Monday, May 18, 2009
Do You Hate Yourself?
Do you hate yourself?
Your ideology is only as worthy as it treats the individual human being. Nay, as it treats even animals. As Abraham Lincoln once said:
Harassing, slandering, libeling, stalking, abusing, killing or otherwise harming a human being or other living creature in the name of religion, God, Allah, Jesus, the Bible, the Koran or some other religious idea or artifact is evil, period. There simply is no excuse, no justification and no rationale that makes these abuses and transgressions righteous and moral. You are committing evil, and you will suffer for it at some point, by your own conscience at the very least.
You are also sullying and defaming whatever ideology you are defending by making it human-hating and life-destroying. Regardless of what you have been taught, your ideology is not more important than the human being you are debasing, denigrating and demeaning. No religion or ideology feels pain - not even a god feels pain - but human beings certainly do. You are causing pain to a living, breathing being over something that does not feel pain. Have you not heard, "As you sow, so shall you reap?"

"I care not for a man's religion whose dog or cat are not the better for it."
In any event, if you find yourself merely tempted to abuse another human being or other living creature in the name of your religion, God, son of God and/or prophet, you have already stained and shamed your ideology by your thoughts of violence and hatred.
Think twice or however many times you need to remove these hateful and violent thoughts against your fellow human being. If your ideology teaches anger and hatred towards human beings, it is unworthy of following. You are full of self-hatred, as you hate your fellow human being, because you have been taught that human beings in general are "wretched sinners," and you are one of them. Your ideology is not godly or divine. It is ugly, vicious and evil. And it is making you all of those things. Throw it away as the garbage it has become. Join the human race and practice love, tolerance, patience and acceptance of your fellow human beings and other living creatures.
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I just wanted to add that all the world needs is love and not unprovable dogma. Check out my website. It is http://loveistheonlysalvationmessage.wetpaint.com. My Mother is a victim of dogma. She talked to me for half an hour over the phone one night (She usually only talks to me for three minutes) about how my website was leading people to hell. And then she started crying. If a person wants to control others more than he or she wants to do what is best, he or she is evil. Love is the best choice for humanity because Allah, Jesus, Yahweh, and all other gods are unable or unwilling to prove anything. So let us open our eyes and realize that all the world needs is love.
May you embrace and be embraced by love today and everyday!!!! :D:D:D:D
Amen! Thanks for a great post Acharya.
n terms of the actual personalities running the system, most of whom could be classified as "post religious," is not the State now the present Dogma? Are we not now killing and torturing people in the name of National Security? Most educated people are aware of the past sins of organized religion and most also chose to ignore its positions against War, against Capital Punishment and so forth. In the meantime the argument tells us that in order to be safe, we must bomb, maim, enact embargoes, and ultimately kill. National Security. The Present God. Jesus lives in nostalgia and dream. reality check here.
I am sure you do receive your share of negativity in the correspondences you must receive... I can only imagine how it must make you feel just as a person. If you'll allow me to share a realization: I too believe that religion has been wielded as a political instrument toward the cause of division and enslavement of the human spirit for thousands of years. But we have that tendency anyway because we are largely unconscious. The calling to begin dismantling the old paradigm is a yoke which doesn't sit lightly, does it? People cling to the dark polarity (which gives rise to evil through unconsciousness and fear) doesn't disappear; it isn't destroyed (nor is water, or energy) the polarity between darkness and light will always exist. But we can bring consciousness to the dark polarity (which also gives rise to life and growth through the properties of decay and fecundity)... consciousness and awareness heals that split we experience as humans. Forgiveness and love and acceptance of the evil we see is the only way to transform it. Judgment only solidifies and strengthens the polarity. Yes, many religious people hate themselves and the rest of humanity. Evil is easy to prove the existence of. That hate is conveniently safe. Because one can point their finger away from themselves. People who hate have been mesmerized by the illusion that they are separate from the darkness, or that it can be blamed on someone or something else. Awareness and consciousness is painful at first - because one is forced to realize that they have strengthened evil with hate and fear through unconsciousness. No one is innocent. And everyone is innocent...
In light of Archarya's source material, one might venture to say that organized religion is merely a means of control using ignorance as its primary weapon. As such, those following the religion in question subscribe to enforcement of religious ideology through the use of violence. It would appear that these same means are consistent with many of the established world religions. When one sees the use of violence as a means of promoting peace, one has to question if the agenda of that same organized religion doesn't seek the perpetuation of suffering for its own sake. Since the time of the pharos or even before recorded history, it would seem that certain people in positions of power sought to secure their stations by providing a kind of conflict that would be perpetuated throughout the entire caste system. Is it unfair to suggest that religion is being used to promote violence as a means of profit for the elite social class? It just seems logical that the worldwide elite would recognize themselves to be as such and would secure their position by creating a series of religions as a way to both "keep up morale" and simultaneously demonize outsider ideology, thereby creating a kind of unresolvable conflict among the pawns on the board. If I were among the elite, I would keep any potential threats to my rule fighting among themselves and occassionally punish a scapegoat as a way of presenting myself in the most favorable light in the eyes of the people. There is a great deal of truth in the tactics itemized by Niccollo Machievelli and Sun Tzu but the general population of the world is too distracted to see that they are being played. Perhaps the only way to win is not to play by the rules, but instead consider the means available to us as a way of settling said conflict. We have evolved enough as a species to allow intelligence and education assert themselves as a way of providing a new understanding and prosperity for all the world's people. It is time for organized religion to be laid to rest and for the individual to say "I am" and "We are we".
Thin line between 'God' and 'the Devil', in this world.
Doesn't take much time for God to become the Devil, and for the Devil to become God...if there's any qualitative difference, in the first place.
God commands them to divide, hate, reject, kill.
The Devil also wants the same things.
The good thing about the Devil is...at least he doesn't pretend to be a nice guy out to save people!
I'd take the Devil's side anyday.
Well and succinctly put! Thank you for all of your research and work to free humanity from the fear-based, life denigrating ideologies that underlie all of the strife we see playing out on the world stage.
God feels pain; if not we wouldn't.
I am of the opinion that the best response to the preposterous religious fanatics who spew vitriol, is no response at all. Their personal attacks are proof of a losing proposition and eventually they will just wither away.
Anonymous said that what the world need now is love, love, love. All you need is love. John Lennon said it best with the rest of the boys in the band, and even the religious like to sing and hear "Imagine". I often wonder why they question how you can be moral without god or religion. This blog is proof that we are more moral than the fundamentalists.
Hi Acharya and all,
Thanks for your really important work. Truth is on your/our side, but it has a lot of enemies. What are we to expect from a tradition--the Judeo-Christian--which has as its first initiation male genital mutilation and as its symbol a man being tortured to death on a cross? And, of course, women rate even less than these poor males. I believe and hope that the process of evolution is taking us out of this barbarism. Thanks for helping to lead us out of the gloomy muck and into the sun(not "son")light!
You quote Lincoln...the murdering tyrant who was a puppet of the money power and who helped ruin America?
You quote Lincoln...who USED religion and slavery as political tools as soon as needed to cover for the war of Industrial/Capitalist aggression?
Has it ever occurred to you that "religion" can be a unifying force which helps a nation, a people or a culture from being conquered and turned into slaves, just as it can be used to do the opposite?
I see the New World Order brainwashing has taken great hold of your mind.
Christ said it all on the sermon on the mount.
The whole of the law hangs upon two principles:
"Love Yahweh thy God with thine whole body, mind, soul and strength and love thy neighbor as thyself."
There can be no lasting Order without the recognition and obedience to an Ultimate Authority
in our shared reality...elsewise chaos reigns.
Choose wisely Whom it is that you would serve...
"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
Youtube search the words shriner and lucifer to glimpse what has happened because good men have done nothing.
The world quickly becomes a melting pot with a lid on it, with the bottom melting out of it as we speak.
"Test all things, hold fast to that which is true."
Anonymous said...
You quote Lincoln...the murdering tyrant who was a puppet of the money power and who helped ruin America?
You quote Lincoln...who USED religion and slavery as political tools as soon as needed to cover for the war of Industrial/Capitalist aggression?
Has it ever occurred to you that "religion" can be a unifying force which helps a nation, a people or a culture from being conquered and turned into slaves, just as it can be used to do the opposite?
I see the New World Order brainwashing has taken great hold of your mind.
Thank you for providing a perfect example of the calumny, vitriol and libel against those of us who do not wish to be enslaved by religious dementia. We are all too well aware of the unifying nature of religion, as it creates gangs of irrational thugs who can be set upon each other and unbelievers.
As concerns Lincoln, there are varying opinions as to his true legacy. Most people view him as the emancipator of the black race. Unfortunately, one million Americans paid for this action with their lives.
Lincoln, however, can hardly be accused of destroying this country now.
He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.
Hear instruction and be wise, and do not disdain it.
This story is untrue and bogusd at best. Someone has twisted religion ad left out pertinent phrases and quotes of the bible in order to make this story seem right.
Let me remind you that the Bible says Jesus: " I have come for none other than the lost tribe of Israel." Not all people of the earth are Israel, or the lost tribe of Israel ( Anglo Saccsons are Israel) so Jesus is not comming back for all people. The Bible teaches also that we are to hate the Jew in John, that they are of their father satan, they lie, are murders from the beginning , are not the children of Abraham, are contrary to all "MEN", starting in John 8:31 you can read the truth as to how Jesus ( God in the flesh ) hated the Jews. The Bible shows clear evidence that the Jews are not Israel nor of GOD as stated in John.English Standard Translation at Blue Letter bible.
In Titus Tts 1:13 tells all people to never believe a word that comes from the mouth of a Jew because they are liars, create myths,are Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons." [fn] unfit for any good work, profess to know God but do not, that we are to rebuke the Jews daily because they lie continuously...ect.
The Bible also shows scripture which refers to some we know as men as beast, not real men but having the likeness of men who are evil, animalistic, love to riot during the day, can speak like men, lust after females of men,were the first and only beast to wear sackcloth, can war with mankind, and are the only beast that can sow their seed with "MANKIND" but are not men but pure brute beast.
The Bible aslo proves that God created Adam and Eve for his own personal bennifit . Adam and Eve who were white are not the parennts of all civilization but a new creation for Gods own purpose. The bible also shows that the creation of Adam and Eve were the first and only people called "MAN" and the 'OTHERS" outside the garden refered to by GOD as the "OTHERS". That all others traces were created before adam and Eve and do not fit into GODS MANKIND" scheme.
I could go on and on but you get the ideal that the Bible was created for one race only, just as the Karan, Talmud and ect were created for those races. Religion is separatism and the Bibler commmands it. Not all races were crreated as part of the Mankind and some we consider a race are in fact condiered "BEAST" by God in the Bible
So the ignorance of this post shows that this person attacked religious views without knowing true religion. Truth be know, if you hate certain others, it is divine and commanded of GOD for were are commmanded to hate the enimies of GOD. Perfect hate, Perfect love, that is the answer.
Thank you Acharya and thank you for all your contributions in erudition.
At least the mean-spiritedness and hateful vibes you incite toward you is balanced with enthusiastic acclaim and accolades for prolific output that has had an outstanding positive outcome for thousands. As the messenger of inconvenient truths, sometimes we just have to don our thick skins.
I have a nephew approaching 30 who is now doing just fine. He has befriended people everywhere through international employment. But he was born with minor birth defect that affects his oral communication skills. The derision and bullying he endured in his early school years from other kids and even teachers infuriates me to this day. The education professionals know that through modern neurology, we understand that in the brain, nerve synapses are still forming in young school children, and not for the better under those circumstances. That education still insists on no intervention on behalf of small kids in this kind of circumstance is barbaric and medieval.
So the ignorance of this post shows that this person attacked religious views without knowing true religion.
Right. Another example of the religiously obsessed insulting others into their personal fanaticism.
At least the mean-spiritedness and hateful vibes you incite toward you is balanced with enthusiastic acclaim and accolades for prolific output that has had an outstanding positive outcome for thousands.
Thanks, Neo. Except that it is not I who am "inciting" anyone. They are inciting themselves.
what a powerful statement! you are awesome! you have freed me so tremendously that i can not say thank you loud enough. this blog is incredilbly enlightening! i hope someday to shake your hand, Acharya S!
Get a grip man! While you're at it, get a dictionary or learn to use spell check.
Anonymous (the Lincoln scholar)You obviously are up to date on Lincoln but I fail to understand your NWO reference. Why does a person who refuses to believe in fairy tales have to be a NWO follower?
Actually, the person who needs an invisible friend to unify them as a nation or a culture as a result of fear seems the more likely to become a slave than a free thinker.
Hi Acharya. You are very smart. You really know how to pick out what people are saying and don't even know how ridiculous what they just said is. I really hate to see you have to waste your valuable time on people who just don't get it. You do what you gotta do, but I wouldn't waste any time on it. Anyone who has read your books wouldn't have anything to argue about. These people that do are ignorant, possibly stupid and obviously have not read your books. You don't have to prove yourself to these people. You've done the work, let them prove to you.
Thanks for the article, Acharya. I am reminded of a Jonathan Swift saying,"Most of mankind knows just enough religion to hate,but not enough to love."
Thank u for your insight and all the work you've done.
You, yes YOU and the awareness you have brought has saved me from the grips of religiosity.
I feel more love towards others, because now, I have CHOSEN not to view them as damned and evil.
Funny that Christians are not supposed to judge, yet they do. I know, I did. How can you not judge when u see that the law says...blah blah blah and someone who doesn't follow it will be punished, one can't help and think, oh no.. they're going to hell. I want to save them.. u r taught that.. it is drilled into your head.
Just reading all of this clearly shows the brainwashing I have endured as a 'so called born again x-tian'.
Seems so elementary.. and once your eyes are opened, you see what it is exactly.... I could not have stated it better than you have.
I do agree the best thing to do is not argue with those close minded individuals because some of them, like Roger's mother are sincere and really believe they can help you.
I'm glad there are others who feel as I do, and just reading the posts makes me feel at home. Sometimes, one can feel like an outcast in this so called 'x-tian' nation.
Thanks Acharya.. I can't imagine how difficult it must be sometimes. keep up the good work and I thank you for all your research.
Once you understand, u can't go back to fairy tales. I really wish there was a Santa too. :(
All in all.. what Jesus.. (if he even was real) said is "to love one another".. now how can u kill living things if u love them? Another thing... my awareness started when I found MOST of Christian organizations were anti-animal suffering. Their rationale that everything is put here for us to devour is absurd.
I'm stepping down now. Thanks to the contributors with their opinions and again especially to you, A !
A Recovering X-tian
Very true. I bear witness to this every day where I live. There are people on the street, in my school, in the church I am forced to go to, that all they seem to preach is how horrible we are. Great Post!
Keep in mind, though, that not all religious people are intolerant, violent fools. I call myself a "common sense Christian" because I don't hate others because of their different views on God. God's biggest message was love. Love others like you love yourself. And be good. That's all. Don't worry about the rest. Just love each other, be good to one another, and know that Jesus loves you. Live your lives and be happy. :-)
LOL, that's called a THEOCRACY and we now refer to those times as THE DARK AGES!!! Religion has had its chance to validate itself as superior on many levels and it has failed us miserably. That denial is an obstacle that holds humanity back from reaching its full potential.
Anon 12:59 PM "You quote Lincoln...the murdering tyrant who was a puppet of the money power and who helped ruin America?"
Yep, the easiest thing to do is for haters to sling ad homs, smears, libel & defamation against others who don't agree with their religious views. It severely brings down the level of discourse for all. The fact remains that they have no valid evidence to substantiate their claims and theistic arguments have failed. Religious claims based solely on faith and euphoria should no longer trump the facts & evidence.
Fireye "Hating and killing is the human way. That is just what humans do the best."
Good point - what other species has killed so many? Only humans commit mass murder and genocide over religious beliefs (well, only humans believe in god). Animals tend to only kill what they need to eat - they rarely ever kill just to kill. Not humans, whales have been on the planet for over 500 million years - how many times have they nearly destroyed the planet?
Within a couple hundred years of the industrial revolution human have nuclear weapons and the capacity to destroy all life on the planet for several thousand years. What god would sit back and allow it to get to this point? One who either doesn't care or one who simply doesn't exist?
Anon 3:29 PM "Aetheism and Paganism has killed more people than religion in the 20th Century; i.e. Satlin and Hitler."
That's about the level of education we're dealing with here. I'm trying to think of a single person who was killed by atheism in the 20th century, let alone paganism.
These are the people who are currently pushing for a new, modern type of religious Inquisition.
Thank you Acharya.
It was always a fascination to see the confusion, hear the nervous and uncomfortable laughter, then the fear in a person's eyes when I say that I have no religous affiliations. I am very very aware of how deeply and effectively religous indoctrinations are imprinted upon people and perpetuated generation after generation. Truly fascinating but also saddening. Thank you again Acharya.
I hate religions they have killed more people in the name of God, then anyone else. After years of study this is what I have found.
Oh, while putting forth energy towards an ideology one should always remember this:
"I care not for a man's religion whose dog or cat are not the better for it."
Abraham Lincoln
I'll explain his thought behind his words. No religion - not one has the right to harass, slander, libel, stalk, abuse, kill or otherwise harm in any way shape or form any other human being or other living creature in the name or the support of their religion.
Evil it self would not be what is being done if one does put his or her religion before another, because evil in so many ways, beliefs, and religions is just a matter of perception.
What one would actually be doing is degrading our existance and our own species (human) to a much lower form of life in this beautiful and brilliant universe.
If you want to get rid of religion, then slandering it and making it look bad or foolish isn't going to get rid of it. People have a psycological need for grouping and some sort of spirituality in their lives as well as being social to the community. So you're only real two sources of getting rid of it are either brutal suppression (which is probably just as bad if nor worse, than the religion itself), or addressing the psychological needs of society. Without knowledge, there is ignorance.. and where there is ignorance a void is formed where people try and form answers on their own - even if they make stuff up. But many of them usually turn towards others for answers because thinking is such a tasking process.
I'm not really for or against religion, personally... I have seen a lot of good and bad things done in the name of religion or even governments. Human nature isn't going to change if you get rid of organized religion. It will just morph into something else.
The only thing that could make me hate myself is if you hated myself.
You can't "slander" an ideology. And even if you could, nobody's doing that here. We are speaking the truth.
Gee, that's brilliant. Another good reason to toss religion and its fictitious gods into the toilet.
Great to see the intolerence and hate filled hyperbole that festers on these blog sites....hahaahaha..you people kill me...you have zero proof that man evolved billions of years ago.....you have no way of proving that God does 'not' exist....you congratulate one another for your like minded desire to not believe in God or Christ or any form of faith.........so what...if you don't want to believe let it go....wow you are the ones who are obsessed by dogma....life and even death are a mystery if some folks want to believe in a supreme being to guide their lives so be it......oh by the way Lenin,Stalin,Hitler,PolPot,etal.killed in the name of secular humanism......good thing they didn't believe in God otherwise your blog site might have a leg to stand on....
"No religion - not one has the right to harass, slander, libel, stalk, abuse, kill or otherwise harm in any way shape or form any other human being or other living creature in the name or the support of their religion."
What if that religion were money or zionism? How about power or greed? How about if the practitioners of this religion had control of the police, the armies, the banks and your home?
The truth is, judging from the comments here, the practioners of the religion of money and power already control your minds.
In law, everyone is guilty of something, in practicality, its only a matter of time before they get to you. Peace away crusaders
To the last two posters, thank you for proving my point. We are criticizing ideologies that cause people to be hateful and vicious, and you just couldn't resist providing examples for us.
Although National Security is being used as a tool...it does not replace the religion which has been used for literal centuries to control the masses and still does. Don't be SO American and realize that what you posted of is ONLY in America. Not all countries are affected by National Security of America! BUT RELIGION DOES AFFECT ALL THE WORLD.
To Naiya
The old paradigm will be dismantled whether or not we choose to dismantle it. We do not have a choice..Can we stop the events of 2012? Certainly not.
WE do NOT need to forgive or even accept evil...that is ridiculous. It also does not mean we need to hate it either. We can choose to expose it and then walk away from the evil.
" Jonnie Wishbone said...
Great to see the intolerence and hate filled hyperbole that festers on these blog sites....hahaahaha..you people kill me...you have zero proof that man evolved billions of years ago.....you have no way of proving that God does 'not' exist....you congratulate one another for your like minded desire to not believe in God or Christ or any form of faith.........so what...if you don't want to believe let it go....wow you are the ones who are obsessed by dogma....life and even death are a mystery if some folks want to believe in a supreme being to guide their lives so be it......oh by the way Lenin,Stalin,Hitler,PolPot,etal.killed in the name of secular humanism......good thing they didn't believe in God otherwise your blog site might have a leg to stand on...."
what an idiot.
first of all those leaders didn't kill in the name of "secular humanism" but in a state created for worship of themselves. what a tired argument. On the other hand the "crusades" definitely did kill in the name of "God".
"you have no way of proving that God does 'not' exist" - we don't have to prove this - you do. you made the claim there's a god, now you have to come up with the proof. this is just another copout from theists trying to evade the question of proof that they must provide.
"you congratulate one another for your like minded desire to not believe in God or Christ or any form of faith." - and folks like you sit in church and howl to the air above your head to a myth created long ago, isn't that embarrassing? and you call this a "faith"
there's lots of evidence for evolution, but JB don't let your ignorance and love for some ancient book of fairy tales get in the way. Your book gets the "creation story" wrong from page 1. You people claim it's so hard to believe that we evolved yet believe that man was formed from mud and that woman from man's rib?
"To the last two posters, thank you for proving my point. We are criticizing ideologies that cause people to be hateful and vicious, and you just couldn't resist providing examples for us."
Blog it and they will come... :)
If you're going to blame religion for all the bad things that have happened because of it, then wouldn't it also be fair to praise religion for all the good things that have come about because of it?
Saying religion is the root of evil because of some bad passages out of it and pointing out negative actions taken by people who profess it is about as logical as saying a religion is the root of all good because a religion feeds the homeless during christmas.
Books don't control people, btw. If they did, then why are there so many christian liars, theives, and adulterers? People join a religion for many reasons - apparently being a hypocrite is a common occurence for many of them.
Dear Acharya, I just received the "Do you hate yourself" email. It is the most wonderful condensation of truth about how people abuse religion, that I have ever read. I am a writer, and I humbly assure you that I know good writing. Even if you never wrote anything else, that one email is a tremendous gift to the planet. Thank you very much.
For the comment regarding whether or not god has feelings. None of us know if the Creator feels or not. Have any of us met with him/her and came back to report on this? And besides this, the original comment was being directed towards gods that are man made.
Acharya, you have done an amazing work that I am commending you for. You have helped me greatly in being able to go forward and re-indoctrinate myself. Christianity was killing me in many ways inside and I wanted the truth which I knew was not in the bible. I found so many errors of which no one could answer for me since a child. Thank you very much for your wonderful efforts and human love.
Morality has zero to do with gods.
Read the definition:
Moral = Webster's Dictionary defines "moral" as: Relating to, dealing with, or capable of making the distinction between right or wrong conduct -- Principles, standards habits with respect to right or wrong in conduct.
Ms. Murdock, it appears that your post has brought the haters out of the woodwork. Well done!
Hey Wishbone, is it the short side or the long side that fulfills the wish. I never can remember.
Ice Cream Soldier said...
Ms. Murdock, it appears that your post has brought the haters out of the woodwork. Well done!Thank you! Succeeding where all others have failed, I have managed to unite all the world's religions...against me! LOL!
Good article, something everyone falls short on is fact not truth, as well as knowledge that no matter how clever a beast we become we are still just a beast and revel in suffering! This being said it is all who are seeking belief we just substitute one dogma for another, god replaced by science, as example or politic replaced by economics but this also is being replaced by the same trash that call themselves king in any tung so they can say they own all they survey once again. It is the same, creating the same control over and over again. Just changing the dogma/belief for the rest of the useful idiots!
all the haters are just angry because Acharya writes better and looks better than they do!
Either most that are commenting are just having fun and trying to get a reaction from others, which appears to be working. But, all that one needs to do to disprove most religions is look up into the sky and see the moon, and then after the moon see then stars, and notice that all the twinkling stars are suns like our own, and around those stars are planets around our own, and some of those stars aren't stars but galaxies, and past that who knows. How much more proof do we all need to realize that god, the creator, the one, the supreme being, the great one, and the entity or thing that started this and ends with our conversations is greater and way beyond our comprehension, and probably in a demension that if we witnessed would probably either kill us or make us barf. This topic of who's right and who's wrong needs to fall to the way side. We need, and here is my warning - come together as one. I know, that was corny, but I could not be closer to what we need to do now before it is too late.
Thanks for reading,
Point well made Acharya,
When humanity in general comes to the realization that ones perception of the world is actually a mirror reflection of the one viewing the image in the mirror, we will evolve.
Seeing this truth we then can begin the process of taking responsibility for the world as is and stop blaming everything external for what is perceived to be wrong in ones imagined reality.
If we can do this we will then evolve from animal form to something more.
The truth be known that another’s actions or statements never makes anyone anything. It is the unconscious and conditioned response to an external catalyst that becomes an excuse for one to react in any manor one perceives. It’s just so easy to blame someone else for the inner pain and suffering that one has deep within their own subconscious hidden away so masterfully under all the unlimited distractions we have to occupy our minds today.
We all exist in matrix guided and controlled from a much higher source than anyone here can remotely imagine. It has no name; it’s not a God, or a group, or whatever, it just is!
It you are it what ever it is!!
We are all in school here to figure this stuff out and make the correct choices for advancement. If there were no catalysts to make us think, what would be the point of being here?
If there was no change then there would be no evolution of consciences for any of us and from the looks of it, we surly do need what ever is about to happen.
Fears or all kinds is one of the greatest catalysts for change. If this is what will stop the insanity here on this planet, then so be it.
Let it be said that there is no one coming here to save anyone from themselves; you will need to do it for yourself by letting the divine light be within you. Its time to end the dogma of this world and take the responsibility for creating what ever we are allowing to happen in our very own personal realities!
What Acharys is saying is just the tip of the ice burg, but for sure a stab at the truth!
If you are at WAR with in YOURSELF you will always be at with others. REGARDLESS!
If you are at WAR with in YOURSELF you will always be at with others. REGARDLESS!
Thank You Acharya!! Very well said.
I can honestly say that most christians I meet here in Brazil are only thinking about getting rich to show the world that their God is the greater. Phrases like, "My God is the owner of everything and I'm his son etc..."
Who knows what God is and what he or she thinks? Men when try to speak in the name of any God are like ants trying to describe the universe.
Thanks for your hard job on behalf of many ignorant like that found in you a secure resource!!!!
A big kiss from me and friends from Brazil WHO ADMIRES YOU!
Thank You Acharya!! Very well said. It appears from some of the more "spirited" posters that you've struck a nerve. Well Done !!!
- "What is the difference between theology and mythology? Theology is how I explain the existance of God. Mythology is how everyone else does"
Thanks for the wonderful post, Acharya. Not sure I could have said it better myself.
As for all you Bible quoters and God screamers:
Anonymous said...
Aetheism and Paganism has killed more people than religion in the 20th Century; i.e. Satlin and Hitler.Um... Hitler was Catholic.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
SO IF GOD HATES SO MUCH THEN HATE MUST BE A GOOD THING BECAUSE HE CREATED EVERYTHING AND SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD.ROFLMAO! (Too bad I can't use emoticons on this, I have a doozy of a laughing one for this). This one had to be the most laughable one yet.
Acharya really hit a nerve didn't she? IF your god exists, then why the tantrums? Maybe because all god concepts are human concepts and no one likes to be shown wrong about their concepts.
Truth is, for the Xians, if you were born in a Muslim country, you'd probably be Muslim and vice versa. Both concepts are different and not the same- Non-Muslims go to hell in the Muslim religion and in the Xian religion, non-Xians. Nice. NOT! By the same token, if you were born in the Far East, you would probably be of an Eastern religion.
Be that as it may, God, Satan/devil, heaven, and hell are all human concepts and every religion and every individual sect, as well as the followers there of have a different concept of God. None of them are the same. Religion is nothing more than tribal thinking much like the Borg. Nothing more and all the stories are set to a particular culture/tribe, as well as written and inspired by humans, not some deity.
In the end, the impositions of these human concepts and philosophies end up being a means to control the masses and their thinking. In many cases, the imposition of the dogmas and alike become a form of abuse and does great damage to a person's well-being, not help the individual.
I not only recommend you read Acharya's books, but for all you Evangelicals, I also recommend Valerie Tarico's (Ph.D.) "The Dark Side: How Evangelical Teachings Corrupt Love and Truth" and Marlene Winell's (Ph.D. also) "Leaving the Fold". They are three very smart women, who you all can learn something from, esp the one who screamed that hate is good because God hates. *rolling eyes* Again, that is projecting something internal onto something external, which only exists in human minds. BUT if one could f*** with God, it would probably be a really transcending experience. lol
Such language! Why my mother, also an Evangelical, would be saying you just committed a sin with such language. Better pray for forgiveness or go to confession for that one. lol Just goes to show you, everyone has a different concept of God. Obviously, your god allows you to have such thinking. I think the Buddhist would not call it "right thinking" or even "right thoughts". or "right speech", because it is not conducive to the right path. There you go, yet another human concept.
So, I would say, you all need to get a clue. None of you have the right and only god, but only a human concept and maybe, as the Gnostic said, the demiurge. I can throw out even more human concepts and none of them could be right. They could be all wrong for all you know, including yours. In fact, it could be nothing more than primitive thinking.
I totally agree with your article but I think you may be unaware of who the real Lincoln was.
He suspended habeas corpus for basically his entire time in office and he did not prosecute the civil war to free the slaves. He imprisoned thousands just for criticizing him. He was also a racist.
"I am not, nor ever have been, in favour of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races,"
"There is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality."
Abraham Lincoln
"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it be freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some an leaving others alone I would do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union, and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union." Abraham Lincoln to Horace Greeley, 22 August 1862.
DONT F*CK WITH GOD Gee, that's brilliant. Another good reason to toss religion and its fictitious gods into the toilet.Pick your favourite deity, picture it, and laugh, Acharya, laugh! If you don't, you might loose your mind. A little laughter is good. ;) Release some of those good neurons in your brain to relieve a little stress. Yes, yes. My mind is right now in the gutter, but isn't it fun? After all, it's just fiction and you can play with fiction all you like, just for the fun of it, just as I have Hanuman drop his mountain on Mohammad's head. lol *Like Bugs Bunny and Road Runner, no one harmed in these fictional senerios*
Acharya, I applaud you on your strong character and the high standards you promote for humanity. This is an outstanding post.
In regards to the comments about Lincoln, the U.S. Civil War provides a perfect example of how difficult it is for people to give up "their way of life." Thus, freeing humanity from religious hubris and megalomania will be challenging, indeed.
Wow Acharya, I love your messages. How could I have been so blind to your truth. Just had one or two comments for now. God, Gods feel pain because we All of us are god or divinity. the light (Crist) Not Jesus, although he had the light the christ light.Is eachother God is all of us.
Jesus's death was a political assasination. martred for political oppression of his followers. Heaven or hell is right here right now today. It is ours, to choose which we want, Benowbro
hey pat carr.......prove evolution,I mean prove it unequivocally...more of your dogma.....so what do you gain to ridicule others for their beliefs when you yourself demonstrate intolerance and hatred...by the way avoiding the fact that many of the despots I mentioned seem to conveniently not match your narrow definition of evil.....it's bad only if it was done in the name of religion...the more you call those who believe in God idiots and fools the more you make yourself out to be one....
Hate is a chemical poison humans manufacture and store in their bodys like amunition, Causing disease of the body, mind and the spirit or exploding like a bomb spewing into the invironment and onto other life forms.
Anonymous left this comment:
Saying religion is the root of evil because of some bad passages out of it and pointing out negative actions taken by people who profess it,
Let's remind Anonymous that the Bible is supposed to be the word of God and pointing out the "bad passages" (which we must ignore, apparently)must surely indicate that so-called Christians pick and choose from the Bible's content in an attempt to give it credence. To say that a Supreme God of this Universe gave sanction to the writing of this unadulterated rubbish is to belittle Him. If he exists. Most, if not all religionists, have read only the Bible. If these fanatics want to inform themselves, they should read, "The Bible Fraud" by Tony Bushby. Available from http://www.joshuabooks.com An eye-opener for believes and non-believers alike.
freedom from religion sould be an inalienable constitutional right! like the first ammendment..
Hanuman drop his mountain on Mohammad's head. lol *Like ... lmao thank you mriana , namaste'
Acharya, I was trying to think of something witty and smart to say, but you said it best. Thank You. I'm half way through "Who was Jesus" and as an self excommunicated catholic, I'm really glad to be reading your work, and getting more proof to my hunches then I ever expected.
Thank You, Michael F. Wright
benowbro said...
Hanuman drop his mountain on Mohammad's head. lol *Like ... lmao thank you mriana , namaste'You are very welcome. I'm always glad when I give someone a good laugh.
Jonnie Wishbone said
oh by the way Lenin,Stalin,Hitler,PolPot,etal.killed in the name of secular humanism......good thing they didn't believe in GodFunny, I thought Hitler was a Christian (the fiercest kind - a Catholic)
“Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.” From Mein Kampf:
Saloth Sar (Pol Pot) studied at both a Buddhist monastery and a Catholic school:
Josef Stalin was raised a Christian and his mother was deeply religious. He won a scholarship to a Georgian Orthodox Seminary:
Vladimir Lenin was baptised into the Russian Orthodox church, though his maternal grandmother was Jewish, though later converted to Christianity.
Yes, I agree, it's a good thing they didn't believe in god.
Hey, first time to the site, though have read the Acharya S book, The Christ Conspiracy. Seems to be fairly irrefutable.
Why do so many people here use either anonymous for postings or make up names? Mine is fine.
cheers Shane
ps Love the Jonathan Swift quote:
‘Most of mankind knows just enough religion to hate, but not enough to love’
I'm all for Freedom from Religion!
WOW... does the All-seeing, All-forgiving, All-loving X-tian god really espouse HATRED? I do see that agression has been channeled in order to unify nations. According to a report by Steven Pinker (TEDtalks) humanity is in one of its least violent phases. Maybe ideology has a historically positive utility in creating larger and larger groups of people who consider themselves family or tribe, so there is less inclination to in-fighting? Certainly, like the inquisitioners, communists felt strongly that the only way to insure the survival of their ideology was through violence. We might claim that this is because violence and repression are so strongly ingrained in the way humans have organized society till now. Human beings are capable of both moral behavior as well as immoral behavior... this doesnt depend on their ideology tho. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kB-8VNfkSk&feature=PlayList&p=64422C056880496E&index=0&playnext=1
Even though I am afraid of people, I still love humanity... and I am trying to help move us towards a fairer, more moral social consciouness... but I am not religious... really not at all... is this a contradiction?
Up above you said this
once again proving my point about how religion makes people hateful and evil towards others - thank you!But if you're only against the negative aspects of a religion or ideology, then why limit your arguments only toward religion? Is it maybe you're trying to make religion look bad? Or is it more fair to make an assertion that the negative aspects of any large group - whether it be religion, government, or customs/culture should be thrown away?
Each is usually based upon a set of ideas whether it be fair or not, and all have led to abuses. So maybe the more fair argument that is to be made is that any large group with a set of beliefs in whatever form it takes is subject to abuse - and not just religion. The only reasons I can think of to solely concentrate on religion is if either to highlight the abuses of religion because it is a greater influence of abuse than that of other types of group institutions (which isn't true), or if you wish to highlight the abuses that are made based solely on faith and not reason (which some epistomologist could argue isn't true either).
Man was created in the image of God and God, right from the start, killed some animals to cover Adam and Eve's nakedness. Throughout the Biblical narrative killing was something God approved of and in fact demanded in many occasions. Even the meek and mild Nazarene meta-morphs into a sword wielding blood drenched ogre in the last book of the Bible. What better proof that we were created as Genesis says.
I agree with verything acharya said except I cannot agree with anything or anyone being called evil. They are just our fellow children who have been misled. mistaught oe who have misunderstood their teachings and the message that most religions are trying to portray. They are just less aware, less conscious, less evolved and calling them evil is not a very loving, compassionate, positive or pro-active way to show them the errors of their ways. Naming people immediately triggers the ego in them to defend their ´Self´ and their beliefs. The ego is an energy field that takes over the mind and those who are unconscious to it are unaware of their actions. The ego justifies their actions. To help those so identified with their beliefs we need to show them how to go beyond their ego, beyond thought to a place of Being in the world. When you can learn to ignore those egoic thoughts in your head, when you are rooted in Being, compassion towards others comes naturally.
Anyone interested in any further information about the movement of humanity beyond thought please read the book ´A New Earth´ by Eckhart Tolle. His work beautifully compliments all other works on spirituality and personal development.
Blessings, Sonja
May I defend pagans? :) The word means country dwellers of no abrahamic religious affiliation and considered gentle=gentile, and who are inadequate warriors.
Happy or sad, good times or harsh, we respect the earth and the life on which it stands.
Be wise when choosing your labels.
I am new to blogging but have an interest in the subject matter under discussion here.
I’ve waded through the comments and conclude that many have not read much on the subject and others see to have a need to throw a spanner or two into the works to see what comes out of the woodwork. They don’t seem to have much to add to the theme but I guess they serve a purpose.
Having myself read “the Christ Conspiracy” I have to applaud Acharya for her efforts to bring sanity to the religious scene. She speaks with conviction and back up her writings with references for those able to check them, yet there seems to be an element of bloggers who have done no such thing and still refute every thing Acharya writes.\
If you haven’t read the book and followed the references, your opinion of it is invalid. If you have read it and followed through yet still hold a negative view, then perhaps you should question your motivation or be labeled “an apologist”; a dyed in the wool pre-programmed apologist.
If you are one of those people who insist that the Bible is ‘the inerrant word of God’ and that he is good, kind and benevolent, then please explain these passages from the book of Exodus:
‘and Yahweh God said to Moses, “have your men (Levites) strap swords to their belts and go through the Canaanite camp from one end to the other and kill anyone who does not listen to you“. 3000 souls perished that day, and Moses turned to his men and said, “You have done as God commanded this day and you are blessed in his sight”
And again in Exodus:
‘Yahweh commands Moses to have his men kill all the married men and all the women who ever slept with a man (how would they know?), kill all the boys but keep the young girls for yourselves”
Is this God promoting fornication?
Come on, you people. The Bible is “the word of errant man” and to ascribe it to God is an insult.
Man,if only Barak or some other leading Pol would come out and say something like that. Well Said.
"Why do so many people here use either anonymous for postings or make up names? Mine is fine."
Shane, we use "Anonymous" or pseudonyms so that we won't be killed by zealots. But what the hell, my name is Todd Daniel and I live in Powder Springs, GA. Welcome to this forum!
Up above you said this
"once again proving my point about how religion makes people hateful and evil towards others - thank you!"
But if you're only against the negative aspects of a religion or ideology, then why limit your arguments only toward religion?
I don't. But in this short blog post, I do.
BTW, folks, for some reason Blogger's HTML code has become wacky. I'm having to put in < br >< br > after the < i > tag in order to get my comments onto a new line. I suggest you do the same. (Remove the spaces between the brackets.)
What better proof that we were created as Genesis says.
What better proof that we created God!
I agree with verything acharya said except I cannot agree with anything or anyone being called evil.Thank you. You will notice that nowhere in my original post did I call any individual or group "evil." I spoke strictly about actions and ideologies. And, yes, there IS evil, and we can use a perfectly good term to describe it. This morally relative mushiness as concerns identifying evil as evil is where critical thinking and integrity are being tossed out the window, as far as I am concerned.
e⋅vil /ˈivÉ™l/
1. morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked: evil deeds; an evil life.
2. harmful; injurious: evil laws.
3. characterized or accompanied by misfortune or suffering; unfortunate; disastrous: to be fallen on evil days.
4. due to actual or imputed bad conduct or character: an evil reputation.
5. marked by anger, irritability, irascibility, etc.: He is known for his evil disposition. "Evil" is a perfectly good term that should be used where appropriate. For example, raping a baby is evil. It is not an act that should be coddled by any lesser word. Indeed, this vile act represents absolute evil and should be identified as such. Is the person who commits such a heinous act "absolutely evil?" Probably not. But his act is. And he needs to be incarcerated because he cannot control himself when possessed by such evil.
Vic wrote...What better proof that we were created as Genesis says.
Acharya S wrote...What better proof that we created God!
Agreed, Acharya. 'God' is a creation of the human ego. (Group ego or individual ego --same thing.) The human ego has two simple desires-- Reward and Punishment.
For this reason it operates in two modes most of the time --Controller and the Controlled.
If the Ego finds itself in a situation where it cannot assume any of these two roles -- it becomes weak, confused, uncomfortable.
Human existence is mostly a weak, repititive story based on this reward/punish/control theme. The "vicious" karmic cycle of humanity...
There is another element --- transcendence & worship. It SEEMS the ego wants to transcend this world and its problems --- but the reality of it is that the ego does NOT want to transcend, but is obsessed with transcendence anyway. So it will elevate and worship humans or imaginary beings OR just call itself 'spiritual'. The ego's deepest desire is to 'descend into hell' but this desire is not expressed openly.
Existence of so many gods is very much a result of the urge to 'reward', elevate. Desire for 'punishment from God' is also a very strong trait of the ego. Perfectly in tune with the desire to 'descend into hell'.
The ultimate desire of the ego, therefore, would be to get punishment from the one you yourself elevate. LoL!!!
I am not an expert on mythology, but I am absolutely sure that *most* religious stories would have an *extremely strong* 'reward/punishment' theme. Apart from transcendence.
There's hardly any quality to the human ego apart from reward, punishment, guilt, wallowing, crying, begging forgiveness etc. And the reverse of transcendence.
So even in the movies,TV, most stories revolve around such elements only. Ad Nauseam!
I'm raising public awareness about the Chinese Communist Party persecution of 70 million Falun Gong spiritual practitioners for the last 10 years in China. They are put in slave-labor camps and forced to make stuff sold here. They take organs from them to sell on the black market. The media doesn't cover it. It must stop. Thanks.
We are born into the first darkness where light sets us free from the confines of the physical state of blindness.
However, it is the light of truth that sets a man free from the only darkness of matter. That being the darkness of his or her mind.
You and I do not live in a state of duality within the mind. Either the mind is a reflection of the light of truth, (love), or it is not. If not, the mind is held prisoner by a false state of perception.
A man cannot separate hatred from his mind if his mind wills not to seek a way to separate him from it.
Seek truth, that being which IS. Truth is not what you want to see. That is your original state, that is your fantasy. In other words, see the opposite of that which you see as lacking in your mind. The love of truth, or truth of love is that it is infinitely providential.
By doing this you will discover a love in wait, that needs no commands to love itself.
It is only then when you will see your self in others, and in turn, hatred within you (or that which you first perceived in another!) will no longer exist.
We are born into the first darkness where light sets us free from the confines of the physical state of blindness.
However, it is the light of truth that sets a man free from the only darkness of matter. That being the darkness of his or her mind.
You and I do not live in a state of duality within the mind. Either the mind is a reflection of the light of truth, (love), or it is not. If not, the mind is held prisoner by a false state of perception.
A man cannot separate hatred from his mind if his mind wills not to seek a way to separate him from it.
Seek truth, that being which IS. Truth is not what you want to see. That is your original state, that is your fantasy. In other words, see the opposite of that which you see as lacking in your mind. The love of truth, or truth of love is that it is infinitely providential.
By doing this you will discover a love in wait, that needs no commands to love itself.
It is only then when you will see your self in others, and in turn, hatred within you (or that which you first perceived in another!) will no longer exist.
Excellent blog Acharya! It did bring the termites out of the woodwork...lol! However, there were many good responses, with logical and creative thinking. Thanks to those folks and thanks also to those poor misunderstanding souls. Many of the latter's remarks made me laugh. Laughter is good practice in the face of lunacy...eh Mriana..lmao!
I don't feel the need to respond to any of the absurdities presented here cause other's, including yourself Acharya, have done a great job in reply. I enjoyed those replies as much as the original blog! Heck, I even enjoyed the diversionary reactionary responses to the blog. It's great comedy, if they didn't take themselves and their 'ideologies' so seriously! I am rumbling like the laughing Buddha...ha ha ha!
For you silly people, don't mess with my god Gumby or he'll roll all over ya...heh heh!
Hi Acharya
I agree with you on most issues concerning religion, specifically where it is used to bring about an unloving and fearful society.
Sadly it is so that systems that can actually be useful in establishing a peaceful and just global society are contributing to conflict. In an isolated society religion can be, and often is, an important part of what keeps violence at bay and contributes to peace and wellbeing. What is most problematic today is that the surge for a peaceful global community can never come to fruit if there remain large constituencies of religious communities that exalt their own status and view people of other points of view as their enemy. To purge these religions of the characteristics that lead to baser human behavior, such as hatred and violence, seems to be an impossible task. At best we can keep on presenting evidence contrary to their views and by presenting alternative frameworks of understanding and peaceful communion and hope for tolerance to grow inside these religions at the same time because, lets face it, we are not going to just get rid of them.
What you, and many like minded people all over the world do, is good for those people who are capable of stepping outside their religious programming or who at least are in doubt and are seeking the truth. What happens to the other millions who are not ready to change is of great concern. Many people are not capable of breaking the ties that keep them preoccupied with their idols/gods and for many these are their only lifelines to managing their lives in a world that seems increasingly hostile to them.
How to handle this situation we are confronted with in the real world filled with dogmatic believers is one of the most pressing questions we face and I am truly exited to see people put in as much effort into this cause as you are doing. I wish you all the support and resources needed to keep at it, you are doing humanity a great service.
Vic said...
Man was created in the image of God and God, right from the start, killed some animals to cover Adam and Eve's nakedness. Throughout the Biblical narrative killing was something God approved of and in fact demanded in many occasions. Even the meek and mild Nazarene meta-morphs into a sword wielding blood drenched ogre in the last book of the Bible. What better proof that we were created as Genesis says.Vic, you are speaking of a human concept. That which was created by man kills. IMO, it is morbid to say "kill animals for clothes". Why not shave the sheep and get clothes that way or plant some cotton. One does not have to kill anyone to make clothes. To do so is the dumbest thing. Nor were we created as Genesis states. Gee, get a science book, man! As well as some love for the earth and lifeforms there of.
Anonymous said...
May I defend pagans? :) The word means country dwellers of no abrahamic religious affiliation and considered gentle=gentile, and who are inadequate warriors.
Happy or sad, good times or harsh, we respect the earth and the life on which it stands.I'm not Pagan, but I have not met a Pagan I did not like. In fact, I appreciate greatly their love and respect for the earth.
veo que la mayoria de las religiones (re-ligare) tienen un gran enseñansa, y esta se basa en el conocimiento a uno mismo, la neutralidad y el potencial humano. creo tambien que el sentido original de muchas enseñanzas ha sido pervertido y manipulado, como dijo Tolstoi no busquemos el reino de dios en determinado lugar, ni esperemos a que llegue, hagamos que el reino de dios resida en nosotros, asi podremos verlo en todas partes...
Gandhi: se el cambio que quieres ver en la sociedad :)
Dear Acharya, Yousaid: not even a god feels pain - but human beings certainly do. You must not comprehend the conceptionalization process which lead to the projection of the human god likeness beyond the spiritual nature of human consciousness This is truely the begining of the dark ages for the moral culture of the human being. Why? Because we began to doubt our human truths. and began doubting, fearing, distrusting each other. How did this happen? We perceived perfection but were unable to accept our and eachothers imperfections. Ego humm The christ=light is eachother. god is all of us. any concepts which suggest there is some consciousness beyond beingness i.e. living material. Living material provides the matrix= medum which connects all life through the consciousness. This Karmic Spiritual link,time space continum. links into our all lifes beingness. vibrational harmony, resonance,frequency, all life is affected by disruptions in the flow of the life forcefield like waves of beingness in ocean of the biosphere. There is no separation.
only lack of awarness of this truth which leads to the struggle and suffering and confusion. We are all one wholeness on this planet ? me thinks.
Carl jung" I can only stand in awe and admoration before, the depths and heights of the soul, who's world beyond space, hides an immeasurable richness of immages, which millions of years of living have stored up and condenced into organic material. evolutional timelessness in this very moment now within our awarness of beingness evolutionary beingness.
Humm souls in the astroplane feel the pain of longing for reincarnation with beingness.
Oh!? What gods were you refering to?. 'Gods don't feel pain'.
Namaste' benowbro
As a child cannot understand or agree with the parents punishments and rules, so will man not understand or agree with Gods rules and plan. The flesh cannot understand the spiritual ways. God said many times "I choose you", we don't choose God. God also said many times that it his his will "To save all mankind"- and his "will" is always done. We will all be saved (spiritually) eventually.
We are our "thoughts", not just our actions or words. Your thoughts, though you think are hidden, are seen quite clearly by God, as so shall you be judged if you do not judge yourself.
As the parent "loves" their child, God loves us so much more and as a parent will always love the child no matter the circumstances. Unconditional love is the center of Gods existence- something we in the flesh can't possess.
Gods judgment will pour out on the churches today that still teach judgment on others, old pagan ways, false teachings and the search for material riches. I hear rich people all the time who attend church proclaim how God has blessed them with these riches, when all the while God has no use for money- the riches and wealth God speaks of is spiritual riches and wealth. How the Devil has so many fooled today.!
Not all of us Christians are judgmental, hateful, "better than thou" types. I certainly know that the homeless man sleeping in the box under the roadway is just as important and loved by God than I, and in a sense, more favored, for what have I done to help him! I am ashamed of myself and carry guilt because of this, because to him, I am rich.
Man does not know what he needs; If God granted everyone their prayerful wish- there would be chaos everywhere, the same as if a parent gave their child everything they asked for.
When mankind wants Gods will to be done and not his own- then will mankind be on the right path.
God bless- if he wills so.
I posted a similar blog in April titled "Wy do so many religious people hate themselves so much?" Perhaps you'd like to read my take on this subject:
You must not comprehend the conceptionalization process which lead to the projection of the human god likeness beyond the spiritual nature of human consciousness
Don't presume that I "must not comprehend" something - that is just more of the same ad hom abuse against others in the name of God, which you are attempting to redefine. If God is the cosmos, then "he" is not a person who can feel pain. You are separating God out of the cosmos and projecting human qualities upon "him," once again, like a typical religionist. I do not find that idea to be particularly enlightened.
Daniel is brilliant, as well as many others and their comments. Her words are just and of need of the attention. Because, we must be apathetic to those that are incapable of just letting go of something that has been embossed, marketed, and advertised into them for thousands of years. Let us all remember that we (outside of the box thinkers) have a responsibility to our fellow humans to allow them time - time to find their own paths, their own ways, and their own process to move forward in this hostile and increasingly chaotic world we all are apart of. I love the fact that some listen, and I love the fact that some ponder Acharya's words, and many others like her. All we can do now is have great patience and of course faith that we all will believe in US, and not it - one day.
Remember, we didn't start this revolt (if you could call it that), it's been inside of us for thousands of years. I'm sure there were a few that scratched their heads and walked away during all those meetings, seminars, and gatherings of those snake oil peddlers of past and present.. So - now, truth is finally beginning to blossom and unfold to reveal the absolute facts. They have also just found the missing link (Scientists unveil fossil of 47 million-year-old primate, Darwinius masillae). Those that want to be absorb it's absolute proven factual knowledge are all welcome - none will ever be denied to their rights to research the absolute truth/facts as an intelligent species that uses reason, logic, and their very fortunate opposable thumbs.
Thanks for reading,
God is spirit and does not feel physical pain (but I'm sure he knows what it feels like). God feels grief, anger, hate, sorrow,
love, etc according to the Bible, so I would imagine he would feel pain as we would say in the heart or spirit- an emotional pain?, not physical.
"If I have told you EARTHLY things, and you believe not, how shall you believe, if I tell you of HEAVENLY [spiritual] things?" (John 3:12).
Honestly- I'm not sure.
Sorry! Scratch the “we should have patience and give them time part.” 50 years ago – sure, but now we don't have time to continue to let these sheep continue to be lead by all the snake oil peddlers and wolves in sheep herders clothing. No – no time at all. Patience is a virtue, but all extreme and none extreme religions are oppressing, enslaving, and killing more and more as time moves on. I'm sick and tired of it, and laws need to be made to keep these marketing gurus away from our reasoning and logical processes. So, wake up and smell the real coffee and let go, or all you sheep out there will destroy us all. Believe in us, believe in yourself, believe and have faith that it is you and only you that gives you your ability to make choices. It is only you that will ultimately be responsible for your actions – not your god or your idol. Take responsibility, or better yet take the burden of you being a surviving species on this plant to continue your efforts in creating your own world, your own space, your own way of life. Know and always know that you have an abundant amount of power to self create yourself to make a better world for all of us – without religion and what they want and not want, or what they have lead or hid from you to believe. Basically, be your own boss, and take a hold of your life, leave nothing undone, unsaid, untouched, unseen, unheard. Witness it all. Do not let religion shackle you down any longer – be free to do what you can for yourself, your family, your friends, your community, and your world. It's not religions continent. It's not that their city, state, or union. The world is ours!!!!! It's all of ours. We should all be moving and traveling freely with no boundaries or walls. We all should witness and absorb all. It's our right. We've made it this far, and if we can continue. Yes we can. Say it! We can be kind, understanding, tolerant, and patient with each other everywhere. Oh, what's in it for you. Of course you had to ask. Your reward is and will be everything, everyone and everywhere your yourself, and for all. Go get it! Bring people to Acharya, and others like her and us. Never force it, but a teeshirt never hurt anyone. A bumpersticker, a link here or there. We don't have time to let them (the sheep, wolves in sheep herders clothing etc) kill us. And, taling, chating, and stuff like this isn't helping us. I'm going to go get a bumper sticker right now (online), that says something or does something - now. Hopefully, we are not too late!!!! No, we're not too late, so go!!! This is not a joke. The sheep and wolves are getting crazier, and we need to pour cold water on as many as possible and wake them up...
Very concerned,
Anonymous said...
God is spirit and does not feel physical pain (but I'm sure he knows what it feels like). God feels grief, anger, hate, sorrow,
love, etc according to the Bible, so I would imagine he would feel pain as we would say in the heart or spirit- an emotional pain?, not physical.
You're presuming that such a personal god exists, and you're projecting your own human qualities on "him."
I don't care about how God is presented in the Bible, as I don't believe it is "God's Word." It is my opinion that the Bible is a cultural artifact written by men who likewise projected their own human qualities on the god they created.
Dear Acharya, If God is the cosmos, then "he" is not a person who can feel pain. Are you assuming 'God is the cosmos'? or do you Know this to be true. I am sorry to have been presumtous. God in my humble experience is limited by definitions, religions, concepts.
Perhaps the truth is beyond all such confines. Gods are concepts?
could there be such things greater than concepts. Have you ever seen this 'god' you say exists as cosmos or spirit or are you assuming.... A belief system? Truth is not limited by belief systems truth like evolution progresses moment to moment. I am sorry to be limited in my ability to communicate in language clearly. ( I feel) I will continue working to present the best reasoning I can. Have you been beyond the psysical?. A spirit? Do you remember past lives? and the reemergence in psysical existence I, this person has! I don't like the word god I Joke by saying God is dog spelled backwards. God is not the cosmos If you equate the cosmos and the universe.
IMHA If life on this planet were to cease to exist there would be no consciousness, God, spirit, soul, Evolution requires living material. There is no separation. Can't have one without the other.
If terorists understood that the souls, beings life, forms including them selves which they are distroying were also their fathers and mothers and brothers and sisters, extended family which their lives and existance depended on.??? To consider there is some escape from this tortured environment. like some escape clause, god provides in infinite compassionate love. HA! Religion!
Great run off into sprit and escape the trama.... Don't be Accontable. When the roman guard, soldier plunged the sword into christs heart do you think he felt the pain of christ. and the loss of a great spirit. Yes! he did as so did the Jews in fact the entire planet suffered. Christ (the light). Hell there are evolved and evolving little children being born into this stinking environment who Have evolved even quantum leaps of the spirit not recognized because Oh Only Jesus The only son of God. A quantum leap in evolution and the gift the woom of woman. NoW theres A true god for you to consider. Then the human family. And species of animals Whales, Lions, Birds etc.
GodsSSS in the flesh, I can define gods, entities, spirits however I choose.speaking of truths, having experienced witnessed such things. 'women' (the gender) are god, Men are but kings. I don't choose to cause suffering. Redefining God?. Which one?..somebody should! Projecting human qualities onto god..... Where do you think spirit comes from if not from
life living things. This god you suggest exists separate from living material. Like mixing donky dung and camel shit. Explosive Denial. A cop out.
Namaste' benowbro
This god you suggest exists separate from living material. Like mixing donky dung and camel shit. Explosive Denial. A cop out.
More insults based on religious ideology? Thank you for proving my point. Insulting my intelligence will not serve to prove anything, including the supposed superiority of your perspective. If you have nothing better to contribute than attempting to insult others into your perspective, please go elsewhere.
I am redefining God as the cosmos. That is my understanding, realization and prerogative.
You're presuming that such a personal god exists, and you're projecting your own human qualities on "him."
I don't care about how God is presented in the Bible, as I don't believe it is "God's Word." It is my opinion that the Bible is a cultural artifact written by men who likewise projected their own human qualities on the god they created.
I'm reminded on this quote from your article titled Skeptic Mangles ZEITGEIST (and Religious History):
"...As professor of Judaic and Religion Studies at Brown University Dr. Shaye Cohen remarks, "Modern scholars have routinely reinvented Jesus or have routinely rediscovered in Jesus that which they want to find..." ("From Jesus to Christ")..."
That makes perfect sense. People are euphorically creating in their own imaginary being, be it God, Jesus or whoever, with whatever they deem as high qualities. If there were any valid scientific evidence for Jesus none of this massive vagueness and guess work would be necessary.
Shane said...
"Jonnie Wishbone said oh by the way Lenin,Stalin,Hitler,PolPot,etal.killed in the name of secular humanism...... good thing they didn't believe in God"
Funny, I thought Hitler was a Christian (the fiercest kind - a Catholic): "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." From Mein Kampf.
Saloth Sar (Pol Pot) studied at both a Buddhist monastery and a Catholic school.
Josef Stalin was raised a Christian and his mother was deeply religious. He won a scholarship to a Georgian Orthodox Seminary.
Vladimir Lenin was baptised into the Russian Orthodox church, though his maternal grandmother was Jewish, though later converted to Christianity.
Yes, I agree, it's a good thing they didn't believe in god.
Hey, first time to the site, though have read the Acharya S book, The Christ Conspiracy. Seems to be fairly irrefutable....
I wanted to highlighted this post because there are some great facts in it. Thanks, Shane - and thanks for the kudos.
A thought for you, benowbro:
The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by God one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. This God is emotionally unsatisfying... it does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity. [Carl Sagan]I agree wholeheartedly that god is a human concept, but that does not mean any such concept has to be a physical being or any being at all.
Acharya S wrote: I am redefining God as the cosmos. That is my understanding, realization and prerogative.
The need for a 'God in human form' looking down on humans partly stems from childlike insecurity, and partly from the ego's desire to elevate and worship.
Humans are obsessed with larger than life figures. As is evident from the way movie stars etc. are made HUGE, larger than life -- by none other than the common person.
God is the original movie star. The original rockstar. Larger than life. Of course. Had to be.
In South India, in two places, shrines devoted to movie actresses exist. Idols of these actresses are very much kept there. (They destroyed one temple when the actress-diety said something they didn't like, but that's a separate issue!)
I won't be surprised if 'Elvis Presley' is considered god-like by many, in North America.
I won't be surprised if John Lennon is considered to be 'sent by God' by many.
Religion is all about 'larger than life' humans, doing larger than life things....
Oops...I think that's what the movies/rockstars are about.
Same thing.
"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith ... We need believing people."
- Adolf Hitler, April 26, 1933 speech made during negotiations leading to the Nazi-Vatican Concordat of 1933
"The church should be a disciplined charging army Christians, like slaves & solders ask no questions. We are fighting a holy war"
- Jerry Falwell
"Christianity & Democracy are inevitably enemies"
- R.J. Rushdoony "Independent Republic" pg 122, 1964
"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land - for Jesus Christ - to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect life & godliness. It is dominion we're after not just a voice. It is dominion we're after not just influence. It is dominion we're after not just equal time. It is dominion we're after. World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to do."
- George Grant - "changing of the guard" pg 50-51
"Our goal, as Christians, is to dominate society"
- Pat Robertson
"We [Christians] are the largest special interest group in America today"... "Man your battle stations, ready your weapons, lock & load"
- Ohio tv Preacher Rod Parsley
22, none of what you quoted and said, is true. Secularism does not mean moralessness. In fact, I propose secularism is more moral than religious teachings.
Mriana, Thank you for your reply. I did try of express my experiential truth and Acharya is becoming affended, I have no illusions about my limitations intelectualy. Nor do I choose to be judgmental. One of my heartfelt phrases. No expectations, no Judgments, no disapointments. I don't feel superior nor would I want to be. Mriana,'that god is a human concept, but that does not mean any such concept has to be a physical being or any being at all'. As a concept no. Then I believed we were talking about truths and not concepts. I just Know from my experience of, with, and in the presence of gods This being, beingness, spirit is of the flesh.
Tangible, visible, physicaly present, and within the matrix of the biosperic cosmos. I believe this is so important to express. At least I have Placed my truth into the mystery. Child in the wilderness and been heard Like, showing up yeah.
Namaste' Benowbro
Mriana, I think you missed the point of my post - which was simply providing a list of quotes demonstrating what religion does to people. I know none of it is true - that is the point
My post was just a general post towards the great blog here. I never considered anyone could misunderstand my post, but thanks for bringing it up giving me the opportunity to address it just in case!
Then I believed we were talking about truths and not concepts. I just Know from my experience of, with, and in the presence of gods This being, beingness, spirit is of the flesh.That is still a concept, not a truth. It is your concept and everyone's concept is different. I have no god concept. I have feelings of transcendence, but no concept of a god-being. The Tao has a saying, "Those who say, don't know and those who know, don't say." Think about it.
"Our goal, as Christians, is to dominate society"
- Pat Robertson
Actually, the sentiment behind these quotes IS true. Robertson certainly has as his goal the domination of society. And so on through the rest of the quotes. I believe 22 was trying to show what we are up against.
Acharya S said...
"Our goal, as Christians, is to dominate society"
- Pat Robertson
Actually, the sentiment behind these quotes IS true. Robertson certainly has as his goal the domination of society. And so on through the rest of the quotes. I believe 22 was trying to show what we are up against.Yes, that one is true, but not the secularism one.
BTW, how do you get space between your quote and what you want to say? It doesn't accept the HTML of for paragraph, so I'm at a loss. :(
Thanks Mriana,.'That is still a concept, not a truth. It is your concept and everyone's concept is different. I have no god concept. I have feelings of transcendence, but no concept of a god-being. The Tao has a saying, "Those who say, don't know and those who know, don't say." Think about it. Well I believe in and have been telepathic. stil just a concept?
I guess taking people to the pilot of their soul Proof.
Is it reasonable to conclude if the thought process is considered to be our conceptualizer. That Beingness would be more a more truthful source of reality. How is Knowingness recognized by the conscious being and moved forward into, eachothers experience and shared without conceptualizing in the process? Could just the use of the human or animal voice or action such as a tribal dance. convey the truth (message)progressivly.
Is mental telepathy, or clairvoyance, free of concepts.
Animals of other species have shared experiences... Are there concepts in their natures. And our natures evolutionary past expressions before language evolved concepts. I guess what I am trying to say is that conceptualization is a stumblingblock along the road to the reality of our existance. I don"t have a god concept myself. I don't like the word. As a # of other words. Hate, kill, dead. and would like to see them especialy hate less spoken. Hate is a chemical poison Humans manufacture and store in their bodys. Please any statements or comments I make are IMHO. ??For et.al. Is it possible that states of being. such as violence, hatred, agression, fear. Are modifing our genetic evolution creating tendences within our instinctual natures which control actions of the unconscious being. Kind of a regression of caring and compassion. causing more suffering.
I believe there are times when trust in our intuition, must be enough to bridge the gap in discovery. like dreams of future events requiring action now not later when its too late to respond. Oh I, rambling Namaste' Benowbro ps still strugling with the Tao, I AM
BTW, how do you get space between your quote and what you want to say? It doesn't accept the HTML of for paragraph, so I'm at a loss. :(
I actually mentioned this problem in a message above, but it would be easy to miss. Something went wacky with Blogger's programming, apparently, and it doesn't automatically put in the paragraph break after an italicized comment. As you say, it also won't accept < p > (without the spaces). But it accept < br >< br > - just remove the spaces between the letters and the brackets. "br" stands for "break."
I didn't think of < br > and I should have, given I have my own website in which I do my own HTML. :doh:
I guess taking people to the pilot of their soul Proof.
What are you talking about? As for not having a god concept, I do not. I only have transcendent feelings. This is not necessarily a god, but rather neuro-chemistry (chemistry in the brain) There is no form or mass about it. People either choose to conceptualize or they do not. Any concept I could make would not be god at all.
There is another Tao saying, though it's exact wording I can't remember, but it goes something like this: Any attempt to describe God is not to describe it at all. Even Spong said he does not describe his god, he experiences it. I've heard someone else say, and I agree wholeheartedly and have said it myself: I do not know what god is, but I know what it is not.
God is not a being that you can contain external to that which is not on earth or within the universe. It, whatever it is, is within everything and everyone on the planet and within the universe. It is not possible to even describe such a thing, even though people believe they can, in which case see the Tao paraphrase I mention. Therefore, I have no actual concept of a deity. I cannot describe what it is, but I know what it is not.
I would also suggest you check out pantheism- though some do place a very earthly description on it, I don't, because while we have chemistry happening, that is only an effect and affect, in which the actions of various elements have amazing reactions.
BTW, I do not believe in dualism either- thus no soul. There is no mind and body split, for they are both one. You cannot separate the mind from the body or vise versa.
"You're presuming that such a personal god exists, and you're projecting your own human qualities on "him."
I make no presumption- God does exist. It has been proven to me by an experience- I'm sorry you don't yet accept him.
Jesus was asked why he doesn't argue with those who refuse to believe- He said "I would have to speak as a fool to a fool".
Therefore I won't argue- you believe what you want and I will I.
I make no presumption- God does exist. It has been proven to me by an experience- I'm sorry you don't yet accept him.
Jesus was asked why he doesn't argue with those who refuse to believe- He said "I would have to speak as a fool to a fool".
Therefore I won't argue- you believe what you want and I will I.
That quote was written by humans too. I agree with Acharya and still say you have a very human concept of a deity.
And what exactly makes a deity have gender? Have you notice your religion is very patriarchal? Which means, men created and made their deity and ideology what they wanted. Thus, you are making presumptions, esp ones that were taught to by others.
Anonymous said...
"You're presuming that such a personal god exists, and you're projecting your own human qualities on "him."
I make no presumption- God does exist. It has been proven to me by an experience- I'm sorry you don't yet accept him.
Jesus was asked why he doesn't argue with those who refuse to believe- He said "I would have to speak as a fool to a fool".
Therefore I won't argue- you believe what you want and I will I.
You certainly do make several presumptions in your comments here, including that your experience of a "personal God" represents the ultimate reality and that I should "accept him." I don't "believe" in anything. I scientifically explore possibilities, and, no, I am not going to just believe in your personal interpretation of "God." I have already defined my perception of "God" - I'm sorry you don't accept her. My god is bigger and better than yours.
You have also become insulting, proving my original point. While I do not throw myself into the atheist camp, many atheists - calling themselves "brights" - perceive blind believers as being inferior in intellect, so they would likely consider you to be the fool.
Again, my whole point is that people who believe in God, Jesus, the Bible, the Koran and so on just can't resist insulting and therefore harming others who do not share their beliefs. Thanks for proving that fact once more.
To this unfortunate individual that of no fault of her own is promted to type this:
"I make no presumption- God does exist. It has been proven to me by an experience- I'm sorry you don't yet accept him."
Jesus was asked why he doesn't argue with those who refuse to believe- He said "I would have to speak as a fool to a fool".
Therefore I won't argue- you believe what you want and I will I.
This is how brain washed they are. These poor sheep, and all the wolves in sheeps/shepards clothing will draw blood of their own to keep themselves above any resistance or undisputable logic/facts. They have pumped, pounded, and pumlled words of man not of a god or of a supreme being into their minds. Dear human, it's not your fault, and I myself do want only the very best for you and your family etc. I understand where your mind is and I feel your torment and pain, because I've been there many times. You do not have to keep believing in men and their beliefs/words (now greedy corporation, but that's another topic) of what was written and twisted over and over again for thousands of years. Take control of your life, and take back your thoughts, your feelings, and your mind, your body, and your life (I'm not yelling - I'm talking). You are in control. Infact, you've always been in control to a certain extent. Unless, you're seroiusly oppressed as some are in so many countries. Don't let them take your soul and your spirit. You have control of you, and if you're fortunate to live in a country of equality - well, as much as one can be in the United States of America, then take action, take responsibility, and take your life back. Give to you, Give to your family, and give to the people and fellow humans you truly care about, and that truly care about you as a individual, a human being, and as a wonderous person of this great and vast universe.
I don't want you to go to my church, I don't want you to follow me, I don't want you to do as I do. And, I'm not speaking for others here. I'm speaking for myself, because I don't belong to a society, a group, a movement, or any church. I speak for me, and I'm responsible for me, so I take the blame for all I do. I don't pass it on to my god, or my ideology of any type. I take the hit here - no one else. I want you to do as you want, as you feel you should, and I do not ever want you to feel guilty for being here - now or ever. You go do what you truly want, and I will cheer for you, but I will never ever tell you what or how to do it - unless you're bothering me in some way. Go be you, and not what somebody else a thousand years ago wanted. This is your time, your moment, and yours - if you choose.
Thanks for reading,
Everybody is presuming on here. It is impossible not to make presumptions in life. Can you prove that you are not dreaming right now? Can you prove that the universe is not recreated every 5 seconds with a new set of rules and laws and all our memories are wiped each time?
Since you cannot know the nature of reality, then you cannot know the nature of perception, nor can you presume that your thinking is not controlled or flawed in some way.
This is why making firm judgements on things that are not necessary to make judgements on is so dangerous. Humans make the presumption that they are knowledgable enough and smart and wise enough to be self righteous in their views. This goes for both sides - religious nuts as well as those that are intolerant of religion.
you might be right, you might be wrong... it really is a flip of the coin when it comes to anything.
Everybody is presuming on here.
Actually, I have science backing my statements about neurology.
I guess^ taking people to the pilot of their soul Proof. I experienced Grabing krishna followers by the braided tailing proof of their learned following, Yanking them out of their fears of transendent natures into the astroplane to experience their soul and the souls of other lesswise and morewise soul presences. I have experienced the presences of souls. So should we all.
"(chemistry in the brain) There is no form or mass about". Humm I wonder, Light has both a particle and A wave frequency. solar wind... form, mass. Electrochemical energy lightwaves. Electromagnetic energy fields Form....?
Any concept I could make would not be god at all. Well I believe you are an expression of this (It).
That is not to say concepts are an act of godlikeness...Or thought for that matter. Perhaps concepts or the act of thinking with the mind are not in the moment of experience & out of step with the presence & experience of (It).
Spong said he does not describe his god, he experiences it. Great! I Agree wholeheartedly. Beingness is required for experience to occure IMHO. How do you experience it?. Q.Does experience require the existance of mind,thought?
but I know what it is not.
would you consider cancer An example of (its) presence or separate from this presence?
Just energy without presence It is not. IMHO I wish you, Peace love and Joy in this Now. Namaste' Benowbro
To benowbro
Yanking them out of their fears of transendent natures into the astroplane to experience their soul and the souls of other lesswise and morewise soul presences.
Dear, if one appreciate transcendent experience then they do not have a fear of it. I adore the experiences when I have them. So, that is just plain silly and illogical.
Also, judging by the rest of what you said, I take it you have never met anyone who does not have a god concept. Cancer is not a deity, it is a medical condition that is very real and has nothing to do with the supernatural. I take you have not even met a Humanist who has studied the human condition in various forms either? Still am researching it for that matter. Quite frankly, on a scientific level, I think you are full of crap and that is putting it nicely.
Here's a suggestion, IF you are so sure of yourself, take your ideas over to CFI board and see how far you will get. Trust me, I rarely say someone's ideas are full of crap, but when I do... However, I can also tell you probably won't listen to any scientific opinion about your views.
Oh, and I don't hate myself too much, because I'm human and I make mistakes like the rest of us. What's cool is I don't ask any one or anything for forgiveness, but me. Unless, I piss somebody else off, then I contemplate a bit till I have something useful to say.
Enjoy life and aloha,
Acharya and all other open minded moral commentators in this blog as well as the "soldiers of Christianity" (those fitting nicely into the devil characterization whilst claiming to represent his nemesis) proves that morality is not dependent on idol worship of any kind and that idol worship is no guarantee of a superior morality either. Idols, such as Jesus, Mithra or who or whatever else has served some purpose but some of us are growing beyond the need for intermediate focal points of moral action.
The living real world that surrounds us to the ends of the universe, on which we depend for even being and of which we are inextricably part is not dependent on anything human nor does anything human change it in any ultimately meaningful sense. That living and ever present beingness that is forever becoming (through and dependent on the laws of physics that we have already discovered and will discover in future) is the only designatable that I consider worthy of the term God, or The Great I Am What Is, source and sustainer of all and everything and It is never absent anywhere.
We do not need intermediaries to be in harmony with reality, such as priests and popes, anymore than we need somebodies permission to breathe.
What we as humanity need now is more open minded morally just people who care about the whole planet and all its living beings to raise the bar on moral issues to heights selfish hell-evaders and heaven-stormers cannot climb and the next generation will see for themselves who is who and who made who.
I thoroughly enjoyed this blog, Acharya, and cannot stress enough how important I think what you are doing is. If the earth and the universe does not thank you in any other way, let my words and the words of all those that support you be the voice of Reality as God. You are a true daughter of the love for truth and kinship with you as a member of the same species is an honor.
After reading through the above comments it is clear that we all bring our own peculiar views to the table and I am amazed at the variety of believes found on this one web page. I think some ancient peoples probably understood our place in the universe better than many modern people do.
Are we not akin to sunbeams encapsulated in earthly matter, children of the Sun and Earth? We will all cease to exist if either Sun or earth changed only a little bit. Only the exact configuration of processes as they have been happening since the Big Bang can bring forth exactly what is the case now. No light and heat from the Sun, no life. No materials from the earth, no life. We do not need to look further than these obvious truths for our origin or for meaning in life. We are organic growths, conscious and able to understand our place in life sufficiently enough to lead fulfilling lives. We know the only real sins are those actions that are detrimental to us as a global society and we do not need to feel crap because someone else thinks we should. Let them feel crap if they want to.
I think religion will be way better for us and the rest of life on earth if it returned to its roots with the latest scientific knowledge intact and regarded the Sun and especially the Earth as important as they are instead of make believe entities from other dreamed up dimensions that apparently try to get us to adore them. But then again we are what we are and believe what we do because of everything having happened exactly as it did. In any playground you'll find bullies and crybabies and all children live absorbed in their own imaginary worlds. It is just the way things are. Fortunately there are also teachers who can keep the bullies at bay and comfort the crybabies.
People who know their place in the greater universe cannot be bullied around and see no need to bully others around either. Information such as that which you have gathered together and present in your books are key ingredients in the recipe for coming to know our place instead of blindly following some whim issued forth from other organic growths such as priests and politicians as they too struggle to find a meaningful place on Earth under the Sun.
May we all help save the forest called humanity without killing a single tree.
I think education, concepts and spirituality are the best ways to combat the real source of abuse in the world - authority or authoritarianism.
There is a correlation between more educated people and a lack of religious views... although I have personally met Harvard PHD's who are religious. So just because someone is religious doesn't mean that they are stupid.
Based on my newage beliefs, I also know that there is such a thing as karma. Perhaps some of the suffering in the world (famine, and even religious based abuse), may be based on karma. Nations suffer karma and even people suffer karma. It could be that in some cases, that many women that find themselves in these situations may have been men in past lives who themselves abused women.
This is not to say we shouldn't shed light on these abuses. But of course that we should better understand why these abuses occur in the first place, so that we just don't try and charge in and force things our way... because if these universal rules (such as karma) are for real, then the only thing we will change is the method by which the abuse occurs.
Education should be the main force. And in education, I don't mean by spreading fear, distortions, or hatred toward other religions, as that tends to be counterproductive. And in the long run doesn't even work - because the only people you wind up fooling are the stupid and ignorant. You must appease all aspects including the intellect if you want to hold the higher moral and intellectual ground when basing your views so that you will minimize the amount of flak coming your way and maximize the affect that you have on other people.
Mriana, "Quite frankly, on a scientific level, I think you are full of crap and that is putting it nicely". I agree, Attempting to discribe Psycic energy and visual awarenesses and the experiences the associated brain chemistry with scientificly is not within my ability. especially when these experiences were occuring. This was in the early 1950s. Mathmatics, science were dificult for one of single digit years.
Mriana, Thank you for your reply. I don't believe I have a god concept. I don't like concepts of the minds, construction as an answer, explanation for the existance of God, or reality, I do believe truth, is not a concept but an aware being with an open heart invites truth to occure.
truth is of the heart?. Personally the word god and the experiences I have with people who ascribe to some religious, doctrine is Alien to my human identity. The experience I discribe with the krishna devotees Is what was nesasary to bridge the gap (leap of faith) between the desire of the human body to remain consciously/unconsciously interfaced with the earthly vibration, harmonic, field and these beings graciously honored the experience.
I feel some how out of context in this conversation although my experiences are what they are.
Trancendence in my experience is Humm well, souls trancend after the body dies because the life support of the energy required for a soul
to remain present in the earthly plane requires psysical form. My body has had death (planned) in this realm and my soul consciously and with purposeful will, left my body, like near death, then beyond becoming a soul and only soul, propelled into the astro plane, where all souls recover from the trama, loss of the psysical body and the feelings psysical beingness grants livingthings.There is relief also, the suffering of this being/body is greatly relieved, Then after a time, begin to, be attracted by the earthly realm and the potential for reincarnation into living material,gestating woman, mother, A rebirth. I am sorry I Have less scientific understanding perhaps than is Acceptable. e.g : BTW where is the CFI board?
'Cancer is not a deity, it is a medical condition that is very real and has nothing to do with the supernatural.' Mriana: I think You said you believed god is omnipresent? throughout, everywhere, everything? I agree cancer is not godlike although it is in the realm of the cosmos. Does cancer effect the supernatural? I believe it does! I don't feel anyone should be less than honest with their feelings so,
Thank you, for you expressions. I am really cuious about how people percieve death of this body, as It is said we all die? Any plans?
Ideas, concepts, knowingnesses experiences? I "know" I am coming back, If the earth still can support life. It must include beingness in psysical form. Would anyone like to know? Care to share? life after this one. IMHO Just hope we, I can retain some of the truths I strived so hard to acquire in this lifetime. Namaste' Benowbro
Dear Acharya,I was attracted here because of my experiences with the Spirit/soul of Jesus, and wanted to ask Acharya S A few questions. considering the extensive research she has offered forth. 1 Was Jesus gay? 2 Did he have a choice not to get nailed to a cross? 3 Was there A time when (In deaths grasp) he realized that he was making a mistake in being martyred.4. Was the truth revealed about his behavior by the romans to stop the passover plot from continuing? Was he crucified because he was Gay?> I would answer all of these Questions YES. There was so much spiritual trama caused his death and martyring, still today even.. by some god..Ha some political oportunistic arse like kings-barbarians-powermongers. How was it that such a falsehood could be purpetrated on the beautiful human beingnesses of men, women & children and the beatiful loving animal kingdom. We are not animals?
Screw you judao!!! I wanted to understand how in the lifetime I was living could such blind ugly doctrine be still followed. Answers for me and my questions were not easy to come by. I was A child, 3-4-5-6-7-8 years with supernatural? I suppose powers huh, gifts, universal consciousness, contact telepathic, mind reader, clairvoyance, future sight. kenetic energy. I frightened people, I was a wacko, to be feared, punished killed, evil, and in danger of attack. I had to hide away keep my mouth shut.I didn't understand this very well. Whats up? I was just a humanbeing. and so was Jesus. Born of woman concieved by man. A quantum leap in evolution, A hundredth monkey.
Thank you for listening. my life purpose? To contribute for belonging.& To eleviate suffering is the purpose I envision for my selfand Humankind. Namaste' Benowbro
Thank you Daniel, "May we all help save the forest called humanity without killing a single tree." Including the expressions in the rest of your Posting. Namaste' Benowbro message recieved
benowbro said...
I agree, Attempting to discribe Psycic energy and visual awarenesses and the experiences the associated brain chemistry with scientificly is not within my ability. especially when these experiences were occuring. This was in the early 1950s. Mathmatics, science were dificult for one of single digit years.
So was spelling class, obviously. While the experiences were occurring? Gee, science has come a long ways since the 50s, so has neuroscience, so you could learn a lot if you did your research.
BTW, you do have a god concept. You've been trying to tell people what god is, which is a form of a concept. I have not said what god is. I have said what it is not. Neti neti.
Krishna is how I figured out Jesus never really existed, but neither did Krishna for that matter.
You talk about a soul to someone who has no concept of a soul. I do not believe the soul transcends anything. The mind might, but that is all neuro-chemistry. Reincarnation? Yeah, I'll come back as roses after my sons put my ashes in a rose garden. lol
Mriana: I think You said you believed god is omnipresent? throughout, everywhere, everything?
No, I did not. I said it was brain chemistry. That is not God. Not once did I say any deity was omnipresent either or that is I did not call it a deity. You inferred it as such though. (Big clue: research pantheism. Dawkins calls it "sexed up atheism". That alone should tell you something.)
Chemicals are within everything and everyone. God is a concept and such numinous feelings are often interpreted as a god, but I did not say god was anything. I specifically avoid the word "god" by saying "it" (with the except of referring to a known one), because that is not a god. You completely misunderstood, which often happens when one does not understand psychology and neurology.
So the rest of your rambling about nothing, because you did not have a clue as to what I was trying to say, is superfluous, except this:
BTW where is the CFI board?
Propaganda aimed at getting people to abandon Christianity and embrace the new religion that is coming. People are beginning to understand and focus upon shills that have infected the media and the truth groups.
Anonymous said...
Propaganda aimed at getting people to abandon Christianity and embrace the new religion that is coming. People are beginning to understand and focus upon shills that have infected the media and the truth groups.
Actually, what you've written proves my point, with your vitriol against those of us who do not wish to be enslaved by false ideologies. And you are referring to the same calumny, libel, slander, smears and lies that I am addressing in the original post.
Thank you for proving my point. Yes, you are right that people are waking up - to the hatefulness of the organized religious cults that you espouse. Fortunately, if enough wake up, we can prevent the Armageddon and Apocalypse that you are helping to bring on with your unconsciousness and viciousness.
Anonymous said...
Propaganda aimed at getting people to abandon Christianity and embrace the new religion that is coming. People are beginning to understand and focus upon shills that have infected the media and the truth groups.
This not only shows what Acharya said, but a blatant "God virus". People are also waking to how abusive, degrading, and dehumanizing religion is to people. Which is what Acharya was saying originally.
Thanks for the post, Mriana.
It's clear that these individuals are mentally ill - and there are, as I say, HORDES of them. Thanks to our religious authorities and their bogus cults brainwashing all these vulnerable young people to become hateful and very ugly. That's how they get them to march off to war and murder other human beings.
It's obvious who are the real pawns and shills of the "New World Order" - those who go right along with the reigning religious cults, the Abrahamic religions particularly, i.e., Christianity, Islam and Judaism, playing right into the hands of the authorities who created and use these religions to pit people against each other.
These folks brainwashed by mainstream religions are not only nasty and vicious against other human beings but dangerous, as they dehumanize others with their calumny, libel, slander and lies, so that they can mindlessly wreak havoc upon them and, ultimately, kill them.
There is, however, nothing quite as dehumanized as a religious fanatic who robotically believes his authorities without evidence and will therefore abuse a human being, as we see happening here.
Again, very mentally ill, deranged individuals.
You're welcome. Speaking of mental illness, the two books I recommended on your site, besides yours, are written by psychologists, who also view religion as abuse and contributing to mental illness. One in particular even works with those who have been traumatized by the cult of Fundamentalism.
I suspect, within a few years, religious mental illness will be added to the DSM, due to the current research and treatment approaches for those leaving Fundamentalism or religion in general, that are much similar to treating those who were in a cult.
Those two books, as well as some others, show the mental damage that occurs due to religious indoctrination, esp mentally abusive indoctrination. Give it time and we will probably see it as an actual diagnosed mental illness in the field of psychology.
Mriana said...
"So was spelling class, obviously. While the experiences were occurring?" LOL
Fritz Perls: "Perfectionism is a curse" I have a TBI. (motercycle crash).
The Desiderata: For always there will be greater and lessor persons than your self.
"You talk about a soul to someone who has no concept of a soul"
I believe Soul Is not a concept. IMHO And the orbs I abserved and comunicated with in their transendental progression from pure spiritual presenses, coelessing with the psyical bodys-gestations, within the woom of women, was not a conseptualazation nor mental process.
Krishna is how I figured out Jesus never really existed, but neither did Krishna for that matter.
Joan of Ark?,
The wonderous, wise,spiritualy evolved Women who were persecuted for Going against the established belief systems of the aristocrazy(sp), the church the masculine aggressors, dominators, Rapists.
and other vexations of the spirit-soulbodymindbrainheartbeing.
I recieved and communicated with soul. The soul-spirit. Ok you choose mind as the word to define the medium..? I time traveled! along what I choose to define as the,Time space continuim (TSC). cosmic thread. The thought process was not required, but a limitation. The act of thinking clouded and delayed the nowness of progression. I have always defined thought as of mind. A time gap, required for thought to occure within the confines of the psysical natures (limited by the biochemicaly actuated state of being associated with thinking), biochemistry to consciouness. So for me a state of no thought was nessary.
"I do not believe the soul transcends anything. The mind might, but that is all neuro-chemistry."
This, suggests to me that soul is not relative, to minds existence in your belief?
BTW, you do have a god concept. You've been trying to tell people what god is.
I don't like the word, as I have said. (It) The consciousness,the matrix, The energy field, The source, The cosmic thread, The spirit,The nutrino complexion, The Time space continuim, The Mystery, however one chooses to represent, Of existance Of, is expressly dependent upon the presence-expression of 'living material'. Also my belief..
Any concept, science, believing otherwise is in error. IMHO
I Believe, my comunications in this context were not to relate what (it) is but what (it) is not (separate), using the word god as contextual symbol of something (IT)
as yet not defined, fixed, established in the discussions. I guess the truth comes down to the chicken and the egg question.
I believe living material occured before consciousness,Mind. and without living material the medium and the existence of or progression of mindenergy is not in possible .Although I believe there is the potential, pathway, channel, just no foot prints. If I were to believe mind is present/exists in the absence of living things, then one could reason life is only a projection of mind? Science of mind? Religion?
This one has indeed trancended, the circle, cycle, wheel,ocean, matrix, medium, from birth to death and rebirth. And wiser? for having the courage, heart and soul seeking truth? Should Mriana be suffering of this ones presence in sharing I am what I am. no expections, no judgments, no disapointments. I wish you peace love nad joy in this now. Namaste Benowbro> striving to do better and belong.
Please, If we must use the word god, to discribe something greater than ourselves could we have more than one. I believe there are many such things greater than god concepts, like entities. At least the word is not used. Namaste' ps My truth, culture and religion, two separate things. human morality and religion, two separate things. Namaste' Benowbro
Dear Mriana, Yes Yes, "who also view religion as abuse and contributing to mental illness. One in particular even works with those who have been traumatized by the cult of Fundamentalism."
This is A perspective I Attempted related to the established authorities, when I was in single digit years. This sickness came rolling across the energy waves of peoples beingness, when I was in their presences. I did what I could to calm the enviromentally tramatizing energys and aid in the coping processes natural to humannatures in tramatic states of being. like breathing, harmonious sound,the human voice, and human touch.
Thanks for the memories. namaste'
Et. Al.
Religions teach hate and fear, and false Ideologys, I seek evolutionary beingness which is our birthright, God (It)likeness, within us not 'out there' More than one god-concept and such things 'greater' than concepts. Oneness. Truth is not a concept, but a reality of beingness.
"Carl Jung" I can only stand in awe and admoration before the depths and heights of the soul whos world beyond space hides an immesurable richness of images, which "millions" of years of living have stored up and condensed into organic material" This material is US. All of us. individualy and collectively. Connected by the cosmic threads of timelessness (TSC) time space continium. evolving, changing, growing, knowing. Evolutionary beingness In A Healthy harmonious
environment, I seek. No thought is required. Namaste' ps. Mriana, YOU are not alone in having the (its)
when discussing alternatives to god religion. I've had them for decades. The (Its) Watchout its the (Its). Don't you just love IT.
LMAO Namaste' Tag your IT...ROFLMAO
Oh dear! I don't know whether to laugh or cry concerning your delusions.
I'm talking real science, not some hocus-pocus pseudo-science. Be that as it may, it would seem you have been affected by some serious ideology, in which you could use a little help too. For starters. I highly recommend all the books I suggested and a REAL science education. Sheesh!
Mriana, YOU are not alone in having the (its)
when discussing alternatives to god religion. I've had them for decades. The (Its) Watchout its the (Its). Don't you just love IT.
LMAO Namaste' Tag your IT...ROFLMAO
No, because I seriously doubt we are using the word in the same manner. I don't actually consider it a god.
Imagination is a creative thing or a destructive thing depending on the conditions and experiences of that being doing the imaginating (even being imaginated). The imagining may be 'enlighened' or 'unlightened'. Darkness is the abscence of light, physically and mentally. Evil is the abscence of good=ignorance or darkness of the mind. However, all these concepts could be illusion ultimately.
Let me explain. If you are without sight, you can not see anything--light nor anything. If you are without ears, you can not hear. If you are without the sense of touch, you can feel nothing. Point being, nothing is real to any 'biological' creature without the physcial perception...the physical would not exist to any mind--not the body/brain, not the mind/conciousness, not concepts, not visualisation of forms, depths and movement through time. Time would not exist as a concept. Distance would mean nothing--all without the sense-perceptions, without even the determination of one's own existence can be observed. Thus not real.
To both those of you of indoctrinated religon or of mystical, 'spiritual', 'no-thought' experiences...you can not possibly KNOW anything but what your sense-perceptions tell you. The blur between the imaginative and what one thinks to be real is all dependent on this notion of sense perceptions. We all know who your perceptions can fool you or indoctrinate you.
You would not even know how to have a thought, to think, to communicate/talk, to read and write and share your views of what you are fed by your sense-perceptions and your 'Interpretations' of them. Without these sense-perceptions you could not 'BELIEVE' in anything imaginative or 'REAL'. You are imagination and imaginator.
No-thought, or no-mind means emptiness...nothingness. Neither light, nor dark exist, no concepts exist, no forms exist. No time, no distance depth or sound or senuality. What are you then?
You can not possibly receive images of formative beings, experiences, or feelings in no-thought, that are NOT a product of what you have already conceived through the world of sense-perception (conciousness) that you 'believe' you reside in as a result of those very perceptions that form your thought and image of the mind what is real.
So let's just try to understand this notion of reality (imaginings) we are living in according to IT'S rules, using what we have (illusion or not) to determine by our will, our ability to discover physical and mentally by the WILL, individual and collective why, how of things to creatively and logically make this 'illusion' a better place--irregardless of where it ultimately comes from and imposing itself on us all.
This is your dream folks! Don't let it be a whacko dream 'of greater illusions from disturbed mentalities to believe in someone's idea of how we should live, think and behave according to the demands of some man-madeup 'higher power', so many like to call 'god'.
Superman is a comic book imagining, created out of a sense-perception mind, but does not, nor never did exist in our sense-perception world. It was madeup, but don't suppose in some future dark age of ignorance that someone will insist that he was real and his comic-book scripts are the guide to living by a 'god' of imaginings!
Finally, even when you think you see or experience something, DO NOT assume it is anything but imaginings of an hallucinating mind of sense-perception. We all know how people see things that aren't there (on or off drugs!) and they are usually in a mental asylum, because they have fallen into a greater depth of illusion as a result of screwed up sense-perceptions and thought leaving them with an unstable mind out of the normative sense-perception world of the collective of human 'beings'. Their world may be real for them and they believe it, thinking the rest of us are nuts!
Whose to say really? heh heh! Perhaps we are all fools, but let's be peaceful, happy and loving fools! We have been given the choice, the will and the intelligence to find the best way to live with ourselves, everyone around us and the perceptive world at large.
As much as some people hate all forms of religion and exalt the current scienctific paradigm as the only truthful way we should at least acknowledge that mathematics, the cornerstone of science, was first developed beyond counting fingers, notches and pebbles by religious priesthoods in ancient Egypt and Iraq from where Geek mathematicians like Pythagoras gained their knowledge of math upon which they built. Knowledge of Chemistry would also not be anywhere near where it is today if Alchemists and other religious "idiots" didn't play their "foolish" games. I'm not saying we should revert to these ancient ways of being but we should at least acknowledge the fundamentally important role these religions and their deluded adherants and priesthoods had in our even getting out of the more primitive mindset we found amongst peoples who had no such complex religious systems, maths or technology a mere 500 years and less ago. This "disease" was the cornerstone of civilization and science in its early stages of development and eventually unwittingly spawned the cure, science.
That aside, I find it particularly amusing that people who believe the Bible to be inerrant and the sole truth and believe they are living in the "last days" before Armageddon fail to recognize that in this myth it is stated that all the world shall follow the Beast and only a minority shall hold on to the truth. The mainstream dogmatic religions fit nicely into the picture of the Beast and his followers and are the dominating global influence at this time whilst those who truly seek the truth is still a minority of educated and lovingkind people who are constantly getting harrased and abused (persecuted) by these fanatics of dogma. So if you actually believe the Apocalyptic myth you should in fact get out of the mainstream religions and join forces with those who earnestly seek peace and truth through clearminded dialogue and scientific research.
religions have done a lot of bad and good things throughout history. I know of some people that have been helped via depression and cancer, and bad relationships through religion. Religion is a tool. It can be used for good or for evil depending on who is using the tool. Blaming religion for evil is like saying guns commit crimes. Guns only makes it easier or harder to commit crimes, depending on the situation. Same with religion.. it makes it either easier or harder to be ethical/unethical depending on the situation.
This is almost true of anything..
Mriana, "I don't actually consider it a god." Oh... I 'm not equating It and god. You have a god? I don't want one. As I have said in previous posts. I think the word should be unspoken considering the confusion and conflict the word, creates in the world.
The experience of being present, of heart, during the wonderess, moment of rebirth- trancendence- spiritual, coelesence-DNA-recombination of the spirit with Living material within the woom of women? Beautiful beyond words. In this moment, truth occures. From the mouths of babes. Mahatma Ghandi: "You must be, the change you wish to see in the world", Ghandi: "Truth will prevail" Lets 'all of us' make it so. No i,m not suggesting lets make babys I'm saying honor and take care of the Children In exisence, and find truth 'will prevail' in our lives and the lives of others. If cop ,to put label on me? An evolutionary, seeking evolutionary beingness in this moment NOW. Be of truth and truth, then will prevail. Namaste' benowbro
I 'm not equating It and god. You have a god? I don't want one.
Alright smarty-pants (that's being nice, trust me). Do you not know what a Humanist is? They are non-theists, atheists, agnostics, naturalists, freethinkers, rationalists- those who live fulfilling lives based on reason and compassion,as well as science, without reliance on supernaturalism.
You say you don't want a god, but you obviously have a belief in the supernatural with a whole lot of delusional thinking. You also make a lot of presumptions and assumptions, based on nothing. However, you also have a lot of denial, even when people point out these things to you.
IMHO, I think you are struggling with the opinions of others who do not share you beliefs in the supernatural. The constant push to see your supernatural view is a desire for others to buy what you are selling. I don't see anyone buying it here nor are they of one mind with you either. I also don't see much of a difference between your constant sales pitch and what Acharya is saying, except you are not as violent about it. I do see a lot of cow patties being thrown at those who don't agree with you though.
BTW, "woom" is actually spelled "womb". Where did you get your education from? The school of theological indoctrination?
Mriana, "No, because I seriously doubt we are using the word in the same manner. I don't actually consider it a god".
Hi, How are you using the word It? I used the word, It instead of using the word god. because the word god has so much bagage. Also for me, this itness expands the posibile range of and definitions associated with the unknown to allow more contemplation.
If I were to Label my self in the context of belief systems, I would use the word.. evolutionary. Seeking evolutionary beingness.
Delusional? I Am not a scientist. Fritz Perls: "The human voice never lies, only words do". Another perspective on words: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words cause permanent damage. Just a quasi literal experience with A few grains of Salt and it works for me
Et. Al.
With respect to evolutionary beingness... My personal experience of guiding a soul (entity) towards the energy field of A gestating woman and the experience of the evolutional energys when the entity (soul)...give me another word for it. Progresses into coelessence sharing becoming a whole and integral nature. Indiscribable with words as is truth and birth is the emergence of more evoved truth. such is trancendental As evolution is trancendental. another word...assention. Oh, out of context although relative.... This soul-entity cannot transend into the gestation untell late in the 1st. trimester. Why? There is simply not enough mass for the energy contained in this soul for coelessence to occure. If PROOF of this truth were to be scientificaly presentable? How much suffering and guilt could be eleviated from the Young women who find themselves facing unexpected Pregnantcys. Souls can and should be guided In instances of the suffering and dieing in hospitals souls shoud be guided beyond the body and relieved of their suffering. In cases of pregnancys discovered to be geneticly flawed and faced with disabilities and tramas associated including the burden placed on the parents and society as a whole I am saddened and shocked. forcing a woman to carry full term is An act of barbarism,immoral, cruelty Parents, society, communitys, cultures, alike would be wise to consider learning this alternative. There is not a human being present in the woom untill the soul has entered. The Idea that life, human life is present At the time of conception is conceptual, not fact. The RV wade desicion by the supreme court would no longer be controvercial. Although religions doctrins would continue in blind faith,to rage against science. Watch for souls Be present with heart..Please. Rant, rant? Speaking form the heart, I am. Namaste' Benowbro
Believe it or not? "To be or not to be" I wrote page after page thousands+ spent Years after school and in the summer researching truth instead of swollowing the bullshit, donky dung, camel shit lies.
I had to hide away. I was single digit years. Geeps Delutional well maybe... its a good read? Is there anybody out there? I'm listening..
Et. Al. Oops, Sorry about the Double posting, Namaste' Benowbro
Mriana said....
I also don't see much of a difference between your constant sales pitch and what Acharya is saying, except you are not as violent about it.
I would just like to clarify that I believe you, Mriana, are talking about what I am addressing in this post, i.e., religious fanatics becoming violent in speech, if not action, because we do not accept their chosen interpretation of God. Your wording could be misconstrued as having another meaning. :)
Dear Mriana, I just am putting my experiences out in hope of dialogue with others with similar experiences. And speaking of cowpies I have been ducking cowpies myself since before my birth in the womb (thank you), in the quest of following my heart. I have indeed returned some thrown in my direction. I was aware and could hear my brothers and sisters, screem and carryon. I learned that because my dad didn't want to feed another child, My mother was forced to drink some concoction which I limited getting through the imbilical by grasping it with my two free hands. my mother almost died. I could comunicate with my mother through knocking on the womb. and had a spiritual conection Soul-soul with my mother. I almost, died myself.
Not possible according to your scientific research and knowledge. Science in my opinion is laging in this area. i'm dilusional "The constant push to see your supernatural view is a desire for others to buy what you are selling". I don't see anyone buying it here nor are they of one mind with you either. I'm sharing experiences, not selling. I'm really looking for one heart not one mind. one being not oneness of thought. Well I will honor you requests to go somewhere else. Thank you for your perspectives and your truth however dampened you say it has been regarding my presence here on this board.
Thank you for the oppotunity to share namaste'
How are you using the word It?
I think I said this before when I referred to neurology, psychology, neuro-chemistry. Let's try this again in more precise language: External stimuli (be it music, nature, animals, or what have you that is natural or made by humans) triggers chemistry in the brain giving one a feeling of transcendence.
That is not a god, but people attribute it to a god. Whatever it is, it is not a god though, it is purely chemistry or various elements interacting. Elements act, react, and interact. It or rather all these things are part of the universe. They make up the universe and are in everything and everyone in the universe- AKA cosmos (maybe not necessarily Acharya's idea of a cosmos though) It is even Sagan's laws of physics, but it is not a god.
What I am pointing to is science, not pseudo-science. We have more knowledge about our universe than ancient people did, but they had a feeling, a clue, except they attributed it to god(s).
I think you have made a gestating woman, when in reality, it is the baby that is in gestation, a goddess, when she only human.
Another perspective on words: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words cause permanent damage.
Now that is really a childish statement, generally stated when the child is about to cry because they are hurt in some fashion. It is often told to the child to say when someone is calling them names or they perceive name calling and have had their feelings hurt. Interesting how one reverts to such statements when they feel they aren't winning a debate. There is a name for such an argument, which generally comes with someone sticking their fingers in their ears and saying, "I can't hear you!" all because they are determined not to have an open mind.
I would just like to clarify that I believe you, Mriana, are talking about what I am addressing in this post, i.e., religious fanatics becoming violent in speech, if not action, because we do not accept their chosen interpretation of God. Your wording could be misconstrued as having another meaning. :)
Thanks, he really is trying to pound/sell his concept, vehemently and expecting us to buy it, even though we all said what our POVs were. He does make extraordinary claims, that is for sure.
My mother was forced to drink some concoction which I limited getting through the imbilical by grasping it with my two free hands.
You were born through the umbilical cord? Oh now that explains everything! No, wonder you could not get through. ROFLMAO!
Dear, you do know babies are born two ways- a vaginal birth or c-section. Neither one includes pushing the baby out the umbilical cord. The blastocyst (a stage of cell division) attaches/implants itself to the wall of the uterus (womb) and . The umbilical cord is how the embryo (which the blastocyst eventually becomes) which eventually becomes a fetus, receives nourishment from the mother. It gives nourishment through pretty much of the whole developmental process, but is useless otherwise, except maybe for stem cell research or other medical science.
Of course, IF you meant imbecile... which I seriously doubt... still babies are not born that way either.
ROFLMBO! Seriously, with spelling and statements like that, do you really expect us to take your word for anything?
Do yourself a favour and get a REAL education. This last was really just too much, that I could not help but laugh- very hard.
This is great writing of distant times. Please read and try to advocate them into your life.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
(There is no chaos, there is harmony.)(*)
THESE CAME FROM MAN, AND MAN WROTE/TYPED THEM FOR PEOPLE TO READ. What is very interesting is that people are following theese writings and forming meetings, groups, and it is growing, AND it has nothing to do with any religion from any time in the past. What is most interesting or in some ways dorky is that it is actually the Sith code (-+-) , and the Jedi code (_+_) from Star Wars (The movies etc). Star Trek is back, and gaining ground as well with its little saying etc. "Live long and prosper" from Spok and his beliefs that are being practiced. Please tell me that you are starting to understand what humans usually do - they love to be a part of a movement, group, or something that they believe is bigger then them and with that they feel welcome and more confident etc etc etc. Men of thousands of years ago knew mans weekness and exploited it for themselves to create what they wanted for themselves. Heck, I can't even handle one woman let alone 700 that soloman had and 300 concubines. Several prominent men in the Old Testament were polygamists. Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon, and others all had multiple wives. Do you think these men wanted a heard of women at there every disposal- duh. Everything written in ancient text gave man more rights and power over others that did not believe in their gods. It was no supernatural event that made that, or some vision from above or wherever. The greater majority of people of ancient times were extremely dumb. Just imagine what Tony Robins, Oral Roberts, or Adolph Hitler would do in those times. Any one of those guys would have people in the "palms" of their hands - easily. Hopefully, you all understand that Humanism is our only last hope, and I really don't like labeling that. Just be good to each other, and enjoy life respectfully.
Thanks for reading,
Mriana, "This last was really just too much, that I could not help but laugh- very hard." Taking a risk here, Any wine involved?. Always happy give someone a good laugh. Benowbro
I was hoping to read some more interesting comments on the topic at hand but this forum seems to be turning into a contest of words between benowbro and Mriana so I'll follow suite and say something to the two of you
You will never be able to convince anybody who is not extremely gullible and has had no experiences similar to yours that your account is accurate and reflects anything else but delusion, even if all of it was true. It is perfectly understandable that someone with some degree of knowledge on the subject of Psychology and no spiritual training or experience will categorize your account as that of somebody who has either a physiological abnormality in your central nervous system and/or has had some very traumatic experiences that make you prone to psychotic episodes.
Personally I would have liked to give you the benefit of the doubt but it is really hard to believe that somebody who struggles with grammar and spelling (The comment entry application even has a spellchecker built in) can actually remember what happened inside their mothers womb unless you suffer from some form of dyslexia which seems to be the case here. To believe that you were able to think about poison or whatever coming through your mother to you via the umbilical cord whilst you were still unborn and then realizing that you can stop it from entering your body by pinching the cord shut before having had any training in words, let alone human biology, toxicology etc, and no experience outside the womb is really stretching it a bit.
Let it go, you're beginning to loose credibility as a capable rational clearheaded thinker ( at least with me which probably doesn't matter all that much to you but you do seem to have a strong urge to portray yourself as a well informed and intellectually superior person) when you start misinterpreting benowbros' statements. Not that it is difficult to misinterpret his intentions given his awkward way with words. I do hope you're not a practicing psychologist. If you are studying to become one you'll need way more empathy to succeed in that field than you display here.
I realize that I myself may come across as arrogant and I am very opinionated. So be it.
Thank you Daniel, "To believe that you were able to think about poison or whatever coming through your mother to you via the umbilical cord whilst you were still unborn and then realizing that you can stop it from entering your body by pinching the cord shut before having had any training in words, let alone human biology, toxicology etc, and no experience outside the womb is really stretching it a bit".
Having a telepathic, empathic link to my families thoughts, knowing it was a matter of life and death was a learning experience
Benowbro, Yes Daniel, I see more clearly how my experiences are dificult of not imposible to believe. Yes, I have had a tramatic life. I don't have the desire or intention to express Falsehoods.
Many memories I have, have been carried forth througout my life. and still Hold such a profound passion. Hypnotic regression may be an answer for me. The study of psycic children and learning how others, who share these experiences and abilities, cope with the 'illusional quasi-realities' present in this maddening world.The world is suffering because of the insanity it is denying, each and every moment. Somehow I have an open door to this suffering which is not within my ability to shutout. Feeling that to turn my back, would be to close my heart to the children crying out for comfort and peace.
Its just the way I was wired I guess. Acceptance and facing this reality, is A matter of courage for me. Thank you namaste' Benowbro
I, will refrain from expressions of such incredulity in the future.
and take a back seat in the class.
I am far out of my comfort zone, league. and listen to the more educated. Namaste' Benowbro
Anonymous, It is only then when you will see your self in others, and in turn, hatred within you (or that which you first perceived in another!) will no longer exist.
Benowbro, The first step of compassion? Me thinks. namaste' Benowbro
I've spent most of my life hating myself. There wasn't much religion in my earlier upbringing, but when I became religious as a preteen, nothing changed...I merely found different reasons to hate myself. I wanted so badly to believe I had a tremendous mind and singing voice. But my best friends told me I needed to guard my pride.
There's something about humans that just wants religion. Even the most vehemently self-proclaimed "anti-religious" folks have sold their souls to some exaggerated truth or other. Think of the Green movement. It's true that humans impact the environment negatively. But some people turn that truth into a moralistic crusade against mainstream human life. That's a cult if I've ever seen one. And I have, believe me. Moralizing is a poor way to get one's point across...yes, it may earn your cause many followers in the present, but history looks upon cults with dread.
I believe religion, be it Catholicism or something more like the Green movement, is just a thing. It is neither good nor evil until someone uses it. When taken in moderation, when used as a tool to find the truth rather than a substitute for absolute truth, religion can give one a beautiful worldview. It can turn a plain life into a myth and a story. Children and adults prefer fiction over technical nonfiction, I believe, for a reason.
"Legends are supposed to be based on truth. But myths are truer than truth."
Letting Catholicism be a shackle is a Catholic's own choice. I attend Mass and don't feel the least bit shackled, because I choose not to be, no matter what those in authority tell me...and because I know I attend Mass because I want to learn about how people connect to God. I know that it's not an obligation for me unless I allow it to be.
As for religious abuse, you might like my blog post here: http://mythologicalfigure.wordpress.com/2009/05/23/sacraments/ I'd post the text here, but I keep editing it and would rather interested folks see the most recent version.
the worst for me in christian/religion was self-esteem even though I supposed esteemed CHRIST, but where was me.
I understand they whole BS.
I Deism ,I understand it is an ism but Atheism does not seem to acknowledge common Sense and reason, as for me. DEISM .
Deists are people who base their beliefs on reason and conclude that God exists or probably exists. End of story. That is the beginning of a good personal philosophy, but it needs much more to be an adequate personal philosophy. As long as the Deist in question answers the rest of the big philosophical questions reasonably, I think that those ideas are rooted in Deism. Thus, two Deists can have opposite views.
I fully sympathize with the sentiment posted on the blog, but I do wonder at choosing a quotation from Abraham Lincoln to express this ideal of tolerance. Granted, Abraham Lincoln is a pivotal figure in the modern American mythology of the supremacy of the State. He was, however, not a tolerant man, but rather a person ruthlessly dedicated to the political interests he served.
I have been the religious zealot. I have been the religious fanatic. I have been redeemed from this mindset through a process of understanding the difference between god and the devil is not good or evil, but because of grace and the law. I needed to understand that before I could accept the notion that there probably isn't even a god, or at least the one we have come to know as "god" anyways....Today I believe that Jesus is a mythological figure in history and that the origins of our existence are unknown by anyone...and if they are truly known then unfortunately there just simply is too many to choose from....Just step back and believe that what you have come to know as true is subject to change and you will be alright....keep an open mind poeple...if there is a god then he or she or it will respect you for it.....
First time here - I was looking for some encouragement. Why is everyone so angry and critical?
Not sure who you are referring to, but there are many very uplifting and inspiring messages here.
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