So far, the response has been overwhelming. Peter has created a page at his site with hundreds of showings globally - and the list is not yet complete! In fact, he can't keep up with the requests, which he tells me are coming in at 150 per day!
ZEITGEIST Day Events List
When Peter sent me an email a couple of months ago asking whether or not he should create "ZEITGEIST Day," I immediately answered with an emphatic "YES!" He wondered if this phenomenon would still have steam... As we can see, this train is mindbogglingly still on track, receiving tens of thousands of hits per day, and that's just in English! ZEITGEIST has now been translated into several other languages as well.
One of the more popular languages ZEITGEIST has been translated into is German. There is currently someone also working on translating into German my ebook The Companion Guide to ZEITGEIST, Part 1. And speaking of which, Peter just passed me a neat little comment on the Companion Guide, which I've posted at my site as well:
"This work helps lift the veil of suppression in regard to the truth behind the Christian religion and its Egyptian origins."If you haven't seen the movie with a group of people, I highly encourage you to participate in some way on "ZEITGEIST Day." I have now watched it a couple of times with a significant amount of people, once in Hollywood with Peter and 650 other people at the Artivist Film Festival, where it won "Best Feature" award - it was an incredible experience. I am aware that there are those who would disagree with parts of ZEITGEIST, some with Part 1, others with Parts 2 and 3, but artistically speaking, the collective experience was extremely moving. (And I do nonetheless consider it a brilliant work and certainly reflective of the "spirit of the times.")
"Our appreciation should now evolve to the understanding of the mythical developments of the ancient world and their metaphoric foundations; not with the establishment dogma, which exists as a perversion of the original knowledge and poetry."
Peter Joseph
Creator, "Zeitgeist, The Movie"
After another public showing of ZEITGEIST at which I also spoke, I had a delightful conversation with some sweet young folks who are so moved by the film that I nicknamed them the "Z GENERATION." We all joked that it was perfect, because we've had Generation X, but those who have followed have not really had a moniker - this one constitutes the end of the line, the Omega of the "Alpha and the Omega."
Truly, we are witnessing the birth of a phenomenon that could be called "The ZEITGEIST Generation" or "The Z Generation." You heard it here first.
(For those who are interested in Part 1 about religious parallels, you may, of course, refer to my books The Christ Conspiracy, Suns of God and Who Was Jesus?. A more pointed scientific examination of some of these contentions can be found in my ebook The Companion Guide to ZEITGEIST, Part 1. I am also currently writing a larger work exploring all of the Egyptian themes of the first part of the movie, to be published as a paperback within the coming months.)