"For you are a people holy to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for his own possession, out of all the peoples that are on the face of the earth."
Deuteronomy 7:6
"When you draw near to a city to fight against it, offer terms of peace to it. And if its answer to you is peace and it opens to you, then all the people who are found in it shall do forced labor for you and shall serve you. But if it makes no peace with you, but makes war against you, then you shall besiege it; and when the LORD your God gives it into your hand you shall put all its males to the sword, but the women and the little ones, the cattle, and everything else in the city, all its spoil, you shall take as booty for yourselves; and you shall enjoy the spoil of your enemies, which the LORD your God has given you. Thus you shall do to all the cities which are very far from you, which are not cities of the nations here. But in the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance, you shall save nothing that breathes ..."
Deuteronomy 20:10-16
"Foreigners (Gentiles) shall rebuild your walls, and their kings shall minister to you ...Your gates shall be open continuously; day and night they shall not be shut; that men may bring to you the wealth of the nations, with their kings led in procession. For the nation or kingdom that will not not serve you; shall perish; those nations shall be utterly laid waste...."
Isaiah 60:10-12
"You shall suck the milk of nations, you shall suck the breast of kings; and you shall know that I, the LORD, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob."
Isaiah 60:16
"And strangers [Gentiles] shall stand and feed your flocks, strangers shall be your plowmen and vinedressers; but you shall be called the priests of the LORD, men shall speak of you as the ministers of our God; you shall eat the wealth of the nations, and in their riches you shall glory."
Isaiah 61:5-6
"Our tribal customs have become the core of your moral code. Our tribal laws have furnished the basic groundwork of all your august constitutions and legal systems. Our legends and our folk-tales are the sacred lore which you croon to your infants. Our poets have filled your hymnals and your prayer-books. Our national history has become an indispensable part of the learning of your pastors and priests and scholars. Our kings, our statesmen, our prophets, our warriors are your heroes. Our ancient little country is your Holy Land. Our national literature is your Holy Bible. What our people thought and taught has become inextricably woven into your very speech and tradition, until no one among you can be called educated who is not familiar with our racial heritage."Jewish artisans and Jewish fishermen are your teachers and your saints, with countless statues carved in their image and innumerable cathedrals raised to their memories. A Jewish maiden is your ideal of motherhood and womanhood. A Jewish rebel-prophet is the central figure in your religious worship. We have pulled down your idols, cast aside your racial inheritance, and substituted for them our God and our traditions. No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep of our conquest over you."
"Dear Ms. Murdock:"I have just finished reading Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of the Christ and Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, and I humbly fall at your feet in admiration. You, with your genius, perseverance and strength have freed me from a lifetime of being shackled by Catholicism. I am 70 years old, and I now I can live out the rest of my life in tranquility of mind and conscience, thanks to you.
"God Bless you, and thank you again."
For more information, read my book Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ, which was written with Christians in mind and represents a kind and gentle approach to the subject. Here's a testimonial:
I've known people with triple Ph.D's who haven't come close to the scholarship here.I think I've read every popular alternative theory about Jesus that has come down the pike - with Who Was Jesus I was very impressed.
This book gives me pause for serious thought.Pastor David Bruce, M.Div
North Park Seminary, Chicago
I always wondered if "jesus" was a myth even when i was a christian.
I really had my doubts. It just seemed almost...absurd, the things that "he" supposedly did.
Everyone assumes "he was a real person", but really what evidence was there ever for the existence?
"he was a great teacher, he was a great this....that", but in actuality when you peel away the layers as Achara S has do excellently done, it leaves you realizing that it's just an elaborate hoax.
I appreciate the diligent labor on this forum by Achary S and others, writing posts. Nothing in the human condition should in my mind be exempt from or incompatible with reason. Ratio/Logos/Reason,..in my mind is the essence and order of all. In the same vein, this conviction I hold also leads me to believe in some form of eternal mind,... as I believe (something) must be (eternal),my choice is either (mind) giving birth to (ideas) or (ideas) giving birth to (mind).Experience has shown me ideas emminate from mind but not the contrary. In any event my point is that I don't believe Spontaneous Accidental Arbitrary (something) accounts for what we call reality for the same reason this site demands causal/logical evidence for believing in what is called Divine Dogma. Here's my difficulty,..(Why would there be so many contrary renditions(gospels) of Jesus life and message, that lead to so much infighting and personal sacrifice by the distinct believers if there really was no Jesus at all; but rather an orchestrated subterfuge by a special interest group?)Why would so much effort on the part of very different perceptions of this (Jesus), whether in creating manuscripts or being martyred been manifested in the first place if no Jesus of these records existed?
2Ti 4:3 For a time will be when they will not endure sound doctrine, but they will heap up teachers to themselves according to their own lusts, tickling the ear.
2Ti 4:4 And they will turn away their ears from the truth and will be turned to myths.
I posted 1:41, Just wanted to clarify what I meant with, "Why so much effort"... in the first few centuries of the different sects, whether Gnostics, the gospels of Thomas, Mary,Judas and many other wierd, quirky, historical or magical recordings of a particular "Jesus" if the actual story was nothing but a political contrivance? What I'm saying is that these different accounts that have surfaced accidentaly over time have vastly different interpretations of (specific) aspects and teachings of of Jesus as well as the role of different disciples. What would account for this apparent organic groundswell of (distinct interpetations) of this same Jesus, again if it were no more than a complete contrivance with zero actuality? Wouldn't there be greater harmony if this were a manufactured story? As well isn't it a (fact) that the Talmud has distinct words concerning this (same) Jesus with very virulent rhetoric about his mother and about his end at the hand of the high priests,...very different than Christians believe?
Well I have always questioned this myself. Both sides can produce a mountain of evidence one way or the other. The evidence of either side is just as convincing if you read it with a centered mind.
However, the Essene Gospels of Peace are quite astounding. Have you guys read them? You can listen to them here on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/iysun777#user/43EE336381FFEFFB/0/iLpg5oMSqKE
Your arguments are without merit satanboy. Jesus shut down jewish supremacy agenda and offers hope for all for glorious eternity living in the presence of God. What do you offer, dude? Peter spoke (2Peter 1:16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.) about not contriving clever myths to fool as he and others witnessed miracles and heard the voice of God,and speaks to what purpose would it serve to promote a Jesus myth? Shame on you for stealing hope from the weak minded and promising them only death.
You're referring to Pascal's Wager - which seems to make sense at first glance. However, when actually investigated and given a thorough review, it fails on many levels.
The Empty Wager
by Sam Harris, On Faith
The End of Pascal's Wager
There would be no need for anymore nonsense if God would stop his abusive treatment of people and just show himself to the entire world once and for all on the evening news for all the world to see. While live on TV he could select a specific religious denomination and political party and give us much to talk about.
I'm not impressed by the wager which is based on the fear of being wrong. A real god who's intelligent would respect the fact that he left absolutely no valid evidence of himself to convince anyone of anything. The bible is riddled problems. Why didn't god simply engrave his word in stone providing an original primary source for us without any translation errors, contradictions etc? Because he never existed.
You are certainly free to believe whatever you wish but don't make threats of fear, guilt and violence towards those who don't when there's no valid evidence supporting it. You wouldn't want people believing everything that came along in any other field of study - only in religion would otherwise intelligent people be expected to accept such illogical, unreasonable giant leaps of faith without any valid evidence supporting it.
The time when faith & euphoria trump real evidence that actually exists is over. Religion has been a degradation, an obstacle from reaching our full human potential. Special thanks to those who refuse to examine their religion critically yet, rigidly adhere to superstition rather than a sincere objective investigation.
Citing scripture doesn't help your case either - it actually helps make a better case for atheism.
"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
- Historian Stephen Henry Roberts 1901-71
"If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people."
- House
"Your arguments are without merit satanboy..."
Care to substantiate the claim for "Satan" (St.Ann) where is your valid scientific evidence that any such supernatural being exists?
Christians can't even provide valid evidence for Jesus - they don't even try to find evidence for any devil, Satan or Lucifer because it's so absurd. It would be like searching for the invisible pink unicorn, spaghetti monster, celestial tea pot etc. so thanks for that good laugh!! : )
So, let me get this straight, "Indeed, we are left with the conclusion that the mythical figure of 'Jesus Christ' was largely contrived in order to raise the Jewish religion and scriptures to the forefront of religious ideologies, to fulfill the biblical 'prophecy' that the Jews are the 'chosen people,' "
and so these wizards decided to dream up a fraud story, a story without the centerpiece being a rich, powerful, magical guy with a spaceship. Instead, they decide to use some homeless guy who is penniless, not educated by the standards of the day, and further, the guy will refuse to hobknob with the elite, or grease them by telling them how good they are, nope, instead he is going to despise them and hang out with the poorest people and and prostitutes and criminals and tax collectors. But people are going to beg him to take over everything and run the dirty rotten Romans out of their country and make Israel the best place on Earth, but the guy says, "No", instead he tells everybody just to sit tight and hold on, that pretty soon the world they are so worried about is going to ge eliminated.
Yeah, that will do the trick! What a story, why the world will just flock to our doorstep with a story like that! Not only that, they will be so fooled that some of them will devote their lives and their talents to the principles within, in fact, the story will fool so many people for so long that the story will spread to every corner of the planet and last for 2000 years!
The assertions on this page so ludicrous as to be unimaginable. This guy wants you to believe him with much less evidence and certainly a lot less credence than there is for Jesus Christ, and based upon what? His book? Yeah, his book that you get pay money for. Hmmmm, there wouldn't be an agenda there would it?
Say, hot shot, if you are so smart and so right and only you have been able to uncover this massive fraud that has fooled the world for over 2000 years, why do you charge for it? You have a chance to become the savior of the human race, y'know, just like that other guy, y'know the one, the guy who taught everything FOR FREE.
Your arguments are without merit satanboy. Jesus shut down jewish supremacy agenda and offers hope for all for glorious eternity living in the presence of God. What do you offer, dude? Peter spoke (2Peter 1:16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.) about not contriving clever myths to fool as he and others witnessed miracles and heard the voice of God,and speaks to what purpose would it serve to promote a Jesus myth? Shame on you for stealing hope from the weak minded and promising them only death.What you talkin bout mouseface # 1,000. Yahweh is Satan fool and HeZeus was his scorpion son. Jewish Supremacism?! Whose god are you worshipping anyway?!!
Methinks you are among the weak-minded or in fact Satan's servant preying on the weak-minded---Jew Supremacy boy!
Who is Satan boy? Who is casting stones? and at who? Did you understand the article who's author you condemn?
"2Ti 4:3 For a time will be when they will not endure sound doctrine, but they will heap up teachers to themselves according to their own lusts, tickling the ear.
2Ti 4:4 And they will turn away their ears from the truth and will be turned to myths."
Fortunately that time appears to be almost over - people are now increasingly turning their ears to the truth and away from the teachers that have heaped themselves on the world for 2000 years, lusting after their own religion. ALL religions are myths. If you have no moral compass of your own, then pick the religion you want and follow its morals. But when you accept the mythological framework of that religion as historical fact when it's utterly unsupported by any objective evidence, you just look silly.
Although I also think Jesus was a myth, I don't buy Acharya S.'s arguments and interpretations in general. Especially in regard to speculations in her books. If they were presented as such, then I would have no problem. Regardless of whether or not Jesus was a myth, I think religion serves a useful purpose in today's society.. at least until it is replaced by social and spiritual institutions that can fill the void that is left by it.
For the curious, you can google, "Appolonius of Tyana" in regard to the Jesus story and the creation of christianity as a roman religion and used as a tool to unite the religion during the reign of Constantine. Jesus was a composite character made of many mythical figures and also based to some extent on the life of Appolonius. Originally, they wanted to call Jesus, "Zeus"... but the jews rejected this, so they just chose a more common name at the time.
May I help. Please go to sites that deal on the subject of NDE (near death experiences). Those (like some here) who had their doubts before they returned from death are now either ministers or are trying to do good in this world. To deny Christ, or any religion, is just what the demons and fallen spirits enjoy. And they will be waiting for you in the next life and all the sins and vices that took you there will become your outward dwelling for all eternity.
If Christ is a myth, then why do Jews hate Christ?
According to Intelligent Design Message from the Designers, Jesus function was simply to spread the word of the old testament and act as proof when, those who came from the sky return.Like all the messengers ,he was given a message designed for the level of the society at that time. Yes it is true the image of him created in the coarse of history especially from the time of Constantine c323AdD became merged with elements from the other religions.Constantine wanted to unify all the pre-existing religions, into one religion and thereby strengthen the power of Rome by taking up the baton as 'representative' of Jesus on earth. Do not believe the original intention behind Jesus being chosen for the task was to be deified, but respected and understood for what he said and not who he was. The purpose behind all the world religions was simply for 'good measure, to ensure our humanity could survive on it's own. What men and the system have made of these simple ideas is another issue.Here we have a revolutionary scientific framework, that allows all the worlds religions to have a respectful and simple explanation, and at the same time allow for a logical reason for the real agenda behind the appearance of the Ufos over the millennia but particularly since 1945 -the oh my god the kids have found the matches stage. It just happens that when any humanity discovers nuclear technology, it enters the final and scientifically predictable phase of it's own development. If this may appear to be science fiction, then within the context of the theory in that book, so are the dangers of nuclear war, and over-population. Bottom line is we as a humanity have got to start to get on as a family, putting aside our ancient prejudices based on mystification of the past, or our humanity will disappear like the many humanities that have existed on this ancient planet for the reasons mentioned above. We must respect the past but not live in it.This theory is about the demystification of the past and the spiritualization of science We must respect past but not live in it.
Of all the religions Buddhism is the nearest the truth without the mysticism.That said the Bible could be said to be a tool of prediction and provide the key to understanding the current ufo debate and the connection with all the worlds religions. There are traces of evidence in all the relgious and historicl texts .We are on our own, but not alone.
I love all the 'knuckleheads' who have nothing better to do then defend a myth because they aren't smart enough to see the 'factual research'!
I had serious questions from the age of 5 on, something always didn't jive!
I'm trauma free (always have been) but even if you all suffer from traumas, No Jesus is going to help - there are other methods that work much better. I know, I live them!
But, as the contortionist said, 'each to his own'!
It's wakeup time - being asleep in 2009 SUCKS!!! IF YOU HAVE AN OPEN MIND ARHATAFREESPEECH@YAHOO.COM FOR a quick and easy way to unprogram this 'imprint' of illusions.
Religion serves no purpose anymore. It was once the way people were ruled. It was human government. We were ruled by Priests and Witch Doctors. But it is useless in the modern age. It's like the appendix or tonsils, or wisdom teeth. No need for it at all. Since primitive times we've been through Judges, Kings, Dictatorships, Constitutional Monarchies, Republics, Democracies, etc.
Think about it. If everyone in the Middle East had NO religion whatsoever, do you think there would be all those wars going on? No. They'd be functioning more like modern Europe - a very secular group of societies.
To actually take the sayings of people who thought the world was flat, that had no idea what a star really was, that burned animals on an altar of fire because they thought the smell would make it up to heaven and their god would like it, is rather ridiculous. We should all be beyond that kind of thinking.
Other books have been written since the Bible that have much more knowledge and wisdom than the Bible could ever have. Yet, the religious continue to try to force some kind of special and magical meaning from ONE book. It ain't there folks.
Please move into the 21st Century. No need to have a primitive sheep herder mentality while you drive your BMW. It won't ever work, it doesn't fit. The ONLY way the Bible can work for you is if you live like the people lived 2000 years or more ago. Good luck with that. My guess is, you'll be screaming for a modern day bath facility within a few days. It has a toilet of course, which your primitive writers of the Bible would naturally think was a Satanic machine.
"Although I also think Jesus was a myth, I don't buy Acharya S.'s arguments and interpretations in general..."Appolonius of Tyana"
You'll need to do more than just vague, broad brush remarks - what specifically, are Acharya's "arguments and interpretations" you have a problem with and why?
Otherwise, we could all just assume you're another one who enjoys making hand waving dismissals without ever having actually studied her works - which is quite typical these days with anonymous posters.
And BTW, Apollonius of Tyana is mentioned several times throughout both "Christ Conspiracy" and "Suns of god" so, what exactly is your point? Or is that an inadvertent admission that you've never actually studied her work?
anon said, "To deny Christ, or any religion, is just what the demons and fallen spirits enjoy."
LMAO! Congratulations, you win a gold star - that is the most ridiculous comment I've heard in ages!
So, to deny any religion huh? How about Satanism, deism, polytheism? LOL, WHAT IF YOU DENY ATHEISM, SECULAR HUMANISM??? God, save us from the utter stupidity.
I love this:
"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
- Historian Stephen Henry Roberts 1901-71
"If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people."
- House
I recently read an extremely scholarly article the gist of which was that, after the ressurection and the apostles' cogniscance of it, all of them were killed due to their refusals to recant their beliefs. This in spite of the much reported denials by Peter, for instance prior to this event. What fools these and many other christians must have been to willingly meet their deaths(as amply attested to by the romans in their records.)
You have to go back, way back, to the original theory in re: Heaven VS Hell which was foisted upon all of us. Remember one thing that most people agree upon:
"The winners write history."
In the "winners" version of Heaven's war, Lucifer, "Morning Star", and his minions rebelled and was cast into Hell.
What really happened was the Angels who rebelled were Michael and his minions who successfully drove out God's supporters and trapped HIM on the THRONE.
Look at our written history and tell me that God's in control. Hell is right here on earth and Lucifer is our only friend. Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it, kemosabe.
On Sundays, June 21 and 28, I will be presenting to our local UUC in WV on the question of the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth.
WHO WAS JESUS: FINGERPRINTS OF THE CHRIST will serve as a major guide to my presentation. For those who comment here without reading her work, you can be assured that Ms. Murdoch utilizes the most professional criteria of credible history in assessing all the alleged evidences related to the topic. She is well versed in the complete range of methods of textual criticism to distinguish true history from theology in the earliest documents of the early faith.
Jesus is.was no myth. He is written about by the great historian Josephus, who also mentions the miracles Jesus performed. Jesus is mentioned in the diary of Pontius Pilate, which includes a description of his physical appearance, and his existence recorded in the Roman records. Many doubters and manipulators try to compare the story of Jesus with that of Horus, by claiming Horus had "12 desciples" was called "the good shepherd", etc. None of this nonsense is true and no one can provide just 2 mere books of reference by any Egyptian scholar(s) of note who will make these ridiculous claims. Efforts to discredit the person of Jesus is nothing new. Just an old idea presented to new people. Bless-ed be the name of jesus.
Every couple of years someone comes along with the same tired old arguments about whether or not Jesus existed. Jesus is referred to in various historical texts, not all of which came from Christian groups.
They now have New Testament fragments which are dated to around 70 AD which are identical to the ones used throughout the history of the Bible, and to the present day.
Archeological finds have confirmed places/events/people recorded in both New and Old Testaments.
No serious scholar would dare to debate this issue in a public forum because the evidence against them is overwhelming.
The History of Roman Christianity shows that if there is a Satanic entity then this cult has been thoroughly saturated with it.
This being the case, and there is no 'If' attached, then Christians are destined for the Hell that they so fervently wish upon anyone who believes differently for themselves.
Some may point to Mark 8:33 as evidence that Peter was Satan and so the church he founded must be Satanic. However, Sat in Egyptian can mean 'The Rock' and with the added Egyptian genitive suffix 'n', it means 'Of The Rock'.
This is evidence that the gospel of Mark at least was written by an Egyptian or Egyptian speaker.
Matthew derives from the Egyptian Ma'at - Truth and Justice, and so with the plural letter 'W' MaatW means Truths and again we have an Egyptian source. This was most likely the Gnostic Christian Church of Alexandria.
The Gospel of John has many verses which are identical to Essene writings, except for the word 'Word' it originally read 'LAW' and instead of 'Jesus' it read 'THE MASTER'.
The stories in the gospels are so clearly plagiarised from their original source in Egypt, it is a sheer mystery how any Christian can still believe that their Jesus was in any way real.
Calvin said...
I recently read an extremely scholarly article the gist of which was that, after the ressurection and the apostles' cogniscance of it, all of them were killed due to their refusals to recant their beliefs.... What fools these and many other christians must have been to willingly meet their deaths(as amply attested to by the romans in their records.)
Fools indeed to die for a myth. This "martyrdom" argument has been addressed many times. People of all major religions have martyred themselves for their faiths - does that make all major religions true? Many Muslims have martyred themselves for their faith - does that mean Islam is true? Islam says Jesus is a mere prophet, not the divine son of God - is Islam correct, since so many Muslims have martyred themselves?
As is the case with Jesus, there is no serious, scientific evidence that any of the apostles existed as real, historical figures as depicted in the New Testament, so their "martyrdom" does not serve as evidence that Jesus existed.
Anonymous said...
Although I also think Jesus was a myth, I don't buy Acharya S.'s arguments and interpretations in general. Especially in regard to speculations in her books.
It is clear you have not read my books and are therefore not qualified to comment on them. Most if not all of my major contentions are thoroughly cited using primary sources and the works of highly credentialed sources.
Anonymous said...
If Christ is a myth, then why do Jews hate Christ?
Obviously, not all Jews "hate Christ," but who could blame them, when this fictional character has been used to create endless mischief against them. If I were persecuted over a myth, I'd hate it to. Well, actually I am.
Anonymous said...
Jesus is.was no myth. He is written about by the great historian Josephus, who also mentions the miracles Jesus performed. Jesus is mentioned in the diary of Pontius Pilate, which includes a description of his physical appearance, and his existence recorded in the Roman records. Many doubters and manipulators try to compare the story of Jesus with that of Horus, by claiming Horus had "12 desciples" was called "the good shepherd", etc. None of this nonsense is true and no one can provide just 2 mere books of reference by any Egyptian scholar(s) of note who will make these ridiculous claims. Efforts to discredit the person of Jesus is nothing new. Just an old idea presented to new people. Bless-ed be the name of jesus.
The "Testimonium Flavianum" in Josephus has been shown many times over the centuries by serious scientific arguments to be a forgery either in whole or in part.
"Pontius Pilate's diary" and "Roman records?" You are talking about texts that are accepted as forgeries even by mainstream Christian apologists. These forged texts do not serve as credible, scientific evidence of Christ's existence.
The "nonsense" about Horus is in reality quite true, as I demonstrated in my book Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, using pre-Christian primary sources and the works of highly credentialed authorities in relevant fields.
"...no one can provide just 2 mere books of reference by any Egyptian scholar(s) of note who will make these ridiculous claims."
I used over 900 sources, most of which are from respected scholars and publishers, so your claim is false and reflective that you have not studied the issue.
Anonymous said...
Jesus is.was no myth. He is written about by the great historian Josephus, who also mentions the miracles Jesus performed.
Calum: Josephus never wrote any such thing. This is a known forgery perptrated by Eusebius, which the Church themselves have recognised.
I am surprised that anyone would even try to bring it up as evidence.
Anonymous should study the facts first before making wild claims that are known to be false.
One only has to make a quick google search to find several articles which discuss the Josephus forgeries, e.g. - http://freethought.mbdojo.com/josephus.html
There is no evidence for a historical Jesus whatsoever, nor did Nazareth exist at that time.
We do know that a 'King of the Jews' namely Antigonus was crucified in the previous century, and we do know that some events are attributed to Apollonius.
It is just not possible that a real miracle man who is said to have drawn thousands from all over Galilee and Judaea could be so completely ignored and unknown. But this is only one giveaway of thousands that there never was a living Jesus.
Anonymous said...
Every couple of years someone comes along with the same tired old arguments about whether or not Jesus existed. Jesus is referred to in various historical texts, not all of which came from Christian groups.
They now have New Testament fragments which are dated to around 70 AD which are identical to the ones used throughout the history of the Bible, and to the present day.
Archeological finds have confirmed places/events/people recorded in both New and Old Testaments.
No serious scholar would dare to debate this issue in a public forum because the evidence against them is overwhelming.
The arguments are obviously not "tired" since neither you nor most of the naysayers here even know them. "Every couple of years someone comes along?" That would mean some 1,000 people or so over the past two millennia since Christ purportedly existed - are you sure not one of them was a serious scholar?
There are NO fragments of the New Testament that date from around 70 AD/CE - that assertion is false, based on wishful thinking not scientific conclusion. To my knowledge, only one "serious scholar," Carson Thiede, has put forth that thesis, and his conclusion has been refuted many times. So, the "serious scholar" argument works both ways.
Finding locations and objects mentioned in the Bible does not make the tales therein true, any more than does the fact that England exists make Gulliver's Travels true.
"No serious scholar would dare to debate this issue in a public forum because the evidence against them is overwhelming."
As you can see, the so-called "evidence" is not much at all, so it would hardly be the reason why no one would debate this subject in a public form. More likely the "serious scholars," by which I assume you mean professional scholars, who have studied this issue in enough depth to know that what they're looking at constitutes completely insufficient evidence are intimidated, frightened or too vested to step forth from the shadows and risk their necks as more unorthodox but equally serious scholars have done.
As we can see from this blog, doing so puts one at risk from all sorts of calumny and vitriol. Few people would like to subject themselves to that, so few speak out. The reality, however, is soundly against those who make extraordinary claims without extraordinary proof - and the New Testament tale of Jesus Christ represents one extraordinary claim after another.
iysun777 said...
Well I have always questioned this myself. Both sides can produce a mountain of evidence one way or the other. The evidence of either side is just as convincing if you read it with a centered mind.
However, the Essene Gospels of Peace are quite astounding. Have you guys read them?
Actually, there is not a "mountain of evidence" for the existence of Christ as a historical figure. The bulk of the evidence points to him being a mythical character, and, as I say in the original post, when the mythological layers are peeled, there is no core to the onion.
I have read the Essene Gospels of Peace. While they are mildly entertaining, they do not constitute serious proof of Christ's existence.
Not to worry, one day very soon the question will not be, did Jesus exist? But rather which is the real Jesus? Jesus is about to reveal Himself. Reveal, as in Revelation.
Just remember you read it here first!
Tell you what; why don't you go to the source directly to answer your questions whether Jesus existed or not. HE will be happy to share His teachings with anyone who has "ears to hear and eyes to see". I know. I have personally spoken with Him and He has shared many things with me. How do I know it is Him and not my subconsious talking to me? Because the words HE has spoken to me, not man or man's interpretations has changed my life. I have spent time with many others who are of the Spirit and as they have shared experiences of their own teachings, amazingly, the messages are the same for some very obscure questions. Questions that would not be easily answered by mainstream "religious" figures, faiths or tenets. If Jesus is a myth, then a myth saved my life! Many will ask for a sign but no sign will be given. I pray for each and every one of you. May God Bless you all as you seek answers.
Anonymous said...
Tell you what; why don't you go to the source directly to answer your questions whether Jesus existed or not. HE will be happy to share His teachings with anyone who has "ears to hear and eyes to see". I know. I have personally spoken with Him and He has shared many things with me. How do I know it is Him and not my subconsious talking to me? Because the words HE has spoken to me, not man or man's interpretations has changed my life.
Over the three thousand years that the Egyptian religion was very popular, an estimated 500 million people followed Osiris, Horus, Isis, Ra and many other gods. These gods also were recorded as having appeared to their followers, spoken to them, given them instructions, restoring their health and saving their lives. In fact, Isis was known as the Great Healer, as was her son Horus.
By this "logic," all of these Egyptian gods were real and not myths. Ditto with the numerous Greek and Roman gods, as well as those of many other cultures. To this day, devotees of the Indian/Hindu religion have visions and receive visits from a variety of gods, including Krishna, Shiva, Ganesha and Hanuman. By this "logic," the elephant-headed god Ganesha must be real, and not a myth. Ditto with the monkey-headed god Hanuman.
And so on, throughout the history of religion and mythology around the world. Visions and the like are interpreted through cultural biases and do not represent the "ultimate reality."
Oh, how convenient. Now I get it. Only YOUR sources are correct and any sources dismantling your hypothesis are mere forgeries, etc. Are you also a member of the flat earth society?
The purpose of the way things are presently arranged will not be grasped by those who are destined to initially misunderstand it.
We are being sorted for faith, not intelligence, reason or worldly wisdom. This stage is in fact sorting for overcoming faith; faith that is obedient, not just confessing.
You will believe when you are called. Time is that state which keeps everything from happening at once. God subjected Himself to it for a short period to accomplish several things.
The Kingdom of God is a form of government, not a religion. You have been provided with many excuses, but when you are called, the excuses fall away.
Repentence is a revolution in thinking.
Acharya is this your work? The fact that you ask the question should alarm you.
If we are talking about Jesus the Christ then a little reverence is in order.
You don't know who you follow and you don't know what he offers... that is self evident...
Ever wonder where your inspiration comes from?
Is it a "rush" to toy with such matters? Is it like bungee jumping or or some other thrill seeking journey? Feel like a kid getting away with shop lifting?
What is your agenda? What do you hope to accomplish? Worldly accolades? Lucre? To stand by master mayhem?
For the record... Christ Lives and He is Jehovah and Your ONLY Hope... joe robertson
PS I can not "make" your darkness go away but you may want to GOOGLE "Easter Message None Were with Him" ... a brief video that can help.
I will not attempt to refute your comments nor engage in an argument regarding who has or has not communicated with God. It is God's decision how He chooses to reveal himself to people. Before the days of internet, mass communication, etc. I believe each society or generation was given a means to communicate with God in a way they would understand based on their knowlege and surroundings. The message is the same throughout history and the messangers are similar because the message is real and applies to everyone. Each of us has a Spirit man that dwells within our fleshy bodies. That "soul" is what separates us from the other creatures on this planet. We are different; created in God's image, not his physical image but his spiritual image. Jesus communicates God's message to me just like Horus or Isis did to those peoples because Jesus is the messenger God led me to. All those teachers you mentioned were anointed by God to spread the message. Nobody gets it. The message is love. God is love. All of Jesus's teachings and all the messengers before Him all taught that. Let me ask you, do you honestly believe with all your soul that this is all their is? Physical laws prove our "energy" goes somewhere upon our fleshy bodies death. So, where does it go? Where do you think our "soul" goes?
It amazes me how many people seem to KNOW so much and have not done the lifetime research that Acharya has done. I have spent almost 20 years doing independent research for MYSELF so that I may know without a doubt...THE TRUTH...in as many areas as I can and I have not come even close to knowing the things Acharya has brought into the Light.
These people always seem to go by the name of Anonymous. Is this because you have no real backbone to actually use a REAL name?
What I have discovered is that many people choose to follow these false beliefs created by men to control us. Is this because you are afraid to be responsible for yourself and even your own beliefs...that you can then make the "church" responsible for your errors?
People! It is time to start looking into these things.
I would like to be directed to some material regarding exposing Islam, it's creation and purposes and how it is damaging to us, the Earth's inhabitants. Thank you Acharya.
Love and Light to YOU
So maybe this nordic princess rejects the galilean prince. Isn't he reported to have said,"blasphemes against the son of man shall be forgiven but not against the holy spirit of truth.." If Jesus is Jesus he just might admire Acharya S for her gumption more than milk toast panzy's that use his every recorded word as a substitute for their own digested ideas. Jesus was a rebel and so is Acharya. Jesus was persecuted by religious zealots and so is Acharya. Either way this is an intelligent forum,uncensored concerning viewpoint and supported by reason, and for this I thank the intelligent designer behind this intelligent design!
Anonymous said...
Yet another version of Pascal's Wager. You know, you can insert any religion, myth, or philosophy into that statement. It is a ridiculous argument.
Not only that, it is a fear tactic, which Fundamgelicals are notorious for using. They use mind games (mental abuse) to force people to believe. These abusive mind games include, fear, guilt, manipulation, and more. It really plays a number on the cognitive process in the brain, as well as emotional needs, esp child's developing minds. When used on adults, such abuse only works on the gullible ones. I seriously doubt Acharya is gullible.
For the first part of eternity it might be cool to hang with the monkey-headed god Hanuman on the grounds that he will be more fun than a barrel full of monkeys.
When you get tired of that you go to the Muslim section of Heaven and get your 20+ virgins. After that, Jesus will show you the rest of the place.
The exact same question is - Does Jesus exist, or did Jesus exist?
But then, that would be a trick question! That question gives importance to Jesus, and less importance - or a lesser focus on the “self,” = YOU, ME.
Remember, it is NOT important what we say - but rather - what we do…because, we live by deeds, not by faith alone, or by words only. - see James 2:14
So, then, is Jesus, or I, or YOU important - or, is it our deeds what are important - (maybe) making us important, our deeds? Or, deeds causing someone, or others to hold us in high regard - to a higher esteem, - or just plain…look-up to us, or you, or me, or…even Jesus!
Jesus, didn’t want too much credit after all, when Jesus was asked, “who was the GREATEST in the Kingdom of Heaven,” he didn’t say me me me, or jump up and down and catch a tantrum like the loser left does…but rather, he calmly replied…“Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
So - now, let us change the question and make it more fun…Do YOU exist? Are YOU a myth?
Lepsie said..."Jesus is about to reveal Himself. Reveal, as in Revelation. Just remember you read it here first!"
Actually, that's old news - every generation attempts to make that claim. Read:
A Brief History of the Apocalypse
Jesus is not going to reveal himself because he's a myth. And LOL, he's based on much older pagan & Jewish myths on top of that.
Anonymous asked: "Where do you think our "soul" goes?"
Calum: See my thread on "Where Does the Soul Reside" - http://wheresjesus.multiply.com/journal/item/917/WHERE_DOES_THE_SOUL_RESIDE
Apart from what the Egyptians, the creators of Christianity thought about the soul, no thinking being would want to end up in the same universe as the bible god, judging by the deeds and insane whims of that story character. Fortunately we can see that it was only in the imagination of a people riddled with hatred for the land that had kicked them out, and inexcusable hatred for the people of the lands they were bent on invading and taking for themselves.
I do believe that there is a loving 'academy' awaiting our arrival, but they or it are not the thing described in the Bible.
what about Fatima ?
Aye Acharya! It's got to be really 'tiresome' to you to have to repeat yourself over and over and over again and again to those making such ignorant claims, such as you answered in your latest mulitple replies.
I went through each one and it was like a recurring nightmare...lol! "Oh no, I said to myself. No way am I going to respond to these robotic ignoramuses one by one!" Is there a human robot factory somewhere churning these automatons out, saying the same things over and over?
Argggh. It's damned irritating. This has got to be hell imposed by that imaginary Jesus and his Pschopathic criminal Father Yahweh (IEUE)! Go figure...an imaginery figment could have so much power to drive sane humans nuts--those that are broken-records and those that are compelled to listen to it..lol!
For the robots-- yhwh=ieue=yeshua=jesus. Please do read your O.T's/Pentacheuh etc. to discover the insane god you fear and the kill him!
Go look at the video on www.video.google.com
Type in "Empire of the City".
You'll find out a lot more about who Jesus really was.
He was the son of Cleopatra and Julius Ceasar.
His name is really Jesus Ceasar, heir to the throne of the Roman Empire.
He was forced to flee after his father was murdered.
Cleopatra sent him to India.
Since, should there actually be a God, this being by definition would likely be the only one which would know anything for sure(though it may not know anything, how would we know? Or we might)any speculation about occurences outside our immediate observation is absolute serindipity(of course even observable events are of questionable provenance.)
Were God to be infinite,this would by definition nescessitate all religions and belief systems being real,though not nescessarily observable in our extant plane.
If God,(as it may be) is all things we may only be able to be as we seem to be, with all our beliefs, foibles, and even the very fibers of our beings.
It may be that, true to the biblical truism that we're created in God's image, I feel compelled to admit ignorance of any thing in general and anything of God in particular. Perhaps this confession will serve as readmission into the garden of eden due to my inability to know anything(insofar as I may know.)
Could it be that "knowing" may have a different meaning than is generally understood?
I seem to sense a phenomenon which consists of the sensation of a door closing in the mind when a decision is made to "know" a thing. Maybe just my imagination(or whosever. Or I might and/or might not be me.)
Just a few thoughts for your consideration. Thank you
I have thought long and hard about this issue. I have concluded that whether the man Jesus ever existed in the first place is one subject for study, but as for the Christian religion: this is a whole different story altogether. The Jewish war of 66 to 73 should be shown to play a much more important part in the history of the Church than is usually considered. "Christianity" was invented by Jews to wage a sinister war of revenge on Rome by destroying its institutions from the inside by preaching a message of pacifism and universal love. Its popular appeal grew and grew with every succeeding generation despite constant state oppression. By the time of the Emperor Constantine the state realised it was fighting a losing battle against this damaging philosophy but it was becoming obvious that it did have a unifying effect right across the empire. Politically, this feature had to be incorporated into the state structure of the empire to meld peoples of differing races and cultures into a common nationality. This state-sponsored religion proved to be spectacularly successful. Roman power and centralisation subsided into the so called "Dark Ages" but Christendom held European civilization together through several centuries - right up to the modern age. Religious superstition is now subsiding, in its turn, as scientific learning and education is revealing what a lot of nonsense Christianity really is.
I agree with the above post, if you are turning souls away from god and his message with your books then you're doing so at your own peril. I'm not one of these hardline Christian fundamentalists nor am I a born again Christian. I myself went through doubts about Christ for many years after being brought up Christian, but I had a few life changing experiences if you want to call them that which brought me full circle to beliving in Jesus again and I vowed to never deny or doubt him again after this.
Maybe people here would be interested in looking at this documentary of people who claimed to have seen the pain and torment of hell (and I mean literally!).
It's scary, but it's like this you're gambling with your views on Christ and this is risk which could cost you eternity. You may read my post and call me a loon, and you're entitled to your opinion, but at the end of the day the choice is yours. Peace
'May I help. Please go to sites that deal on the subject of NDE (near death experiences). Those (like some here) who had their doubts before they returned from death are now either ministers or are trying to do good in this world. To deny Christ, or any religion, is just what the demons and fallen spirits enjoy. And they will be waiting for you in the next life and all the sins and vices that took you there will become your outward dwelling for all eternity.'
Exactly! I read many accounts of these and watched many people describe in great detail their NDEs and I must admit they frightened me, but also gave em hope and encouragement. A lot of them were non believers.
ROFLMAO!! I just love how my friend, Acharia, can always put these ignorant, closed-minded "debunkers" in their place with simple logic and eloquence. I also love how the ones that scream foul the loudest and the rudest remain "anonymous"...keep up the great work my friend, those of us that know you are fully aware that you are right on track!
-- Thunder
P.S. Here's another ignoranamous for you to address - if you so desire...this was a response in one of the forums I post in...
"Jesus Christ" DOES NOT represent a mythological compilation of characters what-so-ever. Anybody that believes that haven't done their research.
The claims made in the zeitgeist film about Jesus Christ is fiction! Their claims have been thoroughly studied, researched, and debunked.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Romans 1:22
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080603142409AAbb4Nk Read the first answer.
"Even secular (non spiritual) worldly scholars have rejected the idea of Christianity borrowing from the ancient mysteries. The well-respected Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard writes in Theories of Primitive Religion that The evidence for this theory is negligible.
neg-li-gi-ble adj. not worth considering; insignificant.
neg'li-gi-bly adv. unimportant, trifling, trivial, inconsequential.
The first real parallel of a dying and rising god does not appear until A.D. 150, more than a hundred years after the origin of Christianity. So if there was any influence of one on the other, it was the influence of the historical event of the New Testament [resurrection] on mythology, not the reverse. The only known account of a god surviving death that predates Christianity is the Egyptian cult god Osiris. In this myth, Osiris is cut into fourteen pieces, scattered around Egypt, then reassembled and brought back to life by the goddess Isis.
However, Osiris does not actually come back to physical life but becomes a member of a shadowy underworld&This is far different than Jesus resurrection account where he was the gloriously risen Prince of life who was seen by others on earth before his ascension into heaven. Dr. Norman Geisler
Not one clear case of any alleged resurrection teaching appears in any pagan text before the late second century A.D., almost one hundred years after the New Testament was written. Dr. Gary Habermas
There is no fear of God before their eyes. Romans 3:18
How ironic it is: I couldn't find any unbelievers who would disagree with the truth in that prophetic verse.
Acharya S is a modern day occult
[religious] whistle blower and deserves high praise for her Magnum Opus.
She's revealed to the modern pub-
lic what a select group of esoter-
ici[occult Illuminati] have known for ages. It remains for the exo-
teric public to appreciate her
Several books have different theories about Jesus... one of them says that Jesus was made up of two people and then became one. So which one of these books is right? And if none of these books have a consensus about what is right, then what does that really say about our historical record?
Lack of a record doesn't necessarily mean that he didn't exist. Nor does coincidence to other myths either is proof.
And even if he was a myth, what is the point of all this? To discredit religion? Religion serves a good social place in society - christianity today especially does a lot more good today than it did a few hundred years ago.
Christians are a sad lot; side-stepping logical thinking for a collection of contradictory passages aimed at keeping their minds clouded and controlled. When confronted with a festering, rotting carcass they still see it as a bountiful feast and gorge themself sick.
This argument falls FLAT when you READ THE BIBLE and DISCOVER that there are TWO GODS!!! THE GOD of death, sickness, and evil IS NOT THE GOD AND FATHER OF JESUS CHRIST.
IF you have read the Bible and understood 2Timothy 2:15, you would not be making these absurd and evil statements. You WILL find out if CHRIST JESUS is REAL, and you WILL have a chance to accept Him, or.....
Now let's see how "open minded" this author is, if you allow my comments. If you don't, then you are truly in Satan's Service.
Won't let me post!
It is very easy to disprove your books.
Try disproving this.
There is nothing wrong with what today is considered the 10 comandments. Jesus said turn the other cheek and love thy neighbour etc.
"Obviously, not all Jews "hate Christ," but who could blame them, when this fictional character has been used to create endless mischief against them. If I were persecuted over a myth, I'd hate it to. Well, actually I am."
Well the judaic religion today is using the same bullshit to kill people. What I am concerned with is that we are moving back to a "pagan" idea...with Al Gore in charge, backed by some of the biggest bankers and finacial gurus, who happen to be a main controlling jewish elite.
Its the jewish religious teaching that state that Jesus is in hell in boiling semen (or shit depending on what you read.)So tey are ading fuel to he fire.
The Soviet atrocities as well as the Turkish ones earlier in the 20 century were organised by jewish athestic movements. So its not just followers of Christ who slaughter innocents, and not just religonists ie unless you call communism a relgion (which I do).
If we get rid of western religion, which really is Christianity and Islam, we will end up with Talmudic cultists partening with Al Gore paganism.
This itself will be the demise of millions , if not billions, of lives for their "goddess" sacrifice, which they dont really believe in but it suits their communist goals.
I am not a "reds under the bed" person , so just take a look at the early 20 century totalitarian systems, and what western diplomats had to say.
When two Abramic religions are constantly targeted ie Christianity and Isalm, while the other hides in the shade, it makes me wary of commentators.
It ceases to amazing me as to how many people who have been brainwashed via abusive mental tactics, probably from a very early age, in order to get them to believe a myth really happened. The problem is, they can't see the abuse done to them.
They are so deluded by such indoctrination tactics that they can't see their quotes taught to them were not only written and inspired by men, but are also rewritten myth. They can't even see what cognitive processes and human needs such teaching corrupted and took advantage of.
Acharya, I'm not sure I can help you with this bunch of nutters who dropped onto your blog.
It's my understanding that the Christ comes from nature itsself, from the Spirit which sustains us all. It's (His) presence helps us to heal, to allow us to dwell with spirit and at peace with grace and mercy.
That human kind has fallen short of this is apparent in the ills of the world which dictates by fear and ignorance.
I once 'claimed' to be a christian too but came to realize that the reality was much larger and more truthful than my self-deceiving could handle.
Acharya S,
I hope you don't mind me asking you questions, but you are one of the most fascinating scholars of religion I have ever read!
What are your thoughts on anti-Semitism? Is it fair to blame Jews for the condition of our world today? The quote you included in your post by
Marcus Eli Ravage is very troubling.
Dear Ms. Murdock:
I was looking at Mr. Humphreys website and yours and watched the brief videos. I don't know if you are aware of the original Jewish sources regarding the Christian messiah, but no original Jewish source mentions either this Jesus or even Paul - neither Talmud, Midrash, etc. There is the text called Toldot Yeshu that describes the false messiah of 100 BCE named Yeshu, the son of Joseph Pandera and Miriam. Apparently after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem some people took hold of this event and merged it with gnosticism and the Mithra religion. However, since I haven't read your book, are you arguing that Christian priests used the Christo-Mithria religion to promote Jewish values? Perhaps I misunderstood, because after all the suffering Jews have undergone at the hands of the Church, our values are very far from what they believe.
Anonymous said...
Acharya S,
I hope you don't mind me asking you questions, but you are one of the most fascinating scholars of religion I have ever read!
What are your thoughts on anti-Semitism? Is it fair to blame Jews for the condition of our world today? The quote you included in your post by Marcus Eli Ravage is very troubling.
Thank you! First of all, I have to say that the Jewish posters here are FAR more civil and genteel than the Christians. No angry ad homs, no ranting and no threats of hell. Kudos for that.
Secondly, I concur with you that the Ravage quote is very troubling! It has been troubling me for years, which is why I have felt the need to expose it on a number of occasions. Although IMO Ravage's insights and sentiments are true and correct - and in line with the Old Testament quotes I also provided in the original blog post here - I certainly do not blame the "average" Jews for the condition of the world today. What do they have to do with the creation of Christianity, for example? "Average" Jews - which make up a tiny percentage of the world's populace - around the globe are good citizens, role models and decent human beings who fight for humanitarian causes.
Are there wealthy Jews causing trouble on planet Earth, as there certainly have been in the past? Of course. And there are wealthy Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics and Humanists likewise causing trouble on planet Earth today and in the past. This fact is why I emphasize that a multinational cabal is making mischief for the rest of us, but they need good foot soldiers, and those who fall right in line with the derived religious cults - including Judaism, Christianity and Islam - represent this multinational cabal's good foot soldiers and pawns in a highly dangerous game that is already destroying the planet and that may well lead to the "End Times" and "Armageddon" so many are hoping will precipitate the "return" of Jesus Christ, the Mahdi, the awaited Messiah, etc., ad nauseam. We would have NO need for such a savior concept if people weren't fighting over bogus religious concepts in the first place. And while the religiously insane go about their business of destroying the planet, the rest of us are held hostage, because we want to LIVE and THRIVE with our families in peace and harmony.
BTW, just to point it out but not beat a dead horse, the term "anti-Semitism" is very misleading, as most Jews today are not Semites, and most Semites are not Jews but Arabs. The word was coined evidently to make criticism of Judaism appear to be "racist," when Jews are not a race at all. There are Semitic Jews, European Jews, Indian Jews, Chinese Jews, African Jews, etc. Judaism represents an ideology - and one that is very supremacist, which is one of the points of this post. I have also exposed Judaism's bigotry in a variety of articles in the past. So, when someone here writes, "When two Abramic religions are constantly targeted ie Christianity and Isalm, while the other hides in the shade, it makes me wary of commentators," he or she is certainly not addressing me or my work. If he or she is addressing my work, then he or she doesn't know it very well at all.
In the meantime, however, the mindless anti-Jewish sentiment based on religious dementia is a serious concern that should be discouraged, without need for oppressive and Orwellian "hate speech" laws that target non-violent criticism. In my opinion, education about the world's common cultural heritage, especially vis-a-vis religion, is the key to increasing understanding and harmony between peoples.
Anon said ..."There is nothing wrong with what today is considered the 10 comandments."
There are many issues - starting with the fact that the 1st 4 are theological directives-they have nothing to do with morality or ethics. Only 2 or 3 are actual laws today.
"Jesus said turn the other cheek and love thy neighbour"
Umm, Jesus also said:
"Think not that I am come to send peace: I came not to send peace but a sword." (Matthew 10:34) "He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." (Luke 22:36) "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." (Luke 19:27. In a parable, but spoken of favorably.)
The burning of unbelievers during the Inquisition was based on the words of Jesus: "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned." (John 15:6)
"When two Abramic religions are constantly targeted ie Christianity and Islam, while the other hides in the shade, it makes me wary of commentators."
Acharya exposes all 3 Abrahamic religions as well as all the rest, including non-theistic positions.
Islam & Christianity are by far the most popular making up over 50% of the worlds population and have the most destructive 'end times' nonsense. the Jews are only .22% of the worlds population & don't proselytize to the world with any "great commission" to build their numbers - Islam & xianity do as they're working diligently towards world domination.
If God is all-knowing, all-powerful, & all-loving then why should anyone care if Jesus was real or not?
God created the "questioning human" without giving it enough information to understand the whole truth.
Therefore, God should not condemn his own creation to eternal damnation for not following his Word. After all, he's all-loving right?
Hence, God KNOWINGLY created ignorant humans. If he really is GOD, then he will accept atheists, agnostics, Christians, Jews, Muslims, & any other religion or cult into his kingdom.
To do otherwise would not be all-loving and therefore ungodly. So if God truly is God, then stop wasting every Sunday in some stupid edifice praying to a compilation of pagan myths. Instead, live life according to your internal beliefs.
God, by definition, is all-knowing. Therefore, he/she/it should certainly understand human doubt & questioning. After all, he made this doubt.
To make a flawed/incomplete creation, and then expect this creation to blindly follow invisible orders is not godly. It is indicative of a demigod. Perhaps the Gnostics are closer to the truth. Maybe this planet is the work of a demiurge. A TRUE GOD would not send his lovingly-created offspring to Hell because of ignorance or lack of worship. A demiurge would.
A TRUE GOD doesn't require worship or blind obedience.
Gee, Xians are not only jerks and cowards, they can't even read!
Anonymous said...
Dear Ms. Murdock:
...I don't know if you are aware of the original Jewish sources regarding the Christian messiah, but no original Jewish source mentions either this Jesus or even Paul - neither Talmud, Midrash, etc. There is the text called Toldot Yeshu that describes the false messiah of 100 BCE named Yeshu, the son of Joseph Pandera and Miriam. Apparently after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem some people took hold of this event and merged it with gnosticism and the Mithra religion. However, since I haven't read your book, are you arguing that Christian priests used the Christo-Mithria religion to promote Jewish values? Perhaps I misunderstood, because after all the suffering Jews have undergone at the hands of the Church, our values are very far from what they believe.
Thanks for the civil query. Yes, of course, I am well aware - and have read - the material from the Talmud. A good refutation of its value in "proving" a historical Jesus may be found in Zindler's The Jesus the Jews Never Knew.
What I'm showing in my work is that Jews, Samaritans, Greeks, Romans and Egyptians worked together to combine the Jewish scriptures and other writings with the various gods and goddesses of the Roman Empire at the time in order to create a state religion. This process was multifold and took decades. This fact is why we have a bible that includes the Old Testament. If no Jews were involved, and it wasn't the intent of the creators of Christianity to promote Jewish values - i.e., the Jewish tribal god and writings - the OT would not have been attached, etc.
My books go into much greater detail, in thousands of pages, concerning this subject from all angles.
Thunder said..."P.S. Here's another ignoranamous for you to address - if you so desire...this was a response in one of the forums I post in...
"Jesus Christ" DOES NOT represent a mythological compilation of characters what-so-ever. Anybody that believes that haven't done their research. The claims made in the zeitgeist film about Jesus Christ is fiction! Their claims have been thoroughly studied, researched, and debunked."
That comment represents utter ignorance on the subject.
"Even secular (non spiritual) worldly scholars have rejected the idea of Christianity borrowing from the ancient mysteries. The well-respected Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard writes in Theories of Primitive Religion that The evidence for this theory is negligible."
LOL, that's totally inaccurate. Provide a direct quote from Pritchard.
"The first real parallel of a dying and rising god does not appear until A.D. 150, more than a hundred years after the origin of Christianity."
This comment is utterly false - 1st of all, Christianity didn't begin at year 1. In fact, there seems to be no mention of Christians or Christianity anywhere in the entire NT until the book of Acts 11:26 "The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch"
"It is almost universally agreed that the author of Acts also wrote the Gospel of Luke, see also Luke-Acts. The traditional view is that both books were written c. 60, though most scholars, believing the Gospel to be dependent (at least) on Mark's gospel, view the book(s) as having been written at a later date, sometime between 70 and 100"
"Several scholars have argued that Acts used material of both of Josephus' works...which would indicate that Acts was written around the year 100 or later...It has also been pointed out that no ancient source actually mentions Acts by name prior to 177"
Justin Martyr at around 150 is the first person outside of the bible to use the word "Christian." And there's no valid evidence that Acts or 1 Peter existed before Justin Martyr.
Whoops!! So, it appears that Christianity itself is a mid 2nd century creation based on the evidence.
“The Book of the Dead promised resurrection to all mankind, as a reward for righteous living, long before Judaism and Christianity embraced that concept.”
- "Christ in Egypt" 376
"Dumuzi,Baal, and Melqart were dying and rising gods already in pre-Christian times and that Adonis and Esmun may well have been so too. Osiris dies and rises but remains all the time in the Netherworld."
- "Christ in Egypt" 405
"Osiris returns to life in this world, as Isis puts his body back together and then hovers above it to impregnate herself. If Osiris wasn’t resurrected first in the “real world, why were his body parts needed to raise him? And why is he depicted as “resuscitated” so that he can impregnate Isis as a bird hovering over his body? Surely he is not dead, and Isis is not in the netherworld"
- "Christ in Egypt" 406
Whoops - "Christ in Egypt" demonstrates with numerous scholars agreeing that there are quite a few pre-xian dying & rising gods long before Jesus.
It looks like Norman Geisler, Gary Habermas & all other Christian apologists have much studying to do in "Christ in Egypt" - they have loads of necessary adjustments to make, if they're interested in historical accuracy that is.
Organized religion is a disease. It has held us back from deeper understandings of who we are and why we are. The time is coming for the ending of religious dogma as an answer to the quest for the meaning of human life. I am a spiritual person, in the sense of having direct experience with universal energies and conscious communion with my inner self... but not through acceptance of dogma. I don't know if Jesus is a myth, and I don't care. The source of our creation and existence is nearer than our own breath, and always accessible to us.
Anonymous said...
It is very easy to disprove your books.
Try disproving this.
I dissect the "prophecy" argument in this very book, Who Was Jesus?
In fact, there's a long excerpt online from WWJ on this very topic -
Did Jesus Fulfill Prophecy?
What you've posted pretty much proves that Jews and others knowledgeable about the Old Testament simply cut and paste various "messianic prophecies" in order to create the mythical messiah figure called Jesus Christ. In other words, they used these "prophecies" as a blueprint in order to create Christianity.
Note to would-be posters, I am under no obligation to post falsehoods, lies and libel against my person. Hence, a few - very few - messages have not been put through. Be assured, however, that the lies, libel, slander and smears you have attempted to pass through have already been addressed elsewhere - and they are FALSE. My work has NOT been refuted, and those who claim that it has been - along with the other usual assortment of ad homs and falsehoods concerning it - have almost always never studied my work and are not experts on it. These same individuals are utterly wrong about my sources and inspiration, again libeling and slandering me and others with a load of malarkey. I will continue not to sent through posts that contain such absurd libel and lies.
As an example of some of the ridiculous claims about my work from the ignorant peanut gallery, a post full of libel and lies contained these fallacious remarks:
"Further, she FABRICATES parallels where none exist (claiming many 'gods' had a virgin birth etc) She provides NO ORIGINAL documentation to back up her foolish claims."
This remark is absolutely false and can only be stated by someone who knows nothing about my work - and there are many on the internet spreading these false and libelous rumors. One wonders what their eternal soul will suffer for lying about others.
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." (Exod 20:16)
In the thousands of pages in my books, articles and essays, I have meticulously cited numerous sources as concerns practically every major aspect of my work, including the numerous and profound correspondences between the pre-Christian deities and Jesus. I include in this long analysis numerous primary sources and the works of highly credentialed authorities in relevant fields.
In Christ in Egypt, I use these sources to prove that Horus was born of not only one but two virgin mothers, the goddesses Neith - as stated in the Egyptian Book of the Dead - and Isis, who is called "the Great Virgin" in the Temple of Seti I at Abydos. Again, this contention by the Christian apologist is completely false.
Moreover, I was able to bring to light these numerous correspondences between Horus and Jesus because there was so much material in Egypt that could not be destroyed by Christians who went on a rampage and virtually annihilated the Egyptian religion, slaughtering its priests and defiling its temples. However, they were not able to destroy all of the evidence that essentially proves Christianity to be a Jewish knockoff largely of the Egyptian faith.
If this destruction had not been so thorough in other nations, such as Italy and Greece, I would have had the same amount of material to draw from there, with the same results: To wit, that Christianity represents a Jewish knockoff of the religion and mythology of those nations as well. As it is, there remains enough material from those cultures as well to demonstrate this contention.
Acharya S said:Over the three thousand years that the Egyptian religion was very popular, an estimated 500 million people followed Osiris, Horus, Isis, Ra and many other gods. These gods also were recorded as having appeared to their followers, spoken to them, given them instructions, restoring their health and saving their lives. In fact, Isis was known as the Great Healer, as was her son Horus.
By this "logic," all of these Egyptian gods were real and not myths. Ditto with the numerous Greek and Roman gods, as well as those of many other cultures. To this day, devotees of the Indian/Hindu religion have visions and receive visits from a variety of gods, including Krishna, Shiva, Ganesha and Hanuman. By this "logic," the elephant-headed god Ganesha must be real, and not a myth. Ditto with the monkey-headed god Hanuman.
And so on, throughout the history of religion and mythology around the world. Visions and the like are interpreted through cultural biases and do not represent the "ultimate reality."
9:28 PM Perhaps the logical conclusion to make is that all these people experienced "something" and that "something" was real to them. Take the story of Saul of Tarsus, who was hell bent in destroying the new faith yet "something", which to him was very real, made him into an Apostle of the very myth he was so zealously trying to exterminate. Take Mohamed also, a simple trader and caravan master in the sands of Arabia. Yet he saw "something" that transformed him to the reverence he is given by millions. The ancient Greeks also accepted that Asclepius performed cures because they had witnessed "something" that allowed them to believe in him. All peoples and cultures tell the same or similar stories about their gods or spirits, that "something" got them believing in them.
Would you put all this down as mass hallucination or is there a possibility that what we call the supernatural has always existed and been part of the human experience? "Something" that science does not understand and thus refuses to acknowledge its existence, that is independent of our senses and runs parallel to our physical world. Your thoughts?
The concept of eternal punishment was brought into the church by pagan converts around 400 AD. Fear will motivate some but it will not sanctify any.
If you are making a decision to believe or not believe, or that you have any influence over making another person decide to believe or not believe, you are practicing a religion.
God can make a believer out of anyone, anytime He chooses. It's not about YOU.
The illuminati who are followers of the angel of the lesser light, are trying to destroy all religions off the face of the earth. To deny the existence of the spirit is to deny your own existence.
The ancient egyptian religion was created for those who wished to reincarnate through a specific bloodline. This is the religion that the illuminati are trying to reinstitute on the earth. It is
part and parcel to their plan to
have full control over the earth.
Since I have personally spoken to the man you call Jesus I can attest to his existence. Since
I have no proof that I have spoken to him that point is mute.
The idea to rid the earth of all
religions has grown with the powers that think they be. But
by limiting the world's mass
spirit, they have limited their
Since I am a wanderer and have witnessed many miracles in my life, I have never doubted what I have seen with my own eyes.
Jesus said it best "This wicked generation seeks a sign, the only sign it will receive, is the sign of it's own desruction.
Oh some saner posts this evening! Even more rational ones. That I can deal with!
Anonymous said...
If Jesus was only a myth, the Jews would not hate him so very much - neither would Ramtha, or yourself.
I do believe you are mistaking/confusing a dislike for a falsehood for hate of a person. One cannot hate what did not exist, but one can disdain the act of turning a myth into a reality.
highpriestess said...
Since I have personally spoken to the man you call Jesus I can attest to his existence.
I wouldn't advertise such a thing. People might think you have a mental illness.
While I have not completely read Christ in Egypt yet, I am convinced by Acharya's work, Tom Harpur's work, and many others that Jesus never actually existed or IF he did, the man is too buried in myth to be found. That and there are many Jesuses. IF it is one of them, then which one was it? It is difficult to say due to all the rewritten mythology that was set to a specific culture. That much I can say, even though I am not finished reading her latest book.
Anonymous said...
Why not let the posts through? The only posts you shouldn't let through is spam and intentionally gross/disgusting/disruptive posting. Let their arguments stand on their own merits - otherwise it makes you look like you are hiding something, or maybe you don't want those posts to come through because you have an agenda of some sort. Maybe because the points they raise are not as easily dismissed as the "rabble" that is posted here.
That's easy for you to say, Anonymouse. I have zero interest in your coercive attempts and insidious suggestions to get me to post libelous, hateful and violent speech against my person.
Again, I am under no obligation to allow posts through that are hateful, vicious and libelous. If you are interested in this kind of speech, please do set up your own website, stick your neck out and enjoy the libel, lies and vicious smears that are thrown your way.
This is a little unrelated but I'm having a debate with someone about bible scripture. I say the passage about 666 and the mark of the beast is:
"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
And he says it is:
"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666."
He says the mark of the beast is "man", and I say it's "a man".
What do you have to say about all this?
Anonymouse (as Acharya addressed and we know which one)
IMO, I do not think Acharya should have to put up with such abuse period, not even have to read it. It is a shame some people are so cruel and hateful that they have to even attempt such things and she has to read them in order to approve them or not.
Just the abusiveness I have seen here that she did allow to pass through was horrid enough. Be that as it may, no one should have to read any of it and it esp should not be directed at anyone. IMHO, these people need some serious help and when/if they decided to get help, I know of a couple people they could see. Until then, they can go on deluding themselves, but they cannot and should not be so abusive to others. It's just plain wrong.
Such abusiveness (hellfire and damnation, and alike) is NOT addressing anything that Acharya said. It is only playing abusive psychological mind games (which can do some serious emotional damage). Nothing more and I can back that up with more than one source. Personally, I am offended that people do such things in this day and age, but living in Pentecostal Land, with other Fandamgelicals, I am not surprised by the behaviour that has been displayed.
Personally, I'm surprised she allowed the post that were nothing more than Borg Collective mentality, instead of sane and rational debate, through. That is not only abuse, but spam, IMO. However, it's her blog and I would not begin to tell her what to do. I'm just sorry she has to read such psychologically abusive attacks.
Acharya have fun burning in hell for all eternity...after all its what you wanted and that's what you're getting.
^To anon above:
There could be a hell on earth (nuclear) in the near future if we don't stop fundamentalists from trying to bring about Armageddon just to fulfill their ridiculous prophecy.
That's one reason why Acharya is so serious in her work.
If you didn't fear my posts in their entirety, you'd have posted them.
I have read your work (partially) and I have seen your videos...including Zeit(ya you claim its not yours, but we both know how influential you were in it)...its really a shame and a sham. Seriously, you have NOT given ORIGINAL SOURCE references, but you DO PROVIDE EXCUSES as to WHY you can't give proper references...so you primarly just reference others who agree with your charade.
Isis was not a virgin when she gave birth to Horus...as her husband, Osiris can well attest! Further, she had sex with a makeshift penis on osiris...and that, as far as most will admit, is sex. She was no virgin. She was a married woman and what made marriage? SEX. Without SEX, there was no marriage.
With Mary and Joseph, they were betrothed and had not yet come to gether (had sex), this was NOT the case with Osiris and his Isis.
Now, Mary, as I understand it, did not retain her virginity (though catholics would disagree) but instead fulfilled her obligation to her husband as is fitting in the Lord...and had several children including Jame's the Lord's brother.
Seriously, if your just into all this for the money, well...enjoy the fruits thereof m'lady; they shall end swiftly.
If it is for THE agenda (jewish new world order etc)...again, hurry up and enjoy it...it's soon going to be over.
Why didn't you attack moses? It is after all, JEWS who started the major wars in our world...not Christians...and even when YOU want to say someone is a Christian, just because they say they are (like Bush)...it is CLEAR he is no Christian...not by Jesus' standards anyhow...and I think that is the only standard that matters in determining who is and who isn't a Christian.
So, though they CALL themselves Christians, that doesn't make themselves Christians any more than my calling myself a woman makes me a woman (or today's so-called Jews calling themselves "jews" for that matter...but I digress).
You fear the truth...but it is only the TRUTH that will make you free.
Ask Yah to give you PERSONAL revelation; He will. I have the Spirit of Jesus IN me (Col.1:27) and therefore commune with HIS father as my own Father. I have ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus who died for me. As my soul grows in knowledge and understanding, I lean on Him, not my own flesh. He gives me "Shalom" (peace) which is "Asher" (most blessed).
The Origin of "Hell"
The study of word origins (etymology) is a very developed science few Christians spend any time studying. If one were to take the main theological words used in church and study their origins, one would learn much.
Remember, the Greek word "Hades" literally meant unseen. The pagans then turned a perfectly good usable word into the name of a God named "Hades" and created a place of the underworld called "Hades." They turned an everyday word with easy to understand meaning into a theological pagan word which, if one studies the "underworld" mythology of the Greeks, into a mass of confusion.
The English word "Hell" suffered the same onslaught, but not from pagan Greeks, but from pagan Christians! According to Arcade Dictionary of Word Origins by John Ayto, the etymology of the word "hell" is as follows:
hell (OE) Etymologically, "hell" is a 'hidden place.' It goes back ultimately to Indo-European 'kel' (cover, hide), which has contributed an extraordinary number of words to English, including 'apocalypse,'' cell,' 'cellar,' 'conceal,' 'helmet,' 'hull,' 'pod,' 'occult,' and possibly 'colour' and 'holster.' Its Germanic descendant was 'khel-,' 'khal-,' whose derivatives included 'khallo' and 'khaljo.' The first became modern English 'hall,' the second modern English 'hell-'-so both hall and hell were originally 'concealed or covered places,' although very different ways: the 'hall' with a roof, 'hell' with at least six feet of earth. Related Germanic forms include German 'Holle' (O with an umlaut), Dutch 'hel,' and Swedish 'helvete' (in which 'vete' means punishment').
Isn't it rather interesting that the place where people met under a roof and therefore "covered," (hall) and the place where people are "six feet under" and therefore "unseen," come from the same word? A church and a grave yard therefore have much in common. This book will not go into other theological words such as the word "church," but I assure you, there are many embarrassing surprises hidden in theological word origins.
We have found then, that the modern English word "Hell" was originally not a specific region for those eternally damned, as theologians would term it, but a common everyday word which basically meant "covered up" and therefore often "unseen." This word was useful to describe a number of different things.
But as with "Hades," and "Gehenna," a superstitious religious priestcraft used these normal everyday words and concocted images to hold people in their power. They used their deceptive power-hungry minds to tell the ignorant what was in the "unseen" place of the grave (hell).
They created a goddess in charge of affairs in "hell." She was called "Hel." The hole in the ground became a huge underground empire of which she was ruler. The word with a little "h" became a place with a capital "H."
This information I am bringing forth is not hidden away in some ancient monastery. It can be found in almost any book on word origins, regular dictionaries, and encyclopedias. But when Christians have been taught to stick their heads into a "hole" or "hall" called our "church building" and not to look at anything which does not conform to "their" teachings, it leaves most Christians in "gross darkness"-in other words in a "hell" of their own.
Even excellent study Bibles such as the Companion Bible by Dr. E.E. Bullinger, perhaps the best KJV Study Bible available, brings out the fact that these words have been greatly tampered with by the priestcraft. Under his appendage number 131 The synonymous words for "Hell", etc. he states:
"The English word is from the Anglo-Saxon 'hel', Genitive Case 'helle'=a hidden place, from the Anglo-Saxon 'helan'=to hide."
Dr. Bullinger covers the others words we have just been discussing. His appendages bring great light into a darkness many Christians have been placed into, allowing themselves to be "covered" by false shepherds.
A quick tour through the Norse and Germanic mythologies of the goddess Hel and her domain Hell should be a wake up call to any person whose mind is still functioning. The Encyclopedia Britannica tells us of "Hel":
"Hel or Hela, in Scandinavian mythology, goddess of the dead, a child of Loki and the giantess Angurboga, dwelt beneath the roots of the sacred ash, Yggdrasil (q.v.), and ruled the nine worlds of Helheim. In early myth all the dead went to her: in later legend only those who died of old age or sickness; she then became synonymous with suffering and horror." It is common knowledge to anyone who has studied church history even just a little bit, that the Roman Catholic church made it a practice to absorb the pagan traditions of the nations which it tried to covert. She, the Roman Catholic church, by the power she claimed, just Christianized them. From this practice, we Christians have inherited all the superstitions of the world. Under the word "Hell" they incorporated the mythologies of the Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, Egyptians, Teutons, Druids, and only God knows what else.
This work cannot go into the thousands of pagan words, myths, rituals, artifacts, originating in pagan religions which have been brought into the Christian religion. Reading Hislop's Two Babylons, published by Loizeaux Brothers, or Babylonian Mystery Religion by Ralph Woodrow would be two good places to begin. For those of the Protestant persuasion who think they are immuned to the influence of Romanism, think again, the entire Protestant Sunday morning church ritual, including the structure of the building and its interior furniture, will not be found among the early believers in Jesus Christ.
While the Scriptures correctly translated have nothing to say about the modern theological concept of "Hell," nor do they speak of "eternal punishment," they do have much to say about "judgment."
Anonymous said...
Acharya have fun burning in hell for all eternity...after all its what you wanted and that's what you're getting.Yet another example of what I have been saying all along. This has psychological abuse written all over it (both done to this person and this person attempting it on others). I also think in the blog she posted the other day, such things as this and the delusional behaviour that goes with it, will more than likely be in the DSM one day soon. Too bad this person won't get help. I know a couple good psychologists who could help. Pity too that s/he would reject it.
TO KLINGON55: Here is a revelation given to me by a man of the Spirit regarding the number 666 and it's meaning. NOTE: The book of Revelation is a parable (Jesus points that out in Chapter 1)and is not about the end of the world and the physical coming of Jesus. It's about the end of the flesh world IN YOU and the coming of Jesus in your Spirit. Hope this helps.
"Notice that the mark of the beast was in their forehead or their hand. The forehead symbolizes the seat of thought. When we have the mark of the beast or when that nature of the beast is still manifesting in our lives, we think like the beast. We act and react after that fleshly nature and fleshly carnal way of looking at things. We essentially think like an animal. That's why scientists and carnal men want to classify man as just another animal, maybe possessing a little higher level of intelligence, but an animal never the less. The mark in the hand represents how we do things. We work and perform physical actions with our hands. So that is symbolic of the fact that before the beast in us is utterly destroyed, we still perform the actions of the beast. So, we think like and act like a beast because his mark remains in our forehead and our hand.
Also, the scripture indicates that those who do not posses the mark cannot buy or sell. Once you become one of God's martyrs and totally reject this physical worldly system, you can no longer buy what the world is selling. You can no longer buy or share the ideas and concepts of the world system. You no longer think or act like the beast. You have to die to this world and essentially become a martyr, but through death to this worldly system of Babylonish confusion and carnal way of thinking and doing things, we are received into the Kingdom of Heaven.
As far as the number 666 is concerned, I'm still not completely sure what the significance of that really is. I still haven't received the complete revelation of that, I don't think. But I know that God's number of completion is 7. Perhaps it indicates that man, when in his beast state, is incomplete in spirit, soul and body. Another interesting thing is that man is a carbon based being, at least as far as his physical body is concerned. I think that carbon is unique in that it has 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons in its atom. That may not have anything to do with anything, but it is interesting."
Jesus saying "I and the Father are One.": http://www.answering-christianity.com/john10_30.htm
So who is Jesus'Father? yhwh=ieue=yeshua=jesus
A God in Man's Image
All cultures have anthropomorphized their gods into humanoid (if sometimes grotesque) form. Were the Jews the exception? Hardly. We know precisely what the Hebrew god looked like. We are, after all, fashioned in his own likeness. He was a man, no doubt looking remarkably like the bearded sage asking us to worship him. He has body parts: eyes and a face (‘they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes’ – Jeremiah 16.17); nose and a mouth (Psalms 18.8); lips, tongue and breath (Isaiah 30.27,33); loins (Ezekiel 1.27); even ‘back parts’ (Exodus 33.23). He also has several ‘human’ emotions, manly appetites, and a worrying disposition towards pathological violence.
Yahweh feels regret for his own evil (‘And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.’ - Jonah 3.10); and grief (at the wickedness of men) (‘and it grieved him at his heart’ - (Genesis 6.6). He actually gets down and wrestles with Jacob, dislocating his thigh (Genesis 32.24). He forgets (he goes on calling Jacob ‘Jacob’ even after re-naming him ‘Israel’ - Genesis 35.10, 46.2). He practises favouritism (choosing the Israelites ‘above all people’ - Exodus 19.5; but he just does not like Cain or Esau!). He holds grudges (‘I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation’ – Exodus 20.5).
For an omniscient god he is surprisingly unknowing (‘They have set up kings, but not by me; they have made princes, and I knew it not.’ – Hosea 8.4). And for an omnipotent god he has his limitations (‘The Lord was with Judah; and he drove out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley because they had chariots of iron.’ - Judges 1.19).
And after his creation of the world, he even has to rest from his labour (‘And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work’ - Genesis 2.2) – to the endless bemusement of pagan critics, whose own gods didn’t need to rest!
The most disturbing aspect of Yahweh’s humanoid personality, however, is his blood-lust. The smell of burning flesh is a ‘sweet savour unto the lord’ – so sweet, in fact, that the phrase appears in the Old Testament no fewer than twenty-three times. The butchery demanded by god is truly monumental. Believers are required to sacrifice two lambs day-by-day continuously – and that’s just for starters! Just as well Yahweh had several thousand priests to help him trough through the banquet!
Livestock bears the brunt of god’s appetite but humans could so easily get the chop from the big guy. God kills Uzzah for simply steadying the tumbling Ark (1Chronicles 13.9,10). Poor Onan was zapped for using the withdrawal method of birth control (Genesis 38.10). But such isolated vindictiveness palls in comparison with the mass killings of the Lord. When the autocratic Moses faces a rebellion led by Korah, God uses an earthquake and fire to consume two hundred and fifty rebels. When indignant sympathizers protest at the injustice, God wipes out another fourteen thousand seven hundred with a plague (Numbers 16). What a guy!
Natural Born Killers (continues)
The crazies are flustered, LOL.
Sean said..."If you didn't fear my posts in their entirety, you'd have posted them."
uh uh, I don't think it's fear - just utter stupidity.
"you have NOT given ORIGINAL SOURCE references"
See what I mean? That's just a stupid comment for those who actually have studied her work. You're already embarrassing yourself & you seem proud of it.
Sean "Isis was not a virgin..."
"In a text in the Abydos Temple of Seti I, Isis herself declares: “I am the great virgin.”
The Pyramid Texts speak of “the great virgin” three times (682c, 728a, 2002a, cf. 809c)
The Pyramid Texts are 4,400 years old.
- CIE 152
That was easy to prove wrong but, why do you even care? Why is it so important to you that Isis or nobody else was a virgin, like Mary? Please explain your complex.
Sean "she had sex with a makeshift penis on osiris"
LMAO! So you really think that a guy cut into 14 pieces including his willy - & put back together could really "get it up" do you? Listen to yourself - look at what you're writing here and think about how utterly stupid it is. You represent what's wrong about religion & people so personally attached to their religious beliefs - especially when proven wrong, you get extremely defensive.
Your religion has caused you so much damage that you're incapable to comprehend the concept of a myth. You're so used to taking everything literally that that's your default position. Your Jesus myth has conditioned you to take all of the utter nonsense in the bible literally but anything else that's similar (& much older) just can't be. Why aren't skeptical about Jesus & Christianity? That's called a hypocritical double-standard & bigotry.
Many Christians still refer to Mary as a virgin - even though she has 7 brats. Perpetual virginity was one of the mysteries in ancient Egypt & elsewhere - even Philo said purification “through mystical union with God” could restore a woman’s virginity. In essence, a God focused woman can become a “born-again virgin.”
- CIE 155
"when YOU want to say someone is a Christian, just because they say they are (like Bush)...it is CLEAR he is no Christian...not by Jesus' standards anyhow...I think that is the only standard that matters in determining who is and who isn't a Christian."
Well, Jesus never said the word "Christian" neither did Paul. So, he wasn't very clear. Especially when you consider all the evil crap Jesus said:
"The birth of Jesus was heralded with "Peace on Earth," yet Jesus said, "Think not that I am come to send peace: I came not to send peace but a sword." (Matthew 10:34) "He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." (Luke 22:36) "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." (Luke 19:27. In a parable, but spoken of favorably.)
The burning of unbelievers during the Inquisition was based on the words of Jesus: "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned." (John 15:6)"
I want to thank the "high priestess" for her faith and skullboner for his erudition on word origins and again Acharya S for her vast research and this forum that invites free speech and inquiry. The pursuit of Truth seems the most essential pursuit that exists, to me and I imagine many here concur. (Hell) and the threat by so called loving people, that those that find incongruity in the Christian history should go to such a place,... bothers me. Is this what we're to believe..."My yoke is light"..but if you don't accept it you'll go to eternal torment created by my loving, just and perfect father that created and controls all things...? Yes I added the words after ..my yoke..etc. but thats the point ... is this the long suffering messiah that preached forgiveness and love and mercy triumphs over judgment? I personally am dumfounded by the genius implied in simple observations of reality and these fuel me to understand deeper,.. or pursue truth. The idea of Hell for those that question the verity of a document disgusts me and seems perfectly incongruent with the beauty of this universe. I can think of no greater rape than that of the persons soul, the rape of a persons individuality with the perpetual threat of permanent suffering after they die if they dare apply reason to the dogma they are coerced to believe contrary their to natural inclination. Our brains are the distinguishing features that bring us closest to the image of the genuis of the universe, should we be punished for using them?
I was raised in a hard-core Catholic family: Catholic schools, altar boy for 9 years, Benedictian monk. What set me on my own personal awakening was the realization that the Trinity, Father/Son/Holy Ghost, as three godheads co-existing as a single entity was really a personification of Mind/Body/Spirit, joined as a single person.
This led to deeper searches and brought me to the writings of Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk who, in his later writings, was making the connection between Buddhism and Christianity. So I studied Buddha.
Lo and behold! There in Buddha's writings (without a doubt a real person) were the same parables attributed to Jesus, and Buddha pre-dated Jesus by 500 years. Furthermore, Buddha espoused a philosophy that is godless without being nihilistic, and is founded on solid reason and not mythos. It promotes reason and logic above all.
Interestingly, one of Buddha's teachings is that all reality springs forth like a foam in the ocean of the Universe. A bubble rises, exists then pops and disappears, with reality being as illusory as a transparent bubble. Now 2,500 years later, quantum physics has come to the same conclusion.
I do not espouse Buddhism as a religion, because Buddha himself would reject that. I suggest that the recycling of Buddha's parables in Christianity, as well as the concept of intellect over all else not only justifies the articles on this site, but should lead all non-thinking christians on a quest for the very Truth they so often decry. If god gave us an intellect, then do we not sin by rejecting it?
It is contradictory that christians put their god in a box while claiming that he is omnipotent. As Haldane said, "[T]he Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, it is queerer than we CAN suppose."
Even if the conclusions put forth on this site are incorrect or faulty, if it achieves the awakening of intellect, then its value is beyond estimate.
As another, more contemporary prophet put it: Let us not talk falsly now, the hour is getting late.
Why thank you Joe. Sometimes word origins can reveal a lot about people's thinking and association with other words--taken over by 'theologists'. I can not help but think the word 'kill' also has a common origin with the root origins of the word hell. For obvious definitional reasons, aside from word-form similarities.
This was the best I could find on the eymological origins of the word, tho it admits elswhere it's ultimate origins are uncertain:
Kill, Killle (Gaelic), a common form of cill and coille (note germanic 'quell'), q.v.
Kill (Gaelic), from Latin cella, a church. Kildare, Kildellig, Kilmalcolm, Kilmeny, St. Kilda. Also Kill, Kil, in local names in Ireland and Scotland, is the Gael. cil, a ,burying-ground, cell, chapel and grave, (from the latin cella mentioned above).
strike, beat XIII; put to death XIV. ME. kulle, kille, kelle; these vars. point to an OE. *cyllan :- Gmc. *kuljan, rel. by gradation to *kwaljan kill, QUELL.
O.E. cwellan "to kill, murder, execute," from P.Gmc. *kwaljanan (cf. O.E. cwelan "to die," cwalu "violent death;" O.S. quellian "to torture, kill;" O.N. kvelja "to torment;" M.Du. quelen "to vex, tease, torment;" O.H.G. quellan "to suffer pain," Ger. qualen "to torment, torture"), from root *kwel-/*kwal- (cf. Armenian kelem "I torture;" O.C.S. zali "pain;" Lith. galas "end," gela "agony," gelati "to sting"). Milder sense of "suppress, extinguish" developed by c.1300.
So you can see many commonalities with the definitions and concepts associated with the etymology of the word 'hell' Since in those days, the act of murder was by an axe, even a hammer, it most certainly was a weapon of death, of murder and an instrument of causing a 'hole' in the head or body of the murdered victim. I suppose, a murderer or killers first act would be to hide or coverup their deed and in other cases to bury the victim in a grave near a church, so that the association of both these words and their connotations were related etymologically among the different Indo-European languages.
It might be proven interesting to do a an etymological search on the word murder, but I will not do that here. My only intention was for all these Hell and Damnation Scriptural Borgs to get their head out of the 'hole' in their ass...lol! Now that's a fearsome hole!
At least I have proven linguistically that the word hell and it's concept is far and away from their conception of it, as they cast it about on others as a place of damnation and Hellfire for unbeleivers in their priestcraft ridden Holey brains...ha ha! I still suspect that the word hell is connected with the word/name Helios...the Sun, as burning fiery orb that descends into the underworld (the unseen dark side of planet EA-rth to become the Lord of the Underworld, hidden from sight and the imagined abode of the dead planted in the soil called Hades etc.
Love MOST of what you had to say (concerning theological etymologies)
very well put and I agree with most of it.
What I have issue with is the relevance of the word's origins in most cases. For instance, lets replace the word "hell" with the word "fruit" or "boogwaby", now replace all instances of hell/hades/sheol or gehenna in the Bible and you'll see that it doesn't really make much difference. We'll use just one of Acharya's many misused verses: (I'll use the word FRUIT)
"And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for the to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into FRUIT, into the fire that never shall be quenched: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."
Although it sure makes it sound silly, the meaning is not altered by a non-pagan-sourced word being used in it's stead.
Nextly, I believe that the Norse Pagans (whose mythology I have studied and have been fascinated with for many years) have "borrowed" from Christian teachings instead. Such as Hel, though their "HEL" is COLD because the Norse couldn't comprehend how HEAT would be suffering; And being of Northern stock myself...I almost agree! We can use more warmth.
(slightly off topic but to bring support to my above conclusion, read about Odin's sacrifice upon Yggdrassil where, like the Christ he hangs from a "Tree" in torment; pierced with a spear (for 9 days AND nights...) but instead of it being for the sins of humanity it is for a less benevolent purpose.
All that being said, the Greek Aion has nothing to do with eternity, but rather to do with "age" or it's plural (also used) has to do with "ages"...so yes, this doctrine of "eternal damnation" etc has been MUCH misconstrued.
22 said,
She wouldn't permit my original posts which actually had sound arguments; all she seems to permit are those which are poorly presented. So thats what I'm postin!
Look how she permits all the "Acharya you r gunna burn in hell for ever!" garbage. She doesn't mind posting that garbage; mine however gave her reason to trash. And why? Was I profane? No. Did I threaten her or declare god was going to kill her or some such nonsense? No. Because I had facts that she couldn't deal with. Such as her complete (intentional?) misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the Christian doctrines. This coupled with the fact that I admonished others to study as many original sources as are available to determine the genuineness or falsity of her statements; of which there are a plethora.
I have not read anywhere where Ms. Murdoch has given any original source references POINTEDLY to the SPECIFIC CLAIMS she makes; none! I have heard HER give reasons as to WHY she can't provide them.
1) Original sources are in greek and latin and so forth, and cannot be read in english. First, I DOUBT highly that any ORIGINAL SOURCE material proving that Isis was a virgin (prior to 2000 years ago; and AFTER being married to Osiris & giving birth to horus) even exists, but if it DOES, then SHE MUST SHOW THAT.
2)All the original sources were burned (or otherwise disallowed).
Come on!
3) not readily recorded
and on and on. Then she provides as her references self-appointed specialists who quote (rather misquote) several sources.
While she may provide SOME primary source material; I CANNOT find ANY that touch PRECISELY the claims she makes. EG: Give me ONE PRIMARY source that says "Isis, after being married to Osiris, RETAINED her VIRGINITY AND gave birth to Horus, BEFORE EVER consummating her marriage." Something of this nature would SILENCE my claim of her not providing original source material for that claim (how simple is that?). It has to be SPECIFICALLY to THESE claims that she must have CLEAR proofs.
Was Isis a Virgin? So was Delilah!
So was Gaia and every other goddess or woman...at some point.
"Secret teachings of All Ages", Blavatsky & other Theosophists "quoting scriptures" do not count as primary sources.
As for believing that Osiris was rejoined or not...seriously, do you even think...even for a moment that I believe there WAS an Osiris?
Mock all you want, apparently, it is your only strength. You certainly cannot ascertain the implications of my queries.
As for taking "my bible literally" Hardly! If She let my first posts through, you'd have seen that it is SHE who would have these people take it LITERALLY, so that she can bamboozle them and demonize the Christ! I well know it is largely symbolism and parable...as it attests of itself! And IN THAT VERY aspect is it's splendor!
I am not even catholic, nor do I have any church or "religion". Why do I care about what she is saying? Because she is deceiving. If she was being honest, forthright, and backing up her claims from ONLY primary sources (not someone quoting supposed primary sources (UGH)) and these QUOTES from PRIMARY SOURCES nailed her claims down firmly (like example given above; Isis virgin AFTER marriage and AFTER having Horus etc)...then I'd be saluting her for her scholarship...as it is, I don't see any of that.
That being said, I LOVE comparative mythology and religion. It is fascinating and there are MANY parallels...simply however, there is no strong evidence to the claims she is making against Christ.
Another linguistic morphing.
Shylock in the Merchant of Venice: "To baite fish with all, if it will feede nothing else, it will
feede my reuenge; hee hath disgrac'd me, and hindred me halfe a
million, laught at my losses, mockt at my gaines, scorned my Na-
tion, thwarted my bargaines, cooled my friends, heated mine ene-
mies, and whats his reason, I am a Iewe: Hath not a Iewe eyes,
hath not a Iewe hands, organs, dementions, sences, affections, passions.."
This is the language of 'Shakespearean England. Remember: yhwh=ieue,=yeshua=jesus. They did use the J sound anymore than did the Germans, Latins, Hebrews or Yidd-ish. Quote:"A Jew (Hebrew: יְהוּדִי, Yehudi (sg.); יְהוּדִים, Yehudim (pl.); Ladino: ג׳ודיו, Djudio (sg.); ג׳ודיוס, Djudios (pl.); Yiddish: יִיד, Yid (sg.); יִידן, Yidn (pl.))"
Latin iudeus from the Greek Ioudaios (Ἰουδαῖος). The Latin simply means Judaean, from the land of Judaea. Judaea is in turn derived from Judah which was the name of the Kingdom of Judah, and one of the Tribes of Israel. The Hebrew word for Jew, יהודי , is pronounced [jə·hu·ˈdiː].[22]
The etymological equivalent is in use in other languages, e.g., "Jude" in German, "juif" in French, "jøde" in Danish, "judío" in Spanish, etc., but derivations of the word "Hebrew" are also in use to describe a Jewish person, e.g., in Italian (Ebreo), and Russian: Еврей, (Yevrey).[23] The German word "Jude" is pronounced [ˈjuː·də] and is the origin of the word Yiddish.[24] (See Jewish ethnonyms for a full overview.)
Again the German and many others, before the use of the Etruscan J, and it's morphing into the soft G was pronouced as the silent Y or I. In fact, it would not be surprising that previous to the adoption of the J letter and soft G sound that most of these languages used the I or Y letter as in Shakepearean times.
Why do I bring this up, though it may sound superficial? To hide the identification of the tribal name with IEUE (Yahweh)? Or to morph the name of the Iudean, Iuda, Yid to the equivalent of that IEUE (aka Yahweh..Hebrews didn't use consonants in their writing. It is clear, that if you pronounce Yahweh, you are pronouncing IEUE--the equivalent of the spelling for Iesus (latin). Word play and spellings have been an artful play through history for the priestcraft.
Godfrey Higgins had a name for this word play when languages were written by various peoples in different fashions...left to right, right to left and oxplow fashion (left to right, right to left and back again). The learned priestcraft and their elite cousins made use of this in punning code known only to them in esoteric fashion as a secret tradition over the vulgar or people of exoteric teaching, behind which they could manipulate the people from their codified true intentions and beliefs. The most absurd of that practice pawned off on the gullible, illiterate and superstitious ignorant.
This is called ORGANISED RELIGON masquarading as Divine spirituallity as designed by cocky con men.
Real mature. You call christian apologists psychologically abusive, and then hurl insults at them.
And with Joe, I completely agree. This flies in the face of Acharya's teachings. Jesus' teachings are VERY MUCH like the Buddha's teachings.
Jesus did not teach people to pluck out their eyes, or hate their parents, or any of the other garbage she seems to be trying to sell.
Jesus taught all things BY PARABLE. WITHOUT a parable he didn't teach them anything!
So that those, like the OP, would be ever seeing, but never coming to the truth!
For heaven's sake, he TELLS YOU THAT PLAINLY...if you'd read it.
As for historical Jesus, I think there is more evidence for a real historical Jesus than most historical figures of his day.
Was the Bible tampered with? Whether through poor scribes, bad translation or intentional deception, the Bible (and doubtless other scriptures) has suffered at the hands of men.
One more thing I would like addressed, Ms. Murdoch, is how is it that the prophecies of the book of Revelation are coming true...and I'm not simply talking about wars...these could possibly be manipulated. I am talking about the Mark of the Beast for instance...a mark in your person for buying and selling (cashless society). 2000 years old and right on the money (no pun intended).
What about this One world government? Again the Bible prophecies deal with this and it is what we are seeing occur (at the same time as the mark coming)...2000 years old prophecy...coming true before our eyes.
I can see there be SOME room for manipulations, but to THIS extent, in this day and age? It seems rather preposterous. Cui bono?
And to what end? Pretty old plan, dontcha think? What keeps all these generations in line? Why don't any of them decide to "sink the ship" or reach out to the rest of us in warning? 2000+ years is a long time for such a secret...dontcha think?
I think these prophecies of Revelation are a serious cause of consideration for anyone who would foolishly claim to have debunked Christianity and by extension the Bible. Of course there are other prophecies equally intriguing both in Revelation and other scriptures...all of which, if a person was honest, must be given respect as to their present fulfillment (at least seemingly so).
Blogger JewWatchskullnboner said...
The most disturbing aspect of Yahweh’s humanoid personality, however, is his blood-lust. The smell of burning flesh is a ‘sweet savour unto the lord’ – so sweet, in fact, that the phrase appears in the Old Testament no fewer than twenty-three times. The butchery demanded by god is truly monumental. Believers are required to sacrifice two lambs day-by-day continuously – and that’s just for starters! Just as well Yahweh had several thousand priests to help him trough through the banquet!
Skullboner, dear, could you tone it down a little. You are making me sick. lol Needless to say, those who have a love for animals, such as I do, are still to this day persecuted by such religious beliefs the those of the Abrahamic beliefs have. I've heard all the BS concerning humans, who are animals, and other animals.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Real mature. You call christian apologists psychologically abusive, and then hurl insults at them.
I was the one who pointed this out and so far I have not knowingly thrown any insults at them.
Anonymous Sean said...
One more thing I would like addressed, Ms. Murdoch, is how is it that the prophecies of the book of Revelation are coming true...and I'm not simply talking about wars...these could possibly be manipulated. I am talking about the Mark of the Beast for instance...a mark in your person for buying and selling (cashless society). 2000 years old and right on the money (no pun intended).
They are only coming true because humans are trying to make their fantasies come true. It's like acting out a play in real life. It does not have to be that way, esp if humans change the course they are on currently.
Dear Acharya,
I've been following your website for some time now and I find your work very intriguing and challenging. You are beating a very hard path.
I hope you don't mind I put this two-part video on my blog.
Sean (Keith TRASH cult follower known as Trash heads) said...
"She wouldn't permit my original posts which actually had sound arguments"
All fundamentalists think their arguments are "sound" when they are not. She gets tired of personal attacks, ad homs, lies, smears, defamation etc - that's more likely why your posts didn't go through. She actually tends to appreciate sound arguments.
Sean (keith TRASH) "Look how she permits all the "Acharya you r gunna burn in hell for ever!" garbage."
It demonstrates the utter stupidity of Christians - they can't provide valid evidence for Jesus, let alone hell, Satan, Lucifer etc ad nauseam.
Sean (TRASH head) "I had facts that she couldn't deal with."
Sean (TRASH head) "Such as her complete (intentional?) misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the Christian doctrines."
LMAO! So only you can properly interpret xian doctrine ah? That sounds like more bigotry.
Sean (TRASH head) "I have not read anywhere where Ms. Murdoch has given any original source references POINTEDLY to the SPECIFIC CLAIMS she makes; none! I have heard HER give reasons as to WHY she can't provide them."
LOL, thanks for that inadvertent admission that you've never read her work - you've only watched 10 minute youtube videos.
Sean (TRASH head) "1) Original sources are in greek and latin and so forth, and cannot be read in english. First, I DOUBT highly that any ORIGINAL SOURCE material proving that Isis was a virgin (prior to 2000 years ago; and AFTER being married to Osiris & giving birth to horus) even exists, but if it DOES, then SHE MUST SHOW THAT."
Do you read Greek, Latin? What else? The original source for Isis declaring herself to be a virgin still exists - everytime you post you further put your foot in your mouth demonstrating your ignorance, biases & your willingness to be dishonest, lack of objectivity. You fail yourself everytime you open your mouth.
Sean (TRASH head) "2)All the original sources were burned (or otherwise disallowed).
Come on!
3) not readily recorded and on and on. Then she provides as her references self-appointed specialists who quote (rather misquote) several sources."
You're still ranting about a 10 minute video - try actually reading the books. There are 4 to date totaling nearly 2,000 pages with over 5,550 footnotes/citations to primary sources and expert commentary on them from over 1,440 bibliographical sources. Where is your book?
Sean (TRASH head) "Give me ONE PRIMARY source that says "Isis, after being married to Osiris, RETAINED her VIRGINITY AND gave birth to Horus, BEFORE EVER consummating her marriage." Something of this nature would SILENCE my claim of her not providing original source material for that claim (how simple is that?). It has to be SPECIFICALLY to THESE claims that she must have CLEAR proofs."
Already did - what's with the comprehension issues?
"In a text in the Abydos Temple of Seti I, Isis herself declares: “I am the great virgin.”
The Pyramid Texts speak of “the great virgin” three times (682c, 728a, 2002a, cf. 809c)
The Pyramid Texts are 4,400 years old.
- CIE 152
There's much more in 'Christ in Egypt" - read it like anybody else would do who's actually interested in this subject, rather than demanding others SPOON-FEED you.
Sean (TRASH head) "Secret teachings of All Ages", Blavatsky & other Theosophists "quoting scriptures" do not count as primary sources."
Who ever said they did? Only keith TRASH or one of his cult followers known as "TRASH HEADS" would bring up such red herrings.
Sean (TRASH head)"As for believing that Osiris was rejoined or not...seriously, do you even think...even for a moment that I believe there WAS an Osiris? Mock all you want, apparently, it is your only strength. You certainly cannot ascertain the implications of my queries"
LMAO! You just discussed Isis having sex w/ not only a dead man but one cut into 14 pieces including his willy, claiming that debunked her virginity - now you're backpedaling as fast as you can because you probably just now saw how utter stupid it is to take these myths literally, including the Jesus myth.
Sean (TRASH head) "Why do I care about what she is saying? Because she is deceiving. If she was being honest, forthright, and backing up her claims from ONLY primary sources (not someone quoting supposed primary sources (UGH)) and these QUOTES from PRIMARY SOURCES nailed her claims down firmly (like example given above; Isis virgin AFTER marriage and AFTER having Horus etc)...then I'd be saluting her for her scholarship...as it is, I don't see any of that."
Uh no, she's not deceiving, you're just ignorant not only of her work for which you are extremely jealous but also of history. You're so biased & bigoted that you can't see straight. Of course you "don't see any of that" - you've never studied her work and that is obvious as you are as transparent as glass for us all to see here.
Your link to the Gasque article is another thing keith TRASH would do as he likes to plagiarize from that article & others when he can - even though it has nothing to do with Acharya's work, it's about Tom Harpur's book.
Sean (TRASH head) "how is it that the prophecies of the book of Revelation are coming true...?"
So you believe all of that nonsense too, yet, you attempt to claim you're not a Christian & have "no religion" - I'm beginning to think you're lying. Anyway, you've never heard of a self fulfilling prophecy? Christians and Muslims want worldwide mass destruction because then, they could all say "see, we were right about Revelation."
Sean (TRASH head) "Mark of the Beast"
LOL, that is so easy to use as a sort of blueprint - you think the makers of the chip implants haven't heard about that? Hell, it was Christians who invented it!!!! They'll do anything to make their religion appear non-fictional - even lie about it.
Sean (TRASH head) "a mark in your person for buying and selling (cashless society). 2000 years old and right on the money (no pun intended)."
That has already happened before - yet, no tribulation.
When you actually have something intelligent to say post it - until then stop wasting the space here Sean (TRASH head).
How would you like it if I called you "brainwashed", and need psychological help? You don't consider that abusive?
Having opinions that don't agree with yours, no matter how nutty you think they are, doesn't make the other person clinically insane.
No side has the higher ground in any debate. I've seen both sides hurl insults at each other. In this blog, it may be skewed one way - but if you look at other blogs and writings, no-one has the monopoly on verbal abuse.
Anonymous said...
How would you like it if I called you "brainwashed", and need psychological help? You don't consider that abusive?
Having opinions that don't agree with yours, no matter how nutty you think they are, doesn't make the other person clinically insane.
No side has the higher ground in any debate. I've seen both sides hurl insults at each other. In this blog, it may be skewed one way - but if you look at other blogs and writings, no-one has the monopoly on verbal abuse.
No, I do not. It is pointing out that someone needs help and why.
However, as I mentioned in another thread, there are psychologists who discuss this very issue, even work with people who are leaving Evangelical Fundamentalism. Let's start with this one: http://www.marlenewinell.net/
The truth is, Evangelicals "cults" do corrupt Love and Truth: http://www.valerietarico.com/
The last two threads support the psychological evidence that religion, esp religious extremism is abusive and contributes to psychological disorders. This is not an unfounded statement, but an honest observation that has support of many in the psychological field. It would not surprise me at all, that such symptoms displayed on Acharya's last to blog posting end up as a psychological disorder in future DSMs.
Say someone needs help is not being abusive at all, but pointing to a need- a psychological health need. I am sorry if people cannot handle being told they have an illness that needs some serious help.
I would also like to add something about the cognitive processes and human needs that religious ideology takes advantage of also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iMmvu9eMrg
Sean (TRASH head) "I think these prophecies of Revelation are a serious cause of consideration for anyone who would foolishly claim to have debunked Christianity and by extension the Bible."
LMAO! Again, you can't help but demonstrate your ignorance on opposing views - all you have to offer is the typical Christian arguments. for nearly 5,000 years religion has been claiming the 'end times' & nearly every generation preaches it will be THEIR generation...
A Brief History of the Apocalypse
The Book of Revelation is Egyptian and Zoroastrian
When you actually have something intelligent to say post it - until then stop wasting the space here Sean (TRASH head).
I find your information interesting. i believe the story taught in Christian
churches to be myth telling. However I am not a fan of Israel or pro-Israel progaganda. The idea that Menachim Begin, the murderer of innocent people at Deir
Yassin, got a Nobel Peace Prize is emetic.
Religion would have to be the greatest evil ever foistered on humanity. If people could just stop for a moment, take a deep breath, and start to critically examine the tripe served up by religious groups, they would surely become embarressed that they ever allowed themselves to be so easily fooled.
I once certainly was and am.
More power to you, Acharya. You have many quiet supporters out here, mentally urging you on. If it helps, think of us as sharing your load.
As for you ignorant religious bigots whose comments are liberally sprinkled here within - GET A LIFE!!
There is no heaven or hell. There never was. You are free.
If you would like to create some "Heaven" now, try loving your fellow humans, because in doing so, you are surely loving yourself.
Give someone a hug today.
We stand on the backs of innumerable generations of human toil. Likely the metaphors and legends of times ancient were as real and useful to the contemporaries as are our quarks, quasars and other disciplines we hold true today. Human fears, expectations, triumphs and failures are again very little changed to the beholder, ... what is immanent is real. No doubt we live in amazing times... sitting at our computors reflecting on concepts only the gods had at their disposal back when. Massive is our inheritence! But do we really think its all accidental? We all avoid accidents for the obvious reasons when possible,... so how is it that we can assume that our very existence is owed to them , as according to pure materialism/athiesm ? When did accidents cease to be benificent? I'm not advocating old wineskins, I'm questioning what will take their place?
Really, I thought money was the root of all evil.
"I have also exposed Judaism's bigotry in a variety of articles in the past. So, when someone here writes, "When two Abramic religions are constantly targeted ie Christianity and Isalm, while the other hides in the shade, it makes me wary of commentators," he or she is certainly not addressing me or my work. If he or she is addressing my work, then he or she doesn't know it very well at all."
I humbly apologise. I do not know your work really at all. But I will read your articles and watch and listen. I thought ,after what I have been seeing lately, was that you were attacking Christianity and Islam, as many MSM articles and commentators have been doing for quite a while now. So once again I appologise for my ignorance.
She might or might not be attacking christianity or Islam. Intent is impossible to determine unless you are a mind reader. Nevertheless, she is making Islam and Christianity look bad even if she isn't attacking them or her intent is not attack it. Same result.
I think is is sort of moot though. Christianity and Islam isn't going to go away no matter what people say. It will only go away when the reasons for it being there in the first place are no longer needed. Basically religion is like a marriage - and marriages thrive on people's needs. As long as there is a need for it, it will be there regardless of whether or not the religion was a fraud or not.
Very good point.
Religion is like a drug. For some reason we need it and we thrive on it, even athiests need a "belief". The human condition requires it and it encompases all of humanity,every culture, as if we were hard wired into this.
Many years ago, I came across the "conspiracy" idea that an elite, call them what you will, control most of the world. They have finance,Universities, medical, military and almost all food production under their control(GMO's). The only thing they dont have under control, is religion, that pesky "belief" system, which as I said seems to be inherent in all of us. They have been working on it though, as can be seen.
In recent decades the attacks on Christianity have increased. Now I am NOT a Christian. My beliefs as such lay out there somewhere, but Christianity, Islam and Judaism are not part of it. I know power corrupts and the church IS corrupt up to its eyeballs, but there has been a "shift" away from the church with the global power game.
What I read many years ago, stated that the NWO, as such, would create a "new" religion. I thought this to be ludicrous, until I started to notice the ever growing attacks on Christianity and now Islam.
Thats why I posted the ignorant comment about Acharya's position.
Being somewhat "new age", I have noticed that the so called green movement has suddenly become ever popular, due mainly to the so-called-man made global warming. As a "greenie" from way back this should be good news. But its not, in my way of thinking. This is why I see most attacks on Islam and Christianity as being underhanded and leaning toward a hidden agenda.
Acharya's view may be innocent in that sense. Like you said, I cannot read minds so its a mute point. Al Gore's all encompassing attack on humanity should be seen for what it is. Nobel prizes, DVD's in every school and govt departments as well as total bias in the MSM is a brain washing course for a new religion of Gaia worship, as I see it.
I firmly believe we are being "dumbed down". Watch the news at night for "facts". It is a joke, but not funny for me. I go to work and all I hear is celebrity gossip. I look at the British internet papers and all of the side bar info, is celebrity gossip. "Angelina Jollie eats a piece of cake". Holy shit....I am gob smacked.
An ignorant society will be just like the dark ages in history....is an inquisition just around the corner?
Like you said, Islam and Christianity are not going away for a long time, but there seems to be a new kid on the block. This kid has the backing of some of the most influencial people on the planet,including the UN and more so the main stream media.
I think when addressing the issues of our established religions, we should be thinking about what do we replace them with! We cannot just destroy the blocks of our beliefs and have nothing to replace them with, because, as our nature defines, we will grasp onto anything that comes our way.....and the boat to save the drowning at the moment seems to be pagan Gaia.
Maybe I am reading too much into this, but this is what I feel in my bones.
For some reason we need it and we thrive on it, even athiests need a "belief".
It ceases to amaze me just how little people know about atheism. Atheism is a lack of belief. A lack of belief is not a "belief" at all. One who does not believe in a god or gods, an atheist, does not have a belief. Lack of belief is not belief. If you do not have a belief in Apollo or Bast, that does not mean you have belief, but rather you lack belief in Apollo or Bast.
I do not know any better to way to explain it.
Agnostic, but the same token, does not know if there is a god and does not believe we can know if there is one or IF there is one, we can know what it is. More militant agnostics will say, "I don't know and you don't know either."
"For some reason we need it and we thrive on it, even athiests need a "belief".
It ceases to amaze me just how little people know about atheism. Atheism is a lack of belief. A lack of belief is not a "belief" at all. One who does not believe in a god or gods, an atheist, does not have a belief. Lack of belief is not belief. If you do not have a belief in Apollo or Bast, that does not mean you have belief, but rather you lack belief in Apollo or Bast.
I do not know any better to way to explain it.
Agnostic, but the same token, does not know if there is a god and does not believe we can know if there is one or IF there is one, we can know what it is. More militant agnostics will say, "I don't know and you don't know either."
I did not say belief in "God" or "Gods" etc. Agnostics still believe in some form of order in the universe. But atheists still BELIEVE. It does not have to be ONE so called belief, but a multitude of "truths" that make up our view of the world. It may be in superstition, ie putting the right foot first in their shoes so everything will go right for the day (bad example really), it may be accepting without doubt any so called scientific "truths". But to say that atheists DO NOT BELIEVE in anything , is incorrect.
Apart from family and friends, work and your dreams of the future, you must have some core BELIEF. Something MUST be at your core...something that drives you, something that you are comfortable with...a BELIEF..is it scientism?...we are all just a random accident? Reincarnation?etc.
Atheistic communists have world wide believed in a unattainable "utopia" for the masses....and its this belief which caused mass genocide (but the financiers behind these movements knew exactly what would happen). Its powerful and overides common sense. The BELIEF that this was for good, blinded them to the evil they were doing.
You may have a belief that all Christians are crazy, all Muslims are dangerous and this becomes part of your "reality", part of your understanding of the world.
This is why "religion" has taken hold over every culture in the world. Every culture has a religion. Instead of really thinking about the world, why are you here etc (sorry getting philosophical here )we are lazy and when someone comes along with THE ANSWER, we dont have to think anymore.
To say you do not have a belief is incorrect. We all do. If your belief has not been taken by a church of any form, thats great...and when I say church I also mean scientism....but its something that is , for whatever reason, part of us.
Hope you can see what I am saying. I am not very good at the printed word.
But to say that atheists DO NOT BELIEVE in anything , is incorrect.I did not say atheists do not believe in anything. I stated that they have a lack of belief in a deity. Some are Humanists, some are naturalists, etc etc. They do believe in family, but this is not the same as a belief in the supernatural. Such things, as family, are real and tangible, even provable. The very human idea that God exists is neither provable or disprovable, but it is a belief in the supernatural, which was created in the minds of humans to explain the unexplainable.
From all the above and the rest of my experience in life it seems pretty obvious to me that most humans are neither born free nor equal when it comes to physical and mental capacity. It is this fact that makes it easy for those among us who are capable of at least some degree of freedom and intelligence to use the rest for whatever purpose suits them.
Myth, ignorance, knowledge, hope and fear are primary tools that can be used for either humanities benefit as a whole or for the benefit of a few, which has mostly been the case up until now. From my perspective you, Acharya, are trying to use hope and knowledge as tools to accomplish the historically less favored goal of benefiting the whole of humanity in your efforts to bring truth into the open and hoping that this will bring about justice and peace. These are admirable traits for which I salute you.
Sadly most humans do not even think about these matters as they try to find happiness by whatever means are at their disposal and entertainment and the accumulation of consumer goods seems to be the most readily available and most promoted solutions in our time. Even religion has become entertainment and religious ideas, goods for sale.
I sincerely hope your dreams of enlightening humanity come true. We need more people like you if we are to evade the catastrophic end of this biosphere we are steering towards under the guidance of fools.
"Ordinary people find religion to be true, wise men find it false and rulers find it useful." -- Seneca
To Acharya S: You go, girl! Your cojones are way bigger than mine, to do the work you do and take the heat. Thank you so very much -- you have obviously invested awesome depth, breadth and care into this very important work, along with not a little love. It obviously takes some kind of love -- and lots of it -- to do what you do. Woot! :)
To Birdieman and augenguy: you guys rock -- definitely the most interesting posts in the thread for me.
To the poster asking for similar work to Acharya's targeting Islam: I believe you might one-third of the first half of The Laughing Jesus very interesting (the other two-thirds are devoted to laying bare the Christian cult and the Jewish cult).
Personally, I think Plotinus nailed the essential issues in his Enneads -- I wish I had the time to learn to read ancient Greek so that I might read them in the original.
Essentially: The Absolute Origin of Everything is so beyond words and conception we can't even talk about it in any truly meaningful way -- It can only be experienced, and that only in part, since to experience it completely would be the same as to be it. (Which, BTW, we necessarily are, by definition, see below.)
But (Plotinus goes on to say) if we must talk about it, then we'd need to agree that it is omnipresent, by definition, creates stuff out of itself, by definition (nothing else to create from, right?), and is the source of absolutely everything, no exceptions, by definition. And thus must be completely complete and perfectly perfect and completely and fully present absolutely everywhere, no exceptions. By definition.
Thus there cannot be anyplace where it isn't -- so where exactly is this "hell" then? How could anything completely perfect and omnipresent contain this thing you call "hell"? By definition, it cannot.
What Plotinus, bless him, spends so much time describing the nature and operation of is, I believe, what we can only refer to as "Conciousness", with a big "C". Or perhaps better yet, "Awareness", with a big "A". More to the point, in describing these aspects of the Awareness, he is also describing the nature and operation of our awareness, i.e., of "individual" awareness. By definition. (FWIW, doesn't the term "individual" signify "undivided"? ;)
At any rate, if one was a deep-thinking desert tribesman living over 3000 years ago and arrived at the same conclusions as our Plotinus, how would one proceed to share these insights with one's fellow tribesmen? What linguistic and/or cultural tools did one have available, and how "precise" were they, even compared to the ones we have available today? Did the language of the time even have a word for "conciousness", one wonders? Was much time spent discussing it, between stonings of adulterers?
Well, actually, as it turns out, one might just use "words" as "symbols", yielding something quite like "poetry", in the technical sense, and produce a work like "Genesis chapters 1-3", which can indeed be read as a detailed, pretty complete symbolic explanation of how our awarenesses work, "in the beginning", so to speak. The rest of the bible is pretty much just elaboration of that opening theme, once one "breaks the code".
For example, any reference to domination/control of women might better be read as a reference to control of our subconcious mind. Stories about wayward women might instead be stories about what happens when we let our subconcious fears proliferate and/or get the better of us, etc.
Please see Emmett Fox's essays "Adam and Eve" and "The Seven Days of Creation" in his collection Alter Your Life for further information, and for similar illuminating exegesis of topics like "The Four Horsemen", etc.
Bravo on this topic. It has solicited so many diverse responses that it is truly a treat to read all the comments. Anybody with half a brain who reads this cannot but start to think about the subject and I suspect even those who throw their toys at you will not leave unchanged. I have very few living heroes but you certainly count amongst them.
There's a very compelling book called The Jesus Mysteries by Timothy Freke (2001) that makes the same case. It shows how the Jesus story is derived directly from the Horus & Osiris story.
I thoroughly enjoyed this piece concerning the mythicist position:
Scholarly Opinion
by Earl Doherty
"Why is it that no individual scholar or group of scholars has undertaken a concerted effort in recent times to discredit the mythicist position? (The brief addresses that have been made to it in various publications are outlined in my Main Article "Postscript".) In the heyday of the great mythicists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a few valiant efforts were offered. However, both mainstream scholarship and the mythicist branch itself have made dramatic leaps since then. Biblical research has moved into bold new territory in the last several decades: unearthing a wealth of ancient documents, arriving at a new understanding of elements like Q, the sectarian nature of early Christianity, the Cynic roots of the great Gospel teachings, and so on; an almost unprecedented "critical" dimension to New Testament scholarship has emerged.
And yet the mythicist position continues to be vilified, disdained, dismissed. We would condemn any physicist, any anthropologist, any linguist, any mathematician, any scholar of any sort who professes to work in a field that makes even a partial bow to principles of logic and scientific research who yet ignored, reviled, condemned largely without examination a legitimate, persistent theory in his or her discipline. There are tremendous problems in New Testament research, problems that have been grappled with for generations and show no sign of getting closer to solution. Agreement is lacking on countless topics, and yesterday's theories are being continually overturned. There is almost a civil war going on within the ranks of Jesus study. Why not give the mythicist option some serious consideration? Why not honestly evaluate it to see if it could provide some of the missing answers? Or, if it turns out that the case is fatally flawed, then put it to rest once and for all.
Doing that would require one essential thing: taking it seriously, approaching the subject having an open mind that the theory might have some merit. Sadly, that is the most difficult step and the one which most critics have had the greatest difficulty taking. It is all in the mindset, whether of the Christian believer whose confessional interests are overriding, or of the professional scholar who could never consider that their life's work might be fatally compromised."
I really like how Earl put that - it's soooo true too. The mythicist position is given the typical hand waving dismissal by mainstream scholarship & modern academia before they ever even really research it - they refuse to take it seriously.
Acharya's work should be taught in schools. I wish I would've had access to her work as a kid. It might've saved me from a 20 year bought with Christianity. Which I resent because I don't appreciate being lied to.
Wow. I turn my back for a while and this happens. I always seem to miss out on the fun.
Oh yeah Jesus was a Myth but somehow everything he prophecied over 2000 years ago has already happened or is beginning to take place...
Anonymous said...
Oh yeah Jesus was a Myth but somehow everything he prophecied over 2000 years ago has already happened or is beginning to take place...
In the first place, a supposed "fulfillment of prophecy" certainly does not prove the someone lived - anyone could have made the remarks attributed to Jesus in the New Testament. Secondly, name one specific "prophecy" that has supposedly come true. "Wars" and "rumors of wars?" No big deal predicting such a thing, based on the past and human nature. I could just as easily "predict" that tomorrow someone somewhere will go into a McDonald's and order a hamburger.
Also, if Jesus is the God of the cosmos, then he is not "predicting" anything, because he can make anything he wants happen. Why not, then, make a beautiful world, instead of this horrible mess where a massive amount of people will likely die off in the coming decades? If Jesus were real and supernaturally in charge of everything because he is the son of God/God, then he is culpable for this awful mess, as well as the tens of millions of tortures and murders in his name.
Regardless, even if we could come up with a specific "prophecy" that has supposedly been fulfilled, since the Bible has been widely known for centuries, it would be a fulfillment of a blueprint laid down long ago and read by many - and that is the danger: To wit, people who believe in the biblical scenario such as in the book of Revelation are now bringing to pass the Apocalypse, Armageddon and End Times through their own beliefs. Believers will be willing foot soldiers, for example, in fighting with Muslims, potentially bringing about Armageddon, while many people - such as Reagan Secretary of the Interior James Watt - believe that destroying the earth will precipitate the "Second Coming."
Unfortunately, there was never a First Coming, so we will be waiting a long time and will have destroyed the earth for nothing. Pathetic - and very disappointing for our future generations, who may not make it. That's the result in large part of faith in these spurious belief systems.
It is interesting to note that 'SUS' is a Latin slang word for 'SWINE'. And, the 'IE', in the 18th century AD, the 'I' was replaced with the 'J', appears to be a prepositional phrase.
Thus, we can see the contempt that the Red Robed Priests of Isis (Babylon), who inhabited Rome around 300 BC, had for the Judean prophet of 30 AD, and his exposure of their Zionist schemes of using religion as a tool of enslavement of the people, with their unholy trinity of: Force, Fear, and False Hope.
Obviously, the mongrilized Judeans learned their Pharisee/Zionism from this very same priesthood during the Babylonian captivity of 580 - 540 BC. Although, by current propaganda originating out of the Vatican, that same priesthood is attempting to point the finger of accusation for primary source of world problems at the Judeans, and converts to Phariseeism, all who now call themselves Jews since the 18th century AD.
Let's get to the true source of the dirt, and not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
I wonder how many of you are Jacobinists and sprouting Protocol agenda rhetoric. Perhaps that is to kind. How about serving as free stooges for the New World Religion.
I wonder how many of you are Jacobinists and sprouting Protocol agenda rhetoric. Perhaps that is to kind. How about serving as free stooges for the New World Religion.
Yes, we are all from the same wacky planet you have composed in your mind!
If anyone is being brainwashed by the powers that be, it would not be those who don't believe that the God of the cosmos came down to Earth through the womb of a 13-year-old Jewish virgin, walked on water, cured the blind, raised the dead, transfigured on a mount, himself resurrected from the dead and flew up into heaven!
In other words, it is a clear as glass that the mainstream religions are the real contrivances of the brotherhoods in existence for millennia.
It is only by naivete - and the hostility that erupts when that gullibility is pointed out - that this patent hoax and cultural bigotry perpetuates itself.
What is true is that every last word of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion/Sion is coming true right for us all to see. Surely we can all agree on that? I don't care if that was written by Santa's elves its a work of obvious diabolical genius.
So..Whether you have been commissioned to do this by the top sphere of Jacobinist infiltrated occult societies or a rogue wanderer on the path of the occult is irrelevant. Almost as irrelevant as your attempt to discredit the Judeo-Christian belief systems. This is mostly because in their purest form they give better solutions than you do. They do it before you and they predict the future all at the same time.
But that's because the brotherhood knew these ideas ahead of time and so they were not actually channeling them right?
But then back to the Protocols why the desire to eliminate Christianity and usher in a Light bearing one? Well don't answer that on my account save your breath.
Regardless of whether your agenda is involved in the forced global religion. Lucifer anyone?
Or whether your just a myth wielding skeptic, using thin parallels to prove a deceptive point. It doesn't really matter because in its purest form they do what you don't. Expound the principles of the Law of One, the ways of the One supreme God, and the methods to recognize the deceivers.
The only thing that you are correct about is that there has never been a significant period of time where true unBaconized, Monotheism has had the chance to spread what it actually says. Love is the Law.
But then Keith Thompson didn't even break a sweat with your and your crew right?
Now lets march on to a New World Order and fulfill the protocols. Do you have your spot saved amongst the 500 million?
I'm glad you understood what he said, Acharya, because like most religionists, he made no sense and I don't have a clue what he was talking about.
As I say, you and yours live in a wacky world that I do not occupy.
Mine is one of facts and truth, not science fiction.
Keith who?
There are plenty of sociopathic ne'er-do-wells on this planet who continue to hamper facts and truth with bizarro-world theories. You seem to be right smack dab in the midst of them.
"Love is the Law."
Yes, I can feel it dripping off your venomous and hateful comments here!
We are always struck by what fine exemplars devout Christians are of Christ's love!
Here's a little example:
Pagan Destruction Chronology
Is this what you and your cronies are all interested in? A little burning of heretics, perhaps?
John 15:6: "If a man does not abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned."
I can feel the love!
What is he rambling on about? Jacobinist? Elders of Zion predictions coming true? Makes no sense to me, but whatever the case, my guess, like the Rapture crap, it's all coincidence and none of it true.
Re: I wonder how many of you are Jacobinists and sprouting Protocol agenda rhetoric. Perhaps that is to kind. How about serving as free stooges for the New World Religion.
There is one bit within the Bible that certainly teaches a 'New World Religion' that isn't filled with all the garbage, stupid doctrines, hatreds, myths, slave control, etc. etc, that makes all organized religions, such as Christianity, nothing but a 'millstone' tied onto humanity. That is found in the OT, Micah 6: 6-8.
6 With what shall I come before the LORD and bow down before the exalted God? Shall I come before
him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old?
7 Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
8 He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
With Jesus meaning 'Earth pig' and Christ being one anointed (covered) with oil, I don't think the last sentence suggests that you walk with a 'greased pig'.
Time to wake up then Acharya S here are some examples of world government comments by the leaders themselves. I hope you can look up more for yourself. Its only like the most obvious thing in politics.
Also, one of the future laws within the factual World Order is a New Age religion. Your concepts are perfect for this religion coincidentally.
Who is Keith Thompson? Find out by watching Zeitgeist Refuted.
"Love is the Law." (Me)
Yes, I can feel it dripping off your venomous and hateful comments here!(Acharya).
Is the opposite of the law of repulsion (hate) in occult physics (the law of attraction or love) really dripping with Hate? That is quite the conclusion you have arrived at. At what point does love and venom or hate appear to be related?
Now that we have that bit of rubbish cleared up I will continue with my point. If Lucifer rules this world, then the concepts in the Judeo-Christian would have been continuously distorted by pagans pretending to rule as Christians or Jews(both in the church and politics). One example is the Catholic/Jesuits church is a front for the worship of Lucifer. I would not stoop to the level of their murderous crusades and would never recommend this.
Most important of all you fail to see the rule of the Rothschilds and their global banking enterprise (Fed or Goldman Sachs, Bank of England etc.) and how that factored and funded what we will now see as the fruition of Jacobinism first postulated by Adam Weishaupt (or perfected).
So you fit right in with the plan, good luck with the deception and enjoy learning about global politics or more probably being shown now that your denial is futile. Say hi to Maitreya for me, this work of yours will certainly warrant a meeting perhaps along with David Icke.
Now lets see if you post this shall we?
Here is the copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
-Is it a Jewish only document?
-Does that matter?
-Is everything in it accurate and being employed with precision?
-Am I antisemitic?
-No, but ask my Semitic wife if you think so.
-Is it ok for any race or religion to employ fascism and genocide (Palestine or Afghanistan)?
Go ahead and believe what you want. Make sure you know what your doing however and also who is on your side. Acharya, if you are part of this, good for you, you probably won't be part of the "reduced to 500 million." Good luck after death, enjoy your fate and karma. But if your not, then I actually feel bad for you. Not because I'm a Jew or a Christian. But because I'm not a puppet.
Oh shut the fuck up mr. Anon. What's wrong too afraid to provide a name for yourself to take responsibility for your comments?
Let me guess, you ARE keith "Truth or better described as TRASH? The little uneducated Christian extremist bitch who makes all those videos, smokes crack & jacks' off to porn in his moms basement? The guy who also tag- teams with his gay lover Chris White to smear and libel specific individuals because they're not bigoted Christians like keith & chris? Genius.
Yeah, you sound just like them and their CULT - who prefers a new, modern type of Inquisition to rid the world or non-believers. That is certainly a step up from the crusades, Inquisitions isn't it? Oh, wait that is a time period everybody today with a brain considers it THE DARK AGES!
"Lucifer rules this world"
Substantiate the claim with credible evidence.
"you fit right in with the plan"
LOL, no, actually you still just don't know what you're talking about since it's quite clear you've never read anything by Acharya.
Your accusations, same those like the keith trash/chris white cult, are laughable to all of us who've actually read Acharya's books. We feel sorry for those who make these accusations of Acharya having anything to do with the NWO, Illuminati, Freemason's etc. There's not a shred of evidence to substantiate those claims. A cursory investigation proves that your position is embarrassing for you. So, by all means keep doing it. Even decent Christians are embarrassed by the likes of keith trash & chris white.
The fact remains that you don't see Acharya across the media spectrum. She hasn't done any interviews with any of the major media channels. Her books aren't on the best seller lists. She's never been advertised or promoted by any by any major organization or institution. Her work gets around specifically by word of mouth. She doesn't have the money for anything else. So much for you lies built on a house of cards. You're very courageous to smear & libel a single female author - how brave of you.
Her work actually exposes the fraud on all sides, including the Freemason's etc. you're just not intelligent enough to figure that out yet. it's probably just a low IQ issue - nothing to worry about.
Anytime you care to me me though, I'll have no problem shoving my fist down your fucking throat, asshole. It's people like you who make the world a difficult place to live in. You represent all of what holds humanity back from any meaningful type of progress.
R. Finocchio
Oh shut the fuck up mr. Anon.
bitch who makes all those videos, smokes crack & jacks' off to porn in his moms basement? The guy who also tag- teams with his gay lover Chris White to smear and libel specific individuals because they're not bigoted Christians like keith & chris? Genius.
R. Finocchio
Nice slander, very clever. Obviously not worth responding too. Whats wrong didn't like the clips I provided?
We feel sorry for those who make these accusations of Acharya having anything to do with the NWO, Illuminati, Freemason's etc. There's not a shred of evidence to substantiate those claims.
R. Finocchio
Its not important that she is or is not affiliated. Its that she by virtue of her beliefs, fit into their plan perfectly. The Christ Conspiracy, by the way is not too hard to understand in terms of what the message is. I know what her premise is.
You're very courageous to smear & libel a single female author - how brave of you.
Lol, so I should shut up because she is a single female. Thats very funny. Perhaps we should let Israel commit genocide because of the holocaust too?
Anytime you care to me though, I'll have no problem shoving my fist down your fucking throat, asshole. It's people like you who make the world a difficult place to live in. You represent all of what holds humanity back from any meaningful type of progress.
R. Finocchio
Time to quote Acharya
"Yes, I can feel it dripping off your venomous and hateful comments here!"
I feel really bad for you. I provide proof of world government, a refutation of the Horus, Tammuz theory, albeit a short one. The video I chose to share evidently cause no intellectual response, only "hateful comments."
I really hope that you are not working with her, because she seems like she is far to intelligent to be dealing with someone who threatens people (like a catholic) when they provide a tangible proof.
Guess what. Exposing freemasonry, is not really very useful when one is still misleading. Its called disinformation, 3/4 truth, 1/4 poison.
Also who said I supported an inquisition. I didn't say lets "shove a fist down her throat." or even suggest she she be censored.
"Its people like me that make the world a difficult place." You represent all of what holds humanity back from any meaningful type of progress." R. Finocchio
Fascinating. I start wars, I dumb down Americans so they are easier to control, ya that me, suppressing humanity. The guy beside Lenon (athiest)in the Communist pictures. It was me. Hitler was my ally we studied the (occult) together. Get the picture anger boy?
As for Lucifer ruling the earth, well if you can't see that, then your very amusing, and fail to grasp the obvious. I'm not going to attempt to prove that in a blog to the blind. Open your eyes, the atomic bomb, Bohemian grove, mass child sacrifice as well as the fundimental inspiration of the United Nations, led by Lucis (lucifer) Trust and Alice Bailey's "The Externalization of the Hierarchy—1957." “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. ” David Spangler of U.N.
Now whether direct or not, affiliation or random association. A worker is a worker.
Stay away from peoples throats, get educated, and get some therapy before you end up amongst your kind in a federal prison for the profane. let the "single mom" answer for herself that which she has attempted to publish. She is doing a better job than you anger boy.
C. Behrens (wow a l last name, I have revealed myself like R. Finocchio) Now I am not afraid like R. Finocchio.
"Only the profane defend their thesis with anger and violence."
(C. Behrens 2010, blog of Acharya)
Pagan Destruction Chronology
Is this what you and your cronies are all interested in? A little burning of heretics, perhaps?
The Christian and Jewish priest class is ruled by Pagans and devil worshipers. Do you understand? Its like the American government and constitution. It appears to have good intentions but is owned by filth, so something which is positive, is rendered negative.
Yeah, you sound just like them and their CULT
R. Finocchio
an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, esp. as manifested by a body of admirers.
I say you qualify for a cult given your desire to assault people who don't agree. I believe the term is henchmen.
Good luck
"Also, if Jesus is the God of the cosmos, then he is not "predicting" anything, because he can make anything he wants happen. Why not, then, make a beautiful world, instead of this horrible mess where a massive amount of people will likely die off in the coming decades? If Jesus were real and supernaturally in charge of everything because he is the son of God/God, then he is culpable for this awful mess, as well as the tens of millions of tortures and murders in his name." Acharya
Evidently you have not grasped the concept of:
1) World Governance under Lucifer which only the blind cannot see. I have proven this to you based on not only the texts of John and Revelations. But also that which I have referenced above (The revealing of world governance and satanism with upper freemasonry etc.
2)The Luciferian Experiment. The rebellion unto which the experiment of -living- was to take place within the synthetic way of life. One based on duality and technology. Lucifer represents the expression of the test unto which the love of all is tested. The reward is the anti-ascension or loveless illumination and Crowley's everyone's a god (lowercase).
Its obvious based on the way that you phrase things that I have crushed you and your citations of citations within your elliptical, nebulous work (and theirs).
I am not Keith Thompson, I have not even claimed to be Christian or Jewish in faith. I am not a freemason or Illuminist. What I believe is simple.
The Law of One - Love
With that love comes understanding of the One God. That One God is not Lucifer, its the One expression of Deity. Within this manifestation comes Lucifer, who was to be the completion of reality and abused this privilege, which was granted by free will.
The expression of the Hebrew word for Yeshua is strengthened by the Chladni plates and the work of Hans Jenny. Certain frequencies within the magical languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit enable the their vibrations to resonate "vowel sounding" letters. Meaning that the languages "transcend humanity" and all its profanity.
Before you even attempt to refute any of this stop threatening people and start learning the occult sciences and the subversion of the Christian, Jewish and Political "ruling" arenas.
In the post above:
"The Law of One - Love
With that love comes understanding of the One God. That One God is not Lucifer, its the One expression of Deity. Within this manifestation comes Lucifer, who was to be the completion of reality and abused this privilege, which was granted by free will."
Minor correction, Lucifer is not abusing his privilege. It's the beings that keep choosing the bad instead of the good.
Everyone has a choice: some beings choose to be good, and some choose to be bad. It's that simple.
Acharya, you wrote something to the effect of people killing each other in G-d's name. Well, you see it's not that G-d wants people to kill each other in His name, it's the people that choose to do that. And it's their choice.
If you are judging Christians based on Inquisition and basing your lack of belief in G-d on killings past, well, then perhaps you are being short-sighted.
The past events of any religion are nothing more than interpretation of that religion by people of that time. If you wish to judge beliefs and religions, you first have to look at the concepts they teach.
Nothing in Jesus' teachings implied the need for violent Inquisition. Inquisition was a result of people at that time and their interpretation of what the faith should be.
As for John 15:6:
It's metaphorical,not literal.
May I also note that if you wish to quote Bible, you might want to avoid using King James version.
The Bible was written over a period of approximately 1500 years in three languages - Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Therefore, English (King James or other) is not one of the original languages of the Bible. Therefore, all English translations of the Bible will suffer somewhat from differences in languages, differences in idiomatic expressions, etc. Different translations tend to aim for either word for word (more difficult to understand) or thought for thought (less "accurate") representation of the original language. Most translations (including the King James version) substitute "inaccurate" translations of certain words so that the thought will be understandable to our culture.
Hey xtians. With all the thoughtless and frightened drivel being pumped on this page, I'm just not feeling the love. Proof to me that Jesus is a myth, or at minimum a failure as a messiah. -- Signed Satan's wife and daughter are by biatches
Anon, #1 there is no such thing as Lucifer. That is a mythical being in fairy tales.
#2 the Bible is full of written mythology
#3 Don't believe everything you are told. Do your own research and come to your own conclusion. In other words, think for yourself and stop falling for such lame stuff.
"Mriana said...
Anon, #1 there is no such thing as Lucifer. That is a mythical being in fairy tales.
#2 the Bible is full of written mythology
#3 Don't believe everything you are told. Do your own research and come to your own conclusion. In other words, think for yourself and stop falling for such lame stuff."
You fail to read a thing I have posted.
The U.N., and Lucis trust (Lucifer publishing) under Alice Bailey's "The Externalization of the Hierarchy—1957." The declaration of the U.N.:“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. ” David Spangler of U.N.
Even if Lucifer doesn't exist (and Lucifer does) you are about to find out all about it. Alice Bailey works for the U.N. and the God of the U.N. is Lucifer. So I suggest that you learn about what people in power have witnessed first hand.
This is not about fear and fairy tails, this is very much what people like Albert Pike and top religious figures believe.
Why don't you find out whether the things I have told you are true before making the fairy tale claim.
Don't take my word for it.
Anonymous, If you believe in Lucifer, you obviously do not believe in an Omnipotent, Omnicient, and Omnipresent Diety. Both concepts of 'God' cannot co-exist.
If you wish to ever extract yourself from that 'alligator infested' swamp in which you now find yourself, you will have to eventually come to the conclusion that the duality of 'good god, bad god', 'good and evil', 'righteousness and sinfulness', 'light forces and dark forces', 'us and them', 'Christian and heathen' - is all part and parcel of the education program that Creater Source's children (we) must experience in our spiritual education, before we can claim the privilege of doing things 'Even greater than I' as was (reportedly) said by Yehsua.
Ganid said:
"Anonymous, If you believe in Lucifer, you obviously do not believe in an Omnipotent, Omnicient, and Omnipresent Diety. Both concepts of 'God' cannot co-exist."
I know this wasn't directed at me, but I will try to answer that. Lucifer indeed doesn't exist separate from G-d. In fact, G-d created Lucifer to make the choice between good and bad harder, so to speak to pass the test. In the Old Testament Lucifer (or Satan) appears as an angel of G-d possessing certain power granted by G-d as well as free will.
It's not about us and them, it's about making the right choice such as not killing, not stealing etc. Ultimately, it doesn't matter whether Moses,Jesus or Abraham existed or whether they are re-incarnations of some old myths. What matters is that what came out of these stories is valid and true. When you look at 10 commandments, you know they are valid. So really, if one proves that these biblical figures didn't actually exist will not disqualify the aspects of Judeo-Christian traditions.
This is not about fear and fairy tails, this is very much what people like Albert Pike and top religious figures believe.
Fairies have tails? I'll make sure I tell Tinker Bell that she is an oddity.
I really feel sorry for you, Anon, because you cannot separate fact from fiction, esp if you think Lucifer is real.
IMO, it is more about delusion and superstition, rather than reality.
Redirection, I agree with what you have written.
A thing I observe is that the 10 Commandments are applications of 'The Law', and it is unfortunate that none of the current Christian Bibles, except some versions of the RC Vulgate in an aprochipal book called Tobit(4:16), actually tells Bible readers what 'The Law' actually is. And, that doesn't require a belief in any organized religion to be applicable.
In case you don't have access to the book of Tobit (or Tobias in some), it says: "Do not do unto others as you would others not do unto you."
Yehsua (Jesus) is reported to have said: "I come to (give you revelation) complete The Law and not to destroy it." And then states: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
This only makes sense when combined with the revelation of 'everlasting life', which should likely have been perpetual re-incarnation in some form or other.
It is more difficult to use religion as a slave controlling mechanism if people believe in re-incarnation.
Thus, the positive Law only makes sense with a belief in eternal life, as one looks at all humankind as 'fellow travellers' along the road to the same destination.
Ganid said:
"Anonymous, If you believe in Lucifer, you obviously do not believe in an Omnipotent, Omnicient, and Omnipresent Diety. Both concepts of 'God' cannot co-exist."
I know this wasn't directed at me, but I will try to answer that. Lucifer indeed doesn't exist separate from G-d. In fact, G-d created Lucifer to make the choice between good and bad harder, so to speak to pass the test. In the Old Testament Lucifer (or Satan) appears as an angel of G-d possessing certain power granted by G-d as well as free will.
I never once claimed anything other than what was written above, especially as the Law of One would imply. If you scan through what I have written, you will see that I have given a warning. The warning is a function of how people well organized into society, institutions and religious figures have the belief in a Luciferian New World Order.
Its what THEY BELIEVE and want you to as well. I have given methods by which one can come to see this.
So therefore this warning is to those who choose to mislead anyone into:
The conscious or ignorant misdirection of others into the worship of Lucifer, the God of the founders of the UN and the New World Government.
C. Behrens
If Jesus is a fake, how can we then explain the phenomenon know as catholic exorcisms where the evil spirits react impulsively to any mentioning of the catholic doctrine like Jesus, Holy Spirit, Mary, priesthood, holy communion, confession, rosary, etc.???
Also, how possibly can we deny Padre Pio (died quite recently in 1968) and his mistical experiences???
i would appreciate objective comments.
If Jesus is a fake, how can we then explain the phenomenon know as catholic exorcisms where the evil spirits react impulsively to any mentioning of the catholic doctrine like Jesus, Holy Spirit, Mary, priesthood, holy communion, confession, rosary, etc.???
Also, how possibly can we deny Padre Pio (died quite recently in 1968) and his mistical experiences???
i would appreciate objective comments.
First of all, we are saying that Jesus is a myth, not a "fake" as such. The archetypal myth upon which Jesus is predicated has great meaning, so it's not simply being dismissed as a "fake."
Secondly, one would first need to prove that any of these phenomena you are raising are real. In ancient times in a variety of cultures that were heavily steeped in the supernatural, including the Egyptian, Babylonian, Jewish, Greek, Roman and Indian, many of these same phenomena - and more - were claimed to have occurred. Do these claims prove the veracity of all these religions as well?
Moreover, why is it that these things such as possession and stigmata only happen in the Western world within the Catholic Church, which is the only one that believes in them? Could it be that Catholics are willing these things to occur or simply so focused on them from weekly indoctrination that they are imagining them?
Other cultures and religions that likewise have a significant focus on supernatural occurrences, such as the Indian and Tibetan, lay claims to equally bizarre and magical events as does Christianity. Indians regularly claim to experience a wide variety of mystical and supernatural phenomena, as do Tibetans and others. By the reasoning you express, these religions would also be proved true.
To let you know from where I come, I have been a student of the URANTIA Book since the early 1970s. Within that book, the writers tell us that our spirit guides work with what we have, even if it is far from perfect. As an analogy, one finds oneself in a backwoods environment where the only mode of transportation available is a rusty 1971 Ford Pinto. Someone has an accident with a chainsaw and needs serious hospital care. So, the only choice is the old Pinto to get the man to the distant hospital. So, the examples of what has been observed within the realms of the Roman Catholic Church are far from desirable, but the only vehicle available and acceptable to manking over the last 1,650 years, at least for many.
That does not mean that the old Pinto cannot, or should not, be replaced with better transportation equipment to better service the people in the area.
Over the three thousand years that the Egyptian religion was very popular, an estimated 500 million people followed Osiris, Horus, Isis, Ra and many other gods. These gods also were recorded as having appeared to their followers, spoken to them, given them instructions, restoring their health and saving their lives. In fact, Isis was known as the Great Healer, as was her son Horus.
By this "logic," all of these Egyptian gods were real and not myths. Ditto with the numerous Greek and Roman gods, as well as those of many other cultures. To this day, devotees of the Indian/Hindu religion have visions and receive visits from a variety of gods, including Krishna, Shiva, Ganesha and Hanuman. By this "logic," the elephant-headed god Ganesha must be real, and not a myth. Ditto with the monkey-headed god Hanuman.
And so on, throughout the history of religion and mythology around the world. Visions and the like are interpreted through cultural biases and do not represent the "ultimate reality."
Here is something important to consider though. The bible is the only religious book in existence that warns against false gods. Such as the Egyptian gods that you mention. Another thing to consider is that many of the most important bible stories occurred during Egyptian rule. Well it's food for thought.
Here is something important to consider though. The bible is the only religious book in existence that warns against false gods. Such as the Egyptian gods that you mention. Another thing to consider is that many of the most important bible stories occurred during Egyptian rule. Well it's food for thought.
Yes, of course the Bible warns against "false gods," because it is a book of propaganda, and its writers wanted to enslave everyone under their tribal god Yahweh so they could be considered the "chosen people" of the God of the cosmos.
Run down everyone else's gods in order to raise up your own - very pedestrian and ungodly.
My God is Bigger and Better than Yours
I am in love with you Acharya S!
Anonymous said...
I am in love with you Acharya S!
:) Thanks for making my day.
"writers wanted to enslave everyone under their tribal god Yahweh so they could be considered the "chosen people" of the God of the cosmos."
Actually there is evidence to support that YHVH is the material expression of the ONE SUPREME DEITY of the Biblical and Kabbalistic texts, or the "Demiurgus" as Manly P. Hall put it in his High level Masonic book the "Secret teachings of All Ages." Also the book which you call propaganda has been remarkably accurate predicting the steps being taken by the Luciferian One world Order. Has it not? Ironically the future One World Religion brought about by (Maitreya) the Masonic Elite will have you (indirectly) worship that material expression of deity which even more amusingly you peddle with this attack on Christianity you call a blog. Perhaps most amusing would be your proclamation of enslavement while also indirectly and directly peddling One World New Age reform and therefore a tributary for modern Hegel induced International Occult Socialism. Do you not understand that freedom both literal and spiritual are not great under this system?
Stephen Hawkings recent comments together with the Report from Iron Mountain and Project Blue Beam, HAARP and the Norway crap indicate that this type of plan could include a "threat from beyond earth."
Fallacious as usual since most of the occult that most of you in evidently (will) practice is simply a rehash of ancient belief systems. Your unbridled quest to expose Christ as a hoax is transparent at best...Mostly because it is so clearly a low vibrational use of energy to spend so much time "exposing the hoax."
It doesn't matter if you think "they" crafted if "they" are a bunch of child diddlers, don't you get it? If you have a break from the Sheep shear don't worry, eventually your lamb chop will be served.
Sound familiar?
Your unbridled quest to expose Christ as a hoax is transparent at best...Mostly because it is so clearly a low vibrational use of energy to spend so much time "exposing the hoax."
Wow, dude, that is just soooo enlightened.
Get a grip. Humanity has been horribly defamed and defrauded by this atrocious hoax - to the tune of tens of millions murdered in the name of the Christ myth - and you are going to blather some spew about my efforts to expose this atrocity and injustice as being "low vibrational?"
Please continue to stare at your navel and waste valuable resources - I'm sure your karma will catch up with you.
Yes, I've seen all the crappy videos with their lunatic propositions designed to bludgeon us into submission through sheer idiocy.
In the meantime, there remains no evidence that the God of the cosmos came to Earth through the womb of a Jewish virgin girl, cured the blind, walked on water, raised the dead, transfigured on a mount, raised himself from the dead and flew off into heaven.
While I have read some of your books, I do not agree with you that Jesus was just a myth. I believe that this, unfortunately, goes much deeper than myth making. The story or Jesus was actually a planned conspiracy by the Romans to subvert the religious beliefs of the the Messianic Jewish Movement. Evidence of this can be found in the Pisonian Conspiracy and the failed assassination of the Emperor Nero.
However, the most compelling evidence comes from the quotes so often bandied about by Christian Apologists that Jesus Christ actually existed. All of these quotes were written either at the end of the first century or the beginning of the second century. This includes the infamous 'Testimonium Flavianum' by Josephus and quotes from St. Ignatius of Antioch, Clement of Rome, Suetonius, Tacitus and Pliny the Younger. Quite surprisingly there is no mention of Jesus of Nazareth in early Church scriptures like the Epistles of Paul, 'The Shepherd of Hermes' and 'The Epistle of Barnabas,' all of which were written prior the gospels. But, if there really was a Jesus then one would not need the gospels to write about Jesus of Nazareth.
This seems to represent a change in attitude by the ruling Romans towards a religious movement that was the fastest growing religion in the Roman Empire at that time according to Tacitus. Why? Could it be that the Romans now felt secure in their having subverted the original Gnostic belief system with a new religion which they had created during the war with the Jews? Joseph Atwill clearly shows in the tomb narrative that the 4 gospel accounts came from a common source and were not the work of 4 quasi-literate eyewitness Jewish Apostles. If you read John, then Matthew, then Mark and finally Luke, what you will find is that Mary sees the scene in Matthew as she left it in John and so on. To learn more about how the Romans subverted the teachings of the Nazoreans and proclaimed them the revelations of their godman Jesus Christ visit: http://www.nazoreans.com
Thank you.
There is no credible, scientific evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ, and the extant evidence points to him being as much a myth as the Greek son of God Hercules.
When the mythological layers are removed, there is no core to the onion. A compilation of 20 people, mythical or historical, is no one.
I have been an atheist for a long time, but believed that Jesus was a historical individual simply because I had no idea that any other position existed. Having read Fingerprints, I am no longer sure.
Ganid wrote: "With Jesus meaning 'Earth pig'..."
This is a clue to the solar origins of the Jesus myth. Near the end of winter, the Earth Pig/Ground Hog comes out and if it sees its own shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter.
Like most things done by th folks at the Vatican, they hide truth in plain sight. The phonetic 'JE' = "GE" from the Greek, meaning 'earthen material', as in geology. If you check out the Latin word 'sus', you will find that it means 'pig,swine,hog'. "Christ' comes from the Greek 'cristos'- meaning 'greased', as in Crisco shortening. What more evidence is needed to identify "Jesus Christ' as being a 'MYTH'.
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