling the Judeo-Christian issues - they have become much tamer even than when I started. When I first started posting this material, I had Christian fanatics spewing at me in much the same way as the Muslims do today. The Christians are far less hostile nowadays.
Which means that, now, the nail that is sticking up the highest and that needs to be hit the hardest is Islam.
why don't you admit that nail that is sticking the highest, so high that many do not see it, is - Judaism with its supremacist view on jew vs. goy(non-jew) relationship?!
The movie is on youtube -
All the parts are there.....
I'm curious why there were 12 parts to a 10 to 15-minute movie?
In any event, when you can get the link to actually click through on any of them, we now find:
"This video has been removed due to terms of use violation."
Here we go again. But, hey, the videos by Khadaffy-duck and others declaring that Europe and the U.S. will be forced to become Muslim are still up there, no doubt.
At this point, only Part 8 of whatever this movie is remains online:
FITNA, Part 8?
Who knows how long it will take for YouTube to take this one down.
As a Westerner with many Muslim friends I can say that this site is a fraud and clearly is designed to promote one thing: Hate.
It is designed to promote hate on both sides of the debate, not reconciliation.
Watch this if you would like to see the REAL Islam that is followed by the majority of the 1.2 BILLION Muslims on earth
"It's all symantics, If we sit down and talk - we will understand each other"
Disappointed as I am in the SUPPRESSION OF FREE-SPEECH in this case of FITNA, I am not the least bit surprised. Going toward what I said in a previous post about the 'semite' pincer, I found this on my way to learn more about Geert Wilders and his battle with the 'TOLERANCE' crowd:
Anti-Islam Film "Same As Anti-Semitism"
Author: Y-Love (USA) - March 24, 2008
A Jewish producer in the Netherlands, Harry De Winter, blasted
far-right anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders this weekend for his anti-Islam
movie, Fitna, already banned from media outlets worldwide. Wilders is
intent on broadcasting his Islamophobic film, after having its website
pulled offline by its internet service provider, Network Solutions,
and causing worldwide protest over its anti-Quran and anti-Islam
De Winter took out a front-page advertisement in the Dutch newspaper
de Volkskrant to protest Wilders' inflammatory actions, saying that:
"If Wilders had said the same thing about Jews (and the Old
Testament) as he does about Muslims (and the Koran), he would have
been ostracized a long time ago and accused of anti-Semitism."
De Winter says Wilders' anti-Islam hate speech are reminiscent of "how
the persecution of Jews once started", and said that for him, "there
is no difference between the yarmulke and the headscarf."
Israel is behind most modern terrorism.
The Iraq war was launched on the Jewish holiday of Purim, a time of their choosing according to CNN.
Most Neocons are dual citizen Israeli/Americans....
Anonymous said...
As a Westerner with many Muslim friends I can say that this site is a fraud and clearly is designed to promote one thing: Hate.
It is designed to promote hate on both sides of the debate, not reconciliation.
Watch this if you would like to see the REAL Islam that is followed by the majority of the 1.2 BILLION Muslims on earth
"It's all symantics, If we sit down and talk - we will understand each other"
Oh, I see! So, how can we "sit down and talk" when you've immediately called my site "a fraud" designed for "Hate?" It seems apologists for Islam have only one thing they can repeat endlessly like a robot: Shrill and idiotic cries of "Hate!"
Of course, you could be speaking of the Koran, which certainly seems designed for "Hate!"
It matters not what you will bring up to justify the religion of 1.2 billion people - are we not supposed to be concerned about such a number? - as the basis for it will remain a mind-control doctrine designed to enslave people.
Time to wake up and toss aside these pathologies - and mindlessly shrieking "Hate!" ain't gonna do it.
What is going to do it is for everyone on the planet to remember their true selves, without the stifling and enslaving pathology of BORGanized religion. If that's "Hate!", I gotta LOVE it.
Toss this enslaving culturally bigoted load of crap off already and join the human race!
Islam or "the nation of" has proven itself over and over again to be violent and hate provoking. Those that follow Islam are the same as those that are foretold of the ones that follow a false prophet. Mohammed was a thief and a murder and took from innocents to pack his coffures. The next great war will be the free world against Islam. Freedom will win and those that do nothing but kill innocents to be martyrd are lost. Farrakahan, malcom X, almedinajihad are all results of this "peaceful religon. I can only hope God, the one true God will strike those that believe in the crap that is the Koran.
Please people, look at yourselves and what is happening to you on the emotional level through this provoking and engineered anti-muslim hype. When I look at what is written here and especially how there is been writing about this matter, I clearly see happening what Xander mentioned in a previous post.
Namely: Let it be very clear that this hype has got nothing to do with religion whatsoever. It is all about antagonizing people, polarizing people, dividing people and ruling people. It is all about creating chaos and disorder to distract peoples mind from far more important happenings on a spiritual level.
When you look at this all from an overview and you see how this stupid media circus around this movie, that no one is ever going to see, stirs up so much provoked emotion you can be sure there's something more behind it.
Zbginiev Brzezinski already mentioned in one of his books in 1991 that the coming great war in the 21st century would be between the Christian west and the Muslim east. This means that he was speaking about a plan to generate that war by all means. The world events since then have made his words into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Can't you see this?
Open up your eyes and don't let yourselves be fooled around anymore by the puppet masters in the London City, Vatican City and Washington DC. They work very hard at deceiving us, betraying us, telling us one lie after the other.
Develop your own sense of morality by listening to your heart. Only your heart can tell right from wrong. Don’t let yourselves be taken along in a totally superficial subject as a movie from Holland. Isn't it to crazy to believe that a big part of the world is quarrelling about a movie of a Dutch politician who hasn't in his whole parliamentary career come forward with one single constructive idea about facing the problems in our Dutch society? He just knows too well how to attract attention by playing with the unconscious sentiments of people who can't think for themselves properly.
Forget Wilders, the man isn't worth all this attention. He is a very self aggrandising person. He is horny for media-attention. The more he gets from that the more his very small ego is growing. Leave Wilders to the Netherlands. We can deal with him in a very positive way.
And above all what do your own reactions tell you about yourselves? That's the big learning
theme we are all facing here.
Shame on you..but you are entitled to your views just like I am entitled to mine. You should really read your own holy book and realize just how pathetic religion is. Lets take christianity. You expect that a young girl whose hormones got the better of her, got pregnant , so made up some story about a horny god and thus we have the virgin birth. That child then becomes the son of god and,...sorry can't write any more, as i can't concentrate because I am laughing my head off...
False - Christianity is around 250 million murders since its inception and Islam is at around 270 murders. Look it up Sherlock.
I seriously doubt 270. Maybe 270 million. You have to take into account the archiac and inhumane stonings and alike that Islamic countries still do also.
Islam or "the nation of" has proven itself over and over again to be violent and hate provoking.
Yes, it most definitely has.
why not blame male cheuvanism and testorone for all the problems many of the problems against women in the world?
If you're going to blame one thing, and only one thing as a cause of something (which in itself seems kind of strange), then why not get something a little bit more accurate and all-encompasing?
but it's supposed to be a "peaceful" religion! or is it "piece-full".
Anonymous said...
Many of the quotes you used in your diatribe are either taken out of context, misquoted, or you have given the wrong numbers for the verses. Please check your sources.
They weren't wrong - only one was off by a couple of sentence numbers. Because of Dawood's numbering system, I had to extrapolate in a couple of places. I have adjusted these and LINKED to the Dawood translation, which also has a parallel ARABIC text - for all the world to see.
Because of your comments, however, I was able to add to the one about women, this time including the part about BEATING them.
Acharya, tienes toda mi simpatÃa y mi respeto. Es preciso que ese documental pueda ser accesible a todos los que deseemos verlo le guste o no a determinadas personas o facciones. Los musulmanes tienen que asumir que los que no creemos en sus dogmas vamos a actuar, a pensar y a hablar de elos y de sus intagibles como nos venga en gana. Si eso es blasfemia pues será balsfemia desde su estrecho y limitado punto de vista.
Anonymous said...
Acharya, tienes toda mi simpatÃa y mi respeto. Es preciso que ese documental pueda ser accesible a todos los que deseemos verlo le guste o no a determinadas personas o facciones. Los musulmanes tienen que asumir que los que no creemos en sus dogmas vamos a actuar, a pensar y a hablar de elos y de sus intagibles como nos venga en gana. Si eso es blasfemia pues será balsfemia desde su estrecho y limitado punto de vista.
Gracias por la voz de la razón.
Let it be very clear that this hype has got nothing to do with religion whatsoever. It is all about antagonizing people, polarizing people, dividing people and ruling people. It is all about creating chaos and disorder to distract peoples mind from far more important hasppenings on a spiritual level.
Actually, it's about how bad a religion can be. You can not attain spiritual knowledge with violent and hateful reading. All it does it perpetuate violence.
We are living in an illusion of a masterplanned deceptive outer world. Nothing is what it seems, and nothing seems what it is. Just remeber your Self and you will find the truth within your Self.
If you want gnosticism, try picking up a copy of the Gospel of Thomas.
Acharya, tienes toda mi simpatÃa y mi respeto. Es preciso que ese documental pueda ser accesible a todos los que deseemos verlo le guste o no a determinadas personas o facciones. Los musulmanes tienen que asumir que los que no creemos en sus dogmas vamos a actuar, a pensar y a hablar de elos y de sus intagibles como nos venga en gana. Si eso es blasfemia pues será balsfemia desde su estrecho y limitado punto de vista.
Mi español es muy malo, pero qué comprendo es bueno. ¿Tradusca por favour? Esp. if it is the voice of reason. That way everyone can understand and maybe gain from it.
Es que bueno si no desea traduscar.
Sanjari said...
...Zbginiev Brzezinski already mentioned in one of his books in 1991 that the coming great war in the 21st century would be between the Christian west and the Muslim east. This means that he was speaking about a plan to generate that war by all means. The world events since then have made his words into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Can't you see this?
Yes, yes, we've heard it many times - and that's precisely why I keep bringing up these issues. The BORGanized religions are the tools of the ruling elite - they were created by such people - for the express purpose of pitting people against each other. And that is exactly why I continue to tell people to DROP OUT OF THE ORGANIZED RELIGIONS. They are false, period.
Unfortunately, that message will not be heard by the fanatics among us - the only thing we can do is to reduce their numbers by not being among them. If they are small in number, they can't really destroy human civilization by using the sheeple as foot soldiers to slaughter each other.
This movie is not "shallow" in that it exposes the war plan of one wing of this fanaticism created by the same overlords in order to enslave human kind.
As concerns Wilders, well, his passionate relationship with Israel certainly makes for an interesting situation about which one could speculate endlessly...
Anonymous said...
Acharya, tienes toda mi simpatÃa y mi respeto. Es preciso que ese documental pueda ser accesible a todos los que deseemos verlo le guste o no a determinadas personas o facciones. Los musulmanes tienen que asumir que los que no creemos en sus dogmas vamos a actuar, a pensar y a hablar de elos y de sus intagibles como nos venga en gana. Si eso es blasfemia pues será balsfemia desde su estrecho y limitado punto de vista.
Because you asked, Mriana -
"Acharya, you have all my sympathy and my respect. It is necessary that this documentary be accessible to all who wish to see it, whether or not certain individuals or factions like it. The Muslims must assume that those who do not believe in its tenets are going to act, think and speak about them and their intangibles as we desire. If this is blasphemy, then it will be blasphemy according to their narrow and limited viewpoint."
I'm not sure exactly what "intangibles" means, unless it refers to God, etc. And, I wasn't clear on the expression "como nos venga en gana."
Because you asked, Mriana -
thank you. Gracias. :) Better than pecking it out and filling in the missing pieces.
Yes, they are quite right. Everyone should be able to see the movie. Such sensoring is wrong and I get tired of it. Assemblies of God AKA A of G, does this often and prevents movies from showing here, while the rest of the nation gets to see it. Thank goodness for the local university, who eventually gets a hold of banned movie and shows, irregardless of the A of G's reaction.
The reason for the defiance of such banning of movies, even though the banning was religious irrational, is because in a free and open society people have access to knowledge and information. As freethinking people we decide what information we wish to access and come to our own conclusions when we have all the information.
A society that does not allow this, has not only people who are not allowed to think for themselves and don't think for themselves, but are also illiterate and under educated.
You are a towering genius in your area of expertise, and I have benefitted greatly from your work and those you have influenced.
Your anti muslim rants however are strangely incongruent and truthfully quite ugly for an intellectual of your caliber.
May I ask in your heart are you more trusting of the ignorant Christian masses who you share more in common with than the ignorant masses of Muslims?
Do you truly believe that the evil works of a tiny minority of Muslims are somehow more or less abhorrent than the evil works of a tiny minority of Christian extremists?
In short, it would seem that you of all people would be immune to the demonizing of one religion over another in a world rent asunder by violent conflict in the name of countless religions for centuries on end.
I respectfully submit, particularly while your star is rising so quickly, you should strive to achieve a greater balance in your ongoing commentary regarding the evils of religious extremism.
Michael Place
Thank you. I respectfully request that you study these websites and then attempt once more to convince me not to speak out against this evil of religious extremism, which is not at all "extreme," as we can see from the very texts as outlined and meticulously cited in this very blog post.
The Religion of (Body) Pieces
Beautiful Islam
Muslim Reality
"Ugly?" Yes, I would agree that exposing this ugliness is ugly.
Do you honestly expect me to know all about this atrocity and ongoing suffering, and then say nothing about it? Why would you even for one moment believe or desire that I not speak out against this horror, which is specifically done in the name of Islam? Why would you coddle such a depraved ideology by your cloying (and insulting) remarks?
I will certainly continue to expose this festering wound for all the world to see and not shirk from such risk merely because of some flaccid sensibilities that you perceive are necessary. In the meantime, while I am wasting time responding to this criticism of my integrity, a Muslim woman has been beaten for showing her hair, and another has likely been murdered in a dishonor killing.
Why is it that when I am critiquing Christianity, I am a "towering genius," but when I am rightfully exposing this hideous enslavement and oppression, I am suddenly not a "towering genius." I have news for you: Exposing religious pathology is my area of expertise, and there are few major ideologies more pathological at this moment than Islam.
From the bulk of your remarks, I would have to say that you do not know my work at all, frankly. If you actually read my website - which has been online since 1995, with many of the articles written in the 90s - you will see that they are equally strong in their criticisms of all religious pathology. But, again, I do not believe you know my work but are simply attempting to stop me from exposing the darling of the lefty liberals.
Here's an essay I wrote in 1993 - as anything changed in my perception? Not at all.
Religion is Mental Illness
It is further evident from your derogation that you have not even read my responses on this page.
Ever read the speech Benjamin H. Freedman held in 1961? Just a short introduction to whom he is.
"Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century.
Mr. Freedman, born in 1890, was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City who was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States.
Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over our nation. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times.
This speech was given before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., on behalf of Conde McGinley's patriotic newspaper of that time, Common Sense. Though in some minor ways this wide-ranging and extemporaneous speech has become dated, Mr. Freedman's essential message to us -- his warning to the West -- is more urgent than ever before. -- K.A.S. ---"
Some qoutes of him.
"[Freedman's speech]
What I intend to tell you tonight is something that you have never been able to learn from any other source, and what I tell you now concerns not only you, but your children and the survival of this country and Christianity. I'm not here just to dish up a few facts to send up your blood pressure, but I'm here to tell you things that will help you preserve what you consider the most sacred things in the world: the liberty, and the freedom, and the right to live as Christians, where you have a little dignity, and a little right to pursue the things that your conscience tells you are the right things, as Christians.
Now, first of all, I'd like to tell you that on August 25th 1960 -- that was shortly before elections -- Senator Kennedy, who is now the President of the United States, went to New York, and delivered an address to the Zionist Organization of America. In that address, to reduce it to its briefest form, he stated that he would use the armed forces of the United States to preserve the existence of the regime set up in Palestine by the Zionists who are now in occupation of that area.
In other words, Christian boys are going to be yanked out of their homes, away from their families, and sent abroad to fight in Palestine against the Christian and Moslem Arabs who merely want to return to their homes. And these Christian boys are going to be asked to shoot to kill these innocent [Arab Palestinians] people who only want to follow out fifteen resolutions passed by the United Nations in the last twelve years calling upon the Zionists to allow these people to return to their homes.
Now, when United States troops appear in the Middle East to fight with the Zionists as their allies to prevent the return of these people who were evicted from their homes in the 1948 armed insurrection by the Zionists who were transplanted there from Eastern Europe... when that happens, the United States will trigger World War III."....
About World War I:
"World War I broke out in the summer of 1914. Nineteen-hundred and fourteen was the year in which World War One broke out. There are few people here my age who remember that. Now that war was waged on one side by Great Britain, France, and Russia; and on the other side by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. What happened?
Within two years Germany had won that war: not alone won it nominally, but won it actually. The German submarines, which were a surprise to the world, had swept all the convoys from the Atlantic Ocean, and Great Britain stood there without ammunition for her soldiers, stood there with one week's food supply facing her -- and after that, starvation.
At that time, the French army had mutinied. They lost 600,000 of the flower of French youth in the defense of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian army was defecting. They were picking up their toys and going home, they didn't want to play war anymore, they didn't like the Czar. And the Italian army had collapsed.
Now Germany -- not a shot had been fired on the German soil. Not an enemy soldier had crossed the border into Germany. And yet, here was Germany offering England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis. That means: “Let's call the war off, and let everything be as it was before the war started.”
Well, England, in the summer of 1916 was considering that. Seriously! They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was magnanimously offering them, or going on with the war and being totally defeated.
While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, went to the British War Cabinet and -- I am going to be brief because this is a long story, but I have all the documents to prove any statement that I make if anyone here is curious, or doesn't believe what I'm saying is at all possible -- the Zionists in London went to the British war cabinet and they said: “Look here. You can yet win this war. You don't have to give up. You don't have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States will come in as your ally.”
The United States was not in the war at that time. We were fresh; we were young; we were rich; we were powerful. They [Zionists] told England: “We will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as your ally, to fight with you on your side, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war.”
In other words, they made this deal: “We will get the United States into this war as your ally. The price you must pay us is Palestine after you have won the war and defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.”
Now England had as much right to promise Palestine to anybody, as the United States would have to promise Japan to Ireland for any reason whatsoever. It's absolutely absurd that Great Britain -- that never had any connection or any interest or any right in what is known as Palestine -- should offer it as coin of the realm to pay the Zionists for bringing the United States into the war."....
To be continued.
- Thanks for that, you're correct, I meant "270 MILLION" murders in the name of Islam since its invention.
You're welcome
If you like that, try this one:
A Jew Named Mohammed
Didn't you know that Islam is a Jewish plot?
How could it be anything else, since Jews are all powerful and rule the world.
Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
To me there is an elephant among the other rather large beasts being ignored in the room, by this article. As has been mentioned, one of these is the fact that the Bible and even more so the Talmud has equally or much worse (in the Talmud's case) admonitions to violence and other abhorrent acts.
The elephant would have to be the fact that the Koran teaches that people of the book must not be classed as Infidels. None of the stuff they are quoting as a rule has to do with Jews or Christians as they consider these two groups to be forerunners of their own faith, people of the book and therefore not classed as unbelievers so much as like old fashioned or earlier model believers in the same god.
Many Christians lose this distinction, falsely attributing Christ hatred and hatred and disrespect for his mother Mary and their own faith which has a uniquely Talmudic basis in fact whilst Muslims hold Mary and Jesus in the highest esteem. The Koran deliberately devotes several passages to correcting some grim and disgusting lies which are said about the Christian Saviour and his mother and it commands strict respect and highest honor due them which is why you will always see PBUH (Peace be Upon Him or Her) in Muslim writings about them.
This article is just uninformed or deliberate misinformation.
... and I am NOT a Muslim, Christian or Jew. They are all just part of the same basic dogma in my opinion and I take a wider view, from a Gnostic perspective but "HEH St Peter, I've done my time in hell"
I have often thought Mohammad was a myth. Seems I'm not the only one thinking along those lines.
The Koran deliberately devotes several passages to correcting some grim and disgusting lies which are said about the Christian Saviour and his mother and it commands strict respect and highest honor due them which is why you will always see PBUH (Peace be Upon Him or Her) in Muslim writings about them.
Like I said some where on Acharya's blog, I've the Quran and I don't think so. They are not the same and the Quran doesn't do them justice. It makes them laughable. Oh yeah, all we need is a comedy with a little violence thrown in for good measure. That's hardly doing Mother Mary justice. Not to mention, she was NEVER Aaron's sister. Miriam was, so the Quran can't even tell the story right or IF it is right, it's NOT the same story or characters. Just like it is a different deity then Christianity and Judaism, they are all different characters and a bunch of violent bigotted, hateful TRIPE. It is not Jealous, YHWH, or any other deity, but something more vile, hateful, and vengeful than the god(s) of the Talmud and Bible. Good thing for the human race, that god doesn't truly exist anymore than the others do and the best way to kill it, all of them, is to stop believing it/them.
Jackie Collins is much more preferable than Quran. *rolling eyes* Not to mention, I can find more verses concerning love in the Talmud and Bible than in the Quran. Far more and by the same token, there are more violent verses in the Quran than in the Talmud/Bible.
Acharya S said...
If you like that, try this one:
A Jew Named Mohammed
Didn't you know that Islam is a Jewish plot?
How could it be anything else, since Jews are all powerful and rule the world.
Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Actually it does! There is a lot of material toward examination of that. I have one on myspace blog, which I am not going to bother looking for to post here. However, here is a google-search start below (I am on pg. 4-5 under Rene).
Jewish Origin of Mohammed and Koran?
The one I posted as a blog, is Christian-oriented, but argued from an historical rational point of view from the Koran itself, and Islamic sources. It's amazing how rational Christians can be!
Anonymous said...
A good source of hate literature
Indeed it is! I have Dilling's "Plot against Christianity" (as I do "The Talmud Unmasked" by Prainitis). It is an excellent source about Jews, Judaism and Talmud. However, it is Christian-oriented obviously (nothing wrong with that?) and neglects certain features of Christianity which can not separate itself from the O.T. and Judaism.
The author mentions Moses in a favourable light, yet neglects to mention that 'God' commanded him and the Israelites to "destroy. utterly destroy, leave nothing alive that breathes, kill all the non-Israelites--defenseless women, children, old people, babies, livestock, crops and trees, their temples, buildings and god-images--everything razed to the ground. Dire punishment of being cast into 'captivity' themselves if they didn't do as 'god' commanded!
Israelites (a separate confounding issue here from Judah, Judahites, Judeans!) were to possess their land. On occasion 'God' (Moses? if you believe that babbling crap) would tell them they could keep some of the best of the livestock and women (who were virginal) etc. These can be found in Deuteronomy, Judges and elsewhere throughout the Old Testament. Then there comes the ritual-regimented rules-upon-rules which the Israelites were to observe in their worship and everyday lives as a special-theocracy covenanted to their 'special god'. Does any of this sound familiar?
I won't even get into the place of the woman in all of this. It's a good idea to familarise oneself with the Talmud, the Koran, the Old Test. & New Test. as fully as possible when making an argument for or against any of them. Manmade religous poop..all of them HATE literature, which is the basis of their societies views and the sources of the mobilisations of people toward conflicts with each other at ANYTIME it suits BORG-CENTRAL.
In the contest of the 'Abrahmic' religons, t'is like one wolf pointing the finger at the other wolf, while the sheep confused and dazed are led to slaughter by these sheep-clothed wolves. But..eeaahh...since I like the Borg analogy--DON'T BE A BORG!
Muslim like Judaism, Christianity, etc are only symptoms of the problem. Getting rid of the symptom and keeping the problem is what western medicine does. Get rid of the symptom and another takes its place. Get rid of the problem and you will be well. People are unable to see the forest because of the trees. Muslim is only a tree. Getting rid of the trees and ignoring the forest only gets you wore out.
It's too bad the 911 is probably an inside job AND the Koran has what it has and has caused all the trouble it has caused. It is fundamentally unfair to blame this present "war on terror" on the Koran or on Muslims when nominal Christians and some Jews cooked this whole mess up and then placed the blame at the feet of the Islamic world. Sad. Truly sad.
"It's too bad the 911 is probably an inside job AND the Koran has what it has and has caused all the trouble it has caused. It is fundamentally unfair to blame this present "war on terror" on the Koran or on Muslims when nominal Christians and some Jews cooked this whole mess up and then placed the blame at the feet of the Islamic world. Sad. Truly sad."
- Lets not just gloss over the fact that 9-11 was carried out by Muslims - mostly from Saudi Arabia. The "inside" aspects are simply allowing the security to be weakened and investigations into terrorist activity to lack funds & attention. It *IS* accurate to put the blame of 9-11 squarely on Muslims and the Koran as well as those responsible for the "inside" aspects. To overlook the Muslim/Islam part would truly be sad.
I agree with Anon 1:23pm - just above. The Judaeo-Christian religions are not innocent at all. In fact, we should quite stopping short by only saying "Judaeo-Christian" and call it what it really is - "Judaeo-Christian-Islamic" They are all connected at the hip. They all deserve the spot light of scrutiny and *NONE* of them should ever be free from it. That is a free speech issue. When Muslims say "behead those who insult Islam" - they should be ridiculed endlessly for it. The same should go for any religion. It's not just the Muslims it's also the Christians and Jews too.
I'm so sorry Archaya. The link I gave you to watch the vid was not actually the "Fitna" movie, although that is what it was called...
It was really another movie by the same man, called "Forbidden".
It was really good. Better than the 15 min. Fitna.
But since it's gone, oh well....
There still is a clip of it on youtube - just search Forbidden Geert Wilders. Sorry again! :)
Geert Wilders's "Fitna: The Movie"
A Review by Acharya S
The Fitna video is included towards the bottom
quote: why not blame male cheuvanism and testorone for all the problems many of the problems against women in the world?
If you're going to blame one thing, and only one thing as a cause of something (which in itself seems kind of strange), then why not get something a little bit more accurate and all-encompasing?
Hear hear.
I have a difficult time making sense of such a violent, hostile world, i.e (genocide, rape, violence, conquest, torture, land-rape, terrorism, starvation)...
imagine, if you will - all the horrible suffering that would end abruptly if most men would just castrate themselves out of compassion for the rest of planet. all the attention which they once gave to the subjugation of their surroundings, and fellow humans - (because of their 'natural biological predispositions' they always claim to be driven by) would be shifted toward creating peace and justice, maybe... we could also stand to hold off a while on breeding...
how about it?
all men over the age of 18 could chop em off! Save the human species!!!
Please take a look at the historical action of a disciple of prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) and leader of the Muslim army, after freeing Jerusalem:
If Islam indeed taught Muslims to lie and live to massacre or forcefully convert Jews and Christians, as some misguided people claim, why the history does not support it? Why the first generation Muslims did not indeed behave in the same manner as Christian Crusaders or modern European Jews, after conquering Jerusalem?
Indeed, who was there to stop them?
Who do you think knew Islam or Koran best? Them or those motivated by hatred or desire to keep their sheepish flock and keep their livelihood going?
There is a difference between freedom of speech and spreading hatred by unscrupulous people, who seek fame and fortunate. Would you promote someone’s writing who calls for the extermination of Blacks, Chinese, Italians, or others? Why praise the obvious acts of those who are intent to spread hatred toward the Muslims?
It is ironic to see name of prophet Jesus (peace be upon him)be taken by folks who obviously are far from his teachings or way of life.
By the way, Quran is widely available on line. Anyone interested, could read the verses in proper context and realize for themselves the truth, instead of blindly believing in what some have claimed by quoting one sentence out of long passages.
Mo said...
Please take a look at the historical action of a disciple of prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) and leader of the Muslim army, after freeing Jerusalem:
If Islam indeed taught Muslims to lie and live to massacre or forcefully convert Jews and Christians, as some misguided people claim, why the history does not support it? Why the first generation Muslims did not indeed behave in the same manner as Christian Crusaders or modern European Jews, after conquering Jerusalem?
Indeed, who was there to stop them?
Who do you think knew Islam or Koran best? Them or those motivated by hatred or desire to keep their sheepish flock and keep their livelihood going?
There is a difference between freedom of speech and spreading hatred by unscrupulous people, who seek fame and fortunate. Would you promote someone’s writing who calls for the extermination of Blacks, Chinese, Italians, or others? Why praise the obvious acts of those who are intent to spread hatred toward the Muslims?
It is ironic to see name of prophet Jesus (peace be upon him)be taken by folks who obviously are far from his teachings or way of life.
By the way, Quran is widely available on line. Anyone interested, could read the verses in proper context and realize for themselves the truth, instead of blindly believing in what some have claimed by quoting one sentence out of long passages.
Sorry, but you have been misinformed and are simply repeating what others have told you to say in your apologies for Islam. Why does history not support what? The slaughter of tens if not hundreds of millions of people, some 80 millions in India alone, by Muslims? The rape of millions of women along the way? The constant bombings, beheadings, stonings, hangings, torture, limb amputations, gang rape, genital mutilations, "honor" killings, oppression and enslavement of women, slavery in general, child abuse, animal abuse, etc., ad nauseam, all done in the name of Islam over the centuries? History very much supports all that, because it's fact. And the fact is also that ALL of this mayhem done in the name of Islam is justified by verses from the Koran and/or the Hadiths.
What is not supported by history are the neverending apologies for Islam.
And the robotic parroting of the "out of context" apology will not change the history of those who have gleefully used these verses in order to commit murder and mayhem.
It would be very refreshing to have a Muslim come here and admit to these constant atrocities in the name of Islam, stop deflecting the blame by pointing fingers elsewhere and all the other unscrupulous nonsense we have seen over the decades. At the point, we could have a dialogue.
So long as there is this irrational and dishonest denial, there can be no honest dialogue, just more of the same tiresome garbage that compels the rationalists among us to criticize and complain.
The "unscrupulousness" lies on those who would pretend that this hideous ideology is anything but.
Here's an eye-opener for the brainwashed masses:
The Truth About Muhammad
Youtube & Google Video have put 'Fitna' up. See the link at the bottom.
GO Mr. Wilders! Great job! Short and to the point, very powerful!
It will be interesting to see how many Dhimmi politicians will watch this. Eventually, most probably will.
SPREAD THE WORD to the world everyone!
All freedom starts with freedom of speech. If there is no freedom of speech, there will be no freedom. The Christians and Jews don’t riot when somebody makes fun of Christ or Jews. People must learn to be civilized. Rioting MUST not be tolerated.
That’ll be great if there’s not much rioting, how very mature that would be. Geert Wilders is a hero spreading the painful truth. He MUST be protected!
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
weak and insecure is BEST
the best way for religion
KILL those who question it
absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
Islam for everyone
submit to glorious life
slavery and servitude
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
outlaw self-defense
exposing violent crimes
shall be deemed hate speech
God of the Universe says
weak and insecure is BEST
God of the Universe wants
Islam for everyone
God of the Universe says
outlaw self-defense
Well, that's not my god and it doesn't sound like the deity of Christianity or any other god I've heard of. Sounds very cruel and hateful and those who serve a cruel master, generally become quite cruel themselves.
The cold north wind is blowing in vain - Danish and Dutch futile attacks on
The North Wind was trying to demonstrate its stronger power over that
of the sun by blowing so hard to make a man wearing a coat to take it off.
Instead of removing his coat the man held tightly onto it. When the sun had
its turn it just had to send warmth to make that man willingly take off his coat.
From Aesop's fables.
With the republishing of the so called "Mohammed cartoons" most Muslim websites and newspapers now exhibit signs displaying "except Mohamed" urging visitors and readers to boycott all Danish products. This public campaign has worked to the extent of making people detest any Danish product.
Privately many Muslim leaders or Imams are gleaming with joy for the
reaction that such provocative moves have caused and many of them can
not remember any thing like it. They wonder whether is it a rekindled love or
dormant emotions or feelings that have been awakened.
These Imams have never seen such a show of love by the masses for prophet Mohamed, and now the stage is set for the anti-Koran film which perhaps would also reignite the interest in reciting the Quran.
At the end of the day if these provocations turn out to be counter productive, should Muslims be thankful ? Certainly but not to Jyllands Posten or Geert Wilders. Instead they should be thankful to Allah who put at their disposal such an arrogant and ignorant enemy whose actions only served to strengthen their beliefs.
Denmark has chosen to embrace the role of the whipping boy to whom all angry emotions are vented and Denmark is probably taking over the USA in one area, the country which has its flag suffer most frequent flag desecration or burning. So the previously respected Danish flag is now being widely used as a floor mat.
Denmark followed by the Netherlands have chosen to be the football players who score the auto goal, or the soldiers who carry the guns that backfire.
While Muslims are not happy with such provocations and do not appreciate these actions they are certainly grateful for the result. So why shall they pray for the replacement of conveniently placed players or soldiers?
Obviously the source of these irresponsible provocations is not the
cunning British or the sly French but rather they originated from the land from where the north wind blows or the land of the blond which proves that blond stupidity does have certain merits. Shakespeare was thoughtful in saying:
"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"
But why did the Danes or the Dutch choose this time? Probably it is just
miscalculation on their part. They may have thought that this is the best time
to defeat Islam morally as it has so far resisted all attacks militarily.
A similar situation where attacks have backfired was mentioned in the Quran in the chapter of light or "Sura Noor". There is a verse that refers to an
incident when Aisha the wife of prophet Mohamed was accused of adultery.
The verse says:
"Those who have brought forth the false accusation were a group from within
you. Do not think it is bad for you, for it is good for you. Every person
amongst them will have what he deserves of the sin. And as for he who had the greatest portion of it, he will have a great
This systematic attack on Islam has so far been directed towards the most sacred person in Islam; the prophet Mohamed and to the most sacred book the Quran.
We should expect the next attack to be directed towards Makkah (Mecca) the most sacred place for Muslims, where the Saudis would not welcome that attack publicly but privately would love to see millions of Muslims flock to
Makkah exactly as the man wearing the coat was holding it tightly as the north wind blows stronger.
One can not help but ask the question: What have the Danes or the Dutch gained from all of this? And have they ran out of other ideas to demonstrate the right for free press?
Mohamed Alkilani
Benghazi Libya
Hi everyone, I found Truth Be Known" website about 12 hours ago, and have't stood up to go to the loo... yet :)
I admire Your work, the world should be educated at all costs.
Just found this, seems like a new source of UNCENZORED Youtube:
Also I would like to ask you guys what the best way you think would be to "change the world"... I mean to embrace free speach and thinking?
I was thinking about a free newspaper like METRO... Would that work?
I haven't read your website yet, so the question might be irrelevant.
Well, keep up the good work, I think I found something I would love doing for a living: Educate the supressed and uneducated.
Peace, Love, Harmony!
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